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Show ms ji .i f Esnvfli A P iS ;ID "All students should .plan' definitely to remain unless they to go into service immediately, advises PresidSnow. president points out that if the' student does not complete the quarter, because of the military he will get situation, credit up to the actual time he is compelled to The discontinue, have any and unused fees refunded. "It take and he will tuition is the biggest misa student can make, it is highly unpatri- otic for him to make the mistake, to kill time in indecision, President annual The Fine drama are: Elwyn 'Cameron, Ari Di el Hunt ,. Its Workman, Homer Christens e, Bob Ins core, Mary Pratt,' Alvin Cottam, Nary Webb, Ross Ssplin, Vernon Short," Elaine Cannon, Font Ward, Ida Foremaster, Ted, Snow,' Imogen or Holt, Shir lee Snow, Garth Tietjen, Milton Schmutz, and. The' play, which is under the direction of Miss Henderson,' will be repeated Thursday evening. A feature. of the two evenings will be music Participating .in .the Owhn-.Sylvester- . special the college male quartet. music of sacred .On Thursday at 3 p.m. a conceit Me W. Alii will be given under the direction of J. ster. ". '.The college phorus will sing, stv ;ruO.' num- bers, and the male quartet will sing. Soloists will 3TT WAR STAMPS! by ' Anders on A1 1 include Yernon Short, Ross are. s e ni ops. Esplin, Miss J ones , i'.Ir . Billie will revert Salt high - Lake school football. Dwayne Three more Dixie students are leaving within, he next week to answer call of Uncle Sam. y are Billie Whitehead, Ioslie Kafen and Dwayne AT f rj.'V'"' OAiu p aOvi ' ing. Sunday for. the and college, . ' entered Dixie played football ha3 been prominent in last fall, and the music department. Baker, Loland at- ; RVICE. ; .. -- i three-d- Arts ' continues. It is. Air Corps." The other .two to lose ones will leave during the .week The totalitarian in the March draft quota. morale. ..Billie and Leslie have governments would like to pay you to get discouraged. spent four, years at Dixie, and .both have been outIt is important that students, civilians in generstanding students. "The al and military workers to former' has been prominent leeo their morale under in the department of .phany and all conditions. ysical sciences. Thee latD ter is" a lotternan in O-- ai Festival program will begin next Wednesday. The exhibit of local art and arts hobbies will, be, open cn that date, and the play, The Crisi s , will in the auditorium at 8 p.m. The' exhibit will be, on display in the education build' Snow LORE STUDENTS LEAVE FOR r BALL FEATU Students of Tuition-Cred- it Insurance ent ASSEMBLIES, CONCERT, '. Reminds school, 'IJ1 PLAY, J in are BE6ins iiJEoriEsofly ' : Lamo-sau- x, Peggy Judd, and lvirs. Pearl Matheson McAllister. Assisting Mr. McAllister will be Mrs. Irene Everett, who lo, Miss will play a violin so- the accompanists, and Falck, Paul Thompson and Mrs. .Vinnie Short. Another assembly, consisting of music, dancing and readings, will be hold Friday at 1 p.m. While program cultural it will also entertain. this is a Friday evening Mr. Bleak will direct the college orchestra .followi; in a concert, the Beaux be held, joins, the .Arts presentation of studentbody and faculty. in with Gwen Sylvester as the wishing theso students the picture. best of luck. The D. J. C. |