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COMINO? REPOFORECLOSURE PERSONAL INJURY NELSON MADDOX This netlexPer neither endorses $150FLING TOTAL cos PLus COVER GIRL TYPE! Daters Or Ity DivoRa $99 got the48"1COK"! Hot Swingers tor cialms mods LIVE BUY Indian con's goid Sliver dollars sets oich colns Marmon woof 3634014 mini tokens and Rust Ck 4 GItt 252 East X so TOTAL COSTS! Atiti INC — DISABLITY PROBLEMS — Social SecuriN Aarainistration Specialist) 14 Tears Experience oisAalurv ADVOCATES So 400 East SLC SSO CINDEREA'S EXCITING PRIVATE PERSONAL CAMBRIDGE Get serious! Get siftler kit! week trsei PERSONAL INOY LAWYERS 20 YEARS EXPERENCE No Charge for Consultor BARNEY: 2620800 DAY I PROBATE Sim WIII450 GUardlanTrust Provision DAY 4 BARNEY WILLS UNCONTESTED CALL ANY DAY 0 Fridays edttion ot 2020 get ottenhont Many Strange forces are in existence Cal It you NM threatened Hypnosis Center di Ogden DISTRIBUTORS DIVORCE EVENING OR eves days NJ Dent Attorney at Low PONT PLEAD GUILTY consult on experienood Criminal Ailarnev MEAL GUNNARSON 5314020 DIVORCEADOPTION CATHRYN J JUDO ATTORNEY DUI lt am S290 Free is consultatIon on ail mew& Payment arranoeMenis oval! Evan Hurst at Law JANE DivorcePersonal iniUni MI East KI0 So 173S DIVORCE—centeediunconeasted CSILD CUSTODY PATERNITY Ranaall SKeen FATHERS Prablerns with custody visitation Utah Dods ixennounicallon SCOTT MITCHELL ATTORNEY Free consultation MKE ADKINS Ewe Divorce $77 Kart Wile Criminal Del to 45950 ewe criminal defense Rosensum 4M4000 thk Thomas ARE you Korea? Auto °ocean'? Thcorroc Rasmussen 'MC: Debt Counseling ON SILLS? comonviho we con OM '03° Adoptions Wonted Ground boor opportunitt Natural food shin etc Earn money you want Ask me Mn 9434 102 ERASE negative credal Whatever the reason whatever the ne90- lye it can lieLEGALLY removed torn your credit report! 26141413 GLAMOUR PholograPh done In the privacy at your home 2322504 TRAVEL to tictivoil Maxahan Caw tun Coribbean Stay tree tor one weer Far Into call Kent 3741041 SIOMN COULD earn S450ANO in I tc investment dem °evade You mint hair why PIANIST CONCERT seeks students at IevelsAreo Crest Rd 9 MONEY TODAYCred0 not 0 problem collateral red ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS into and Ault:Nonce somas LIE GOLD ttr2 R 5 -I Low GINGER'S ESCORTS Open Best Guoohleed" VisoMC lic7900127 AND Wore you oecroe PLEASE coil 7ntleci Pole bee4533 IN THE V REPEAT CUSTOMERS ENJOY 114 TOIE FiNEST LAOIES ri:4"41--7- 1 Dating 1311 Services 487-505- 1800 Noia is wile PertIOPS itsek srgorisurSots CencersAJ prtvatc ond from all with your SALT LAKE crry omen selltt Itttm nurtsPers 141k444CIA1E SO M Must De S3 per Pik' IPPCK031956- -- ii ' PARTY 2 mkt oe0s special roses ter OorNes PgrPtobo asmiiewe BV APPOINT mEN1 OYA Y !It So WI 1312 LC :KINO34 Mg' v 9cite111 i 17 '1i 1 AD ' Lf10 Arnoricar Express will drive Short V you 10 minute min TONGHTI Me HOTTEST talk °is torn 4oa Hallett btmo woad Ice to meet He per old men r OU (real sna) OW I hrs iocal women Me m S95min otos Soes 24 if any TP SCS MEET SOMEONE TioNiGHT Entertainment tvices PARTY GRIS ihe loyeline waning tor your For limes on0 more 131sO o Mtni IOC &CMOS ONV 143050322W SELL SINATRA I st ROW Delive-- y TICKETS AWARDS AIR JES MiSERABLES $60 Eoch Fronk Sincere Steve Winv000d MCViso Buylell 'Trope 3284499 DISCOUNT 534-- AIRFARE 85 DOMESTIC ond Ortmed Otocrtures staring of S299 Central Arnrica starting at S499 South Americo $950 Sell LES MISERALES Ogre nIOLvFELD vs FOREMAN 4613372 STEVE IttarrOOD KENNY ROGER S on floor $323 a 7t Raw FRANOSCO OE PORTLAND A41 Witi SI 19 Or eastern US $42S anytime Susanne SAN tirt local petple 60245g-090Mego $195 min phis Solis 0 24 cloy' SECRETS On 5JY OR Live cezikeis otevr 06 aerie artiS colt (203) TALK FOR PRICE TO OF 2 OIRLS LIVE CALL $25 IS Mit 305126-775- 0110 Hiring for this position will be )00 on the oral interview based Hutted ot 40 South Main PO Box 11111 Sponish Fork Utah 84660 before 5 pm on the closing dote wnich 5 unTh the position is tilled ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Mortintoe ONE Way ticket or Deltotrorn So AnordoChottonocioo 923 on $190 Dor quirt $692790 JAZZ TICKETS - BUY OB SELL Any dome Best orices WANT TO BUY ALINE COUPONS ond MK ARE 100 cities trom SI38 round 4 Inc Restrictions CARRIER 11WSPAPER AGENCY CORP bocititround in Domino industry (pay- ees ossumenitnk tamed hue onceloses cosectiene cuslonw service investor accounting etc) ConSodoset must possess excel lent vernouttirenin cutotnunicoNon stills Please send Ond Miry refoilrementO in coat items tcy Tom Bryon Vice President First Coittornlo NT- -xr PO Box 1032I Reno nitro OFFERS 'KM MAKING PROJECT IFf FOR WHOLE FAMILY' 'EARN MONEY BILLING GERK Mist have tailing experience in trudang company Ca 2664100 Man Dick Simon Tracking inc WHILE EXERCISNG 'EXTRA INCOME IA V 'VI FOR ETIREDs BOOKEEPERSCLERKS Immediate tuffpart time posMons Experienct required PEAK TEMPORARY BE sERoces We Pay scary BOOKKEEPER Secretory tor one person construction ottice Must be competent web PC's bookkeeping all poyroll functions Painve tuxes cod reosoma hying skies tthawledae CYMA and LOTUS heiphe Apt by seWho resume la: Leverich Phillas and Campcmy CPAS 5200 South 390 West Suite 300 Sae Lake City Utah 114123 A tEWSPAIIR 'A GREAT CARRIER OPPORTUNITY ROUTES FOR AVAILABLE NO COLLECTING MANCvER 25 plus hours per week Minimum 5 yetis experience Experience In CYMA and WordPerlect 51 Apply ce Detto Salary negation Cientechnical Consultants 137 West 2260 South BABY STORE records and prepare 000r COWS rebbriS extensive 14ms ATTENOANT-PARKIN- S40 Monday:Thurs pm eenerai litigation 03 experience Law office at HI PC L Zane AUTO BODY PERSON Busy production shop need!' person with at east 7 experience Mame Years bookkeeping service See Universal ad under 190 Ang years AUTO BODY Must hove own tools Plenty of work COrnmiSslOn 20141541 and Soicry AUTO BODY SANDER Busy Production shop needs experience0 bonder Mao AUTO GLASSSALES Full time positions avaliabie Mimedialely in tie SLCorect No expe- CALL 84010-536-6- 385 2ournewnan Assembler and Mill Persons wonted 2 Years experience a muse Others need not e TODAY!' Trbune CASWETRY OWN body TIND YOUR ZIP CODE AND OWP BOOKKEEPiSIG-You- r dot positions available and possible evening shift Apply in person at: 3604 South 500 West SLC 84014536-638- 5 84025—536-638- 5 84044-536-6382 84047-530-5626 84065530-564- CABINET MAKER year minimum experience Woge negotiable 2952542 3 years CABINET bulkierimiolier experience necessary 9739663 CAR Stereo Prof 1)3r stereo sales iinsiabotion avail Call 4874158 1 CARPENTERFRAMER The advertisensents appearing in Davis County Steel Fabricator column may or may not constirience neansory Mode Wear-an- t Sub contractor In troming currerrely seeking an accounts custom homes cue Come tute otters of empioyment Persons loin the exciting Par INNOats entry computer CARPENTER FRAMER operant Vacaleon Sick leave pins industry Call tor responding to these advertisements Framing betwobts entrance Meet and Ogden track homes custom homes ail appointment may be required to pay tees in send resumes: Right to Code 0640 AUTO MECHAMC new constructko advance tor licensing permits dues N are al Nis newspaper PO Now accepting applications for CARPETUPHOLSTERY Porno Sok reglsiration processing Oeaning Box 45435 Lnatt S4145 I need someone with lois ot quick service and frontend techor Other services Opportunities expo PAYABLE ACCOUNTS nician at busy Ford °were with comet and 478009378r9 000"- adverlised in This cotumn mat PosMon avagabie web an Inn saNs Excellent Pay ono benonls ApPlY In Chance to grow with on expe ot at the expense require training In person at Rick Warner Ford corp Walled appeicant to have rionced growing company Good the applicant No gucirantee at lab Truck Land 1370 So 350 west background in autornaled pave pay Must be toot through and deIS avalicidatty implied or direCt s bees ono general accounting penclubie 26)4839 Mang-rida- y AUTO mode by the publishers Send inauirees to: Conner 830 to 40 P G Box 000 M idval e LIT 84047 Painters Helper experience CARPET CLEANER with or without PROFESSIONAL Modeling ond rewired Full time position full experience Earn S3004900 plus tint Agency is in the process at ACCOUNTING CLERK per Must Clean hove 0 benefit peg Immediate °Veiling tor an energetic conducting interviews tor new talcut and devan drivers record Apply in week MustWillbe clean ent Ewer not a must but being driall oriented individual tor AP train Must have own pentable Seiner Body Shop person Jerry serious is! 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ACCOUNTINO-Your Own PHILLIPS Full flay Oh benefits No experience necesscry All apeS Accounting service See UM ver 190 tor movies print runway and unser ad Accountin9 IMPARTS WERE NOT A ACCOUNTS ReceivoinCaliections commercials SCHOOL1 AUTO PARTS COUNTER 50140ti0ur blows 54 Years experience DANCERS Brian 11273 Soulh Redwood Road Escorts Angels ADMINiSTRATIVE ASSISTANT CASHIER 1341 So Side 312 Lic 7920034 No experience necessary Full AUTO PARTSDELIVERY DRIVER Convenience Store' Excettent pay 1991 INTERNATIONAL COVER time $625thr Salt Lake comPan In perscm 365 3 So 500 West frequent increoyek Sate sectre tAODEL SEARCH TOP FASHION working conathonk OPPOrlUniti MAGS TV FILM V141540-920- 3 AUTO SALES for advancements TALENT SEARCH Volume (Ash Dealer For 7 So 13 year aid Doys and oldster PART TIME stcrt at $430 ADVERTISING SPOrtan Jeep Epp hos irnrriediote national TV series CTA oPertino for sows people mow or Fieldale shins "THE LOOK"—Fastest growing 4216 So Redwood AutO soles experience 7000 So Redwood agency movies models extras! Senior Account Executive preferred but will provide To $465 day No ewer 7625 So 700 East irClitlirc tar qualified indivitOof 4510 So State NEW FIVIS needed tor Spring insuronot benefits and vocation Candidate must possess finely 2235 East 7000 So Must OPP lv en person Coll Soles wart Model Actors Extras Big honed iessöiti also have expefor No expel St& Monager rience soling with adverosing appointment FULL TIME MIDNIGHT sitrt $470 FEMALE Tavern Dancers needed agencies as well as electronic me SPARTAN JEEP EAGLE 7025 Sd 700 East a ISS decree in related field a Out at state dancing avail Weekend midnight orgy 3 years soles mint with 4355 So State Murray IX 1111 East 3300 So FEMALE Voices Wanted tor adult environPleasant experience 9734547 rolorsP eTteetaktment ment Exceilent benoths Smarr Most be 71 or older Dus bonus to commensurate with Food Opportuney Employer ttruf AUTO TECHNICIAN NEEDED edam I MARK MiLLER 'TOYOTA:Good pay CASHIERS and good benefits ownoble for Peaty to Code 060 RAINSO OR ouckified person ASE Centric in care ot this Puns rewired Make Ø by Perfect port time positions Need PO Bo r 4564e AkIn Biockburn income? 3262400 We have The answer' extra Solt Lake City UT 64145 phone 5 Work hours per AMC ShittS' ACCO4rNTING 84084-967-7117 84093—530-56584104-530-5- 84105—237-290- 0 or530-56184106-964-1- 959 or264-81984107530-56284108-484-6- or530-564- 84109—530-36084111530-563or237-29084115-530-3773 t d 11 or530-563- 6 I 84116530-563- 0 84117530-56484118530-563I or ' 84119530-565- 1 I I 84123530-565Vicinity of 4100 South and Redwood Rd 84124530-165or264-819Vine Street and Atwood Bled area530-562- 9th East and 50th South area Help Wanted newer AUTOMOTIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Growth APOnSiOn anti new devoicgmerit haye created an opening in the accounts poyatile dept in our rook organization To be considwed candidates must know )0 key by touch have good commu- In nication skills cod haye Computer Input general accounting and accounts payctile ewer Is preferred For your we can otter a tug range of benefits Pius a Par rate at $6504100 how altoringing uPon qualifiers hong Piectse send yew resume to Colt 0632 In axe at ON newspaper FO box 4583g Salt Late City UT 34145 ever ever al I ACCOUNING Event MCVisoAm Express Free 95nilt ) I 3 Any JAll minute Lic1990130 need ticket tar CO' '1CKETS KENNY ROGERS I DANCERS 466-992Oir 4 VisolActster Ccrd West Teerve Lk 7980117 ond $o PLEASE HELP ANGELS ESCORTS Is insesfigote refrercet So 0 JAll HOTT FH0t4E 6 Likt112 Tickets and HOT girls )4004)D-11(0- ENTERTAarmENT I NOW OPEN! 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Are you stili 7 Dianencs ADULTS ONLY Te 7 MCViso PRAATE SECURE ROOMS imE SPECIAL $25 won ad Reguirrly $35 Therapeutic mat skin care A Touch CO and sage Norway 4100 Switi 900 Ea St Suite 58 SLC 2641999 amt Lic 9018 NEED TO Reiax Sore Muscles? Swellsn Skin Care therapeutic Lee and Ruth Pecili Massage cures Birottio 2724412 Lic 463 Cards Accepted 79200E7 ADAMS APPLE WEST TRUMAN FilST s 1:1" 359-909- 0 Mast Motor int peaceful Brighton Crtert Ernt fireplace Dayweek LUME NAIL $YSTENI reducing stock 50 off Cali 4b41530 BUY 91926P-M- Models Aeoliabie RENT WE HOT ADULT LIVE Aik Abo0 WEEKEND SPECiAL 10 Health Studios Tanning Salons Ii6 ASSEMBLY WORK Need person to work in Apply at 15 So 2400 West ATTORNEY Part me EMPIOYrnent CMI righls accounting itonsortionK Ability lb 10oandai an0 accounting E15 100—Help Wanted Ay ASS hours 299mAn plus tolls it any Coco °Mtg TO REMEMBER Ocasy SewMui (Miming Lodes For Disavene PRivATE Or Public Model Douche Ski Resort cheek mecum Limo Serelot and romance fincmces 6314415 CARDS PALM PSYCHIC JUDY DATES Open 444 I602) Snatch 0 kiss EXECUTIVE VOGUE Commence PER MINUTE Love personal 1 FoP Groat Ota 1060111M No exPerlenco neonuric ApproJt $625hour Al applications should be flied with the: Inch Municipal Power ApencV Nara NO FEE WE PAY TOP SALARY EXPRESS SERVICES cmd prac- S215743346 rnonthis PLUS Excellent tinge Permed package Entertainers Wanted 20 ASSISTANT 053 955 967 959 FM111 - Airplane- s- 66 PSYCHIC I If 0119 ylt? 24 - e KISS KISS V V Psychics Astral°gars Palmists rci41 $2 crede cards accepted Most 1043 HOT ADULT PHONE TALK For int MEET GiRLS TONiGHT 966-688- 8 EARN $30000 CASH DAILY BUY MERCHANDISE NO EXPEL NESSARY DON NAILS Student Needs Practice Fuli Sri $7 Fits or tAanicures 5664151 For APPoinarient THINK Ottorlit Come Nit of fog toil caused by drualitenvii toxins 04arielics PRIVATE MODELING LIVE 24 hr 195min plus bolls 7 Woo Office Dance-0- - Lk principles immed to work pe SWM9 ond graveyard poKetons Transportation and !Mont a must need OSS Molotov Auto Parts and tervica- 264-1- ASSEMBLYPRODUCTION We lo establish and maintics tain effect working reiution 10105 000 030 one ihe mernimr cities Ability to pevide 00400 midi asizsionbe in a mormer wip result In morale and legal This Over tapes $795 Call BACHELOR Parties Grams available ENTERTAINMENT PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE PRIVATE and PUBLIC Dotes PARTY DANCERS SKI CLIENTELE WELCOME COMPETITIVE RATES are the 10 GIRLS GIRLS CLASSIC DID kat your Wm relaied Of Solry Models Actors AO SINGLE GIRLS IN SALT LAKE!! tor information WELCOME!" 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YOU 53min Adults Only S5Min (303) 8921661 deous! 53efi41 HOUR DEFENSE Lew Nonsen Attorney 255477e Or S5per Mkt 149004904441 BL133643 1900420-320- ESCORTS! acozunfing ATCP IF 5 able knowlecia pm S3min 3 LIVE CALL LACEY EXOTIC ENCOUNTERS AAA 5814806 LOSE We lont Without Willpower! hialrLcookie Me diet wonoer thot is sweeping Americo Sciervittkolty bomimd high fiber sirdully CONTROLLERS FREE ORENTATION Sot April 20 11 curt or 5 Cali 7 days o week for into AIR TRAFFIC 1900420-353- GIRLS fettled laws codes repaiations governing rocked functions al ihe position Knowiedge of 00 budgeiary cind aCCOunting Or 0010101 C(010010 cif rues and 702254-641- 7 10 GIRLS 1900420-359- based treatment Please call 24 Connector ONE LIVE TROUBLED by fievr anxiety? The University of Utah Do Palmer of PsychkAry offering research DRUNK DRIVING 2 FANTASY CONFESSIONS DIET LEGAL ACIMSS GRP KnoiMedat knowieage af PERC Proombures desirable Moeda Homes Mobilo home Trail Space Track-Traile- r &APO 100—Help Wanted WEST financial reports maintains general ledgers lay fiKik 019 hammed entries from trnmectlotely S244351 source documents including poeASBESTOS WORKER n inyerecy credo char ges etc Must be &KER& Verlified trained Reviews same tor campletenem Ai ieteet I veer et experience and accuracy and dleirbuting Coptese ce wanting out of Pole charges aucilts general "Ober to on OCUr 0190oCeng Salary OrtOr 100 inconsisiency prepares on war experience Also Woking cross IMMO cmd bilis outside SCrmaril weft Supervtsion sourcas Reconciles stets and tO3rHielOking environmerits reverts' reports with Ow 4 le tor irtterviee Coe verifies cash 0100011 ASSEMBLYPRODUCTION iburnal rirlibwiraviinot rihmoup OM openings OR 0 elov bolamina IDi Wiley cosh recap Longeerm Attret V000v mooLfOcirk and reconciles Reconciles PUYbe meciototelv Mu? monis to vendors etc reviews Iffri9 Itt wur gorm 110 ersKit r00100r dilbUriamerlis WOO 0 grOvring COMO and grOvr 000001011 bark sintement and EACOLOre pay rope Cali Joyce A 0044W) WOWS iAl 0000400 4000V tor COOCOOICIPPOlotrOlot filitelw01210 timed assets lab Se29461 authorizations posts from 10000' and subsidicry to gsc balarmes: nxakyars fixed court MANPOWER workshet and depreciation TEMPORARY SERViCES "moduls s ticket reconwnericia1106 East (400 South Siete 100 lions as fumed Performs rattled ItiO &Mem an0 Pov needy work a required Peeve 0 tee degree in accounting or fironee and 2 years Of PrOtes000 01 Comp( ehensive accounting work or 4 years of lite experience Experience wino 940 941 942 943 944 945 050 FRIDAY APRIL 12 1991 Pompeii" pesteve P0000 rloodod est member io loin the bob snip loony me put the tun In tund no eves Coe Dow roismoPcrt Bachelors minutes Adues only S195Min TRAVEL TO THE UNKNOWN IT'S HOT AND IT'S LIV8 DESIREE LIVE DIAL 1400786-922- Eta UNCONTESTED? We've Advancement CAREER PREPARATION Hrs (415) WOMEN'S Untoid Passions 1400420-355- anaf Escorts Models and COOOOMOS GOY OrgOOOr lOOS Pro Worn nor does It assume cony resPonsibli FEE 4862051 a CRAMER V 41 I Ike - tow INCOME? 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U46 $e to $S Hour to Ridk 1345 Ede SA—C Utah (wefts resumes lent 3900 So let ACCOkikT EXECUTIVE Access Lona Distance has immediate OPenings tor Career oriented indiviouots in our sees °exert- - meet enCr SOWS experience and good asrenunication teeis rewired Pay commensurate to Exceent benefits Apt at: 215 So Weekdays We 1001 asn N S Arn Fier Doope Toyota 2300 So HiphwaY 91 Bountiful Ukti 84010 2953481 Attentlon Service and Parts Director AUTOMOTIVE TIRE SERVICE TEO4NICIAN AIRONES HIRING NOW irnrradiale Entry level customer Needed immediately for David CleriServi Ct Flight often:lents Eorly Auto Service Centers Excellent wocal Maintenance Experience In mounting ry and trovei benents dismounting repairing ifres ond Ernployment Agency related work iSeed state safety Call insPection Hawse Apply at MINE DOC $15000-$7- rw troirr Hiring a oosltiont 31344-980- 0 For W eel A2121 Cryters etc Employment A9encY ALCONIXISMDRUG COUNSELOR WH4 For dud residential groan:my treatment Mift ouoitficatiorts: BS sociotogy or related Scnology corencatton and at resigential exper treatment program as 0 PrimCr7 counsetor Assessment group cmoselind cmd case marogeme dolls reo Work expo' may be substnaled on 0 yea' tor 'tear basis It4 ocadernic teguarements Send resume to bricrtssav At St GeOrge 115 West 147C 5on7 St George Utah 8477 0 ALCOHOLISM 'DRUG COUNSELOR ACCOTIMIG CLERK Neeaed tor COON arid bursaeIna Requires basic toccourair9 spreadsneets and problem Sre w W Groand SoppOrt ond CoMomor Service Pcod medical arKi travel benefits Will train 4254080 SLC take 2630733 MURRAY aMce ALERT Employment AgenCY Leaf 84166 arSivind CAREERS AIRLINE Fjl itine WM assume Individualin era grout) meroPy caseload BS social seances anClicir earthea aso required Ever referred benefft pkg Please senci resume ter Personnel °Mee Ulan klacethaitsm Foundokon So Main Suite 210 Sarl Lake CM Lisa No thane calls please ART SALES Arts loverW Pioneer Theater Co neeas you to promo its Great Actvancerrent seosori poterthai UM orya Call eat atmosphere Part time pin 5814210 tit your scheduie 7 cLin-pm 2:30 wri-7pm 7 pm-micLm night 11 DUTIES INCLUDE: Cash handling PaPer work and keeping She sto?Ion immorteafely ckearL PICK UP APPLKATION AT ANY PAINE° OIL APPL Y AT 2322 EAST 45(J0 SOUTH 130 am Tues orld Thur from Mondays from 3:0061)1) pm Wednesday from 8:30- - I 30 arm Must be at least 18 yecrs oid So Experienced Service Technicians Odr Pale of the art servke Marty otters ttbe perfect environment for the right Person We want to tan to you if vote adinties are 1ton in di- agnosis eleciricce and tuei Sign Dealership viper with ASE cert crewed Respond by send Mg resume or caning Meniove 410 SOUTH 500 WEST BOUNTIFUL Ask tar Steve AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Wonted auto technician Acura or Hondo Preferred Goad benefits Apply to oaporturibly Don Acura Utah AUTOMOTIVE DETAILING Service ariendani needed weekend nights Hard working and depend abie AWN Donor Rent A Airport ever CarM AUTOMOTIVE Help heeded in broke and clutch Produchon division of TATES Ccet 202 '3371 4400 So SOO West AUTOMOTIVE: Licensed safety inspector to do Slate inspection Emission Certified desitabie firn or port ame 9644430 AVON- SELL mony options I ichet 2669146 cr KcPhy 2627270 poi7 Saes HIRING' See FIRST SECURITY'S ods in Sundoy's paper BARBER ST YLiST Part tfrne 10 Nei tin Comb N Hair 84020530-564I 84025i530-567- 1 84065i530-564Riverton area— 1 84084530-564- 84107i530-56284111530-561or137-290- r "TMC" Deivery GRAVEYARD Perfect part time posittons Need extra Income? We have the answer $ Work hrsweek 11 pm-- Gin DUTIES INCLUDE: Cosh handling work and keetting the Potion immocueeely clean Pia( UP APPLICATION AT ANY per RAINNO APPLY AT 2322 EAST 4500 SOUTH 0 Tues and Thur from am MOrOTY'S from pm wegneseav from Mtn Must be at Nast 21 years old n 8401-536-63- k 84014536-63884025530-56784044536-638- 2 I 84092 i- 84103237-290- i 84108964-195- i 8411 i530-56184116i530-56384118530-360- Mature person needed for Convenience Store Eve OM Appiv at 84120530-563- : 84124530-165- I t le Wovnes COrner 1302 Scsriti State SincIat CASHIER Comienteme Stcre k CASHIER Must be BABYSITTER-Idvin- SAWN& 84014530-567- RAINS° Oft 2722833 g Needed im medietety for 2 yr onl boy In our home from pn 4911fids included Plecrse coil 4874301 BAGGAGE HANDLER 141110 iv WA train cold medical MOPRAY diffice ALERT Employment Apency BAKER experience Apply in person: Pierre Country Botterr (Connie) 3239 East 3350 South 1 840105305674 CASHIERS en AVON Deseret News : or alder Full and port 1 21 Experience timplut time shifts graveyord weekends olulply In Persan61 East 12365 Sault pert D wer available 1430ihot to start with merit CASHIER Experancea tor local conveibienct Parc Over 21 honest roses Mtnt be 21 or Oxley Apply In person: 1901 West hardworking arid mature South Wes Pay negotiable Apply 225 Ecmal Opportunity Employer mil West 7200 South Midvale CASHIERS CASIYER 2 pert time experlence required Flying J Gas Is now Mine tar hAt Must be abie to work hen) ate pad time pasItiore Apply in shies days evenings weekends wean cot 757 W Morel Temple a must StartInd wode SSISMour Could wort in to a tun riffle postCASi4lERS0)eciters1525 cm bar In Perhon No prow cods Apr Mealy reheat knowledpe 02 son crt 3902 South State Pay'N Pee Monts helpful 114 pm (Same Extuat Opportrdiv Employer Sulardaysi 1046 East 3 d $outh ti time dov shifts i v i 1 I 4 0 6— |