Show Th The Fo Poetry try of ot the Bible nible The Tho word speech echoes through th the caverns of ot memory and brings to mind that majestic Nineteenth Psalm the the th heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament show th his bis handiwork Day DaT unto day speech and night unto night knowledge There is no lyrical poetry of such divIne divine divine di di- di- di vine quality In any other JI literature It ItIs ItIs Is 11 so BO nobly sensuous a aIn In In Its spirituality BO Co spiritual In Its sensuous sensuous- ness neis The men who wrote these Psalms lived like children In the perpetual presence of God not blindly and y as we do but seeing and singIng singing sing sing- In Ing They rose up and lay down In Inthe Inthe inthe the Lord they rejoiced they sorrowed sorrow sorrow- ed they wept unto the Lord They sinned furl full In His Ills sight guilelessly a at as children and like children repented before Him film and came crying to Him to be made good and end comforted when the forward fit was past for was not lIe Ho their heavenly Father know knowing In I their frame and remembering that they the were dust Lift up your heads 0 O yi ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors and th the King of Glory shat come coma In ml Were Were not er not these old sInger the gates and everlasting doors by which the King of Glory entered Into Inta His sanctuary the human heart and anti man first first beheld beheld the majesty of Godan God Got and an the beauty of holiness holiness |