Show I The average rainfall Is equal to I gallons per acre per annum I The annual production of ot potatoes in the I worth la Is about tons I There are no fools tools In our family Sir I you forget yourself I I Piso's Cure for Consumption has hat been a family medicine with us since 1865 J. J. J R. R Madison 2109 2409 Ave Chicago Ill HI TO CURE CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY DAS Take Talco Laxative e Bromo Quinine Tablets All I druggists refund the money if it It falls fails to cure The genuine has L. L B. B Q on each tablet There are lighthouses erected on I the most dangerous points on the worlds world's coast Mrs airs Winslowe Soothing Syrup I teething softens the gums reduce a ln- ln In Inflammation aUa allays pain pAID cures cure wind coUo 2 25 28 cents cent a bottle boUIe My wife's a fine shot She can hit bit a a. doUar dollar every time tune That's nothing 5 my wife goes through my trousers and never misses a dime |