Show 1 Vv r r T r V BUYING A NAC NAG I i Words of Caution to the Uninitiated t Inthe la In tile the Matter fatter of Horseflesh In case you have havo fully and anti firmly decided to buy a family horse borso and j nothing on the face of the tho earth or I above or below it will cause you to change your mind be careful to observe observe ob ob- ob- ob serve servo certain rules and be guided by certain fixed principles hereby laid I down In the ho Detroit Free Press It may shock you to bo be told that there thoro are aro are runny many reasons why you sh should try a whito white horse but wait and see In the fleet place the boy who takes care caro of him Mm has to put in more work for his wages and that's a rebate for you In tho the next you can see him Mm out driving on a dark whereas yo you couldn't tell whether a a t black horse was in front or behind behind you Thirdly If It you happen to go out to the barn of ofa a ni night ht your white hite ho horse so defines his his' position whereas you are qu quite te liable to blunder the the tho V of a ablack black one and get hurt I If vo you are ro driving around town your white horse can be seen a mile away awny and the ambulance am am- ambulance firo fire engines brick and ice wagons can get ready rendy to turn into tho the and avoid void being run Lastly ly you can cnn wear vear any colored socks or suspenders while whilo driving a white horse and always combine harmony har many mony and effect see e n man with a blue necktie driving a n sorrel sor sor- rel ral pacer you ou may be sure that he knows s nothing about the harmony o ot of dress S V- V Do o not o V rU your your wants VI n but bul casually m mention to some fr friend frId end that if he ho hears bears of something extra extra- good and cheap he ho might mention it it thou though h hyou you are in no hurry to buy It will surprise you you-to find out how many good good- things your friend knows of in the way cf of horseflesh and how anxious he heIs heIs heIs Is to do you a n kindness Tho The first horse lorse will bo be around to your house in inexactly inexactly inexactly exactly twenty five minutes Dont Don't pot got et tho Idea that everybody everybody- in town wants to sell his nag nig No more mor than one half of tho the horses will be sent around to you V Tho ho first first- poI point t to s settle is t aro willing to to pay Every Everyman man with a t horse Is willing HUng illing to sell solI for which is of course n. n a ti sacrifice of at least 50 part It is a sad thing to see seo a man have to knock of 63 50 o from tho the actual of the tho best bess family Camily horse in the world but you are not advised to shed many tears over it In the course of an nn hour if you exhibit ex ex- ex hibit proper firmness and indifference rence you can beat him down to your figure You You- feel that you you are whim robbing and that it is a n mean action on your part but feelings dont don't count in buying a horse Now v first examine the animals animal's m mouth uth it If there are any te penny nails naUs between his teeth or 01 h ho he h has s g n piece of bootleg laid away alongside of for a quid hes he's a hearty feeder and all ri right ht The black spots on tho teeth indicate tho the horses horse's age If there thero are only three then he ho is a a. year JJ yea ol Jf there ar are aro Bi sixty J then EI ho is a year 60 The eyes come next Be De sure euro that his sight is all right and that 1 ho Wont v nf t take tako a dancing bear or a t aV minstrel V parade parade parade pa pa- rade fora load of new h to town from Irom Ta Taylor township Th The best way to test a horses horse's vision is 18 to stand mth board of and ond makas if ii you rou would hit bit him across the nose The feet havo have considerable to to do with a a. horse hors as he ho is popularly sup posed to 19 walk around 9 on them Look Lookout Lookout out for q quarter arter cra cracks cracks- ke half hatt cracks and whole cracks Dont Don't pay as os much for fora a quarter crack as ns a whole holo one ono The he frog froE of the foot should be bo located somewhere near the centre centro in a good horse Then look for ringbones and spay spar ins Take the tho chances that the tho other fellow doesn't know any more than you you do do about abou it t and and andl l look ok ar around the tha le legs 8 instead of the tho h head ad and neck It will vill be best to find some Bome or something to make lake him believe that you aro are not nota a it greenhorn Then ask k the following questions V VV V Has he been eick siek l I V. V t No No It D Does es ho rib crib 1 j. j No fiNo V Do Does s ho kick Never Does he overrun over a You couldn't sedre him into such Euch a athin thin II V i. i Will WIll ho ho- stand J T V F j L ke 11 ro rock k of J r J f n Afraid of anything an P Nothing on earth n f hats his hi best record t 41 1 1 f C riny y w e drI J Jl 3 Right Eight up to the tho elephant if she wants to n S How is he ho on shoes 5 Say I was going to speak to yo you YOi about that He only needs shoeing N Never saw a horse BO SO easy on shoes Looks like liko a heavy f feeder eder But Buthe he isn't Six quarts of oats and anda a pinch of hay will vill keep him rollin rolling roll roll- in ing 17 fat fat V Then you guarantee te him all allaround around arounds V J 1 V. V VI I 1 I do If theres there's ono one single thing wron wrong with lith that know know- ow It It S Well J guess Til ru take tako him j And he turns oUtto-j oUtto y just be-just t. t af a n horse as' as asif if you rou had gone out to io ri a a. pasture some night nights shut your eyes and flung a stone and cried out that you'd take tako the nag tho the missile fell felt nearest to |