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Show 2 STUDENTS TO AID FARMERS IK HaRVEoTING POTATOES Page Lore than place building .October assist the of fhuoraruse in farmers crop. A vote this exact-- was ; taken - tween October will S be- .o indents may be pro. earn from to V -- . . . - of po batons -- I C I AL3 STATIC- v -- not ho-.-Gp;-- -- ; hays.. rm' ymspiT therefor .will .have GIVE BAR INSTRUCTIONS chance to perform in asThe time and sembly. method will be decided by ' D fourth Thursdays and announce , day or .more, according to . ond month. Next that of each there is still room for Thursday's meeting will be additional upper division at 7:30 p. m. in the makestudents in the Institute up room. It is Important . be there , members that all. classes Incidentally, club mev ''mm mbers who do not arrive and three to five- 'dollars the amount ached. ' hr. religion. food lodging will are students wishes vided for by the farmers still . Lettings of Omega Delta to be held on the secare registering for classes in New'. and 12. Transportation, and be - club-- games, and dances.- - it ' -- emergency. The 'date' has not been but set, 8-- . basket-supp'er-da- nce food", . 3 being people will be allowed. to. miss one or more days of school to help in .These-- (1 C0I..LITIEE IJIiBERS l t. Other members are George planned by the ficers of .Lambda- ..Dlt.a Fry-- and .Alpine Prince, kiss Fuller, who has a Sigma. They- are arranging Jciinor-- in speech, is to be to make it a affair vdth mixer an'- honorary member of the their potato harvest-in:- KALE-PH0GRA1.- A at program committee, Gwen headed The opening party: for the by Sylvester, was and elected at the Omega reZ( purpose of getting newing acquaintances 'is Delta party recently. df-- have volun- and DELTANS OPlcjOA calendar will tke in the institute' students 120 teachers teered to ,u of the importantfunctions of the Institute-socianOne - U.-- J EDA DELTA 3IGLA- GETTING ORGA ID ZD FOR BIG YEAR ' Dr. B. Farnsworth and the club officers.- K. Antone K... Romney .town last Sa turd-a- Institue in - were, -- and M - "met" with the., teachers to dis-- p , under the School, auspicis cuss the conduct of school of the Lambda Delta Sigma, in war tine. They espe- The .. Sunday - -- J.- : c:-- . CLUB L.1ST3 - . began operations last. Sunday in the first , netting. They elected the following officers cially stressed. the need' .metThe Facult:'- Vomen' s club for.. physical, fitness of yesterday at the home' ' . J. . 'of the students. for leadership: Karl Brooksby, superin- - - also discussed", They Mrs. Pearson Corbett and the.-advantag- of girls.' . Mrs . Glenn E. Snow. Lrs;.- - Leland Hafeh were the a war- trade. ..Lore.-- and hostesaes. Zsplin, assistants; Kellie more, girls are going. .in to ... Gn the program were: re, Judd, secretary; Bob such work as sheet metal, klrs. ; Rhoda Jackson, .who' Row a A ..and; gave, a, vocal solo;'and the chorister; airplane- tehdent; King and Ross ' , . In-sco- ; ;; -- ' ' Allen, with welding. organist, ; ;. ; ! . especially those ; take out-of-to- wn this Misses Josephine Jones and. are ..the, Dawn Andrus, who' played, have :to violin duets girls that, The,, VerNell Chamberlain as her are in college assistant. All students, ones that sort...- of world' : , The meeting was-- busi- students are pretty and they ness soon, inare 'should take, more serioualv. attending college, Light-- ' refreshments were vited to attend each Sun- the pieed for .girls :to be. served. .FROM 10 TO day at 10:30. 50 NEK AIR skilled in these jobs:..; A. The Sigma Omega Chapter students will arrive, from elected the treasurer 'that .....A. Ventura junior college-- to-- " .r as provided for in 'the' CLOTHING SOURS, 'oTARTS morrow. who ' ' ' . ' ; ' constitution but elected last spring. Pratt was chosen not. L'ary as the A class in family cloth- - started, but yesterday and will contin- sorority treasurer, as yet the Sigma Alpha ue each Tuesday and Thurs- has not selected a treas- It will be held from ing problems This is the second grdup from that-' institution, the' first group ' having' comr' pleted the program herw. : ... ivas ' Ground work mence next week. will corn-da- y. ' ' |