Show B6 The Salt Lake Tribune Friday April 12 1991 Editorial Cartoon in Y Student Paper Gets Under Skin of Provo-BaseFirm Nu Skin founded in 1984 has a nationwide sales force made up of thousands of independent salespersons About 1000 BYU students are employed at the company's Provo warehouse taking phone orders and in the shipping department "The cartoonist must understand that suggesting 'pyramid scheme' in this context is a bit like shouting 'fire' in a crowded theatre" Nu Skin's managing director Gregory J Newell wrote in the letter "Free speech isn't the issue This is an accusation that Nu Skin has engaged in criminal conduct" Mr Clark said in a telephone interview that any talk of legal action against BYU or the student newspa- By Katherine Kapos Tribune Staff Writer The Brigham Young University student newspaper has received a condemning letter from Nu Skin International for publishing a cartoon comthat portrayed the Provo-basepany as an illegal pyramid scheme The cartoon run by The Daily Universe on April 4 is "undoubtedly libelous" according to Glenn Clark an executive consultant with Nu Skin He said it is too soon to tell if the editorial piece has caused any monetary damage to the company which manufactures and distributes personal-care products d cartoon was puban announcement by Michigan Attorney General Frank Kelley who said he would pursue legal action against Nu Skin for allegedly selling business opportunities without being properly registered The editorial lished following per Nu Skin's distributors also allegedly earn money and awards by signing up new distributors rather than through the sale of Its said Kelly premature "Mr Newell is satisfied that this is a student prank and the student cartoonist didn't know significance of the symbols and words he chose to use" be said Since that time the BYU student newspaper has run a apology on April 4 saying it "regrets the implication" to any illegal activity by Nu Skin In addition it ran a copy of Mr Newell's letter with the state Mr is products The art of dining SPRYING d -- Nu Skin officials have said previously there is no minimum purchase requirement for distributors and the only way to earn money is through actual sales by new dealers In his letter to the BYU newspaper Mr Newell also defended the company saying its system of compensating distributors based on product volumes does not fit anyone's definition of a pyramid scheme Rumors have circulated that the cartoon jeopardized BYU's chances for a large donation from Nu Skin However "those consequences have not reached the development office" said Director McClain Bybee "We know the principals with Nu Skin very and well continue our relationship with them" BYU spokesman Paul Richards said Nu Skin is a potential BYU donor like any other business in the area But the school owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints has had no pledge for a donation "If they were going to and decided not to well were are not privy to that kind of information" he said 44ED Featuring Fresh Ideas For Your Home ---- r4 - - ii:44--17'-1':- i - ed" telephone attorneys said in their John Keahey response to allegations made by the committee On Tuesday the committee had filed a motion asking commissioners to order US WEST to provide disputed revenue information by Friday Committee attorney Kent Walgren chastised the utility for attempting "to convince the committee and the state Division of Public Utilities that the information desired was unnecEach day that passes the essary company's numbers change" He warned that each month of delay in the final PSC decision on the size of US WEST's anticipated rate decrease "is costing Utah telephone customers between $1 million and US WEST attorneys have denied they were dragging their feet in providbag revenue information to utility watchdogs who earlier told public service commissioners that delays might cost customers $15 million a month Statements made in documents filed Tuesday by the state Committee of Consumer Services with the Public Service Commission were "incor- rect and offensive" US WEST offi- are said Other statements cials "absolutely false" "The company did not attempt to avoid providing revenue documentation and in fact agreed to provide a substantial amount of information $15 million" US WEST in its written response to the charges said instead of trying most of which has now been provid Dimple Dell 'Nature Day' Set May 4 May 4 is "Nature Day at Dimple annual event organized by Dell" The Utah Native Plant Society to Naturalists from area colleges universities government agencies and nature organizations will be available to aid in the identification of plants and animals The Utah Native Plant Society is looking for yolunteers to answer questions and direct participants A lunch for volunteers will be given following the day's activities "Nature Day at Dimple Dell" is sponsored by The Johns Co Smiths Food King and McDonald& an help people enjoy the natural flora and fauna of the area The day's activities begin at the Wrangler Trail Head 10365 S 1300 East at 7:30 am and continue through 12:30 pm From the Wran- gler Trail Head a UTA shuttle bus will take participants wishing to be- gin on other trails to either the Mon- ument or Mount Jordan Trail Heads Corporations Continue to Carry Standard in Bid for Olympics to the Bid Committee The $152 million in d donations from corporations or businesses makes up 39 percent of the $39 million total Another 36 percent — $137982 — has been raised from fees for using the Bid Committee logo and the sale of skis and medallions commemorating the city's bid s Among corporate First Security Corporation and the George S and Delores Dore Eccles Foundation have made the largest donation $400000 But Utah Power & Light Co and Kennecott Corp are second and third with respective donations of $200000 and $160000 As a member of the Olympic Round Table a group of business and corporate leaders that raises money for the bid Kennecott's chief executive officer Frank Joklik also has obtained donations from four local and national firms Delta Airlines which has supplied tickets for IOC members and Bid Committee delegations tops the list of givers with $300000 worth of donations Unisys the accounting firm of Ernst & Young and the law firm of Ray Quinney & Nebeker respectively have donated $250000 $200000 and $200000 worth of services according to the donor list By Russell Weeks Tribune Staff Writer Corporations continue to carry t Salt Lake City's standard in its bid to be host of the 1998 Winter Olympics With mittee the Salt Lake City Bid Comfor the Olympic Winter $700000 short of its goal to by June donations corporate cash and account for about 906 percent of the Games raised $46 million have in-ki- : Meanwhile cash donations of $1000 or less equal $225477 or 58 percent of the $39 million raised for the Bid Committee according to figures provided Wednesday by Bid !Committee officials Bid Committee chief administraJive officer Craig E Peterson said monetary sums are misleading He estimated that more than 1000 !people have donated $1000 or less and corporations by their nature can donate more The figures cover a span between November 1989 and now Mr Peterson said To date roughly 30 corporations have donated $179 million in cash Coupled with $215000 from five anonymous gifts of $25000 or more corporate cash donations make up 516 percent of the total ' That is followed by the donation of services hotel rooms or equipment : : d Mayor: 1215 Carries Revenues to Murray Mayor Lynn Pett anticimillion in sales tax reve- Murray pated $16 nue for the winter quarter of fiscal When the figures year 1990-9came in a couple of weeks ago the city cashed in for $195 million The mayor attributes the extra money to Interstate 215 He said the freeway has brought a lot of business right into the middle of the city's biggest business district — the area surrounding Fashion Place blall at 6400 South State The figures back the mayor up Finance director Don Whetzel said $150000 of the money came from increased business in the Fashion Place area Another $85000 was a credit from Sears which the city did not receive last year And the remainder came from new 1 one-tim- e - r B 6 : : ) '! -l- 4--- ' 1 -- F'-' ?i:47e44 - 1 -7: to Ti!- i '7 :1 a ' 1 i4 D firlillivt - - ' ' 7 4r ii!Cf 1 $14 TA? 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' :4' sp$:"y '44: 07441:44' k -- - -- 4 - Black lacquer Queen Ann : -Z: rilf vi Witaeliajunst ' : D - 71 received our container of marble & lacquer dining furnishings Shown here are just a few of our many possibilities $149 Black lacquer dining chair : ' 5 A1'' SAVE 2050 - tlr 4't '':('1'''''i':':::0' - 4 9 -:: ' 1 i S9 A '"' ' :' ''''''''''' - A 3 table - 42)(75 - t 11--- - ---- :' 4 ' Marbloclinin9 t to talk regulators out of wanting the information the company "agreed to provide a substantial amount of information most of which has now been provided The remainder of will be provided that information on or before Friday The disputed information deals with tax effects on certain expenses It's important the committee believes because knowledge of those effects could determine the size of an reduction expected telephone-rat- e later this year The PSC has yet to rule on the rate portion of US WEST's general rate case that was filed last year Hearings were conducted during March Commissioners are waiting for final briefs to be submitted later this month before beginning deliberations about the case Reg t 1E111 A -- - i'imr :p 92 I e Pi :4:? a businesses Mr Whetzel said Mayor Pett said the city had more businesses come in last year than any other year he can remember And he said the size of the new businesses also helps Last year Price Savers Toys-11- Kids-R-U- s Payless Shoes Auto Zone and several other large businesses moved into the city he said Murray has always been a front runner in sales tax collections the mayor said He said the city's buisness-friendly climate as well as the high level of services attract businesses and customers The City Council and mayor will decide what to do with their bonus as part of the budget process for 1991- - 0 otti 1 r -- 1 k1 t 1 ?:!4' - 1 " f' ' cash-giver- total : 2' v Us WEST Fires Back at Its Accusers By '4: ::r4 i ' "::'(-2-- e'' :44 4 '' t - 44 -- 4 Alt 7 ' is 98 1-' ' ' okt -: bolihed black :- Tribune Staff Writer 1 Downton Ogden and t Ii 111I ZCMI II: Saturtito iti h I ' Ill-7- ): order lo phone: th m1 |