Show D6 Tribune m-SahL- arc s o i V CROSSWORD TTTT By THOMAS JOSEPH ACROSS 45 Last of the "Art of the Stuarts Fugue" sound sister contracts 13 Harness race 1 4 Some pup a t± o H itSJ L UPP 1 A K O ED T A V ZZ2 p LOOM R O S O N'l ' tr U ctoD erTs U AP ES I Yesterday's answer 20 Throw off 31 Black Sea 21 Recital port terminals highlight 35 Tree 1 5 Seven-side- d 22 Talk house and drunkenly 36 Strong — Caruso ox 23 New figure 1 7 Tentative 7 Arch Rochelle 37 Sound 8 tasto quality college 18 Paddy 9 Tell tales 28 Odorless 38 Bill products 10 Print gas dispenser e measures 29 What's 22 Half 39 P 16 Police of an happen40 Atlantic dept alert audiotape ing 24 Doofus 19 Eats fish 30 Topper 25 Old card NEW CROSSWORD BOOK! Send $4 SO (checkm 0 to J n Harriette Cole look-alik- ) 53B475 Orlando Thomas Joseph Boo ? F'O Bo gamo II 3?853 6475 26 Texas industry 27 Single 30 Instructional 32 Cost 33 Online ious 41 Fair 42 Beach footwear 43 Symbol of By 9 CltYPTOQUOTE 9 ZLD IISLD KEZJ I U 11 — Z KEDF — IISLD U R three-hear- VHQvSLKZJK QDSQND 15 VCDZY P Z F Y II Z J F Let's assume that you either pass cr double What would you lead? This deal arose during the final of the 1975 Bermuda Bowl between Italy and the United States in Bermuda Suppose both four spades and five hearts are going one down Bidding QDLHZJDJK WDKKDLVJA LNDY Yesterday's Cryptoquote: BY THE STREET OF ONE ARRIVES AT THE HOUSE OF — NEVER CERVANTES BY-AND-- PHD LEVEL Subject: A "FISHY" QUIZ Each answer is the name of a fish ineffectually Answer WW-0CM Hunter Baseball pitcher Jim " Answer 8 To raise trivial objections Answer 9 To proceed or act clumsily or " 7 214-18- H m Xf! WHAT 10 9 5 2 Sooth A Q V - J 9 7 5 4 KQ53 A K8 Dealer: South Vulnerable: Neither West Pass South 1 East North 3V 44 Opening lead: ?? 9 Iflw NOT AGAIN QOlN' PONN' - 9 8 4 2 Darby Con ley fern it went V 5 v y cofl piPYoojosr CXimV 'Ci 4 UtV StiNfr HA HA V g V? L—s? " PS SO BAP HBEP KEEPS A THE Mxrys life japunoii 6 drea "8 'qsrjIBO £ jaipns 9 3XTd S ton ? ipjad g FRESHMAN LEVEL A person who makes a living by cheating at cards is a card 1 Tpt?f z reqs BOONDOCKS POfSMT THlNKT PEP POWN PIPNT SCORING: for lifting a car Aaron McG ruder IS THEK ANYONE WHO STIU 't :SU3MSNV PRESIDENT Answer THAT ( the AP00T IRAQ? LIE 11 irt THE SAME THlNK SARAH ACTUALLY PEOPLE WHO JESSKA SHOPS AT THE D 1 18 points — congratulations Answer doctor honors graduate 10 to 14 points — you're plenty smart but no grind 4 to 9 points — you really should hit the books harder 1 point to 3 points — enroll in remedial courses immediately 0 points — who reads the questions to you? consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole Answer 6 A shoot arising from a plant's roots Answer ©2004 Ken Fisher Reprinted with permission from Barracade Books Inc North America Syndicate Inc 99 Answer 15 resting place for a bird Answer 3 A GRADUATE LEVEL 4 A A Q 6 3 (eg The lowest adult male singing voice Answer: Bass) 2 A tool A 8 2 V A K 10 5 3 GET FUZZY Isaac Asimov's Super Quiz Take this Isaac Asimov's Super Quiz to a PhD Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the PhD level e East A 10 6 five-lev- do? ZLD J74 West A K6 V J 7 have seven If so you have 11 hearts and should be bidding to the Note that five hearts is unbeatable! (The Italian East was allowed to play in four hearts for plus 450) The American West passed over four spades If he had led a diamond the contract would have been three down for plus 150 and a middling loss But understandably West started with a heart Declarer ruffed and played two rounds of trumps West couldn't collect more than his three tricks so Italy scored 420 gained 13 international match points and won the title by 7 (Mm J98742 five hearts would result in a small loss But if either contract is making not bidding five hearts could result in a big loss Also although East might have only six hearts he will usually When you are contemplating a sacrifice calculate your probable profit and loss and be willing to bid at least as high as your combined number of trumps Apply those two criteria when looking at only today's West hand With neither side vulnerable South opens one strong club (at least 17 points) you pass North responds one negative diamond (0-- points) your t partner makes a jump overcalL and the opener leaps to four spades What would you grace V J North A 10 3 V Q6 Phillip Alder Think in terms of profit and loss 9-- 9-- Harriette at and Saturdays askharriette(aharriettecolecom Bridge 34 Suggested 38 Myster- 44 Harriette Cole's "Sense and Sensitivity column runs Mondays through Thursdays 4 s pop-up- some friends and invited a woman along who I met that night We had drinks and when the waitress came by my "new friend" asked for a separate check I thought that was tacky It wasn't that I had intended to pay for her but we had gone out as a group and it seemed appropriate for us to get one check that we would divvy up Am I being too Seinfeldlike? —Lester Detroit Dear Lester: There was nothing wrong with this woman — whom you just met — asking for a separate check The issue is how she did it Had she been more discreet — speaking to the waitress out of your earshot — it probably wouldn't have been an issue She could have waited to chip in to the entire bill but sometimes that can get sticky because almost always somebody doesn't give enough One other point If this was supposed to be a date between you and the woman that you invited her on you should have offered to pay Dew KarriettK I have been dating a from so many people even his family members I think his wife knows about married man for over a year I know he is me just not who I am not In love with his wife and they are in — IjotI Tacoma Wash separate bedrooms They don't do anything together Bear Lett No matter how many times we hear They never attend family functions with the opposite stories of people who fall in sides She goes her way He love with married people the end usually turns out goes his and sometimes he takes me to his family functhe same The married pertions son doesn't leave his or her He wants me to go away partner Will that be your with him for a week 1 know story? Only time will tell we would have a great time As long as you continue but we live in a small town to be in a relationship with and I'm sure people will nothis man when he is unable tice us gone at the same to be with you openly you time I really don't want his are compromising your inwife to figure out who I am ADVICE tegrity and happiness Per exactly but going away for haps if you draw the line a week will surely draw attention from and require that in order to continue someone your relationship that he get divorced he I am really starting to fall in love I said will take action Don't go on the trip and it once back to him after he told me he don't continue this clandestine relationloved me but I have never said it out loud ship If you back off he may come correct! again Do you think he will ever leave his (ie get his act together and do the right wife? They have no children together so I thing) don't know why they stay together I know he does not love her 1 have heard it Dear Harriette: I went to a bar with A NjTT E nurySqU!xT9SXW Compromised by a clandestine relationship 6W L B I L 2 Lot size 3 Hews 4 Real looker 5 Chase flies 6 Bocelli 12 Below in N'A T X SlAfT Women" Reflected 11 E o m ad xOgMpO IP aS § MjnSjA iBEIR ±9± S SEUS M DOWN 1 "Little composer Suppress 5 P A cTh n o COMICS & ITATURES A column of light to 17 points — DOONESBURY 5 A weapon rj uofx iak nwcF 11 lm N&ucHAPNemRil 1 I ' wfflw-- fit 1 u UWB&mNDTHOriX I I uihj updpnu i 1 my rHMirm tumt 1 a h&(jsml cultur- - m if — j 1 1 I rmpa up tBoeeinr: mn pancviPTY mm honor mfjim ey£j?y- nenr I ill Ml o n Garry Trudeau - " e rirrcrrAFri lOKAYHOU) mwawri& Ww- - J Horoscopes By Tociy's Nrtfcsay (Sept 9) Your strong point has always been service but this year you will discover that some jobs are best done by somebody else Learn how to delegate and manage To get the advantage check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day 0 the most challenging ARIES (March 21 April 19) -Today is a 5 - Nobody said it was going to be easy so don't kick yourself if it's not Slowly and carefully is your best motto if you want to win at this game Now don't just sit there get busy TAURUS (April 20 May 20) Keep reading even if what you're studying doesn't make sense yet Over the next couple of days you'll - Today is an 8 begin to understand two or three times is OK 6EMINI (May 21) -Today is a 4 Your assignment Is to hold onto as much of the loot as you can The temptation to go through it fast could be powerful but you can fight it off Save up Linda Black enough to buy something that will last for many years CANCER (June 22 July 22) - Today is a 7 Your patience is being tested and hopefully you're standing up to the - pressure Although you have exquisite manners you're tough - undoubtedly tough LEO (July 22) -Today is a 5 - A bureaucrat can help you funnel more money into your pockets Don't see those folks as the enemy At least one of them wants to help you VIS64) (Aug 23 Sept 22) -Today is an 8 The compliments you've been gathering might threaten to go to your head increasing your confidence and sense of Let it happen g self-wor- LIBRA (Sept23-0ct22)-Toda- y is a 4 - If you're wondering how to increase your fortunes think of unusual ways to provide services for caregivers Make their lives easier and prosper SCGXPIO (Oct 21) - Today is a 7 A contact who lives far away can make a v great connection that will bring you new information and a new friend SAGITTARIUS (Nov much will be coming into your pocket for a little while but you could get a hook into some nice benefits that will pay off later That's a good idea CAPRSC3BN (Dec 22 Jan 19) - Today is an 8 - Another's encouragement gives you the boost to get on over the top Believe in yourself as strongly as another believes in you AQUARIUS (Jan20-Fe-b to is a the routine and the work gets done with minor annoyances You have big dreams but it's not quite time to quit your day job yet PISCES (Feb 20) - Today is an 8 - An emotional connection should be noticeable for you now But just because you are kindred spirits doesn't mean you can simply race off and do whatever you feel like Discipline is still required THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by ttanfl Arnold sitd Mfktt ArMon Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter to each square to form four ordinary words — SNALT — KYI you have a nice day? I baked cookies CLOSE TO HOME jtgcypy£y Did I Ttrn nmiTiimirTi JMcPherson tn irr rim run ii mn got goitstar II C0OO4 THtnirw A&m —LANVA — — n— in 18) -- Today YELLIK s- -J — LJ WW Iw MOM MAJPE WHm THE FIRST GRAPHS CAME FROM CLASS HOME MYTIES — LJ Arte W0f! 1 Now armnqe the ctrdod letters to form me surprise answer as A suggested by the above cartoon A A X A j HI! (Answers tomorrow) Yesterday's Jumbles: ADAGE Answer: GAVEL UNSOLD SUBDUE DrMting beer write playing picnic baseball cart lead to this BASES "LOADED" - Ed could tell that the) now scretry working out when h found to get rkl of atpam uning hr wmm nm Wlt-O- J |