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Show Page Hour Issued Friday by tho Journalism cl S3 at tho Dixie Junior College, 3t. Coo rye, Utah. jDrroaiAL 3 hut Alda Hinton Acting Rditor each Junior Gardner in Logical Statements. Given: I love you. That you love me. To prove: Proof: I love you; Therefore I an a lover; All the world loves a lover; A, You are all the world to n.e; 5. Hence, you love ne. 3aye 1. Business Hannger 2. 3. Schuyler Gardner, II. T. Pace , Staff Artists Stencils Aubrey Harbor ij e, co udjius. L.fist J s s i o Lou la rk er . Ty pi st JLio Sproul Typist .D. 1 Alta Anglos bead Shirley Harper, Exchange Victor Cannon Nellie Thompson, Genevieve Anderson, Hay B. Glen late, Lee Boy Smith. "fM2 C.tLL Ob . i hi t noy -3-- .HI J . Reporters .Adviser Science .Vo of a doubt. understand they have ; really been studying astrono- lately and while there wore no stars, there was Tho it. was one of hiul and down descent into the canyon and rock ledges walls--u- p through sand, gravel and boulders. If they know no do-more about rocks, their feet and shoes -( geology) . The feud-nihalf learned to appreciate the hold of a masculine hand- -( Stars againl). wore be said much to There roally isnt about going down hill. Everyone would understand it bettor if he. knew how the scat stayed with the root of the pants on such occasions. udith Crosby, Roma dell, seen schools Hisrjon and VSvelyn Smith proscribe stocking foot and an upright position until roll any Tarther fall; canthen dont and than you tr; to land sit-tihelp, The survival of the fittest 300. mod to you. n, of about to tho top, Out started Paris, Lary 30 students who only Hr. i:ile3, Lee Hi Ilians, Carl Brooksby the Gaynald Hackolprang reached summit. Although no animals were encountered, Hr. Piles claims to have got- and ten the picture of a bear's tail. k.P. .D. heard Have you of the circus pirfomer who earns his living by let tiny; a goril-l- a bin? Thats our idea of being hard pressed for ca3h. ray .D It up that a girl must be to the rdnute to step out with a ruin has of the hour boon said to be cooperating with the national Social Hygiene Society this National Health on week. .D. Hy Lov or, call Let me Keep your headlights burning your hands upon the wheel; sweetheart, I'm in love with your machine; Let me bear you whisper That youll buy the gasoline. -- bad you Let ne call you sweetheart, I'm in love with your automobile. Red and Blue ne hoik. he drops her. kustany Host WILD" goes with until TITT D. strength of nature, the class (and extras) Physical made another trip to Snows canyon to Allow thou, the benefit study geology, all that is loaded with ; the Braving 'AHG3 Geometry Assistant '.editor Cox Harilyn .;ITC1 .D. Outstanding Books and Authors by hunchback from neckin' Dawes, Bffie Might. One class of Geometry, by Izza Huff. Broken Kggs, by .Hiatt a Hess. Postponed Harriage, by Canta Lope. Lover's Goodby, by. Don Zabrakin. The fhe Blushing Boy, by A. Scarlet Halo. Cant Dance, by Donno Howe. Tho Lost Game, by Itza Shair.i. Red .and Blue . .0. hereby invite all students to contribute to the spice. of our paper, Yoit Re exchange 'editor section is ary told that his can't print all of ha 3 been It bo looks like a lack home originality; maybe it looks correct. Anyway, contributions "printable" cmckaiigo jokes. can be made. D. "The wise man mixes recreation and in such proportions fiat one does not the other," The Educator business l .D. surest road to destruction,s either in business or in morals, neglect, " The iVducator "fho |