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Show 3 tVJO - ' tli ... .... , LAURELS BbOirriRIVR' CONTEST sofeoMORSo II'T i won sophomores The vialkaway, than books... collecting the total cud more . xj . was 111. moody , is .There: .'one WASHINGTON ORATORY CONTEST TO RE ing -- ELD MONDAY tbit go a 11 The 17. The thiHd with the and 23-- niors. .were able it mad n Cameron Kimball, was plane the two - total a 'failed 'men ' an wreck The was lately discovered. se- im-m- b'd ar.d. Kimball, was- dead, Johns an succumb el a : -- few The former hours Inter.'' hada broken neck and the latter stijiu-.l- a book consciousness, .and orientation 'program teachers will continue to mediately after. that and f cut.' to rolleet' has m. hour after a scheduled the time, searching piano was sent - th it Tues- airport flight'' instructor, return to' a. .aped when trainer Chrlbs- When- magnificent soli joT IP. Although the drive is iTr from flattering,, it- is t of the Johnson, - were s killed plane cr.ished- about a mile wreck. some, iurvior-- Porterfield a fhe fine: .They, .contributed1 books. men were Two trainee. spencer j ana that it contains Prbshies, also had . : earth, v Memorial Services Held , . vary excellent b.ioksl- FLYER3. I'lEET DEATH w .. A3 FLAMS CRASHES and- - .Ms. . day about 9:30' s. The dead are- D feature about this cello, et ion , however,' Orient at ion Period Shifted states TWO eist Corbett assisting. sec- -, faculty placed with the meager total 0. -- . were Mrs. M. and Mrs. Milton wit.n i3ir-so- n 1. Miles combined.--Tioi- r re-n-sw- - Hostesses all the other teams cemretin.g .fhe . , drive. contest, in a ock the.,, only ,ipember ,.q. .the. former organization, Tfa'e quartet, sang several and Miss Hall numbers, a number of readings. gave , V of " students a basal- cku.ll im- : until contribute, national drive uhe amen Moses march 1, x-- Ci ts . were :iie, .AMD L. Reid., D is wearing l.ALi.13 JUDD diamond presented :ek by Lynn Asa y. last finalist 3A3MET c Oiiiper - M LUKICH A 3UCCE33 ; ST SINGS P P01 'vOULfY VCwSN ART -- the program for ty Womens club the Facullast night t is .'six pa students from Venture, Califorbas-k:sbe nia. teachers attended Monomial services were room, lunch last Friday morning in adding a neat sum to the held yesterday tne 'South ward chapel. scholarship fund. P . Nearly 200 et In addition to the money than four baskets', in colxected dollars pennies during tne social. 'more was ' ' DIXIE ' DAY .Ca.RiiriEE NAMED 'WEDT'IESDAY Oherril Sncw'. was Dixie Day chairman c?.p-poirt- .ecl Joyce Wilkin as at a studentbody meeting of ceremonies, an Wednesday.', night. Assistwas program interesting ing her will, be Alpine tho which after Dawn presented, With Dixie Ruartet and. Piss xdelia Hall furnished master The here, for flight sinstructor mo nt hs . .He t h. and collected from the sale- of D DIXIE 9U two. yes-rda- Phil is a son of . ' ing Monday. students, of y. married former x, -- v. ' IT m PA MORRIS 7'TT-- i ' the . D 5 fhe preliminary contest 1 s held ith j esterda v , Vernon Short, in Prince, e n S y.l 7 o 0 cer. .And ru p and The Dixie a dancing. Ruartet is c omm i f 1 0 e X: i 1 b o -T h. i s attended-reporwho Those Pavival of an organization immediately to vomk gin " the of one that was very popular- a this out the details for Dixie' socials. successful xSw year,'syears ago, and. is Day, which v;ill be held on' W Mae Mrs. Face, by 'March ALL SCHOOLS in the counhe .members D are. Vernon; xt the Institute. crowd participated ldOm 3-- 1 - t ; di-.-pse- ted ' Art hen, Leland Lanoroaux, Peri on. Bowler and .Ray Mr. Worthed is ty will start hour earlier, March 3. ' school-onconm-e.-cin- e COME our TO THE COME -- AS DANCE TONIGHT ! |