Show S S l. 5 MINING MATTERS Colonel J. J S. S of the tho Surprise Mexico has taken charge district paid off mine In the Cooks Cook's Peak all claims and Is about to open it up again on an extensive scale The Ajax Is to the tho front with a streak of pay nay ore in the breast of the tunnel from 13 12 23 which runs width to 16 10 inches in ounces in silver and 60 per cent lead lead- Phonograph More than pounds of ore have been shipped from Silver City Now Mexico co Ce to outside smelters in f the past six months and over pounds pounds' of ore oro are being treated in the tho works there per mouth month The Tho Harrison lode near the tho Melvina A shaft has been looms up In good style I feet deep revealIng revealing reveal reveal- sunk on it about twenty Ing a vein of mineral consisting of tellurium ium and grey copper Samples of which assayed per ton Boulder Herald It Is reported that the tho Black Hawk has opened up a body of ore over 15 feet In thickness the largest portion of It it assayIng assaying assay assay- Ing quite well in lead and silver It Is said that they have a streak along the foot wall which runs over per ton ton Rico News f fIt It Is claimed that a fine vein of mineralized mineral quartz about three feet In thickness and a vein of solid ore oro six Inches thick have been exposed in the lower level of the Pay Rock mine There Is said to be e a largo large vein of mineralized a very fair vein of solid ore in tI Georgetown Miner The stockholders of the the Company decided to I from to 25 crease the number of s' s sr of the tho par value of 25 per shares at a similar value value v vand and cancel its mortgage boo bon or authorized aggregating value On the Catalpa a vigorous work has taken place within the p weeks and every thing now is going on swimmingly and a considerable amount of ore Is being shipped There aro largo large bodies of bf iron disclosed In these workings but the trouble appeared to be the absence of any large laigo contracts for this class It is now understood that this difficulty has been overcome and that as the tho bodies are opened up a large force of men will bo be put to work Dis Dis- patch Captain W. W B. B Jenness of the Running Lode Mining company reports the following follow leg ing in regard to last months month's production From a run of 10 stamps at the Meado mill 23 days running time 40 ounces of gold wore obtained from stamp mill ore There was also produced between 75 and SO 80 tons of mill tailings which netted an average average av av- of 25 per ton and SO 80 tons of smelting smelting smelt smelt- ing ore netting 35 per ton The company compan have in contemplation sinking the tho main shaft an additional feet and making surface improvements and the placement of machinery of greater capacity than is use Central City Register The recent developments in the Little Annie mine proves that a very rich ore cut in the foot foot level north of the shaft The top of a cave was opened that is literally filled with native silver but the water is so so bad that additional pumping facilities must be had to sink to the third level and open the mineral deeper down The shaft Is already down 37 feet below the second level Thirty feet more mere will be sunk and a third tunnel run during weather aro lOO o ore in the bins to ship Winter supplies will be gotten In for fear the roads will be blockaded with snow and the winter will willbe willbe be spent in sinking the shaft and development develop j ment work At the present price of silver it is better to hold shipments for higher rates raees as the action of congress must help a the price of silver Aspen Times The M M. M. M P. P group situated Just below the C C. H. H C C. is making a splendid showing in both the drift and the upraise Very little work has been done on this property until last season when it was leased and bonded to jo W V. W. Parshall and A. A T. T Hathaway Hathaway Hath Hath- away who have since done dono considerable work in the way of drifts especially but butone butone one upraise having been made to the contact con con- tact So far as opened up the ore bodies in this contact promise to outstrip anything any any- thing yet opened in that locality The pay streak In the fissure Is from 14 to 20 inches of ore that runs 50 ounces silver and 40 per centS cent lead per ton while that encountered encountered In matting the raise averages about kit the same in value but in quantity is considerably con con- Jf In excess of that of the fissure l In some places the ore is 12 to 15 feet in width a portion of which wilt will not pay to g t 4 ship at the tho present time The pay streak at this point averages about three feet Rico News The Bremen mill has turned ou 14 bricks from custom ore oro in nineteen daj days s this month and yet the tho croakers say there are not sufficient resources in the vicinity of i Silver City to maintain a city of large size 35 tops tons of ore a day at the Flagler works a 1000 brick a day from Irom the Bremen and still not sufficient capacity for the reduction reduction tion of our ores thousands of tons being shipped to Denver Pueblo Socorro and LI El Paso Every dollar being spent in our county is coming out of our mines mines and the amount of money in circulation In Silver City is greater per capita than In any town In the tho West The Tho ore reduction business will grow a new smelting plant will soon bo be started and the company company will complete their will mill ere long which will probably handle CO 60 to 70 tons of ore per day putting In circulation an average of to per day more than at present While Whilo business at present is as asgood good as at any point in the West the outlook out out- look for the tho Immediate future is exceedingly exceed exceed- brIght City Enterprise |