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Show IppnURG Liter C.UIFOSftA MICT FOR ?:'.'J--irC- final tryouts yesterday GI LL3 FOR1 i.iorn folloving students vere cLoson ing, to participate in the debates at Stock-to- n, tlio on February 13, California, Paul 15: Schuyler Crosby, and Gardner, Russell Cornelius Kelville Hirschi, Crooks, Junior Gardner, ncraco .t.-ld- Lille !3e and Donald Redd. fellows ill leave on February 9, instead of the 7th 'as as origi 'ally At the present time, they are planned. planning to go with the B.A.C. students, who vill attend the debate meet also, Because of this change in schedule, The will forfeit their in and they and stay there only around Los Angelos, one afternoon They expect to be back in St. Goo rye on the loth. D. two days . rn WILD STILL plahni; their meeting Lcnday night, the members of the Beaux Arts Guild planned SIaL'X ARTS details of their roposod trip to northern art canters. They plan to spend three days visiting points of interest. soma Page Three it.G.C. Tuesday a group of college girls mot in the dining room of the Science building to organize a homo economics club. The following officers and committees vero elected: President, Cleo Allen; vice president, Blaine Fallis; secretary-trf Luana easurer,. Lamb; reporter, Leora Black; committee on constitution, Vivian Prince, Alice. .Thompson, fiord a .uidorson; commi ttee on finance, Joyco . Adams, Phyllis holt, Lathi eon Carpenter. The next meeting will be held Feb. 10. of this club Sponsors Robinson and Jfiss Bugger t. arc Lrs. of the girls desirip.g further, information may contact- Lrs. Robinson,. Lins Buygrt , or one of the officers. . . . D. 3C.;1AL IIYGLHU PRGGR.U3 G1VJN nave been- ;ivcn this Tan y programs week by the pane tics and eugenics class- to clubs, organizations, es hi.gli as schools and other a part of the social hygiene program. in Provo, and that night Art Guild plan to honor them at a party. The Guild w. 11 then journey on to Gait Lake to visit the art center and the art barn, following which they plan to .go members of the program committee are: Hr. Hardy , Law Lalaiid P.afen, Hr. selkor, miss Bug.gert and miss Falclc. The general assembly, which was held of was under the Wednesday, was Liss 3uggert. The principal speaker Lie Gregor. The musical mur.be rs Dr. L. vere furnished by Hiss Falck, Hr. Bleak and students. hone. ROODUARD first Their browsing among day to bo spent art pieces to the found down vill away and Springville, be the Frovo from there, vere ;ive:l Honday in the club Reports meeting by 'ary .Aide and .D. PRIkCIiLDG 702 OPTRA Jvolyn Hawkins. HAHTD Tost of the principals Tor the college opera, "Priscilla, " have been chosen, according to J. LlcAllister, who is in o 'large of the production. The ones selected to date are: Pris cilla, Pearl Hathosori, Parowar.; Barbara, Tilna Sari, Bunkcrvillo, Nevada; Resig- Jnid .ebb, St. George; faith, Laura Lytle, St. George; Fred .nee, Joyco Adair'S, Parowan ; Piles Standish, Clive Hartman, Leeds; John Aldon, Junior Lar-Li- n, dix-ecti- on ,. D. Hurricane junior liigh opera, "Tulip Tine," .was presented last Honday at the Vioodvard high school. fho cast was well chosen from the talented group, with an older supporting cast from the high school and faculty taking the part of the more .mature The characters. Hiss ball and Hr. Staheli deserve much credit for the fine performance they directed. Bessie Beatty was accompanist. .D. nation, The near st. George. other parts will be chosen in th9 future The opera and 27. vill be presented karch 26 TlCOkS o tad I IS 3 JLILY FLJ.i3.iD B.CH IN TO CUR SCHOOL and believe rn ent, her. SJUIOR HOP kiiS T t.i P ii oUuldij ri jJO .attended this function last Friday night. Though JJaJON, rj say those who the crowd was not large, .everybody was in the mood for a good time. college band members were special guests of the senior class. The Vifeber .D. HU xG JGULTURB 3073 have been 3ofJ cooperating with Hr. Hardy and his students to carry, out a project of remodelOF D. S H0ST3 TO HURRICAN3 OPJIRGTTA we as a vill special hear more the interior of the greenhouse. A ing -reat deal of work has been done there. : |