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Show THE DIXIE NEWS are indelibly experiences of the past VALEDICTORY ADDRESS on each of our characters, written and ( Bessie Snoxv ) their influence is a par t of us activity. will determine our further Alter four years of work and play, In highschool we have partly sharpof class the of study and application, ened our tools in the various fields 192 4 stands on another round of the of human experience. We hope that ladder of education, on the threshold it has been done well and intelligentfareof a graduation, ready to bid lives will be ly, for the breadth of our school days. well to our high and quality of scope the measured by is We wish to express our deep ap- our education. finishing the But our parents preciation to our school, yet incomplete. and our teachers who have so faithOur desire is to be able to work this occatoward us assisted successfully wisely, swiftly, happily and our Still we realize that neither sion. from wisdom to gain us, fully, and of human parents or teachers can educate information accumulated to for that we must do ourselves. experiences of the past. We hope But without them, we should have so of tools that they kit our sharpen By been nuable to achieve so well. will yield well to our needs and purtheir sympathy, encouragement and Each of us is grateful for poses. we have intellikindly guiding influence, and proud of our kit, a body, debeen lead over the rough places our destiny a soul; diffigence and which might have proved too we fashion how expertly upon pends cult for us alone. We have been them into more useful and finished stimulated to greater Our minds must be sharpenform. our and have received a vision of a ed by long process of .education and possibilities. be given directing control over the Each of us was given the tools of body, our souls must be enriched and understands intelligence, a soul that elevated. Schools are the logical and appreciates, and a body capable agents in which to do the sharpenof activity. These tools were dull, ing. Our studies are the stones; our exinaccurate, and undeveloped, but are the directors; our parstone up- teachers grind the is great perience are the motivating power; and ents on which we can edge them, the we are the workmen. But sharpen school being the institutional grind- we must for our lifes efficiency destone which we can work best and pends upon it. most effectively. With the satisfacShould we begin a vocation with tion of an earned success in gradua- dull tools, we might toil and sweat a conscition, with the approval of our life time attempting to keep up with ence, and with the gratification of competitors whose tools are sharp our parents, we now feel repaid for and yet we would fail. The best any dissappointments and struggles way to lighten our problems, imwe might have surmounted in the prove our work, incr.ese our compengrinding we have done. sation, and add to lifes happiness is There have been days of dissatisfac- to sharpen our tools. Life gives but and tion and unrest when we longed for one sharpening perfod-ou- th something new and different. But our we must use it if we would succeed. parents, many of whom have learned The process is not always easy and thru hard experience the handicaps pleasant, but the more difficult it is, incident to the lack of an education, if the grinding be consistently and have ever made the decision that we diligently done, the more perfectly should remain in school and continue the tools will be sharpened. An easy our tools. We, like sharpening problem is no grinding stone at all. children, often looked at the present, Often the unattractive problems are while our parents by the light of most valuable, and should be accepttheir past looked into the future for ed cheerfully as such. us. Our lives have- - been enriched Friends, the Dixie College has givand our efficiency increased. en to us a vision of our own possibiliTonight we feel, that with' our past ties. ' It has made us realize that well directed four years of high school exjjerience without whole-hearteand the college training to which we effort we cannot hope to succeed in are looking, that we shall be able to life.' It has given us an appreciation serve better. Each shall ever have for many things that hitherto we had something to contribute to the world, passed by unnoticed. It has awakfor an education pays dividends dur- ened in us a new love and appreciaing an entire life time. Our enrich- tion for the parents who have so nobed lives have been made possible ly sacrificed and have implanted in through the sharpening of our tools us a determination to go on and up on grindstones, attractive and un- until the tools which God has blessed attractive. There 'have been tasks us with are keen and bright for serthat we understood and appreciaed vice. May no member of the class of and those that were ' odious. As we 192 4 ever prove untrue to the principrogressed through school taking the ples for which our College stands required courses, often' those for and may none betray that trust placwhich we had no natural inclination, ed in us by our parents, teachers, and we have wondered what was the use fellow school mates. of it all. But the greatest values of life are frequently shaped on the unTwo little girls were comparing attractive grindstones, little understood at the time of the grinding, and progress in catechisim study: Ive got to orignal sin, said one. not selected by the individual. How far have'you got? Neither are the results fully explainMe! Oh, Im way beyond redemp. ' ' able and understood. tion, said the other. resee we the can Like the lady, sults of some of the grinds we have Ignorance is the mother of conceit. undergone ever though we cannot explain everything connected with the He that is full "of himself is .empty. process. The results are satisfying Vanity is the food for fools. and give courage to undertake Boost your school. further personal development. The d, 111G C V SENTIMENTS OF SOPHS. cannot 'express in words all that to me. Dixie College has meant the the wish to it is my desire, however, success in the even greater College it has always had in the I future than past. Annie Sullivan. Dixie To me the mission of the character. College is to develop Phillip Foremaster. Tis the property of all true to enknowledge, especially spiritual, to enlarge it; soul by filling large the it without swelling it; to make it more capable, and more .earnest to Bishop know, the more it knows. Sprat. Gladys Taylor. Dixie College the factory of edmoducation, offers the inspirational el of the Finer attainments, the associations of inexpressable worth and knowledge of most value. Vernon Church. Education allieniates the pains of the mind; and hence arises the Happiness of Complete Living. Verna Harmon. Rememberance of the Dixie Cols lege symbolizes the climbing of life experiences to ever higher heights. Helen Gardner. The gifts of the Dixie College cannot be calculated in material terms. They are measured in the fullness of associations, satisfaction, intellectual and spiritual development. Juanita Davis. of true There is no learning worth, but demands its price. Letha Taylor. "Mans greatest motive power the confidence of friends. Myron Stout. The teacher He who would govern others, first must be master of himself. Joseph Ray. has hair in Dixie Opportunity front; behind she is bald. If you seize her by the forelock, you may hold her; but if suffered to escape, Jupiter himself cannot catch her again. LaFell Iverson. man wisest The may be wiser today than he was yesterday and tomorrow than he is today Our Dixie College directs this progress. Bert Sullivan. a is Character perfectly .educated will. Vera Harmon. to and learn Live you will learn to live. Harvey Staheli. man a If empties his purse into his head no one can steal it. Victor E. Iverson. Dixie The College is a preparation for greater things. Mae Linder. An educated man is one with a universal sympathy and a certain amount of knowledge and who still is on the line of evolution and learning to the end. John E. Blazzard. I hope I trust that I shall so live that my life shall exemplify the ideals for which the Dixie College stands. Mrs. Eula Jacobson. Although our days at the Dixie College are past and never will we enter the classrooms and mingle our voices with those of the happy stu dents yet we will always be known as students and the ideals of the days we spent will ever be among the happiest and brightest of our memories. Mabel Terry. My few years of schooling at dear old Dixie will enable me to grasp opportunities of today that I worried about yesterday. Grant Snow. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES ABOUT THE DIXIE COUNTRY The climate of Dixie has all the qualities of California without its drawbacks. It is a land of sunshine. It has flowers in December and rose gardens in April. It hffs people of high standards, clean morals and thrifty in every sense of the word. Its Temple is a drawing card to every Latter Day Saint. Its school is one of the best in the state. It has clean, wholesome, amusements. It is one of the wonder spots of America. It is an ideal college town. DRAMATIC CLASS PRESENTS PLAYS Three one-aplays, Neighbors, 12 Maids, and Her First Assignment, were presented Saturday, May !, by the Dramatic Art Department 'and Dixie Dramatic Club, under the direction of Miss Ruby Bryner. These comedies were clever and brilliant and the roles were very ably interpreted. Neighbors, a most entertaining play, was presented by the Dixie Dramatic Club in connection with the Dramatic Art Department. Twelve Old Maids and Her First Assignment were given entirely by the second year Oral Expression class. All players showed careful training and natural ability. This is the first time that a full evenings entertainment of one-aplays has been given in St. George. Miss Bryner and the casts are to be complimented. ct Old STUDENTS SUBMIT ESSAYS A wide spread interest was manifested in the chemistry essay contest recently conducted under the direction of the National Chemistry Astudents made ssociation. Several partial preparation; Miss Mary Naegle, Miss Zelda Nelson, Miss Audrey Atkin and Joseph Musick submitted essays. Their papers were carefully and thoughtfully prepared. No announcement has been received relative to the winners in the state. The aim of the Association, that of creating an interest in Chemistry and science, has been fully accomplished in this school. Over seventy students have read and expresesd satisfaction with the books recommended Others are now by the Association. them. reading Get a copy of the school song. |