Show NEWS SUMMARY The Spanish peace commissioners have started for Paris Pans I All the Brit British Sh French and German warships have left Manila In a tornado at Lima 0 O. several people were injured and many buildings buildings buildings build build- ings In a fire at at Manchester Conn three men were cremated Tho The financial loss is placed at Five men were drowned in St. St Marys Mary's river Ste. Ste Marie by the foundering of the lighter Monitor The latest estimate places the native population of the island of Cuba at which only are whites Samuel teller tener of the Blissfield Blissfield Blissfield Bliss- Bliss field Mich bank was held up by robbers robbers robbers rob rob- bers and shot His nis recovery is doubt doubt- ful The Cairo correspondent of the tho London London London Lon Lon- don Times says it itis is certain that there are no troops on the Upper Nile The Illinois conference of the Methodist Methodist Methodist Meth Meth- odist Episcopal church has voted ayes to 1 nay in favor of equal lay representation The Central Ohio Methodist conference conference confer confer- ence enco voted unanimously for equal lay and ministerial representation in the general conference Damage amounting amounting- to about was caused by fire to tho thu hotel Vendome Vendome Vendome Ven- Ven dome San Jose Cal which is one ne of the finest hotels on the coast outing coating I 4 a t |