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Show n' ? v I'i V asaasaaassta y.K' iiT A bfldy boy arrived at the homo Thomas Fautin and children are of Dan Madsen Monday, visiting in Mt, Pleasant tbia week. Offieial Pogam &a; Attorney Ephraim Hanson is in A dancing party will bo given in the pavilion on the evening of Provo on legal- business. tbo 4th. Ticket 50 cents. EnNow potatoes for sale. A- - Lost A pair of eye glawa with quire of Emil Jensen. 1903 JULY $. OF FOURTH Finder will Dr, Otto Nielson and Oscar one bar broken. . j Nielson came homo from Salina please return to Andrea Olsen- Hi Tuesday. Fouud A ladies grey Jacket. Peter Thompson came In from Owner can have samo by calling his sheep herd the first of the at this ofllce and paying for this notice. week. - v A crowd of young people en city has been invited to deliver joyed themselves at boating, baththe oration at Fayette an July 4. ing and fishing at Bhumway Sunday. Mrs- E. Bean of Richflold has Hebcr Nielson left for Emery been spending a few vdays with her daughter, Miss Parley Peter- county tbo first prt of last vcok, ' where he will remain for several son.' "7: y77;3 months. W. For Pioneer Day the It. D. T, Thoraander, principal of will soil tickets at one fare for the round trip, tickets on sale July the business department of the 27- - church school at 23rd and 24tb, limited to July Parb,. Idaho, 1 Kwyurar'xomDinauon In new mu-r- y lidn'thU city this week visiting Is that of yellow and black. A relative and friend. ely hat is in black Neapolitan Attorney A. W- Jenson of this - ., c.-- v- JV, V vJ- - X - of flag Hansen. Marshal of direction sunrise under the Firing of guns at daybreak and hoisting SPORTS FROM 8 to 10 A. M. Foot race, boys under 8 years, cash prize, 80 & 20c Jv f Foot race, girls under 8 years, cash prize, 30 & 2Qo JJ Foot race, boys from 8 to 10 'years cash prize, 40 & 80c w Foot race, girls from 8 to 10 years cash prize, 40 & 30o u Foot race, boys from 10 to 14 years cash prize, 50 & 30o Hi Foot race, girls from 10 to 14 years cash prizo, 50 & 80o Foot race, boys over 14 years, cash prizo, 75 & 60o w Foot race, girls over 14 years, cash prize, 75 & 50o m Foot race, professionals, cash prize, $1 00 iff Foot race, men over 50 yrs, cash prize Si. 00. Hi Foot race, women over 40 yrs, cash prize S1.00 k w M jjl h'i O. i W Hi iJ jj? h Potato race, cash prize, 50 & 40c. Hobble race, cash prize, 50 & 40c Mush eating contest, cash prize, 50 & 25o. Egg and spoon race, cash prize, 50 & 8Qo, Climbing a greased ole for prizes. Catching a greased pig. S3 .00, Accordion & Violin solos, Mass Nleson1 m w ili. , Hi during, (I) Hi Hi Music, Larsens Phonograph. $ PROGRAM AT TABERNACLE, 10 A. M, it) III i! Overture Song If America . . . .Christensens Orchestra iJ) .... Choir Pilgrim Chorus . . . .. . VVUl?in. Hi Vy ifi Prayer ill Clanauet bolo, "my urn rvemucKy nomo nu aauumio Hi iii a? iff Hi t Hi Hi Hi iHi Hj -- r Mrs. Mamlo Bawdoa Jensen If Violin 8olo..... ...........Willie Taylor Hi ....Prof. Ezra Christiansen Oration. Mixed Quaitetto, Come Where The Lillies Bloom F A CbrlstcnieD, Tom Pefceison, Misses Anna Jp and Josie Frost. Orchestra W Defender. Overture Glee 7 . . . Patriotic .......Choir Hi Song .Chaplain Hi Prayer $ Music Master of Cercmonlei, J , V Tyo. Orator, Prof. Ezra Christensen. Chaplain, Bishop Beal, Grand display of fire-work- s Orchestra m f yz . u Ilf in tbo evening at 0 oclock. yy f iw and pale yellow tulle. The is of fluted tulle, while the D, W Thompson returned from hb mission to Denmark, Mr, ;nd the crown is a wreath ofyeI--Thompson was called homo on Adolph Pobraou came home account of the serious illnc.3 of from Washington, D C, Monday. bis wife He did not stop over His eye sight ta greatly improved but went directly to Salina but bo is very weak on account of hear, where his wife is lying Willard yesterday, his recent sickness, ill. i is of straw, faced with the tulle. Pehreoa returned yesterday. , f Chamberlains Stomach and .Tho wedding 'reception of Miss Liver Tablets are just what you Sarah Hnnaen and Franklin was held it Petorson need when you have no appetite, pafeel dull after eating and wake up vilion Friday evening. Tho h.vi&e, with a bad taste in your mouth, was crovvdod with their rtLum They, will improve your appetite, and friend and they all M.jbod cleanse and invigorate your stom-aeand give you a relish for your theniBclvea until tho v.ini' Laa' food For gale by II. P. Larsen hours of morning dancing the strains of mudo furnUM) by Angus Tbureby, the oldest son of Oluf Thursby was quite badly Christensens orchestra hurt the foro part of the week. Ivan J. OUoji, an old viihnt FriIn company with his father and of this city died at hi a number'd! others while going day morning, the e?mx uj nb up Six Mile canyon last Monday death being old ago nabe was thrown from a buggy. In debility, The deotmd w going upa steep grade in the can- tive of Denmark. Ii j'.nu.a the yon tbedouble troes broke and the Mormon church and ormnR,! vehicle was tipped over the grade, Utah in as early day- s U,fa tho AIL tb occupants were thrown one of oldest resuW,i of hb u the out' and the wheel struck the city, being 94 year ot younman in the head, cutting a time of hie death, Iht. ho.ral Mtev-eho- n h - - ! Mr. services were held j'Tum tho tab. a deep gash in his forehead TbursBy was also soverly Imbed- ernado Sunday afterno-ii- . .V'V V v jX v 4 |