Show A HARD LIFE Pity a Poor roer Henpecked The King King The King ning of Trials Trial An Oriental dispatch casually men men- lions the fact that tho the King icing of Annam has at present 79 wives This leads I an analytical Jacques of tho the Minneapolis Minne Minno- apolis spoils Tribune to mor moralize as follows Consider for 8 u a moment what this thi statement entails Glancing back afew a. a a afew few Cew the life oi pf tho the is evident thai that at on not past Annam's Annanis n 79 sweethearts artS If lie he had visited each V ono one a ey it i would uld havo beer been to have V gone gono one through tho the list listin in a year ll n self respecting girl Will bo be s sitI satisfied fied with witha Vitha a lover who calls once a year Twice a week is a n. good average On this basis lot us do a little figuring figurin The King of Annam visited 78 girls t. week That would bo be 11 1158 8 I r co niI g und A. A 1165 1 vi visits visit's a a. T any ono one t WJ to fOal fear himself away from the tho front gate ato under tho the circumstances in which Annam must havo found himself the tho terrible wear on the tho Kings King's constitution is evident at the glance Besides keeping on the J jump mp to cover assignments ments there thore were on each evening 16 cases of mental anguish occasioned by V le Ing t ess Suppose no next x t ih that t Ann ni j. j each girl Hove I 1 love you dearest You are the loveliest woman in the world Suppose if U can that he said this tIlts oal i hat That Js is twelve vI words t 1 ea eai woman 1980 words l. l That ThatIs s over ovel over a column and olumn nd i bAlf lt pf I minion type such as this paper Is printed in V v. v p t bulldogs us as all self respecting papas papas are supposed by bythe the para para to do there wore lore dogs per night t td be bo guarded against But Bat the tho Vor worst t is not yet yete Ar Anna nan AI nara has lIas r 7 mothers in Every hos instead of one ne bills blUr for foe I Easter East East- er ar bonnets every winter r lio no ha bUl bills bUlf i f for 1 rs sealskin 01 rl j t V. V A I |