Show bung from the center of the ceiling effing ci SOCIETY NOTES above it and radiating to every part of the hall were red white and blue twisted ropes placed so closely together the junior class gave a delightful that the ceiling was entirely obstructed lancing party at the high school gyro gym ted from view underneath undersea Und ernea th the last monday evening that was perhaps canopy of colored paper streamers whito stars at the end of white one 0 of tile the prettiest affairs over ever given dangled at the school every time a class thread giving them the appearance of gives ives a party it has to outdo previous floating in the air on the walls in lass functions fictions lu and it is really astonishing regular order were arrange arranged a design toni toul shing what the students can work that was a a departure rom irom the regular U S shield but still P T 11 1 1 1 oi aliens for the junior pari ipg of its outline the design desi agn being pc pir with Washing tons done in the hag flag colors W within 1 thin bac each 1 r gre i il 11 with A ith a cluster design and above it was suspended I 1 in the I 1 ij 1 made of a cluster of paper cherries aln a cherry ind and i ekr pk r streamers ri leaf as a back ground the east end nd of the wall ivall was covered by a class flag and the stars and stripes decorated the other end dancing was the feature or of the evening with nith light refreshments fresh ments served between times the party drew a L select crowd 0 of young people and the juniors maintain that it was the best party of the season on tuesday evening mrs peter ras rai mussen entertained at her home in mantua in honor of the anniversary of the birth of f ber eja worthy spouse A sumptuous dinar dinner was lva the lie feature f e of the evening atar which c h the theotime time was vas pleasantly and profitably spent in pla play y ing g games ames and listeL listening ng to chace 4 ho ell 1 4 tW alar party ll 11 W wd ali arbs ahans r I 1 korfin kt kle ison lgon of dle 1 P fe eoleon olson john abott petr pet r Rasmus sc 4 neils jeppsen Jepp andrew jensen a aid nd caris ot of bi aham mrs albert miss aliss annie jeppsen lianzi hans sorn soon sen ot f brigham Br ighani henry hyrum I jensen and joseph jensen Jn sen v 4 y As ae ds do birthday pary w was alyea agnen t the home of mr aar and mrs 0 son poulson last week ahot dian dianer was sera gervea d and the ibe evening was spent hi diperi divers ways to suit the proclivities of those present Who were mr and mrs J 0 barker Bl fartin neilson reter ieter johnson oluff poulson peter thompson Tho carl anderson mrs ilan iian anh poulson aliases minnie eliza ejza ne omal oma T linnae annle and edna paulson po ulson arid aad bessie anderson joseph poulson and john johnson A delight de lightf fill AN birthday party was wt cian v tn at A W V coil Cora s residence by the J B 0 boy rob r 1 01 I 1 22 9 the home was beautifully decorated for due ocas slon ln in the national colors y i i ot of various virgio s designs the evening was spent in playing games singing songs instrumental music and recitations in a flower contest prizes were awarded first prize to bennie knudson second to zilla wight for the best original pencil sketch the prize was won von by arthur anderson about 10 a sumptuous sup per was served in the dinning boom room the name of each person was beautifully inscribed on the place cards up bif on which was a red hatchet with picture before partaking ol of the repast ft a toast was given in honor ot of washington by mathew compton as follows let us all arise and drink a toast to washington using pure crystal water as a symbol of his pure and honest life etc and a true patriot to his country may wo we all follow example and aliye lives of usefulness during the supper many other toasts and also roasts were given which caused a greab great deal of merriment alter after supper games were again indulged in punch and candy were served all had bad a very enjoyable time those present were misses dolores stohl alda aida neeley nadine dunn merle stratton barbara larsen zilla bessio bessie burt edythee Edyth Be bert rg ruth ilard rozilla nozilla compton jennie compton and sirs mrs A W compton berv rd nichols Nl chols chauncy west mathew compton leroy larsen james hull hall max fishburn franklin petersen bennie knudson arth arthur ur anderson andersen alma aima compton and mr bir IL A W compton Comp toa 1 last friday evening the mutual improvement pro associations of the third ward gave a grand social for all the 11 1 I A workers in the ward at the III II S gym the hall was gorgeously decorated from the junior class party of the wednesday evening previous arid and the pleasures of the evening consisted of playing interesting games the first was a peanut game every individual in the hall being supplied with a little bag ot of peanuts and then all were invited to engage in a conversation th those os e answering questions put to them by a straight yes or no had to pay a forfeit of 0 one peanut A prize was awarded the party who won von the most peanuts A kangaroo hanlin court created unbounded b 0 u n ded hi hilarity I 1 ar I 1 julius appeared in cos aume ume having kom over and was ws arre arrested sted for wasting tile the ships tare fare frarey pierce was arrested for jump ing ng his board bill he be appearing ap pearin in he role of an actor J frank bow bovi I 1 a ilso L so it boman frosted 1 rested fotr fort running away avay 6 om his wile ry ray evans other individuals iacre halad haled into court and tho the trials tria s k ca simply side splitting ana ri unique eatn was a hatchet hat elint gene me in ach i pasteboard hatchets ware ere cut jn in eight pieces numbered WA 40 arounia arolia when the pieces ere in ati ir corret correct ups group was supplied lied iati ahe he panic name of a melody and requested xa fx coin compose pos 1 e a song to fit the same and sing it in pals for the company some Sonie startling examples of musical talent talcut was the result and lots of tun fun refreshments fresh ments were served aind then dancing na was vas indulged in for half an hour there were about two hundred in attendance v sirs mrs lizzie T bingham was th the e recipient of a delightful surprise last tuesday evening by a number of her neighbors and friends A good time was enjoyed by byall all the evening was spent injo in games il me anil an I 1 a a number of selections on anthe aa ach after which de I 1 licious refreshments were berer ver er served A little monetary gift was presented presente d mr gingham bingham by her flie friends rift those present were mesdames J B D annie hoist olive hamson althea jenson mariah anderson dagmar had ley ey sophia earl rebecca mathias Mat hlas kate erdmann glattle hillstrom hannah Spi seiei ermann mann zina poulson augusta malmrose elsie hoist jane hamson kathrine Kathr lne olson paulira holland AM abl gal sarah chrs stensen caroline careline Anger bower ada petersen elvina christensen may munns and miss mabel hadley adley II |