Show OBSERVANCE OBSERVANCE OF OF THE THE SABBATH 1 How Scotchman Satisfied Conscience and Got the Siller A couple of tourists staying at a hotel in Inverness wished to go out for a row on the loch one fine Sunday Sun Sun- Sunday day day and went to find the boatman whom they met just going to church with an sized extra Bible under his arm We would like to hire a boat for a row rowan on the loch said one of them The boat hirer looked sur sur- Dae ye no ken its it's the Saw- Saw bath day h he asked Yell no get geta a boat frae me the day for Ill I'll hae ye ya ken Im I'm an elder o 0 the kirk After some expostulation by the tourists tour tour- fists he continued Ah weel Ill I'll no let ye the boat but dae ye see yon green boat doon the rashes Yes replied the tourist Weel sh she's s 's ready ye gang doon there therean therean an row oot tae the middle an Ill I'll s come doon tae the bank an swear at iI ye But dinna heed me row rowan on j 1 jan an Ill I'll ca ca' for the siller the morns morn's i f mornin Scottish American A 1 |