Show i DI The Salt Luht 'Tibune f ritiay It 1911 Ap11 tr — AMINMMINNE — - Tribune Sports Scoreboard - ' tn---7-7:iPT- ' NA ito eon tell' 479360604461 404403 mow 93347474 366110643Anlo late19 247 k 21 46 311 So 299 50eAvotec terat 994191090 1461066 4 25 4'7 50 61 57 Somas Mho 3 443441440 99A 644664 50 44 4 Mae tow 4444443466 19919$1 k49 k 14 47 tto (10 9091 9 -i'h 2 23 a 6 14466664 of l ' e -- atan ta - 766 727 51 rh le bi3 20'7 '4346 40 'AA 36 16404004 IKKAIWO 40999 utx (CAIN 51?1 fron WOmilk ca 2 7t 49 3 38 645 26 le A6616447 994 6 Ape 24 '401110on 464w 4 5 119906 2 2 45 4 14 tams A Issmoduses iodoodu t A 9 3 A e III 0 '9 '6 I A 3 I 5 4 420 7 ti 2 IP 49 20 13 31 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 943 30 30 4) 3 2 2 tt ANA 6064‘44641 16Exourt 11 04 IOW &AM - Imois kW Act 60 omen 243 keoLocis J4111 1140 451 ems 63 O 444) Peaben 0stnionv ia kot itoctinito - &on oluCskeLl (11) 047oc 3 39346 itc1569 WO 1404706 3 40406 (61 3321- 3- Juto 2 419oc itatAuvers Nei 0097463 (It lel jun 14) bedew Z boo ua foue-J- 4039990 43991919 f5) 80662 2 Jua (12) Siocition 6017613 1431 4 Jultikal trocAuw- - low d14 Warriors 34 9912-4- 4 17 26 hoo:1 323 64 22 4 Usnit D4 Lki 0 Altner 04 12 166463330 434499 f14906unkAuswon 40 28 hatpure 79' t49 4 Kings 104 logic 96 &Squaw Cori lux 461313 244 O 5001744 264171166 24 304 264661014 138 21641 614 44 12 36666 310 34 4 W64063154 740 47 943A704 091Ao06134) 430 0 4066o 15m 2330 96 1164) 8 24043 5 Am von 14 30 35 00 4 Sec 40131? 7 104 22 Se Se 413- - 96 Wane° 24-- 04 34 24 1666666644144 nds 54493 24 we 44(Nal Ws fouled 3) 50446690 440 04ol 14661011 656 55 134294 butAmtvortio 63 16460404 12) gdo ioe il i3) 2664wrone 25 15601661 10440onLio 25 bUL91919190 34 16cAr643- 30646141u vouch 0664040 5uount6446 4 16033 A- -4 760 2- -4 Sus 5 044 4 31 :au two" " 60 Biteks 111 Celtics 92 :scoroh en) toeNnUltt 146 60 12 34 11 tom 80644 5(344es 111 5 34 41) 6 7 0u6 4 6 22 ttonpnows 000414-- swoon kokis 4341 111 7 2 26 fice00- - 5 19 17 14 610110 1114301 34 (4tossv 11 Tiouis 411t111M1111311ti 4 6 kinsh 36 15 610 541 Anttines it 8166884-- 640p6-8- 6 e 4 64 6 k whoa S9 Onimenoleo v6615-86-606 04610646 14 1648 26 16m4066 21 itsitncul—t464u0000 ion 4 u0e 35- 06- - 01446464-166- 11 42 041 98 ioluoN410 IMMO 1044 I 25 likouo2IOCIUKAun 500 4kw 01 00 0 Soma i12 & iouo 45412 t9-113 SI 22 21)— )4 V 33 02 1& voost IS 30 26 goomeesto 12 i Spoors 5 fre4Ex) 4 14 mos 01 itunuo4 01j hitint4tAki 1 twoo43 34 44)4419 0 1 curopt44 011192940 howunar--414uofu400 ort MIMI Si 104449 11 kisfiaouou 39 Polorotoo 21) WU° 44 widow- - 0 Iowa Mij "knurl et Me 10) WUCI08 COW smog tamp Apo 11 in tivii Ports 254oc41 25552 25192 23152 yel Amor 11Avs1 frnIJOVEIn 14crio 11 pmJr ' te 2 0 D 0 k isodby flawanu 1 K3 toc Owe itin wow 04 holey twItAt 4 WM001 14014- - MCC VOW job151 mompeol 8 10 13 2 '0 0 Ott&z10101 u Dr UUM111111011011 MOttalle OtoomtKoutoodo Witio cormioo non s WOO' 4 4 41 12320001 xe1eS100000 Scnom9 tAnotnntel Ciumun 401 7 0 3 XS 71 mtoomoet totx iltoe Juto issoolor 345-- 12 3t44-- 72 3 Monit4A2 I o of b 2I MoocuctV oie fo(3--1 itools24 12e ) ImICKJ J00115 Pesvci-- A 7 2 102 lne 612 6 Ikon 000 WO 40kaki 8 21 418K 14) '11toonn 4 0 C bums hlPJlLl3l 83406 pFltheal Tigers atithbi Murao Mos tt 5 2 3 0 5 2 3 0 it it 02828811 Limbo 3t Su 188tifouis IAL)A01 pl kaprito w &vows IS 6 10 100 tomer Nix t (1' 100-0- 64" 5 Ewio 1:U 4 : : SI 4 4 2 Proti X c 4 36 Cooky C C 8 8 46 —090 C 512 5 r $ Lo4n99 41' weir ttorkto talf-A- 347-- 74 iton leatton troeme Simortt Mcilvsr Liimusie itookoe immote tmeg Outrun 4ovner Mentz (memos! Combs 0Jur1es btuurl lor - 2 2 4 o 4 o in the "molt tl ist jnjc bow or kitototon Somonc Motutet p t0000 pr tko9 c C 10111)1U 2t ryallov pst A CARVERS ' ftIOVIV 3V 12 14'h l'i Ctikwo JC 53 Skin irouic Mono Otsrpat Lams IMAP PMMU footle Pam 'balsam) SPNAMENri) thosoun ifontikr law kab 3'i 5 liON1443AL Outman 10) AMOR° Lwow) co 31 fliiitAiltoW 6 SUP MANN imam Wonsan 12 AMag Wyatt Vcruxtowt Some loan Suuw konunal 1112 CALLAWY 1 hilivaolo V02 1'62 LUI11b IDS RALL1C41 2 Emir knolls' Oricrao i (monclay) lARCELONA in CAPS Cullge Utah Ski Report Tennis mlN6 toi Savess-Noca- OYU a de' Eoco fumy avoual °et AAA LAX 00 (Homo) Demon Wow TimovrosvAt AT boson 1 ZIG 4 now Fork Gay 76 Powder Stumm& 4 now Snowooa 1101°161 16 now 12 102 now 1ool Santee Snow In orioles soled ki unpacked snow al froosiope Now stow misers 16 snow worm me Oast 24 noun krace 2 IbY1)) tpi vJo otowIldf Aatmes (OYU) tlZ inotN utrfri cp2 loa oes Swart Muponi alAn tutoot 0111001 aC wow butuour WW1 61 t:K3 'Man ivoRol alotvol U MULV3V Dwimunr keuetivo pow 04 Oi Kay touttoun asomai imam 60 641 liudiey Prep Hockey Chompionsitipb ON (AP) — Son Wan Ski ASSOGIOIVC mooned ine Wows cox:Nouns IIWC0i a kte s eass kooks Moo 124 Iota 17112 now anon beau 63 too 3now &groan 96 Ocool 7 now $Atl iiiontelfs College l'etutis alarm a a—Prep Leport Oa 7 Assunnovi Mond CtiontAtenstsip AO At 14ts9nwsvol Kew vs wont) V pa— AA Daum Aeons Arts km °opt 111 44 ix t ChanomAmiA Al bountoral Ciearted 6 C Pc Ais 2 lioddruillwrs 3 twuo 0 0 0 0 3 t 3I4 bulks 401C 3000 1000 2000 000 1 006--41 ' fupt ipeUkow 40 t41111 r 14 8 ô 0 5V towc txtv atb I C C it I 111144044Mme —how KIP 800 ikoWtoiSiol krs' Wibunis UPC Xelt)-- i - 47) ' 10 g d" 22ges XJS T he list Jaguars of those drive who is noted for its exclusi- ity But that doesn't mean exclude you it must Introducing the Jaguar Royal Charter Lease With this special leasing plan's highly competitive terms and very atTordable monthly payments them is perhaps no easier way to finance a new Jaguar ti It CatupP Owen an0 ConetilOte ov Sovereign Vanden Plas or Ill fact the only thing easiet than leasing a Jaguar is taking one for a test drive Simply visit your Jaguar dealer He'll put you behind the wheel of an automobile noted for elegant luxury and a commitment to advanced styling and technolog) Ut course whether you lease or btn a Jaguar you're coveted by a NDIN V A (atm oartittoat to wattled lesstles In calitotrita Jauaa if 1990 WWI Ordy inlet avallabte tor a halted time 0 avatiat)te remarkably comprehensive ear'36000-mi1e and threey- limited warranty Service-On-Sit- e Jaguar's 24- - hour Roadside Assistance Plan See your dealer for details The Royal Charter Lease from Jaguar: Consider it yet another privilege for the pnvileged few JAGUAR N HINI t) I 0 Or te STEPHEN WADE JAGUAR 5520 South State S Murray 10- k - iu oasw 1)1 feectlagor 9' Poco 10 Cli0e Algoet it auc rex - brft tOgg i4o01 16AbillW — wro tire It - Jogo jZ nowt A 44 APRIL 7: 'wank ow Nu go loom gulag° ton 262-268- 3 AAgoot' 'tom It (801) W mum pm MiuuLAW ed Mgt - -- - - 3 nolfoto: tokator A —148O2 4-- 71 4' IkkAufig C C 1- t N: 90vKlo9: Lit Ormolu LetponC8 (80uvoutok -- - g - ot loc 2 !'f:- - - --r radv 1140- A O tIIA9141I tcf 0 ' k ' Cbtonturrow lorogsmotk btown0 ilmoc yoo" ' rum- I vcx$7 j LOW imum40 1140I1442 1V24 M MSIOMis Mirm-1$1 349 Itotokrfts SI' evugo ftome tari 4444 t414001'I141M 1S ' moc MAKIvo pi M KMKM Wtv t441Iwc 0gono C 4- - -- ''' 0) tour' $t( 17'44 rix101i ow ::- 4:411 j'----- lt:' 7771?I-iiiiii outtOse 44 4M1464a1V47 MI Ototic 1144 MAI 111 0 4 4 '01myer kg) urcitortkorous tot Komslua 83 woo' outor or Iltrialke 0ommosowrow igoroucistiumm ilkgrof 01010r1 (1) 0'44 4 '1044 I — Wm C 0 4 I 2 2 3 j o - -- pi MoOKIMM Lagie 0 36 2 2 Kt Mum' Mt - or015155: N 1tcf771 - 215"'' i : -- — (koacmsvors food moo 24) 41 Amok bol WW1 cilt AIX! 'Ix 6 0371 tixo CAy 5 tor — 5G1 tow ot Phtwott plyoff ittt I — —Rom' 15 Str LOW 7 I4uelV t: O04 Wow otttt pir 535 pt-- r 2t — Soa tow 'Tv ct koor 21 —4i1towitt C oo1 tme Ca pr t 2 ':- -- - " 4-- I VV irst 0000 0000 t t p km bkP ---- oOnt 545 4000 23 'twenty ''''''' pr k1 iroutwoo o No - :' k kommutoo 40F1 gage Otwemt 4 r e - C 4 0 4 0 ss Comiouno Leu01 5 Pr purea snogrs Lte aiklutogan ' 310 000 010 000 OVt2 belkocl Il t1A—Lus h4VOSS 64110WHISUll II) bongos M13urr C o Aum 12 — mut4wycc ot ROLM 01X 0:a() — KuKi HitOOL ItC114-0:3t Apn Aom 14 KOlutuattc Ktiotvun 4X1 I — t(POLMOKAZOC OI MUCttcolt o wptt 20 hitAtwspon tot itot nowt 311Pr o t kApet 21 — Kow wilotto 22 ol Khoo ostt 6 fort Motto v klaiongooks 12 — WW1 (11 IIKANKIWkS pm 13 un mwnc- 7 Apro 15 —41 110tm tt c rOunopoh& 63u pp AtAl4 17 — ttttIC OKA Wit OK DJ thlkow as wOotiotx AAPr$ c — pfr ittl totont pc Wog 20 IfOtiltlpeon I — ALhxt tKitit IftAIIWOlt wr Smet Liust (My PtottiblOt : 2 3 vesma 035 prt Ispn4 're al PNWOUMIk 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0 Bryce Hull from Orem 6-- 7 Doug Chapman from Murray 64 lei Riser from Umon 6-- 1 Bret Barton from Davis Also signed were two transfers who played at Southern Utah University before LDS Church nussions 64 ChrR Buford (Weber) and 6-- 2 Mike Dean (American Fork) The eight new stguees will pm returned nussiouaries Brian Santiago tiohert Rasmussen and Shawn Faux to give WWII new players to go with 0 center Michael McDonald who is the one returning Blaine Taylor an assistant player from this year a 224 squad coach at Montana the past five SeilSOnS was elevated to the head basketball job on Thursday Taylur was named the day after Stew MIHTIII Montana's head coach and his boss the past live years left to accept the head job at Colorado State Taylor 33 was the state's most valuable Clam AA player as a Missoula Heligate High School selection senior in 1976 and also was a threetime mum limei Mat 00 3 ': 47 64612 76 ISA mod tallit etivessi lbsystivvvven) Milimaisse vs Viverta (linsonsson soca Woes 14) AtMflA sflutwoon 403 Monk' 4: 2 Se SS AWN' c Oche° to 5 caws teS1609814111 ltL tomowes rpornor fronton of SUM tank o tow WillANOW JtMltff MuniteG 0 I) IT' ourtattl pow J (kora) at bufuK NLidWf1 MIA 0 YORK Linowoop elltaLVV 101 Iseuc 64 itIL Playoffs 0000( 232111C 2 lovas Pc 11111 I I toovke 30 0 0 Awl'h lieloloo—Oono Muip C440990 I1 LOILASICA Tows Min liorousum 2 0 L05 Amitig coluNNAT kivantit d046-- 18 341i-- 78 3640-- 78 MI6 MO lotteut loam ioVitt IlLUSIIAN 340-- 17 karma New kr 14 tAlAktOftE Kt AWAY but OVIAlle ti1 Mown Clianes Cox's kmrt Cook tairtnlIC 6‘6111 ht 3147-4- 4 3746-- 75 304o-- 75 lancomileg (ainusjo Mamma A10104 11 A 4 I 2 3001 3 0 Dulled ptunvon 3t) 4000 4 2 0 $01o949$ 11914 ss 4010 10AL1010011) 2010 1000 pt uujpCJ000 tho44to f 0000 W LAP S Laud' lig s 132 $33 33 are fawn Skit (AVIV 2 - Joriev loud( bomloso 23 SUVV5t C Lows t ITO 0 OAS LIMLNI6) tmo rwov Jontt tivron 1 Pit21 onswqr 912- -4 967 OW 9 tA)ur3 t2) t05-- 51 LOS A1144ttS Pro Football itattotoven b'welb 'ora'h Wiwro fAcCsocsof i12u--4- 36 4 9 4 loom We 130 90-- 6 Pogrual ft totte I1 6tJaof t1 2 1000 2110 0 4233 S 0 2 0 4010 5011 4000 3 0 0 1000 0000 I000 0000 1000 0000 1000 4 Dodgers 4 Braves 2 C 2 0 2 2 4 Ift!' blow ItJVLIINVO Woo Pootopue OpponunNeo—Noo abrhbi CKtiket ph 100uustel 0 6 t9uttosv its 4 0 SeCOna 1od Ot c I 2 2 brunt Uosuento LI Surottuottt 20 t9 14 0 ' Wu" ot pt:001 MatokbtilA 13 314o-- 73 tom too itti Lon bow College Tennis: The University of :Utah men 's genius team takes on LlYti Frtüay in Provo The math begins at 4:30pm in a 6-- 0 BYUS previous meeting tins season Utah beat the Cougars d women's tennis team lost 60 to No 1 Florida 60 at Gainesville Fla Wednesday afternoon he best matches came at Rotates No 2 and No3 singles where BY11's and unranked Sarah Mugnaini took No 13 Andrea Farley and No holly lanyd of Florida to three sets each The Cougam continue their road swing with matches against 23rilranked Clemson Friday and third-tanke- d Georgw Saturuay litallelelill tafteptie foownie 330-- 1 thtvils 4 Penguins $t louts 6 3 2 tame fiat - 2 WridOn 00 knIng 0' Sun ttilUrtu 01 0 (1) 5 4 t 0 2 boorvro 2 Amman 0 0 0 looms lb 80 66 0 90 OC tie bth 0000 0694111 5022 Lkawson 4044 Du moo 6 3140 000963o 2 0 0 0 G4090 L 3000 ttymov p 0000 botonbp I011 0950160 ph 0000 Matto p bM$E C"1Zut d 3 Orono isurono kumitpLoinurr 0 4 4 2 am 3 2 I it 5120 ("two it) tebrith t 1008 4 31-- 6 2 leg$ how &Aliment( Wm Gussumon Koko st 2-Pow' tIti 3 4 PkIw i 6 Sill0 itorry -tf SP 8 3 3 2 3 2 0 5 t 0 410 10J 044- 3040 2Ui 34A-- -t e4ts014 11( 401111010 14' We( 10 INK4 km ci lb tAtuentr 2t C 4 4 2 2 I S I 2 toOKVY4 LAillitiOu eittuo it J4101 r itoe 3t 2 4 0 abthbi Mitivoh 4 0 1 3 01909670 USNs Mii0ii 10011i5 LcAte'tztitr4r-(19-LssbNow 4 4 0 0 0 St 10915 (WOO 2t Mikan I is 4125 2000 helOIN it) umus it 2000 2040 mow ar 3010 14441 1000 Noon ( 1000 isousoit 3000 i'pento 31 1000 Cole ct 2000 3000 1000 0000 a Neoliol hypos c woo c 11s0tis OW ay J McCallw 6140111 IMMO 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OW 0— 994 huncoloo 01009911) 90 t06-5- 61999090 fit bubo 214-- 6 111 UR1IO Jutjetji&1 0 19 200 OW 1 00go 12 26—Whoopon po 12) Jt:49 12) ti 313 31 si l Angels 5 Mariners 0 MOM atm h bi lb Ili IA 2b 3000 040 Ppkxfl 2t 4010 4232 Waist 30 Jusims8115 4020 5130 (AO CI 3000 4013 138ms ah 4 0 2 0 kisksi 6 Omsk dh 3000 3000 4000 0688in it 2000 kw d 4010 Cotto 1 Cittun c iimuy 1000 4100 3(0102 a 3010 3110 kaki c Vittuum ss 3010 knob 992 0ucI tionio canvas letisis tit POW CS Sean 12Ao--- 32 usi19911091 Guissisonso Ms ILitkOM (14411JJ PAL Pogot levaie &neva NS 00101EC AMINO cilOrl kettove-R- 6 11210 ILKA-A- chLugro 616 pan Peons nom Cane 106 pi- n- kvie3 Leap SAVA (14601 716 pat Vonnvoil 1PCIA eort 3 45-- 72 3541-- 42 tom Ponoo--- High school tiodierxieatheld ligh School:fielding a hock- ey squad for the first year in achuot instoryciainted the State AA Hockey Championship with a 6-- 2 win over Davis IketinesdayAlex Markham registered a hat triek forthe Faleons while teammates and Jay Webb all scored gualsliyav Ryan Lower John Holmes Barton scored both Davis goals The AAA state hockeyehampionArno game between Murray and brightim will be played at 12:30 pm Saturday Apri127 at the Cottonwood Heights hetreation Cen-to ter Brighton defeated Highlaud 70 Weilnesdayin earn theright meet the Spartans in the Dual Unghton playing up from the losers' bracket must defeat Murray twice to elaim the thampionslup 3t14-4- 2 Deposit Guaranty Classic Can available at 9641758 - MOIDESSOta AM IIUMLOISX04 b 4106011 2 l 1 4 4i4J-- 81 Now Sok 14ser lAronnte S(35 tssol 2 sfromsniesc kbey Velour Avg ited too) 1232 3 Nast tun sotattsi (slows isson) i851 5wLono Porol-4- 1 Vtostirlson Milo 2 ootiEsouRGmas 41411 Scooes nom otter Lora a:mak 04194‘11) 101 5 stmssnincron or me 3IO3u lAmoet tntsonlY kinosts ItopeS) 16:215 4 Mow tork Avower 3 'Me kw OK 1631 inse Mu 35- togoc paced on me 62&-yor- d Iwo 1400- -2 Nowt Von( Ike I IMiltwo Co- 35--40 mottebourg County ttrID tooenoom 6 Otoshintpon iscSonss 2 liklesy 111001) 42j 11:59 1PD)3241-- 63 (worn orte 3341-0- 4 Usedoss- -0 Swannoon COMNISIS 2 inlyaleJ Lmoret mut 044 Cot Ststev 1141424-- 55 toots on boon gets two Von 0710-3-4- 5 from Comer ft"111Arf 06410111n111054S1)19011 I os 5 Mae Notate Now 'ton lot 6 3444-- 65 foci Funk 32 135 snots- Lto Most boons Inchtst 21155001 3i mews) New 3k34-- 65 Mee mow (meg truck' its imosown Lotleo: The Utah Cowboys Rodeo Commissiun miring opening rodeo will be held Friday and Saturday at the new tuttoor Ogden Golden Spike arena (Exit '349 off116i at :30 pm eaeh night All of last year's CRC ehampions will he in the field More information tb bee Lane (ov &ewer i t 611E- - 34542 ion twoonom Dix's 'ow III Stme Foe itri toegoun kimono 1226 gum- - moo s sinebbouten icero tfulurumnr Lsoh Lice 4-- 4 PA- L- mop neuwo6opeta Malaria ens Cetavo Lan tebe Lane 2 pen- - 44e Wawa IMA CaEme inaglan0101 crurom Wow knEmno flYw al UMIWili Cvotmorb PJAKAhl "CI 7 Li" Art POO KINMi OM) 6 per- - Como Woke Mum foomic eati tem 335-- 72 tow A itt baton Sp ortio ok Milm limos ta6 kneva Ctecogo Ng° Sux at Laseor Nets tben Cane Jt frota unNuE tornovori moo nemrbrunt or Guinea' Wit Cane kit "um- - mops aeo9n4 fronevol COMIC i Meooe ktobow Mote 17ffm RadionT Log tAS Wove MiKti 11W3SteX filt Playoffs) iv BOLD 46nn- - 313-- 42 45-- ?2 44-394o-- 72 Mtattmey AkIrCIP Poker DI SO I (Cor0o- twonoto 00- 112 0 5 toonior Capitals 5 Rangers 4 2(UT) -0 8- 0- 11) ill 1tiolieti V49 Suvot Lk 1 100 00-- 4 LAA4 ? butfato 2413-V-3- 2 000oriundito-6uttai- Utitswa—iorly 011- -4 tOSnows II) toovi 3 3D4o-- koren tmomis ientr WoOrl icahorly Jonnmemoon itrn Wiwi ("eove ovehet NOoti i meow L 015 Cvanos-eaS- 1000 1010 I --Cc 4QV 3 01) 0 00 0 602 Duro -4 ikeotle 2 poem kootoA101SVCI bAufustro Thou Soinmi 1 31 1 1 Mese tiecirued 3 0000 3000 1 34-4- 1 WNW 14W 5 fames Home PO 71 354i-- 71 3144-- 71 36D-- 71 3 4J-- 72 3544-- 72 BM NuovStitvuorodl Jobb tpoi tAttrio11-0-7 nnem moHoe) 5:66 Soom oreci-totla- io 000 200 knode411) 5r tcoe froirti 4000 2 CC 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