Show 1 i FAs The salt At I BUSINISS TO An silt 9 :2041 ThuNti) Hurricanes fuel costs lead Jet Blue to lower third-quartoutlook jr NY-base- pursuant to Sec Sian 30323 (a) of the rules and regulations of the fed-trDeposit Insurance Corporation and Section 704 (3) (a) of the Utah Code Published 61" 1 NOTICE Free Shuttle Groat Lunch & Dinner Specials Escorts - Entertainment 0 Dating IS HEREBY GIVEN OF a public hearing to be held In the Council Chambers at West Volley City Hall Constitution 3600 Boulevard West Valley City Utah on Odd ler 5 2004 at 630 pm a clock or as soon as business per mitt before the City Council of West Valley City on the following application requesting rezoning of the following described prop arty in West Valley City Wahl 0111101B5L1488tIOU944752180t2Sr442111100 amend the zoning map of West Volley City by rethe classifying following To described property ' - ' -sm le - k Bachelor Parties ' & 801-6- 53 (girl) kit E Pvate 1105834 Main St CLOUD NINE (001)521-799- SEXY 9 366 Se 500 F ' 7927669 Licrf ( I'' '' t 1 t ' - BARELY ALTERNATIVE DATELINE Meet Salt Lake Singles FREE PARTY LINE UTAH MATURE Regular call to Nev ALTERNATIVE 6 296-850- GUIDE 24 IIRS LOCAL Adult Clubs Adult Stores Tattoo I Piercing Escort Services "ill Morel Private Onncer Sensual seasoned Elegan adult entertainer 530- - 3241 avail BADIMf 366-550- 5 Pvt Dancer I Ot 1E1: For it distinuithing gentiomnn 5962956 HOT Live Local Girls 690min 900 622 4443 $129n1181 Or Portfolio --- - SIC p PTEASING CIII NTS FOR I 0 YEARS DAYTIME DISCOUNT PRIVA1E DANCER 6370653 ROCK YOUR WORI 900 lc BROWN ESSENCE female ay 949-949entettainmeM Maim STEPHANIE CALIFORNIA GIRLS 328-353- Private Dancing Park CH Call 435 6580163 -- 6 Weekend $ BIG & BEAUTIFUL PLEASUkf & dance Sped& 05 pa to read the LUNCH NAIL 463-080- Classific-d- 75 Fast 400 South N204 5LC UT tic 00 921666 231-20- EVES TEMPTATION 3 FANIASY INTERTAINfli$ 461-424- LIe 2 I ' 2372000 SSAAA0 I N7927664 1101 S Sun St CArteliti 464 23405 I ' - -- H - I (11FEs) -- - 1 it' li fj " :l - 1 kid A A A — SALE PARK SUBDIVISION GLEN All COBBLE 1 Weber County Utah according thereof PHASE to the with all the Improvements now or hereof ter erected on the property and all easements appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property The current beneficiary of the trust deed Is Wells Fargo Bank NA successor by merger to Wells Forgo Home Mortgage Inc and the record owner of the prop city as of the recording of the notice of default is Keith I Tucker The sale Is subject to a bankruptcy filing ° payoff a reinstatement or any other condition of which the trustee of the is not aware that would cause the cancellation sale If any such condition exists the sale sholl be void the successful bidder's funds returned and the trustee and current beneficiary shall not be liable to the suc cessful bidder for any damage 0(i0151191 aossifieds FMK TRUSTEE'S Together 7 SALE IF NEED YOU OF AN EXPLANATION THIS — Bidders must tender to the trustee a $500000 de posit at the sale and the balance of the purchase price The deposit by 1200 noon the day following the sole must be In the form of a cashier's check or certified The balance funds payable to Lundberg & Associates must be in the form of a wire transfer cashier's check or certified funds payable to Lundberg & Associates Cash A trustees deed will be payments ore not accepted delivered to the successful bidder within three business days after receipt of the amount bid DATED August 23 2004 (801) 0 800 am — 37990 500 pm TO ATTEMPT IS AN THIS COMMUNICATION DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION FOR THAT PURPOSE OBTAINED A COLLECT BE USED WILL 82021NR6 of works Work conslits of approximately 450 feet of curb and gutter 700 soothe of yards asphalt concrete pavement tie-i- n and 200 square yards of concrete sidewalk and miscellaneous other drainage and irrigation and property tie-i- n work Other work normally encountered during conmr- struction on improved and unimproved 1 Description 2 of the work The location 3470 South 3200 West 3400 South to 1st for this Bidders ore not required to be aids shall be on a unit price basis basis UProject lid nsealed or segregated Bids will not be accepted den shall comply with all Instructions to Bidders be Substantially Completed within thirty doys after the date of the Notice to Pro- The work will (30) calendar ceed Documents may be examined and obtained begiming September 7 2004 from the ENGINEER at 3600 S Constitution Blvd (2700 W) Room 280 West Volley A omount of twenty-fiv- e City Utah dollars (S2500) will be required for sods complete set West to City Volley payable Contract A conference pre-bi- d be held on this project will not Security In the amount of at least five percent (50) of the Bid must accompany cads Bid in accordance with Bid Security will be returned the Instructions to Bidders to each unsuccessful Bidder after tabulation and award of the Construction Contract Bid Sealed bids will be received at the office of the City West Volley City Center 3600 S Constitution Recorder Blvd (2700 W) West Volley City until 10100 am locot prevailing time as conclusively estoblished by the clock at the City Recorder s Office on September 23 Bids received after this time will not be ac2004 280 cepted Bids will be publicly opened in Room West Volley City Center 3600 S Coestitution Blvd West local Volley City Utah at approximately 1005 am prevailing time on September 23 2004 by the City Recorder or City Recorder designee Bidders on this work will be subject to the applicable provisions of all federal state and local rules laws and regulations or orders The work performed under this contract IS on a proiect funded th(ough the Deportment of Housing in Urban Development s Special Grant Program and IS subjed to opplicable federal lows and regulations This project DOES require the payment of specific wage rates Payroll submittal WILL be required SALE OF TRUSTEE'S NOTICE Bidders ore invited to bid on o Construction Project titled 3202 West Pedestrian Project Project Number WV( ENG The work to be performed coinists of furfocilities services nishing ond installing the equipment and appurtenances thereto os included in the CoMract followsi Documents Items of work are os Ott the outside of the envelope the bidder shollindkate the nature of the bid and Include the Bidder i return The City reserves the right to reject mailing address any or all bids or to waive any informality or technicalif in deemed to be in the best interest of the any bid ity Bids shall remain valid for 45 days after the Owner of Bid the Opening day Scott Lundberg Trustee 100 3269 South Main Salt Lake City UT 84115 Office Hours: L&A Case No Team AAGR WEST VAUST OTT INVITATION TO 110 The following PRO- by Michael 1 Moyer and Terri A Moyer Hun- - band And Wife will sell at public auction to highest bidder payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale Successful bidders must tender a deposit of $5000 in certified funds to the trustee at the time of sale with the balance due by noon the following business day at the office of the Trustee Inside the rotunda at the east main entrance of the Scott M Matheson Courthouse 450 South State Street Salt Lake City Utah all right title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described au Lot 162 Eastridge No 2 Subdivision according to the official plot thereof re- corded In the office of the county recorder of Salt Lake County Utah The street address and other common designation of the real property described above is pur- ported to bet 2023 South Woodridge Rood Sandy UT 4094 Estimated Total Debt as of October 06 2004 is 19554764 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any ability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation if any shown herein Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty express or implied regarding title possession condition or encumbrances Including fees charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust The current beneficiary of the Trust Deed as of the dote of this notice is Bank of America NA The record owners of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Default are: Michael T Moyer & Terri A Moyer Dated September 09 2004 James H Woodall 10653 River Front Parkway Suite 290 South Jordan UT 84095 (801)254-945- 0 (800)245- (Hotline) Hours Sign a- 18E11: H James y: Trustee Woodall 9PM 904 091604 092304 82 2)248 OF BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS UNDER THE NATIONAL UTAH Together with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property and all easements appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a pad of the property The current beneficiary of the trust deed Is Wells Fargo Bank NA successor by merger to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc and the record owner of the property as of She recording of the notice of default Is William H (Hers The sale h subject to a bankruptcy filing a payoff a reinstatement or any other condition of which the trustee of the Is not aware that would cause the cancellation If ony such condition exists the sale shall be void sale the successful bidder's funds returned and the trustee and current beneficiary stroll not be liable to the successful bidder for any damage Bidders must tender to the trustee a $500000 deposit at the sale and the balonce of the purchase prke by 1200 noon the day following the sale The deposit must be in the form of a cashier's check or certified The balance funds payable to Lundberg & Associates must be in the form of a wire transfer cashier's check or certified funds payable to Lundberg & Associates Cash A trustee's deed will be payments ore not accepted delivered to the successful bidder within three business amount of the bid days after receipt August 26 DATED: 2004 Scott Lundberg Trustee 3269 South Main th100 Salt Lake City 84115 (801) Office Hours: L&A Case No Team ACGA 800 am 26283 revise the FIRM TO ATTEMPT OBTAINED A COLLECT BE USED WILL Lead Ion feet downstream N SARAN SML MICP do160 6 Ws qpot Ciaretews eat rod 'it prOusi twee &ultimo" soro$' Omni mut bum ulvol wel Imams we up fro paha ilut ENV bnagestadtpkoulloikkio ift ontr 4310 Vertical Dollen rounded to My person having knowledge ately notify The Honorable W Kent Money Mayor City of South Jordon 1600 West Towne Center Drive South Jordon UI 84095 1207MP I -- - Immo& AN WATSON DS 3 2923 S 3600 W VAL- - 1987 996 985 985 1 OLDS MENU CHEV BLAZER 1 11100 KWISH TOW 2923 S 3600 W AM 198rFORD 1988 1988 1 994 1 978 PK 88 1981 1984 1 988 VAL WEST 1983 CHEV BLAZER 1 980 CHEV CAMARO 1 986 TOT! CELICA 1 983 FORD Pk CHEV BERETTA PONT SUNEIRE CADI SEVILLE MERC COUGAR ACUR LEGEND 1 991 WEST VAL MAZD RX7 M MX6 HYUN SCOUPE MAZD PK FORD ESCORT UT 11t30 AA1 HARMANS TOW 2923 S 3600 W 1986 IOC ELECTRA 1994 FORD PK PK CHEV CAMARO CHEV 1996 983 1 991 FORD TBIRD 1989 PONT SUNBIRD 1 983 BUIC REGAL RD PM PONT PONT CHEV TAMA 3 2923 S 1600 W $ICUT 1 975 FORD PC 1 988 NISS PULSAR 1 965 CHEV SEDAN TOW SUNBIRD FIERO NOVA MC )2130 PM MK SONS 993 FORD TAURUS 991 10Y1 COROLLA PM HiGH1101 TAMA MC 2100 AUTO PM WASATCH TOW ACCORD 2923 S 3600 W 1989 VW JETTA 1 999 DODG DURANGO 2 4339 W 3500 S $1410 2358 S 5600 W 1 $LC 1990 HOND AMIIJIANa AUTO 5775 W 2300 S WEST VAL LIT 995 1974 duu3 DODG VAN 1 988 OLDS CUTLASS 1 CHEV BLAZER AtERZ 280 PM TOW 01 5850 W 2300 S SIC UT 1 992 MITS MIRAGE 1986 FORD BRONCO 1978 YAM A MC 1991 MAZD PROTEGi 1 987 NISS SENTRA 1 989 FORD ESCORT 1993 MERC TRACER 2120 44PLE 2135 PA1 WW AUTO 01 5800 W 2300 S WEST VALLEY UT 1993 NISS SENTRA 986 PIYM CARAVEL1E 1991 VW GOLF J f:4: 1 1 240 1983 PM 11115 WW TOW OLDS CUTLASS 3:M PM AA 1993 1984 I 983 I 994 AFF0110411 3:30 I AUTO Atansai AUTO KIA SEHP1A CHRY FIFTH AVE sir ni 5 W 2100 1985 1980 1 986 i 987 PK FORD PK CHEV MONTE CARLO PONT SUNBIRD PM 997 988 5750 W 230011 UT 'AU(CORD 4309 or wishing to comment on these changes should WEST 990 SUBA CUSTY 1985 HOND ACCORD 1 992 MONO ACCORD 1 990 TOYT COROLLA 1 995 FORD ASPIRE 1 972 DODG 1 978 GMC UTILITY 1977 DODG PK 1 994 CHEV CAVALIER 1 in kE:f neared whole foot Upon the second publication of notice of these changes in this newspaper any person has 90 days in which he Of We con request Mrough the Chief Executive Oftker of the community that the Mitigation Division reconsider the determination Any recetett for reconsideratioe mud be based 00 knowledge of changed conditions or new scientific All interesteif or technkal data parties are on notice Mat ontil the 90day period elopes the Mitigation Division s determination to modify the BIEs may itself be changed 1030 11Y 2110 Phi t (or Under the Acts of 1 968 and 1973 the Mitigation Division most de- To e yelop alterio for floodplain management participate in the Notional Flood the community nmt use the modified SP Fs to administer Program the floodplain management measures of the NEW These modified efts will also be used to cakolote the appropriate flood Insurance premium rates for new buildings and their contents and foe the second layer of insurance ao existing buildings and 0:intents 2681 S 3600 W 2 TOW CORSICA 1993 OLDS 88 1 991 CHEV BLAZER 988 (HEY VAN 991 CHEV VAN 993 FORD PROBE 972 TRIR TRAVEL 1990 VW FOX 1980 CHEV VAN 1982 for the community of 199Q CHP 1300 r KEARNS LEY UT 987 986 986 1980 500 pm IS AN THIS COMMUNICATION DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION FOR THAI PURPOSE hydraulic analysis was performed to incorporate new topographic data and the effects of placement of fill and has resulted in a revised delineotion of the regulatory increases and decrease in floodway width and decreased Nis for the Jordan River from approximately 3700 feet upstream of the North Jordon Canal Diversion to 1100 feet downstream of 10600 South Street The table below Inopproximotely s dicates existing and modified for selected locotions along the affected lengths of the flooding source(s) cited above Modified SEE Existing Approximately 3000 10600 South Street 9a0 AM 12100 0 FOR THE CITY FLOOD INSUR- - t — of Lot 4 Plain City official plat It of OF BLOCK DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY FEDERALLY FINANCED GRANT PROJECT The attention of CDBu-11- 6 The following described property will be sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder payable in lawful money of the United States at the Mom Entrance Weber County Courthouse 2525 Grant Avenue Ogden Utah on September 29 2004 at 10:00 am of said day for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed originolly executed on August 20 2001 by Keith L Tucker as trustor in to vor of Wells forgo fttie Mortgoge Inc covermg the following real properly purported to be located in Weber County at 2708 West 1 800 North Plain City UT 84404 (the undersigned disclaims liability for any error oss in the address) and more particularly described irt-7i- il OF NOTICE the op A t —— 793 AM lo KO PM ROW The changes are being made pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1 973 (Public Low rind ore In accordance with the Notional Flood In suronce Act of 1968 as amended (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 Public Law 42 USC 8 and 44 CIR Part 65 i '1 IOW DJ MY September 21 2001 the Deportment of Homeland Security's Federal emerge Manaement Agency identified Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) in the City of South Jordon Solt Lake County Utah through ISSUanCe of a Flood Insurance Rate Mop The Mitigation Division hot determined that modification of the elevations of (FIRM) the flood having a lpercent charKe of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (bast flood) for certain locations In this community is appropriate The modified Bose Flood Elevations rd'irW CIMIlleh 00 For further information regarding thil notice or plication contact the Ivrea) at 8202187N On Opportunity The first place to buy or sell your stuff fine print $105 0 b 8202JEJU First for value First for selection First for It PUSSYCATS Mali & Forsook entostainets executed National Geodetic $1921580 Ite !rut ARE MADE IN DETrRMINATIONS CHANGES OF SOUTH JORDAN SALT LAKE COUNTY AKE PROGRAM 6104 34 366 S 500 Ile ' kin 10:1 YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER On October 06 2004 at 11:30am James H Woodall as duty op- Trustee under a Deed of Trust recorded Februpointed ary 24 1999 as Inst No 7267117 in Book 8252 the Official Records in the office at the 3854 of Page County Recorder of Salt Lake County State of Utah 44AAAAAA home a pet a new career or just a Saturday morning garage sale think classified first S 92602 Oa VIA CIASSFIED AD The Property secures on obligation to Holladay Holding LP and RH General Trust in the initial principal amount of $3Z5000 plus accrued interest costs and Loan ) The Property also secures obligafees initial principal tions to HMP investor l II LLC in amount of S375000 e Second Loan ) and to HMP Investors LIC in the initial principal °mount of $1300000 Loan") The net proceeds of the sale will be op plied to the Third Loan Ike Property will remain subied to the Second Loan and the First Loan LIC SALE CEEDING Usiteis used car a ' Jamie Private Dancer 7 E pays felt So whether you're looking for a new or 101A Wir Inc Green 614 Main Street LPMontford Village I Montford IP Partners Montford Partners Inc Montford NH IPi Montford Northill Inc Montford 614 LP Montford 614 Inc Montford APS II Buca laSolle LP Donroion Investors LA Stonegate Compant Ltd LiC Montford Rillito Village Montford Olde English LP Manor LIC Village Green Partners and Village Green Apartments Limited Partnership to read area Favorite Adult cola brIty for Wee folk Doming BABY DOLLS I 45 SIC Corp 2246 91 AMANDA pvt dancer lhow111144111 322-447- It GUYS classified ads in The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News That's almost five ads for every adult in the Salt Lake "GUILTY PLEASURES" hook Dontor 4860409 AVM The following described property will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder payable in lawful money of the United States at the Main Entrance Third Judicial Distrid Court Matheson Courthouse 450 South State Street Solt Lake City Utah 84114 on September 10 2004 at 1:00 AM (Mountain lime): All of the rights and interests of John Barb o McEntire II also known as Sort McEntire and Mary Boiling Holloway McEntire In the following entities rProperty 2612090 meting publk may comment on the application until September 17 2004 until 500 pm by submitting written comment to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services at the above address CAC Noma CONTRACTORS TO ALL PROSPECTIVE contract will be 8 202k 5NJ A NOTICL s Sheri Mc Kendrick City Recorder 8202K2AR NOM This The Request for Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained at the Purchasing Division Room 140 West 3600 City Hall Volley Blvd Constitution West Volley City Utah 84119 Last year people just like you placed COMPANIONSHIP 111utVFun Classy Intimate Adult Entertainer Some movies Pork BI Codes 6098 Utahns look to the Classifieds first MORE THAN A HANDFUL 4636969 In with PORLICIDAD CLASIFICADA HSU MAR COSA PARA MAN PERSONAS OUR CUALOUIER OIRA FORMA DE MAXIMA° Check It out today 'NEW GIRLS!' I 4 NEEDED Utah's hottest new men's club! 7 Main St (435) Monkey Bar 427 S Main Park City 0005983 FIND: 84121 30 2004 DANCERS HIOLS' Salt Utah City 82021XXI Requests for Proposals for o Benefit Broker will be received by West Valley City at the City Recorders West Volley City Office Hall 3600 Constitution West Valley Blvd City Utah 84119 Proposals must be submitted no toter than 4:00 Pitt September 097—Adult Entertainers VIIIIIIIIMEMEMINIMaillir OM 8 Call FREE GO TO: ' 1 LIFESTYLES No Per Minute Charges Utah's hottest Adult websitel PORTFOLIO ON LINE Lake lids will be received in the board room at The commualoud and nity shelter until 200 PM thee opened read Token under advisement Only bids giving firm quotation and with all documents properly signed will be accepted The Rood Home reserves the right to reiect any and all bids or to waive any informality ar technicality In any bid in the interest of the owner Ll BrowseRespond FREE 18 801595-000Code 5345 HOT! WEEKENDS 9 044 Alternative Lifestyles and Dating E ENTERTAINMENT 485-662- 654-205- Private Dancer 200 S 965 East 5600 South Kevin Watts Separate sealed bids wM be received by Architects until 200 PM an September 17th 2004 for miscellaother and plumbing removal and replacement The pur neous wort at the Salt Lake Community Shelter in Rio Grande' Sault 210 is located at Melproject Utak Any Ouestions regardingthis bid 272Architects 1801) Watts should be directed to Irene 711 I Plans and specifications may be obtained from suite Drive South Highland Architects 5200 Kevin Watts 100 ie Salt lake City Utah Attendance ki required at a pre-bi- d meeting to be held on Friday September 10th 2004 at 1000 cm at the Salt Lake Community Shelter 210 South Rio Grande' Street bidden is called particularly to the requirements for conditions of employment to be observed and minimien wage rates to be paid under the contract m required by Wage and Reporting requirements Sec'ion 109 Executive or- tion 3 Segregated Facilities der 11246 and all applicable lows and regulations of Pock Development Federal Government Community and bond- Grant Program Ste State of Utah Sureties used for obtaining inglinsurance requirements bonds must appear as acceptable on the US DepartParties defined as interested parties under the EMS oct ment of Treasury Circular 570 Any person with disabillmay object to the application in writing by September ties requiring special accommodations or a translation 17 2004 until 500 pm to the Bureau of Emergency must contact Kevin Watts Architects Sire (3) working Medical Service PO Box 142004 Solt lake City Utah bid to opening days prior 841 Jordan Hale on a Quiet Title Action for BID described property will be sold at pub lie lawful Pc action to the boiat ZThtirojaJubidliciiani higheest District money of the United ' Summit County Justke Dated this 2nd day of September 2004 Court Building Main Entrance Center (West Building) 6300 North Silver Creek Road CITY RECORDER MCKENDRiCK m Pork City Utah on September 24 2004 at I siSHiDERI The public Is Invited to atof said day for the purpose of foreclosing a 230d) tend the public hearing and 10 1999 by William give written or oral comBidders must tender a $5000 deposit at the sale and °Deady executed on September Nana OF SALE OF IMPOUI00 VENIaES H in favor of CrossLand Mortgage ments Ulery as trustor the balance of the purchase price by 1200 noon on the to the real p Corp property following covering is first business day following the sale Notice Bolt the deposit urforled hereby given that pursuant to the provision of located in Summit County at 5215 Bear sections and 1103 Utah Code km 1953 and the balance must be in the form of a wire transfer be disclaims Unit A Pork City UT 84098 (the undersigned DATED this 'Rth day of cashier's check or certified funds Tax Commission or the Slate of Utah will sell payable to Holladay liability for any error In the address) and more parSeptember 2004 A bill of sole will be delivered to Ranch Holding LP as is the following described properly at public aucthe successful bidder within three business days after licularly described ass tion to the highest bidder at the hour and place shown ts Sheri rAcKendrick below Any motor vehicle advertised below may be rereceipt of the amount bid Unit A In Building 10A contained within THE COVE City Recorder leased to the owner prior to the sole upon proper proof Al SUN PEAK s o Utah condominium project as iden8202105M of ownership or may be withdrawn from the sole by the Dated: August 23 2004 tified in the Record of Survey Map recorded June Utah Slate Ton Commission 12 1 996 Os Entry No 436153 In Book 96 at Page Kent W Larsen MAMMA D CLASWICADA 37 of Plats (as said Record of Survey Mop may for See Attached List Ranch LP Holladay Attorney Holding RACE MS COSAS PAM hove been amended andor supplemented) and as 185 South State Street 1300 MS PERSONAS WE further defined and described in the Declaration of The Solt Lake Utah 84111 purchase price of the vehicle Is to be paid in cash U City CUALEAMER OTRA FORM Condominium of THE COVE Al SUN PEAK recorded S 0 (DOI) Currency DE PUNTICIDAD June 12 1996 os Entry No 456155 in Book 971 8202JOZK at Page 91 (as said Declaration may have been SALE DATE 091604 SALT LAU SW61412700 amended andor supplemented) in the Office of the 900 AM WEST VALLEY CARSTAR W WEST Recorder of Summit County Utah NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE APN: TS VALLEY UT REF: Michael I Moyer RAJ LOAN NO NO 1068107-0OLDS CUTLASS 1991 IMPORTANT NOTICE 10 PROPERTY 2005397597 Together with the appurtenant undivided interest In OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST and to the common areas ond facilities more partBLVD AUTO TOW 2236 OONSTITUTION 11:05 AM CARSTAI DATED February 19 1999 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION ictriorly described in said Declarotion and any WM VALLEY UT 11 MAY BE SOW AT A PUB- TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY amendments andor supplements thereto 1994 PONT FIREBIRD 11984 DAIS 300ZX SASSY N' SENSUAL Private Dancer ISABELLA 042—Entertainment Services 18 & VERY 357 T17920394 PUILIC 11' rivate Dancer 0 -- Beginning at Me northeast corner of Section 17 Township 5 Smrth and Range 2 East then east along the northern section lines of Section 16 15 14 and 13 Township 5 South and Range 2 East to the northeast corner of Section 13 of Township 5 and Ronge 2 East then south Mono the eastern township line of Township 5 South Range 2 East to the northeast corner of lindon City then south and west along the Utah lake shoreline until the Linden City western boundary turns north Men 15 then along the lindon City boundary to Interstate southeast along the London City boundary umil the pleas then north along the Pleasant ant Grove City boundary Grove City boundary to Cedar Kills City boundary then north and east along Cedar Mils boundary until the point lanes of This includes the northbound of beginning from exit to exit 279 fOrem 1600 North to lanes of southbatind American Fork 500 East) olso from 278 to exit 276 (Pleasont Grove Blvd to Cram 1600 North) VALLEY WEST 7' FANTASTIC at 40 Pvt Dancer 712-005- 2 614 Main St Park City Tit" 04347 KITTYS & ANGELS 1r " — 464 EXEOJTIVE ' Application filed by Cyprus Credit Union from zone 7 (residential single family minimum 0000 sq ft lot (resisize) to zone dential The business) property is located at op- 3540 West proximately 4700 South 042—Entertainment Services 4CUlt 5 Bachelorette NURIX Grove Emergency Medkal Servkes will provide paramedic rescue service in the following geographic areas Pleasant HEARING Private club for members HI for the ordinonce Ordinance August An Ordinance 31 2004 amending Ittle 15 of the ordinances of revised Sandy City (The Land DeCode) by velopment Section 151 1 amending 02(f)(31 regarding soil erosion lowing dust as a public nuisonce( also providing on effective dote for the ordinance All details of the adopted cannot be Ordinance(t) described in this summary the full text of However Is avail each Ordinance able for public inspection and copying during regular business hours in the Recorder I Office City Suite 311 Sandy City Hall 1 0000 Park Centennial way Sandy Utah 134070 8207K5NI Dated this 9th day September 2004 COUNCIL OF ZIOIING NOTICE Ovar 200 Showgirls 041—Escort Services GIVEN HEREBY IS that the City Council of Sandy Utak hos adopted d 8000 feet of a the Ordinonce(s) described RCP sewer pipeline tootlon the date(i) inbelow Controcton ing requited dicatedt to receive Sid desiring Ordinance 404-3- 3 August Doniments con pick them up An OrdirtorKe 31 2004 from the Engineer at NW H amending Title 15 of the 10619 Sosfth Jordon of orcfMances revised Gateway Suite 100 South Sandy City (The Land DeJordon UT 84095 Dote Code) velopment by available is expected to be Section 1 k06- amending 20 2004 September and 01 02(K)(4) Confirm date available ties requiring the burial with Mike MardsaM ot of overhead power lines in 0 850120 (son or In new development set certain cases a fee in lieu per 8202k1ZU of suds burial also pro- viding on effective dote David Aste Is suing served CM "5142 South State Straat hiumlYNT Plata Shopping Center 1170 Nohow Way Wendovar NV 041—Escort Services Nona lids North Davis Sewer District °nominees it will be receiving bids for the con truct iom of approximotely VALLEY OTY WEST lac of hubslance OWN Ada licallOn Public Notice notice Is given required by ()?a Code § that Pleasant Grove Emergency Medical Services has ()poked for a new license to provide paramedic rescue The proposal is for a Paramedic Rescue license service to be operated by Pleasont Grove Emergency Medical Services with 0 WOriOrK0 tO allow Pleasant Grove (megency Medico! Services to stoff one Paramedic and OM intermediate until July ) 2008 Pleasant Grove Emergency Medical Services will staff two full time Poramedics thereafter Notices Notice invilkse The right to reject any or all proposals ond to wolve ony or all defects Is re- 8202KOBT CI13111a-44ZILI- Dana's Vol s SecPreas 1737 North Bock Street Soft Lake City UT 1847 Wall Avenue Ogden UT Famous $i 0 Table tank Petersen Prime Alliance s jj oUL 5 Minutr TA t) N -- -- TO INVITATION 070—Legal SANDY OTY OPORNAKE ADOPTION Nona Notice is hereb given that Prime Alliance lank a Utah corporation incorporated Argyle and Val by Clint the original Petersen J illoorNraton tuts filed on (the "(spoketapplicotice iOn ) with the Utah Deportment of Financial knitlutions for the purpose of ObtalAilla 0 bank charter to do business in the State of Utak The proposed new bank hos also filed with the Federal Deposit Insurance on appikotion Corporation for federal deposit ante Applicant intends to locate and engage in business at approximately 1870 South 500 West hi Woods Cross City in Doris Within 30 Utah County the final days following publication of this notice any person or entity wishing to comment on the application may submit written comments to the Consmissioner of Financial Instilions at 321 South State Street Suite 201 PO lox 89 Salt take City Utah 81110-008- 9 Also any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the regionol director (DOS) of the Federot Deposit Insurance Corat Its regional potation office 25 Ecker Street San California Francisco 91105 not later than 30 days following the final of this notice publication unless the comment period has been extended or reopened In accordance with 2 The Section 3039(b) nonconfidential portions of the application ore on file In the regional office ond are avoilable for public during inspection regular business hours Photocopies of the nonconfidential of the application file will be mode ovoiloble upon request r "T 7 Notices Notices Bahamas and 14 in Florida and J(1S Georgia NEW YORK Jet' flue Mr Concerns about a possible new hurricane have also re ways Corp on Wednesday lowered Rs bookearnings suited in weak near-terestimates despite a sharp jump ings the airline said In August traffic citing the imThough results are expected pact of two hurricanes in Florida to be below its earlier expectafuel and tions Jet Blue said it expects a prices solidly profitable third quarter The Kew Gardens Analysts surveyed by Thomdiscount airline that employs son First Call have been expectreservation agents in Utah said Jetill LW'S ing thirdquarter August traffic surged to I 53 bilto decrease to 19 cents a earnings lion revenue passenger miles share from 26 cents a share a from 117 billion a year ago A revenue passenger mile is one year ago Jed ilue based in New York's paying passenger flown one mile International Airport operJFK 141ad factor or the percentage ates more than 100 flights per of seats filled fell to 893 percent day serving 18 cities in nine from 916 percent last August hurt by the effects of hurricane states It had 2003 revenue of $9983 million Charley in Florida- The comFor the first eight months of pany one of the few US airlines the year &till ue's traffic rose 38 to remain profitable in recent quarters said the hurricane that percent to 1034 billion revenue passed through in mid August passenger miles from 749 billion miles a year ago Its load factor caused numerous flight delays in the same period fell to 841 and 50 cancellations' JetBlue expects Hurricane percent from 857 percent Frances to hurt September operShares of Jetillue closed at ations Frances which caused $2314 up 7 cents or 03 percent 262 flights to be canceled killed Wednesday on the Nasdaq Stock at least two people in the Market 11 07o—Legal 070—Legal NI VbSIttl8 Entertainmant 10 am - 2 am V U I Notices Notices Notices Notices 070—Li 070—Legal 070—Legal 070—Legal As er third-quarte- 3 47 11 1 1(1 Ito Ng WEST NISS MAXIMA KAWA MC VW JETTA FORD TAURUS 7015 W 2100 S WEST VAI tEY 190U tORD 1991 MERC 1 985 WTI )972 KAWA 1984 DOUG PR )986 OLDS 98 1991 DODG VAN 1991 FORD TEMPO PM In classified advertising! 1 accaJ ir YARUlu li1Fah-- t VANTAGE AUTO V ALLEY UT 1989 FORD At:oz VAN (MEV CELEBRITY CHEV SEREHA 985 989 4120 1992 02 751 w PM ATI LIC OLDS ACHIEVA DATED CAPRI CAMRY MC UTILITY 7015 W 2100 1 WEST 1984 VW JETTA 1 987 DODG PK I WEST VALLE UT DOI August 26 2004 said L Simpson Director Div' lion of Motor Vend 8202AMS t I ) — -- - —— — ---- -- r 1 |