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Show 3 GST IN THE SCRAP "Got in tho scrap. This is ono of the slogans intended to awaken us to do our part in winning tho war. Tho effort of tho X club a .in sponsoring scrar r L 1 8:00 .o'clock in the college drive de-ser- vos commendation. high It indicates that this or- is working for protecting ganization Undo Sam in our freedoms. students are taking - Some tho p- project lightly. Suroly such students are aware of tho noed of scrap u materials? If not, these facts be worth mentioning: In is issued each Friday at noon by tho associated, students of Dixie. Junior College. The D. J, C. '.rleo Snow.. D. Williams, Willa Rae Lewis. . J STAFF : x.iary Paxman. Ronald McArthur .... .Assistant .Business. Lund:-- steel, is needed, Editors, Manager.- a ihannon Shumway, Nelda- Atkin. . f .1 '.arilyn Cox, Clark- Haf eii Reporters i Says Jasper.:.;. . ... v. . . . ,1 .Jasper S. Paul-- Thompson. . .Froshmcn ?., . J. . y. . . . . .Typists Jackson, 'Mary Pratt . . . , i. n T.' Woodbury Jr'-,-,B. Glon Sipith. . V .Faculty Sponsors ' d ! EU i TO it ' t was,; was ;a. v . will "Food win twenty-fiv- the e WIN THE: years, ago a vital in ...... food'-- country, aro '. :: . project for the mil- in Dixie lot of inter- Lot's not let it be ;just a' passing fancy; can't afford to do that; there is too much at stake. We, .. 'have "juniors quota of a and 15 : wo 19 seniors eaeh in tho army and in tho navy. That leaves a more total of at least-6- on:;., "any. ready and ready response willingness of 'the Dixie, junior.: college studentbody (boys, girls, teachers') tq '.'assist Enterprise farmers harvest their potato crops, 'which' will probably go, to ''So not obtained, harvesting" help-Is'von though at-- tho present time :wo .are c'ompara-.vol- y ' M est. u eligible for reserves. to tHead- It ib ghoStiy. of the vantage fellows, . i-f-- ' G.S. itary. reserves as: true. today afs World War 1., when and important table' all ovor tW for harvesting. It was 'heartening to see.-- tho :ian?s that pile gro w JO IN THE RESERVE The WARyj;r government slogan, Potatoes,. see has caused; .a is just' war'.' Students, this is really serious undertaking. Get in and do your part. daily. f FOOD... WILL . Lets - hS R R required. At preseven the minimum is needed Artists ...... manufactureof of scrap iron with a minimum ent,. not available. Hundreds of, thousands of tons are Editor Sports . - 50 $ .of 30$ u reggy Judd, Wanda the may .' , especially1, tho.se nearing 20, to join as, .iesory.es in tho - . army,: nav., marines or., air J corps, ;'.J Ail' stugive this inactive,' at least inactive ,as.;jf.ar Tasfighting dent's should' s wb ihbir can be in thdro slugging., doingour' program support., ... concerned, Ct to provide the food so vital to the soldiorsand ti-lians of our country R.S.- - ! -- " |