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Show to play n:s.k, c.iuc:r collie: DIXI3-LA- Dixie college bnsketeors have taken to the road for two paries this 1733k end They will. play ?.!asa at Grand The their is hone not at floor. - fied alize all unlikely. sot licks remained unde fee ted by of their wins over Lesa and and bion, and last Friday night. The Carbon Lesa won and 63-- four singles the fast for tho and themselves. Dixie pending have been drilling all should give a good account of 3647 hijh-scori- nj . proposes a nine-nattourney, further vord from Las Vegas." ch SPEECH Cumon and , all Lytle, Ashley Terr; will represent Keith d. TTS NATIONAL- Sip.. a will CLITYNTIOw bo hold in April. PI RJi.;T3T; OF La1 at the. 13. JD l Y. U. DDL-- ta in Ak1!Y. .). L State Director of ty Relations Director, f Libraries, paid an official visit to Dixie yesterday morning . School-Cowwu- ni ; f.w ; 1. t ,. a-- r hp ot Her ONE K l v F fi 0Y pthKkp A DN ' . . ' A i vj - F (Y RU-H- 1 Tj and f.ioro 6upw cone r.j;K : A UO'T pi'r.SRN "DiJY r,vT O is P u: g f u, i -- ! Hu , AHE Y'v A) ruEPtS so... v'hgY;(hi ii m SuWH ukW' vs " m b CRL-- HP5 ' ; CHAPRiiN R t ROY All - i)Y,.j ..YJh JlJYr OCL - ' ml"' (h y ! -- .D. ' 'jvY, ; Cordon in competing for tho nodal s which r;o to the ui. ;ner of each division. All anatour fighters are eligible for entry. Expenses of the competitors will be paid by tourney .officials. Dixie i I : their entry blanks from him. Several men fron tho boxing 'cla33 have already signed for the event, which will be yin on February 20. Kosely Lf I fAv f ceive "fox D.P6NA JA'AWj- .:YY aMVi .D. ; 'Fiea PrtT5 5L Westminster homo gone is February Snow collego cones here. .7 will Clan Smith 13. These players week fron Coach Tolnan has announced that boys interested in entering the amateur oxin.g tournament at Cedar City may re- -, Provo and singles has not yet been mixed 1 4, VfThTTIOMt and natch. Paxwan ter. Dixies next 30X:i3, and for watches the No. 1 tea', with Robert Fordham and Stanley Kachan as the No, 3 The No. 2 to am. will be chosen from a; ong Finer Pickett, Junior Aalker, 'Garth Cot-ta- n and Arthur Lunt. In the mens sinand gles, will be Pickett, Talker, Smith. Jane Pace will represent, the club in the girl's singles. Her partner 55 at .eber A. C, 3now-7iestnins- when, in a at a be hold drilling for threo scheduled for this week include Cares 73. City fron ,estninstcr game won but lost to .eber 9, 4.2-2- the fron Aggies Coclar been and chosen. respectively, 52-4- 1, it vill be their rivals. 30 the meet does not materi- has Arthur 29 52-- If a nixed doubles ToLuins boys had little diffiSaturday culty winning fron Carbon 34-was score the close at; night. Although tines, the locals always pulled away virtue: ILYYSeT the wen, a singes natch for omen, 4-- Snow YT K Vegas club by Thursday tomorrow, Dixie doubles Coach fron the Las later date. plays of the rangy ieberites Friday night until' late in the game. Though the Flyers1 yave the fans a thrill, it vj as too late, the Wildcats coring out on top 49 - by- afternoon. An up- Tie Flyers should- win .from Carbon. The locals could not stop the Cain TTKIS Pa jo Five Plans are still under way for a te.inis tourney betwoen the Dixie and Las Vegas clubs. Saturday had tentatively been sot as the date, but had not been veri- junction tonight and Carbon at Price tomorrow ni jht Dixie should win at least one of these. This is her first mooting with liesa, but the boys from Grand Junction are yiven a slight edge on' set, however, 3 VT CAS - '3wt r PwY oiiL lOfii'T KT NO P.c WN C. i'li-ur.- ; .m h'r t l OO M P. fvi - |