Show 1 S. S S Po i R W l b A VICTORY FOR DREYFUS trench French Cabinet Ha na Decided to Reopen the Clue Case e Paris Sept 37 n At At a meeting of the cabinet all the ministers being present present pres pres- ent a decision was vas taken in favor of the revision of the trial of former CaptaIn Captain Captain Cap- Cap tain Dreyfus and the documents in the case will be sent to the court of cassa cessa- tion The crowds of people outside the ministry of the interior where the cabinet cabinet cabinet cab cab- inet council was held heid loudly cheered the ministers and there were shouts of vive vine Brisson vive le Ie revision The cabinet ordered the minister of Justic M. M to lay before the I court of cassation cessation the peU petition tion of Madame Madame Ma Ma- dame Dreyfus wife of the prisoner of Devils Devil's island for fora a revision of her husbands husband's husbands husband's hus hus- bands band's case The court therefore will decide the legal question as to whether I Ithe the first trial of Captain Dreyfus s was I vitiated by the forgery committed by bythe bythe bythe the late Lieutenant Colonel Henry who was a witness before the court- court martial and who vho confessed to having forged a 8 document t in the case The minister of justice has announced that he has given instructions that proceedings are to be taken immediately immediately immedi immedi- against any anyone one attacking the army |