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Show four llIgu basket tourney Page "co yesterdays encounter GETS UNDER NAY Ear- -' "DIXIE MEETS HURRICAN Intermountain Junior 'college basketball tourna-ne- nt The under got night at last way City, but vdth no "results reported as this article is written. Cedar- schedule original The broken when Mesa sent y as werd 'that that team would not be able to participate of .an ' epidemic of because :u:. ps ..among", the players. then re- schedule was The -- but complicat.i.ons second: revision 'neUp to the: prescessary. has ent moment .nothing vised, node a - definitely .boon "ch. ended coil-egJive junior teams are participating, . including Dixie,- B; Carbon .'and It is. not known how many writing A .C., Neber. A.- - Snow, tourney the ether from. Kan ib were Both goif as,. in- - basketball for the- four played at hurricane. best hterprise's loss to was her third for ' , at this outside two -- division 41-3- 9. She bowed at k. take 'will 'part. Parovriii last Friday 25-The local boys loft .for and at Cedar City Saturday the scene of action 'rbgul ,r league play. The four teams to paafternoon. plays at Tonight The g Mesa .tqhnp, lest rticipate will be selected Cedar City and tomorrow year's' conference . cham- at a coaches meeting in at Throw on. pions, 3,03 t 'out ;to- Neber Cedar City Saturday. The night Dixie will finish her in an invitational' tourney "location of the tourney schedule noxt Satat Ogden list spring. will .also be decided at league urday niglif at Parowah. na teams 34 - yesterday 19-4- 1. . i ; r Ne-o- therefore, pose t t t in "will," as er .defending "Champions, they appear to be the WH9T WOULD - and to beat. team M INTRAMURAL GIRLS- TO PLAY FOR ' FIRST PL at Tuesday undefeated scries for fif! leadership. teams aro the Specials, meet- Spitfire captained by Gubler, and the Challengers, captained., by Lois Gardner. Cleopha . The c Spitfires tyouncod Melba Sullivans Slick Chickens- last Monday On Tuesday the Challengers defeated Flying Ida Foremaster's Phantoms 13-- 7. 3n HHPPOl 10 U IF 40UR SHOULD FAIL? be played next noon, when two teams h fppt aifpnHnai! .CD intra-mura- ls will The LX D5R3 feature game of the basketball The the'" 4-- f h CALL f.n ' u u b |