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Show VOLUME II. SAINT GEORGE, UTAH, MAY NUMBER 10. 8, 1924. must annual college day a DIXIE MINS TRACK MEET DIG SUC CESS, SUPT. ADAM S. BEN. NION PRINCIPAL SPEAKER Supt. Adam S. Bennion, of the Church schools and Prof. Amos N. Merrill of the B. Y. U. were the speakers at the first annual College Day held April 25th. The message Bennion was, in his own of Supt. words a strange message from the San Quentin prison of California, but as handled by Supt. Bennion it carried conviction to every soul that crowded to capacety the Stake Tabernacle. X The College Day celebration as observed this season for the first time is to become an annual celebration in Dixie. The purpose of the day will be to bring the College and its work to the patrons and friends of the in- X stitution. It is a move originated at the suggestion of President Edgar t A PARTING WORD You are just completing another cycle in your lives. Some of you have done splendidly, some passing well and some well, we won't mention it. The knowledge you have gained in school this year will either be forgotten soon or by proper application of it in your daily work, will ripen into wisdom and wisdom should be the end of all education the Supreme Prize. Read carefully the following from Proverbs 3. and then jot down indelibly in your mind the determination to live straight this summer and to come back next September to learn more about how to live happily. Happy is the man that tindeth wisdom, And the man that getteth understanding: For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, And the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more percious than rubies: And all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; And in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. E. JI. J. Friday, May 2, the duel southern division track meet was held in St. Seven schools participated, George. including Dixie, Parowan, B. A. C., Ilinkley, Kanab, Beaver and Valley High. The competition was keen and the meet was truly one of the closest ever staged in Dixie. The men from each school showed careful training and untiring practice. Carrol of the Valley High is one of the best allround athletes in the State and easily took first place in several events. Johnson of Kanab also made an enviable record. The records made by these two schools were certainly unusual, due to the fewness of men and because the schools are little more than recently established Junior Highs. The men from Parowan made a good showing, and the place winners from Hinckley, Beaver, and I!. A. C. showed good form. Dixie took but two first places, those in the Relay and Discus, but due to the fiumber of entrances and second place winners the track meet was easily won. The list of events are as follows: 100 yd. Dash Carroll, Valley; L. Wright, Hinckley; W. Thompson, Jenson for selling the college and its products to the people. Pres. Jenson feels that to be successful should in some every institution fashion sell itself to the public. The days celebration commenced at 9 o'clock a. m. when the Student Body and Faculty formed in the line 10 of parade in front of the College Dixie The prade consisted of 220 yd. Dash Building. Carroll, Valley; L. the students in class formation apWright, Hinckley, and Woodhouse, .;. j. .y .y .y 4. .4.4 4. 4. Dixie tied for second 24:3-5- . propriately decorated in class and school colors, and of numerous floats 440 un S. Wright, Hinckley; W. PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT THE MIKADO PRESENTED prepared by the various organizaThompson, Dixie; Fennimore, Beaver tions of the school and city. 55 sec. The culminating program of the Half Mile F. Ward, Parowan; The floats showed care and orgin-alit- y Friday evening, April 2 5, the OpEach float era, The Mikado, another musical year is the commencement program Crosby, Dixie; Slaughter, Hinckley in the preparation. represented some phase of education triumph was staged in the St. George given Friday evening, May 9, beginn- 2:20. Mile McAllister, Kanab; Smith, The Spirit of Opera house under the direction of ing at 8 oclock. life as TheGraduate, Words by Pres. A. W. Ivins Beaver; Evans, Parowan 5:21. Dixie College, Prof. Joseph V. McAllister, assisted Song Dixie Spring, 220 Hurdles Wire, B. A. C.; A. Congregation Arts and Science. by Miss Gertrude Fawcett at the piSchmutz, Dixie Invocation orchDixie; as Thompson, the After principal ano and Prof. Earl J. Bleak parading 31:2-5- . direction the under Brass quartette,., estra director. and streets of the city the students of Prof. Bleak Relay Dixie, Empey, W. ThompThe opera is a Japanese play, charpatrons gathered in the Stake TaberMale quartette Woodhouse, Wilson; Kanab, son, setof The stage nacle where the following program acteristic Japan. Miss Brown, Cram, Chamberlain; Bryner Johnson, Reading was rendered. ting was unique; it represented a Piano 8 hands Bettridge, Rollins, Chilton, Parowan, Selection, wisand College Chorus Japanese garden, with palms Pilgrims Chorus, F. Misses Ward. Snow, Linder, cast of characOpening Prayer, ....Pres. Ed. H. Snow teria blossoms. The Fawcett, and Woodhouse ghot Put Whitelock, Kanab; F. Italia Beloved,.. Dixie College Chorus ters was well chosen and each played school of the Parowan; Hutchings, Beaver Ward, year, Report Schooling vs. Education, ....A. Merrill, his part exceptionally well. The opM. Jenson E. 40:10. Pres. Misses Olive Snow ening night at the Opera house was Piano Duet, W. Thompson, Dixie; BetDiscus Address to graduates, indeed a success; in the audience Fawcett Gertrude and Reeve, Hinckley Stake. of Beaver the Parowan; Pres. McGregor, tridge, Eldon Larson were Supt. Adam S. Bennion and Pro- Address Vocal Solo A. W. Ivins 105-Pres. Talk Supt. Adam S. Bennion fessor Amos N. Merril who expressed Awarding of Diplomas, Javelin Baker, Beaver; M. Stucki, 155-Brass Quartet, Prof. Earl Bleak & Co. their delight and appreciation for the O. Ward, Parowan Edw. H. Snow Pres. Dixie; was repeated Kanab; OrPagent Spirit of Dixie, Members of production. The opera under Johnson, Broad Mixed Double Jump Quartette, Members of Literature Class. Saturday and Monday evenings to direction of Mrs. Hannah Pike ton, Parowan; Bettridge, Parowan H. Morris crowded houses. This is one of the David 20-Prayer Beneditction, Every phase of the program was many musical successes staged by the High Jump Johnson, Kanab; BetThe message of Dixie, and Prof. McAllister and those full of inspiration. Parowan and W. Thompson, of Dixie. tell home When tridge, go you Keep your mind so connected with him are to be conSupt. Bennion Dixie tied for second filled with truth, that there is no gratulated on the splendid producPole Vault Bettridge, Parowan; Terry. room for wrong and sin found an tion, as such cultural entertainments Beaver and McArthur, Dixie o Eyere. Nanki-PoHarvey Staheli. 10-echo in the soul of every Dixie boy are sure to be an advertising median o Dilworth Snow. tied for second for our school. and girl. Points: Dixie 33; Parowan 27; Poo-Ba- h Winsor. Karl The remarks of Prof. Amos N. Miss Ruby Bryner assisted with the Pish-Tus- h Eldon Larson. Kanab 25; Hinckley 12; Beaver 12; Merrill of the B. Y. U. on Schooling stage directions. The cast of characYum-YuGrace Gates. Valley High 10; B. A. C. 5. was thoroughly ap- ters was as follows: vs. Education Pitti-SinOlive Snow. preciated. The protrayed in a pleasThe Mikado of Japan, L. Lafayette Lucile Worthen. May 1. The Scouts of the West Peep-B- o ing and convincing way the need and Idona Jackson. Ward informally entertained their Katisha place of a broad liberal education. Mikados Guards, Myron Stout, parents. It was in honor of the The closing feature of the day was During the afternoon the interbirthday of the troop. Clarence Schnuitz, Bert Sullivan. The of the opera class track meet was held on the city the presentation Nobles, Girls. School of Chorus the, music department of park. The Third Year class walk- Mikado by Boost for the bigger Dixie College. Guards and Coolies. the College. honors. the with off ing .M. : 5. 3. 8. 1. Ko-K- m g |