Show f SPORT OF ALL ALIJ SORTS LATE NEWS OF F THE TURF RING AND TRACK George Gardners Gardner's Victory Over Hart Not Decisive Too Decisive Too Many Bogus Classes in Pugilism Pugilism International International Pole Tourney Arranged For Bogus Pugilistic Classes The Hart Gardner-Hart fight at it Louisville in which the light heavyweight title was practically at stake makes prominent prominent prominent prom prom- the fact there are altogether too many fighters who claim the right to travel In that company Because of the fact that Champion Jeffries Is in ina a weight class class' by himself it does not necessarily follow that all fighters weighing between and pounds should style themselves light heafy- heafy I weights If they con consider ider it unreasonable unreasonable to be asked to fight men who outweigh them from ten to twenty pounds it Is more unreasonable for them to seek matches with men weighing weighing weighing weigh weigh- ing pounds or less In this respect the old London London prize ring heavyweight fighters were more liberal in their views in regard to weights The middleweight limit under under un un- der the bare knuckle rules was pounds and any pugilist who weighed as much as half a pound over that limit limtt was a heavyweight There have been instances where men weighing less than the middleweight limit were classed or fought as heavyweights In the Tom Sayers-John Sayers C. C Heenan international international international in in- championship battle on April Sayers was said to weigh I Iless less than pounds When Jim Mace in the following year year beat Sam Hurst the Stalybridge Infant forthe forthe for forthe the championship of England he weighed about pounds to Hurst's and that was about Jims Jim's weight when in 1870 he defeated Tom Allen for the heavyweight championship of the world In the Tom Hyer fight for a side which took place in Kent county Md Feb 7 1849 Sullivan we weighed only pounds to Hyers Hyer's Bob Fitzsimmons as a liberal giver of weights comes nearer to the ideas of the od old timers than any fighter in inthe inthe inthe the last last twenty-five twenty years barring Joe Wolcott who however does not pose as a heavyweight Fitzsimmons took It for granted that any man weighing over pounds the middleweight limit under rules was a full fledged heavyweight The special class light heavies which has recently recently re re- crept into the game never entered entered entered en en- his mind Chicago Chicago Tribune Cincinnati's Chinese Boxer The only Chinese boxer in the United States is Ching Fong of Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Cin Cin- who Is anxious to secure a match with some weight feather-weight fight fight- er The Chinese are not much given to the game of fisticuffs and Ching is therefore considerable of a curios- curios a T CIt O FO YG 7 Jf S J SIty Ity fly among boxing lovers In Cincinnati He is said td to be a clever man with the glov gloves s. s While he has not done anything of consequence thus far against the weights feather-weights he is willing to go up against any of them and show them that the Chinaman Is not wholly deficient in the art of self There are plenty of weights feather-weights who could make it exceedingly exceedingly ex ex- warm for Mr Fong Y I 3 M r t r Victory a Hollow a-Hollow One 1 J George Gardner got the decision over Marvin Hart at the end of the twelfth round at the the Southern A. A C. C of Louisville May 13 The grand unfortunate finale came through an accident to Harts Hart's right hand Such an ending ending was entirely unexpected when Harts Hart's manager stepped to the center of the ring during the brief rest at the end of the twelfth round and announced that Marvin broke his right hand and was unable to continue the the- fight The spectators were dumfounded and entered a mild mUd protest When the I J fJ Y f t t truth became generally known Marvin Marvin Marvin Mar Mar- vin Harts Hart's friends expressed great sympathy The decision at the end of the twelfth round was easily Gardner's Gardners Gardners Gardner's Gardners Gardner's Gard Gard- ners ner's but Marvin was far from being out He was wobbly and plainly f groggy at the end of several rounds and bleeding from the nose since early in the fight His left eye was partly shut and the right closed altogether but he was game as a pepper pepper r and was ever ready with a dangerous wallop wallop wallop wal wal- lop in either hand Gardner was cool as an iceberg He slashed in at all times and narrowly escaped a knockout knockout knockout knock knock- out several times The crowd was with the Louisville man throughout hout and cheered his every effort International Polo Tourney A meeting of the Polo association association- was held at New York last week to complete the business left unfinished at the annual meeting on April 21 It was announced that the team of English English Eng Eng- lish players to arrive in August would consist of five men Maj M. M K Ansell of the dragoons and Maj Vaughn of the Seventh hussars being named in addition to the three already announced Walter Valter Buchmaster C. C Rawlinson and F. F Freake The team will wilI be invited to play in whatever tournaments may be on when they arrive ar arrive ar- ar r- r rive under special handicaps to be be arranged and a special trophy has been put up by bythe the Polo association association-a a free for challenge cup cup to to be played for at Van Cortland park Sept i 16 to 26 This will be the first International international international inter inter- national polo in this country since the summer of 1886 when an English team won a cup offered by the WestChester Westchester West West- Chester Polo club in a series of matches at Newport Satisfied with Shamrock III Ill j The London Times says that with with- f i all the disappointments the Shamrock i iIII III HI has had a a fair trial possibly more exhaustive and certainly more satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory satis satis- factory in r result sult than any previous challenger and assuming that the Shamrock I. I has been doing as good work as she did against the Shamrock r II there Is no reason to doubt that the Shamrock III Is easily the b best st of ot a the serf series s of challengers J. J VIi i J 2 t t |