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Show Page seven Fenton ' s Pharmacy wa: tho center of activity for three of Dixie's reputaYou might tion holders. ask Blaine nnon, Betty librris and Rolaine Prince ,;, 2 nan up vjas nd lets is high 'Bclihghepi he av happy loves to think that Our old ..couples done it all himself; andgood friend, Phil Reid the wife smiles, and., has Returned-from pal . j "Ever y it who ' . at that. go the where . he lias been working if the party materialized, J. 1,. Barrie in the Kaiser shipyards, or if the boys refused the Our first brickbat of to wed a cute brunette dates proffered them,.... the week goes to those infrom ha Glenda dividuals ''calls cat v.histles c's s ea ibl y . ' -- ., in. 'the ..Wednesday gi rl s' - The - receive lusty, brickbat. to: wlr nine 'Prince" who, 'out "on her strenuous duties. the desert Saturday, s hi s ri imp -- v hitbXing A bou- this kind of ent? of hog and hour entertainm- last p.-- slj and Hade "in both things turned he .calls himself a all success. the was friend. is ust one thing th. t pue- zled us, however, nd that is how all the faculty to to get ".together,-'Anothe- brickbat to this BcArthur ger ' v week. events . 7f G . i'or- v,;eok been decorating. .sue j met 'we v;ish to give, the Almbda bednesday night. Delta Sigma bouquets knd 'a'1' 'fine numbers vote the of praise they ''held dance It rate. was several sdurc e s th . t outstanding year. ; it D. . last this of sorship : cen- un-.author- ized column has' Lein duly week apologized for by those at fault (not the faculty ad- viser) . Not mentioning' any names, the Lions "Sky Line of .Some, , being progression by our devoted stu- made " different was ' v.-- "A , man t lie. graph i and rJohm, The saw Dick The ' m bfcio Vbj Kfesa fan That Calls rpune just ' engagements and one marriage inside of a week.',-DelliJudd and Lynn Assy, ; you the prepared, antd..it". promises dents.. (Towards the Sugar 'Friday' to be an evening ..of jfinc Loaf)'. seems that '.the local It reported-fro- entertainment. lc s billiams in the and usu- - al' company (blondes) hard is :like with social of the records. tired of Shumwav if on1- (Two Shirley wo- untiring efforts to fur-- but nish the school with music. Drive" is a paving th. way young couples Although, his band is small for many strolling pleasures. It's sections and some ouite .complete, thqy give 'inspirational can tosee .live the their: .'annual concet next 'where you all on ms t. leave it to the officers of Lambda Delta oigma. It seems they had the cream of the crop cornered for this special occasion. (tells us, he ; cucts' this themselves. It seems that ho was caught leading a crap game over in the kec-hwhile he was supposed to have .. : r returned .missionaries just cant behave These . 'our are scheduled at the end of each quarter., b'e 'vc heard (before this 'A sta t Client susucct and it s however, being only a crazy drcc.m. deserve a to u- ilr. Rug- r pcOf that fewer , ue'nc.ged And Dick Uhen who. s There participated. : Liles gets to be (president': he; is going Bouquets stucen-- , . ; ; it say ; i v Dixie entertain- ment. Eveiyone nderful time, and want good date he had used the: pane 4 from the out we would via y tory. of inform up down .did .he. ; . after it Only :ngc, ..all. at basket' jldnch is; th.pt The to full -- j 1 Fuller give us a : hi in-the and our vote of approval . .by do e sn 1 (mss quets Sudah (Bait or) smiled for. a. .while over, the weekend. Be r husband was here to relieve, 'her of. some .of them'' bouquets and Vre give moronish '.wish them suepess. and-.- program i,orris. nab, the executing have to use a stronger punch to get along nowadays with all phono- - a half-a-doz- en ' soon-.- , will bpys get yet the cbmDctition th-.- is in y Dixie wine our midst. tayou have to sit.g.i- tne never could compete with ble.. whilst. he reels them " the' stronger California y new visitor. them 11 . and t "lickers'. tG. ,G. Shavw.h " warns that some the hoi caches that are The of on avoidcampus could be pfourld v. ; . .at wofkOe turdcy nignb. ter the. dance F bleat 's the matter,. boys, steak tough? wa s . the in classes and halo would be the ..loosened just a small bit. ed if the M |