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Show THE DIXIE PLATFORM RETROSPECT The debating and public speaking activities began in October and con- WHISPERINGS FROM ROOM Card slate, overweight, said 13 Al- ice as she looked at her card and the tinued throughout the year. Many record it gave of four pounds gain students have participated in the during the past month, when she was in and Devotional the ward College already twenty per cent overweight. services throughout the Stake. In Less endurance and efficiency in both addition, there have been three orat- play and work, she continued. orical contests and the college debatShe paused, thought of her efficienes. cy being lessened, her life shortened The oratorical contests included and, if her dreams were to come true, the Grant, the Washington and the the effect this would have on her was Each Departmental. keenly children. She made a bold resolve. contested and productive of much Sugar adds to ones store of fat, posgood. The winners of the first con- sibly produces a dropsical condition, test, Mary Graham and Howard Mil- is almost sure to cause stomach ler, were awarded autographed books trouble and possibly other troubles. The Student It cloys the appetite while it furnishby President Grant. Body medal, awarded for the Wash- es no building material whatsoever She thought of her ington Birthday contest, was won by Ill cut it out . Edward Hunt fondness for sweets. Can I? My Miss Letha Taylor. honor. The efficiency, my life depends upon it, I won the High School Departmental contest winner, Mary will. This resolve, made near the first of Graham, was awarded a medal by the year, has been kept. Today she Miss Phillips. Debating for the school year 2 3 2 4 has likewise been an exceptional success. Dixie came out of the fray victorious five times out of eight. The Dixie won second place in the Junior College Debating League by winning the championship of the Southern Division and a single vicDixie tory from the Ricks College. won the championship of the Southern Division through a double victory over the Snow College, and a single victory over the B. A. C. This gave her the majority of successful conquest and judges. In competition with the Ricks, the champions of the Northern Division, the championship of the League was ceded to the Idaho school on the basis of the majority of judges. Both the Dixie and the Ricks won the affirmative side of the question. The proposition was Resloved, that the classified property tax be submitted for the general property In the contest with tax in Utah. Idaho, the Dixie negative debated on the Idaho basis. The negative was supported by Helen Gardner and Verna Cox; the affirmative by Ezra Tobler and Juanita Davis. In the contest with the B. A. C. for the Judd medal, the former was victorious. Each school won the affirmative and lost the negative but the Cedar school won the majority of judges. The question was Resolved, that the Philippines should be granted immediately an independence after the manner of Cuba. William Snow and Letha Taylor supported the negative, Karl Savage and Laron Andrus defended the affirmaand tive. The Dixie College is to be commended on its activities in public speaking and debating, for they sharpen the intellect, develop poise and and prepare for vigorous citizenship. The public speaking and debating work has been directed by Miss Philefforts, lips. For her untireing stimulation, endurance and guidance, Dixie debaters are exceedingly grateful, and it is their hope that future contestants shall be as richly blessed. Pat, do you understand French? Yes, if its spoken in Irish. Dixie, your school and mine, boost it. looks again at her card which records a lose of nineteen pounds excessive weight (and indicates that only.) She thinks of her gain in height which raises the figure she should weigh and brings her almost down to normal, and better still, her weight is active tissue rather than fat and water. Card red, danger ahead, said Ada as she read from her card and noted that less than a hundred pounds was her actual weight, which should have been a hundred sixteen, according to her age and height. Danger ahead means: 1. Less endurance in games, sports and work. 2. Less resistance to sickness. 3. Probably ( always remaining underweight and underlieight-stunte- d She also made a resolve. She determined that while they had little fuel value and she had never liked them, she would begin to eat green vegetables, because they would supply her with minerals and vitamins and create an appetite. She could add fuel in the form of thin cream and butter and she would use not less than a quart of milk a day, for she wanted to build for resistance and as well as increase in weight, then she would eat freely of all wholesome foods, limiting herself only as to meat, sugar and things that are difficult to digest. She would be regular in all her habits and ten oclock should find her asleep. She earnDid she gain in weight? ed her white card. Two years pass. Eunice, who was a literary wonder in school and popular with all but did not see anything of interest in her courses in nutrition, is now a mother. She takes her babe, who is not thriving, to the doctor and is told that it is undernourished, attempts to feed it and returns to him with it violantly ill. Tree typical girls from the class in nutrition. Will Eunice learn to feed her little ones?. Probably, for she is a strong character, but she will be apt to lose one or more of them before she learns; then she has so weakened her constitution by improper food habits that she cannot pass on to them the physical vigor she might have given them. Will Alice and Ada continue to learn and apply? X TAX'S The task is a strenuous one, for ATHLETIC CALENDAR OF l!)2;5-2worth while information in this line is to be had now as never before, but October 15 Nov. 1 Interclass basif they do not life's grade is E" not ketball series. Sophomores vic"A and if they fail, in other words, torious. lose health, or life itself, how much November 2 7. Coach school was will anything else mean to them. held at St. George. The Dixie teams played three games with P. M. W. H. H. S. and B. A. C. The college team losing to Parowan the final night. SCOUT LEADERSHIP CLASS Nov. 2 8. Glenn Crosby won the SUCCESS y run. The third years grab the turkeys. The Scout Leadership class, an in- Nov. The Dixie High School novation of this college year, has team made a tour among northern proved a decided success from severschools. Nine games were played. al points of view. First of all, it has Dixie winning five of them. turned out men who are prepared to Dec. 2 9. A visiting team from lean men who are prepared to lead Richfield was humbled by the high our boys through the uncertain perschool boys by a score of 52 to 13. iod of adolescence. It is during this Jan. 25. ;The greatest basketball period that the boys habits are forgame of the season was played at med, and the wise leader can mould the local gym. between Snow Colthe character of the plastic adose-scelege of Ephriam and the Dixie Colas the sculptor moulds the clay. lege team. The Dixie boys lost by The Boy Scout movement aims to a two point margin. make of the boy the man who will be Jan. 2S. The Dixie Highschool physically strong, metally awake, team won a slow game from the and morally straight. Dixie College Valley highschool, score was 2 has this year turned out 2 6 men who understand the adolescent boy, who Feb. 1. The college team defeated know what he likes to do, and who the B. A. C. College team at Cedar are prepared to assist in putting over City, Many students and a program that appeals to him. teachers went this far with the boys Many members of the Scout Leadto witness the games and to see ership Class will go into the various them on their way. communities of this section as elem- Feb. 2. The college boys were entary school teachers. They will again beaten by the Snow , in a have a wonderful opportunity to game at Ephriam. Snows luck at bring scouting and the school closer basket shooting was responsible together. and the Dixie boys intend to retaliNot a minor accomplishment of ate at the State Tournament. the class has been the building of a Feb. 15. Kanab was beaten by scout morale in this community. At Dixie highschool in a game at the beginning of the school year, the Kanab. real puvpose erf scodtiug was not un6. Feb. Valley lost to Dixie in derstood. Even members of the their game at Orderville. class entered the work with a doubt- Feb. 21. B. A. C. suffered a ing attitude. These men now undersweeping defeat at the hand of the stand that scouting is intended for Dixie at Cedar. American Feb. 22. B. A. C. staged a game boys who are thirsting for adventure, with the Highschool boys at the yet who find utmost pleasure in rendCollege gym. They were again deering service to others. As a result, feated. the entire community is behind Feb. 29. Mar. 1. College tourscouting. nament was held at Ephriam. The Scout Leaders express themRicks College won championship selves as having thoroughly enjoyed Dixie given third place. the course. They feel that scouting, besides being recreational, is a liberALUMNI REPORT al education in itself. The class work has been made The 1923-2- 4 organization of the practical as far as possible; most of Dixie Alumni Association was effectthe men have had the chance to as- ed with Wayne Gardner as President; sist local scoutmasters in regular Ruth Winsor, Helen meetings, or in conducting scout Moody, Secretary and Treasurer. tests. The four parols have comThe spirit of the Dixie Alumnus is peted in contests, and have also given one of vision, of activity and of propubilic exhibitions. The anniver- gress. Since that first graduation in sary week observence was particular- 1914, steady increase in the Alumni ly successful. roll has reflected the years of inspiraTwo members of the class have tional training and educational experhad active charge of troops, Mr. I. Y. ience of our Alma Mater. of the St. George East Bigelow Individuality has decreed that the Ward, and Mr. Rex Frei of Santa Dixie graduates be leaders in the varClara. Other members of the class ious phases of life. Some are now have served as active assistants in persuing studies in higher institutroops. Mr. B. Glen Smith, the tions of learning. Others are ansclass instructor, has had charge of wering the missionary call. Many the St. George West Ward troop. others are teaching in the grade schools, High Schools and Colleges. Division Scout Director Golden Still others have followed the profesKilburn was a visitor of St. George sional road. Numerous others havej He has been recent- enlisted as home builders. on College day. To the new members, the graduly appointed director of this division. He is favorably impressed with this ates of 1924, is extended a hearty welcome. It is the hope of Dixie that locality as the headquarters. you will answer the call of responsiAdvertisers made this paper pos- bility and ever support her High Standards. sible financially. Trade with them. 4 cross-countr- 44-2- wide-awak- e, t; |