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Show Pago three . y Friday at noon by the" ' associated students of Dixie Junior College. is issued JV C. The-'D- '. STAFF.; V;;Snow.v - Shirlee; K. D. Uiiliains, Karyr Paxnsn, rthur Crosby Cn i .. . Ye - wonder why we-can'- t editor it bur. 'Rudrer Le. Yvonne .JacksonrYB-yB'. Gleri. Smith, Mi'.r... . YB.u IY-lCu- . ., .Business Ldnagers . Vee- . .Artists., Yintch, Nellie Judd.... .Reporters. .Typists .Faculty Sponsors . Some ; . Reflections WT . 'ill? ice Levis ...... .assistant Editors mindin, Lary Pratt, Lawrence .andieggy-- Judd, Lund, .m-John-Nelson- . ' Assembly' Show'. ad EDIiTO RIALS books interesting just arrived at the have library, according to Lrs. ' are and ,o available to students. ; Three Paul Bunyan stories are suong' the n Paul Paul the Bunyan in the army, group Buhyan, York Giant and Paul Bunyan ...rche's On. also "included works is a compulation of the complete new one-volu- me Doyie on Sherlock Holmes. biographical volume of practical of : 1577-pa- ge r' ; is' value- the Au "Century volumes , the" two reolaces This' book : "Twentieth dictionary, thors." ' ' y 4 Living Authors" and "authors .Today and Yesterday. " A bosk thYwill arouse, considerable curiosity, little Z resentment .is. Y.orrion Stegner-'a number 'of years 'It'' '.the Stegner taught Country. now and of at Harvard. is Utah, University Other interesting titles are an an ie thology1 of 'Utah verse, edited-- by Harrison R. Td Image Brandley; "B'isdom of India and China;" Bellaniann: "King's Bo v; " '.and Steinbeck: "Claudia;" Trumbull: "The.' Raft : " "Bombs Away." This hook gives all the ins ?nd out-- of training to be a bomber. and some " s .j : Verholl': I never done anything but Biss a' man. I This really Sheldon 'Johnson, and' DeLoy DeLora, ' ha t ever or f mily. his classification.- sot the alarm? Paulino isr ' at, t shell Lh : uco i'gio be I'll office if - calls. v.c . Georgia.: post Then - class. - f'reshie, St. George, also the twin same at This wouldn't be seen- growing on cobs . Eliz.- , .did you Alcnna: name There me 9:15 a Pearl: HA NILE? fellow, John, or- .Jack., is, must have had a large Call 9:10: I have D. Y' doctor,! this. Shirley: ed ,d for Corney Oh, can't stand s ' - Shannon: Ler-Els- ' last-mention- Oh, Fits. Utah-Sings,- . ary: at the anyone there is Lett a, senior, St. George., md Iva Lu, like-r- . .no "cleaned up Chorus: Hot n Yvonne seKanab.' to meriti wise, the dining room? Jackson, . and S.t. nior, Tocucrville, Carol, freshman, George. A Ye shouldn't Judd people too for ..hat is Ango nr. Reid: examole, harshly; ; ' George, but that a not L,-ry- , report:. r. St.- George - same " Je St. ra sophomore. know he is ilia only gloomy so It fur-beari- ng can (Name unis a kind - such as angora . There are 36 Weeks in the college year, but onc Knight Samuel, a freshic from. Santa Clara. ? determined)-: the of Be ) Bright Student identification, particularly shouldn't let general k'anab senior. Tnen we ask, - ' ..ho is Lee Iverson?1'1 a sophomore from Lain Street. (Y.nkara R- animal, rabbit. e .Lewis ever get or uninformed? If Denzil Lightnor? hot the Kelley with the green necktie,, but the Both arc from St. George Kelley with the 'dancing feet, it is that brings us the former a freshie, the all the Joyce a. Delta junior, latter a : . soph. . |