Show r W KILLED GILLED NINE NEGROES FIGHT BETWEEN A POSSE AND ANDA A COLORED BAND An n Atte Attempt Pt t to Arrest a Negro ro Breaker taw la Ia Mississippi l Results in a Pitched Battle More Battle l More Trouble Expected Forest Miss 1 Oct 24 As As the result result- of 01 an attempt to arrest a a negro near I Harpersville in the thc eastern part of the state one ono white deputy was killed three wounded and according to the latest report nine dine negroes have been killed by the citizens of the Harpersville Harpers Harpers- ville yule neighborhood and the sheriffs sheriff's posse combined The pursuit of about fifty negroes who Nho had bad joined the original inal offen offender cr with the avowed determination t to prevent pre pre- vent rent his arrest and capture and which the party attempting tl the e arrest continues and ana the number lumber of fatalities will undoubtedly have assumed assumed assumed assum assum- ed large proportions before the trouble is over The whole country is terribly and the sheriffs posse has been heen reinforced with men from all the h neighboring boring towns Gov McLaurin has bas gone to the s scene ene which is about ten len mil miles s north of Forest lorest the nearest railroad p point int The trouble originated last Friday when then a negro named Burke had an altercation with his employer Charles Freeman a white man in which the negro got the best of the difficulty The next night a crowd of white men headed by Wallace Sibley who was deputized to arrest the man went to Burkes Burke's house which is about a mile from Harpersville r C When they arrived upon the scene and called for Burke they were greeted by a a. from the negroes concealed concealed con con- cea ed in ambush in the bushes surrounding surrounding surrounding sur sur- rounding the house and in the house itself Wallace Sibley the leader fell dead at the first volley and three more white members of the crowd James Johnson James Hamilton and James Wells wounded The wl whites Kites ites were wele w returned returned re re- reo turned the fire but were unable to do any execution as their assailants were all co concealed There were wele not more than eight ight men in the white crowd and finding it impossible to resist effectively effectively they hey dispersed toward Harpersville Harpers Harpers- ville It was not hot known at that time that Sibley was injured but upon a return to the he scene in the morning he was found dead in the yard The wounded deputies were able to get back to town with the assistance of their comrades When the crowd returned to Harpersville Harpers Harpers- ville thi Uta nears vs spread like wildfire During the he fc night a large crowd gathered gath gath- e ered froM aa the tho neighborhood They immediately tely went to Burkes Burke's house and got ot fron front iota kia mother the names of all parties p rUes ia is tb the crowd which had ambushed ambushed am am- b bushed sned the men meu the night before In all aU there nura about forty negroes who had red red to prevent the arrest of Burke a aad d a list was made up at her dictation w sheriff accompanied by ty about 5 O citizens has started after the negroes and so far nine have been captured and killed |