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Show " 436 Cn4mimum 446 Condominium set BUYING OR UNO A CONDOM NlUMt CALL J bdrm . Sliding floors from mgstgr bdrm and rm pm beau irving gat'd Immad possession Low $70' CONDOMINIUM level 1 Rdca Gmny Ann 37 Smart 11 realtors omasa GD FARM from TN( vtgw 2 bdrmt 2 boH tormal dining rm with fr rror0 wall SpotttM Selling n hgh SOOft 24-0- 3 GmnvRodlct So gtjf 40 GUARDIAN REALTORS 487 VlM S50 900 DARLING bdedrm tong trM ore, dining room, loft test vie Helen 277 9033 2 HARVARD Realtors ZIONS SUMMIT mg 3 Wa'kiiig distance fo tompie or dining Money moon for couoia atmosphere Beautiful convedecorating, nience and eiegonca and only $7100 CallJan Shirley ?? 2o, 219) 466 Gweri 139 Piwwn. CONTRACT TOO SPECIALITES 22 957 IflQI GUARDIAN Interest No qualifying 2 bdrm ito baft) conoo m American Fork Lew down pymf arad uated mo payments Ask for Jack or Manana Soencer or Botev Realty 521 7651 acre in New Part Meadow Suodivion Part City Best price available $44 000 CuLdetac lot backs up to green bait Good view of mountains Can Sharon 649 655 agent 9 $2000 DOWN WILLOWS CARDEN UNIT oymt UO). APR Uv,S 360 ovmt, dm on 1st of mo Coll tor Irrto 2t 3643 OwnorAoont HI MURRAY S pfeeseny Murray lacatior net tub, Soorts Mali membership Beautifully decora fl fireplace Low down or pant Cal for down Owners Agent 966 Condo Holladay Location 2370 E. 4845 S. f dSF V1 REALTORS BOUNTIFUL Beautiful 2 bedrooms investors UH down, or 5 down owner occupied Lemon tree, 15 E DM 7 North I 409 Parkpieca. North ION unoer gporeisel 537 4252 or eves M 27'i COVEPOiNT Choice North rim location Larga private yard near poo), tennis 2 baths court and clubhouse dining room 2 bedrooms uo. 2 36M4W SUMMIT PARK RESIDENTIAL PARRISH HEIGHTS 10 lots evaliebie in choice side location Ottered ov D&B Development Lot financing available Ceil for mort into John 272 5166 or Voont 299 2409 Only Oadrm model Carle ton Towers swim pool parking extras By owner assumable East loan, 10 1 $43,900 329 2929 OWN A Park City conoo tor only Priced reduced, seller $45,000 will take small second Sharon 649 655, agent CHELSEA COVE VIEW LOTS Fully Improved Including Weber Water Just 15 minutes from downtown SLC Swim and Tennis Call available membership Ross or Vince 292 5979 bdrm Oua'lbrpok East 969 2099 Owner Agent with opt . Park Place Condo $400mo with part of it towards purchase Pool, tennis Move In Jan BY OWNER Professionally decorated I block from U Security underground parking Low down Carry contract APPLEGATE J bdrm ?v bath Assume loan or contract with OAKWOOD RIVIERA HEIGHTS AREA 2 choice building lots avail bv owner Fantastic neighborhood on cul-d- e sac Wlthm welkin distance to ail schools, common! tv toe and fhopotna Aoorox 2340 East 7421 So Priced Mid 920 s John 942 y97 or $41 Here's 17 61 acres with its ewn to miie rece and framing track m your oem already bulit-hs- h pono whtif you buMd those or John dreams Call Vi bdrms 2 REALTY LOTS FOR SALE LOT NiTY AREA DMA Soutti 130 HOME FOR ZONED MORSES OF VIEW AND MOUNTAINS VALLEY CALL ACE ACE AVERY Fully Landscaped 3 bdrm., 1 va bath Open House ASSOCIATES REALTOR Daily Or by Appointment 4662056 VILLAGES 0! MIDDEN VALIEV Panorama, view homasitas ovar took mp Golf Hidden Veliev Course 10 300 and 12 000 severe foot sites. Priced from 920 509 to 923 900 avaliaoia Financing Can 571 5551 DIMPLE DELL V'LLAGE Improvements are new completan anew seme-hoed and ws he at view lots ava in Phase 1 10 000 so ft tots from 830 .OfJ to 922 500 Financing avail Stuart Lawiar Real Estate 571 5551 DRASTICALLY REDUCED' have tint reduced this property 9150 000 as tncenftva to 62 acres of land tn Penevs Canyon tuft west of Summit Park T'ede or contract sett Brent 942 1269 EiRe We 268-280- 0 566-574- 1 13 McDOUGAL ROM REALTORS 49,900 RESTRICTED COMMU IN LITTLE COTTON CANYON Fully devel- oped bldg lots 13 to 12 acres 9 mm from Snowbird Mtn , J mm from Wesetcn Bvd CaM for presale inspection A CLOVERLEAF PROPERTY Jim Frtgflmen, exclusive agant, JVEST JORDAN J AcrM-m- lnl term or ranch 811,000 par acre ownar wants test saia MuST SELL before end of veer Will take contract terms! Contact Richard 942 3706 or FAR WEST PROPERTIES LOTS EaV S WORLD METRO COMING SOON WOOD GORGEOUS East side tots starting at SJ 100 Sunrise Meadows Subdivision. 9400 South 610 East Cali Perry Frandeen 5a 4347 Other Subd vison iota ata available HERITAGE PROPERTY CO Ree'tys MISSION POSSIBLE" Don't self destruct looking OB residential LOTS tor AA6 l4utfrtgl, l temmar-(fo- subdivision 262 3950 INDIAN HILLS STATE WOUSTtoAl PROPERTY LEASING Westwood HIGHLAND 0 and '$ acre lots, Irrigation water 9IS 000 and up farms 756 3802 available South Eost Duplex lot location for IAI Carl 2 VIEW duplexes 59 Dave South 2706 West Terrific exoosure toect 6M ta aet and ua immed'ate accuoen-cNext to Utah State Compies will be amoioyma 2506 peoei ton n Anther Foods Ve'tov Stato Bank Reinbo SeM Service and many ethers Win work with Call other agents Frank SwaMOw 47 7$71 SWALLOW 4760 realty THINK OF $'$ ) LAND WANTED Call Jack 9424001 BROCKBANK MIDVALLEY LOTS On Contract, farms negv abto, bordtrs Golf Course from 9U2S0 ClM Gary 571 Kan 561 1414 ISO Condowiimwim 4S6 Condomi The affordable alternative just got better! Buy on Contract Interest Down pO 11 seM at once 5 acres OWNER -m High Country Estates beautiful view of entire vai'ev horse omp erty 927 500 592 H44or 592 3691 vft Owning your Own fcus ness bu'idngi to odvontoges 2) The ownership 3) The security of stciole poyments 4) loose with opt'On to buy1 GREENWOOD INDUSTRIAL small or large spices Park, Bob 966 4206.292 7664 KEHL BUILDING DUPLEX LOTS FOR SALE or WAREHOUSELIGHT mfg Modern fire sprinkled warehouse space at entrance to Centennial Park Air cond office, is ft inside clearance 6 820 m ft WAREHOUSE New fire sprinkled dock high Air cond warehouse office space reload trackage inside clearance 20 ft Redwood Rd and Fortune Rd SHOTT REALTY 467 9479 972 3974 RM JS 5ttH6iCE Improved dup'ex budding tot Cioae to Venev Fair West 337$ So Bv owner mi i From Huntsman LOTS ACRE Y irng water with Associates 4 i40t ACRE LOTS from 930 000 with irng water Huntsman 4 Associates 561 1406 4 ACRE L0TS from 9)4 500 use your own builder Huntsman 4 Associates 361 1409 SACRIFICE 2 ecres, with ) smell buMdlngs, 92,000 Grentv vine 864 )944 3225 So above VIEW, Wasatch Biv&, v to acre, from $45 000 Owner Agent, 272 21 7 WEST JORDAN Improved 10 000 so toot tots. 816 600 ERA Smith 4 Associates Mr Smith 2 ACRES. 91 4 JO Grantsville, Call 561 3154, or Mr OLYMPUS VIEW LOT AT Tnfe Top, only 1 toft ALPINE 4 ACRES trade tor lot Reese Realty BLUFFDALE-acre ipts. 919 950 S6i SOUTH CONCORDE Rea 'tors KEHL REALTY NOW d ACRE eater $19 50 recreational Here's 17 61 acres wtth its own w mite race end training tram already built fish tn your own whii pond you build those dreams Cali VI 266 3176 or jonn 966 4930 REALTY WORLD METRO 467J991 SWETTWATW PARK OH'ce space iocoted odacent the snorts Mali on 9th East and 5400 South From 450 to 4000 So ct can Vince Alien 292 5979 to OAKWOOD RRORERTY SOMETHING New In Uah tor Recreation lend Bandanna Ranch the lest frontier otters w heavily private ownership timoarad $ acre renchettes. efth in the optional membership Rencn Bandanna Sportsmen ft Club of 600 use 4 our put airstripi pise aouestrian factiitas and 40 000 acres of green bait area Bandanna Ranch borders on the Asnev National forest end lies between the new Currant Creak Dam and Reocreek reservoir (to miles east of of S L C ) Purchase price of the 9 acre renrhette start at 97 950 with at down and Dto simlittiy at 10 ple interest end 10 years to oav For further tnformetion call 292 Weekends 64)4. Ogden l' cabin, collect $at 3J6 LEASING EXECUTIVE ACRE Lot down contract, MUST SELL Club tot, on gotf Riverton, low Marty $61 5064 Alpine Country course LOT SO EAST Irrtg BUSINESS? tor Home wrfh gerege-U- se business or resioence-- dr both Commercial lot. 180 x 60 Convenient Contract location avail Upper 40 s Call Roger 942 3877) Steve Mark 967 2171. Office 9644206 AndysonRtty H !?TH REALTY WORLD LITTLE 53 REA1 TY tM 800 to 17 280, M ft warehouse end Mhce with overhead doors West 2300 So DELUXE office WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR LEASE From M to 'iM ft ivotiobt Downtowi So Salt Life, no Morro. Kx.t'Om CAPITOL INDUSTRIES v DELUXE 2 ACT. tnduA-tria-l ltti ) buiiplnst Day 22 ?SS REALTY STYLE iUB WAREHOUSE LEASb pace 3 one m ft heated toft West overhead door ?lt $ Temoie location Small office and answering service mev be negot or pted Can Chuck 58 9094 after 6pm WAREHOUSE Shoe seece avail downtown loc For lease 4 000 sq ft avail at UHSc per H sq rail sours, toned tomm end M Office space also avail 94 50 per SQ ft Colleen S34 1004 FOR acre fenced Lease, commercial property with near new 7400 sq foot bldg Ample off street parking Good Provo oc on maor business street Ceil 377 9991 or 4 weekends 3000 Inci office area SQ FT or shop warehouse, storage space 2 restrooms, eir, off street min from freeway, parking near $tn No 3rd West Lease negotiable avail , John 328 31 74. ONE ACRE on State Street South of Sendv. near proposed ZCMl Mail Contract sal with 000 down 9110 D00 DAVE NELSON 487 4840 ONA INV REALTY 920 FrSmT t 0 to 3,600 M shops for lease overhead and walk in drs Ail utiis plus 3 phase power avail M zone 386 So West 300 Ml 262 2577 272 10 St , 125 P x'SS fenced Sa 800 completely or 467 390 eves Owner B ock building 35X35 2 overhead doors heat water, 220 electricity 940 000 $5 800 Down Owner will carry contract $559 South 9th E ft lot on Mam rear sq ft , Old bldg , pertly remodeled Terrific perking, great potential $59 500 CHOICE American property Fork Office space beauty snap 37)4860 surplus 4 craft store. Cook Rea1 Estate, I ACRE Ml in West valley industenai park 46th West 6600 So AH uttis aveileoie On paved road COMMERCIAL Manufacturing so ft , heavy space, 2 utiis near downtown $400 5060 RM acre. East 4500 South, owner-eoeRobb 3?9 864 HIGHLAND DRIVE smei office bunding for .ait Vic 39th &c'th Contract possible Contact M kr Commerce Property 2 ACRES North Seif Lake 12 cinder block horse stalls Good link access Cham freeway fenced M Zoning PRESTIGE warenoust space 600 to 60 000 sq ft for lease 972 4H1 eves 2 M PRIME Ogden prooerty acres. )?tn St and Gibson Ave Saie or lease 571 1063 SHOP or warehouse txdg tor lease 3 750 sq ft , So Sait Lake, aft 4pm, 9 ft Lenard or Tai. Fri 9 to 6 ONLY LEASE large refrigerated coo e are and freezers ideal tor er meat distrtb , 467 1442 OR BUV RENT Commercial zone brick home a D39 So State Rees, 5? 4150 NEW OFFICE WAREHOUSE MFG Lease 2 TOO to 41 000 sq ft Near l 15 and 7?00 So FIRST MONTH'S RENT FREE 1 200 SQ ft office tor lease $400 3S84 So West Tampte e FOR LEASE 3,000 m ft with office 375 North 506 ft front x 150 fl floor, 6 stall repair State 277 9481 mfg , shop, wrhie , drs J phase power yd ft 1,000 sq me south b ms LEASE 290 office show snog 545 So LEASE 7160 600 off ,108 So 5th W 581 9202 LEASE X000 deluxe warehouse ano office zoned M 1, 277 3338 40x100' BlOG office, overhead OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE West &cvsntry ffitanor from $35 400 Mounto'n Loke$ Property acre parcels 930044000 par acre, heavily woooed. meadows hr from SLC Call and wafer 94? 5164 oaf 9 pm Summer home to ooe to Homestead to Midway Prnv view end easy to build on 98000 Terms Can Lmn, Venev h or Realty 10 FORECLOSURE wooded Pev 3 acres near Feirvtow of 7? each end $49 payments toxeevr 94? 307? 10 ACRES near Starvation Reserproperty, voir ypiut prime 9 000 oar prrt, will ten all 10 tor $6 3575 South 3200 West -- U COTTOSOCO KVflOPMlM COMfASY NOW AVAILABLE Annual Percentage Rate BBSS Will Buy You A Condominium With: a FI LLBSSEHEYT a AIR fODITIOM!SG a CU B HOUSE o SAI1U A fUIIRIPOOL SB1HMI1G POOL From 835,950 Priced 400 0 EOUlVniTIL 40 Mon. EAST Open thru Sat. Noon till 7:30 p.m. 298-266- 3 Contact Keith Wallace AKERlOW THOMAS DYER ABO 000 OFFICE RESEARCH end devi-spmespec tor mesa in an at OHO to tractive environment 2? 000 M ft Aiso Industrie! toece available 24,000 to 96 000 m ft Ail soece is ready tor immediate occupancy at comcwfi-tiv- e rental rotes For informenon Sait Lake international Canter 53 366l FOR LEASE 3500 m office soece ? private ofttces plus ooen work soece, Lunchroom Only Empigvees 93 so ft Dean Crawiev f LOAW CONTRACTS PROBE Prime cornmerrifll Lots Between state end Mem Perfect tor oftce or business. Kelly Net- 272 4215 i WHY TAKE LESS FuM CASH tor men suitable h ps tor 465 2030 WAREHOUSE SPACE RiNT t. jam ta warehouse space by the month Overhead door area 7700 West t 2300 SO 4874469 SM 796 GREAT OPPORTUNITY Superb ground tor seto Next to Busch h black Park Great tor office acre compie and other uses SELL US YOUR HOUSE with excellent access end vsabi QUICK APPRAISAL 261 4)21 iRv Sco Romney Alien ?i CENTury jjeeity Simons $ Co AasY cash tor Grenper, Kearns FOR LCSE industrial were SLC homes any condition house soece Fully insuettd-neateUnttod Bong 359 4493 gr 2 77 $4S4 eua ity M I Park start PRIVATE party tain buy houtet inf Sq tt W 3306 JJCPtr or Cam test otters f OR LEASE deluxe lndusrr,si ?7 $J?6 otfic warehouse FtiHy mam We buy homas Immed aoprais tamed M Perk 6 ?T2 M ft tor Df SE PVWrttos46e 28I 9 ?S0oermo 26Xloa OUKK CAU tor vour equity No PR 'ME COMMERCIAIBI DG Ooetttoni Li6fd 46 CreO Agant 50 (MO M n , on 5 ecres AAA WANT! J So East tos 0064 in tenant NNN lease Mijrgy ry Broker buiinar 4ft8u0 owners i?3 y9 r 33 CaC-- I FO YOU JOUITY ST'ieufiON CENTli Am, DON itA-'North U V16 m t V Tempi MresonAhi Dawson JfAS- F v Vaur 6auty rnl Co Ran Estate Mis Reerhon Realty 967 1' CASH FAST COLONIAL GARDENS lend woo 8mII $ Astoc 4 OR LEND and sailing real estate 5926. contracts, Can judv or eves end weekends Bruce. 479 5995 or Duane 479 3564 CONTRACT discounted to ved JDS Years. H3 000 Berry. ?i IMMEDIATE Cash and toe doner tor rea estate contracts. 6407, eves 582 23)7 CASH tor Reel Estate contracts, mortgages $ trual deeds 466 1004 EQUITIES INC Will pu'Chase eouity in Reel Ron Estate Contracts CASH for real estate contract. 8527 277 trust mortgages Oergs, Pid 464 DECEMBER FRIDAY, 335 acre farm West ef Buriev Flood Irrigated wtth 2 homes machtne and grain stor age machinery avail if desired acre farm Sprinkler irrigated with home shoo, machine and gram storage HAVE pf. 312 acres Sorlnkier irri wens end soring 369 HAVE 3 gated acres Sorlnkier irri 3 wens, gram storage verd and machinery A'Oma Realty I 752 9)12 Looen Kav Neeiav 563 5340 Shirley Neison Warren Km HAVE LOW DOWN 9806 down $95 15 mo 6 err ranch water tort It soil roads Nr power plant png sk' resorts For detaMs rail owner agent 533 859 5 ACRES IN RIVERTON be zoned for acre lots utis Win in or nearly $50 000 neoot Marie 343 0) I7i 561 SANDY REALTY 440 CASTLE VALLEY PROPERTIES to miles lest ef Moeb Have several lot tor ee S acres to u acres Deeded Creak irrigated water right prices range from 81 000 oer err Terms ato available Lend include roumg huis to exeeiient farm tend Con tact Joe klngvav Owner Agant P O Bov 537 Moeb Utah $4532 or phone ?59 60M BLUFFDAIE 34 4 acre $7950 per Apore acre flowing wens sormg 7 snares of East Jordan water fruit traes large traas old horn teen house milk house shed beautiful view of venev ?to gown llto interest or trade tor income property will sail por tton Gary Huntsman, owner' agent t4?66M 943313 CONTRACT TRADE OR Ex Change Fabu'ou custom home on 3 4 acre Can Barbara tor 99 991 3 or Mary Lea, an the details CENTURY 21 17 C 14, 1979 HEBFR GROUND WiTM stream and traet 221 $'1000 Dick ACRES With wan. let 306 Dick 13 3 ACRES With vusl 1350 9'09 0 Tom 5M AlRES in Dameit $70 BOO Terms DKk 6542216 VAL L gV HI R g ALTY 5A??90 NEW FREE SMS flf Sod CATALOG! Farms SPRING Ranches Acreeges. Recreational Pi nnertias Town 6.neee and Country Homes COA9T TO COAST UNITED FARM AOEN Cv INC R O Bax f3 A take C'tv Utah mica 2 259 TOLLFR6I fe't Ph m. COLLIE tr 100 ACRES Sell or Trade tor eoultv in home or duplex, fme recreational area fishing hunting tnowmobiimg 571 1771 8 4 ACRES EAST DRAPER SELLING BELOW APPRAISAL ALL UTILITIES TO PROPERTY Contract avail Cali 571 ?iqo JUST APPROVED tour acre lot. West Farmington horses allowed 922 500 each Sell on 867 2577, contract agent 67 5553 owner Call now' t ana sl. feme lflw 224 W boos CALLISTER L- SfAUTifUColt red Top tin lineage SALT VA o iS H S 9'J ro AfTa mo 8 dun wth dorsal stnoes Dor Bar and Leo Mar Make offer after $ jo LAKE COUNTY impound t Pub'ic auction i5fh Sorrgi mpr and i brown Shetland stud H025 South 1700 West ha Sal tx sato Dec 9pm ATTENTION DAIRYMEN 50 head 1300 lbs top Quality ho'sfein Springing heitors Xed to reg and A bulls to start 6 cejvutoJn Ceil 6523 801 Snu' p 0 Utah Dk Tuiay SI LOS cntr irrfxmatlon or H IOC ChADAl call 22 766 081? SHA WEN TRAINING CENTER Riding lesson gift certificate Special HoMaav price on pure Xed Arabian horses 571 917 371 937Q 1340 SO 700 East REGISTERED horse Quarter geidmg 7 year end 9700 or best offer 867 2)18 COWS 250 big youno hertords start calving m March Also 100 harford hatters Start calving in Feb Larry Baglay SADDLE and Xidlas, blanket gun scaoberd and horse snoetng equipment Other mc 371 So 280 West Orgm HORSE Trailer Lang 2 horse tandem, '73 with storm window Set up fx and saddle rack equalizer 8), 100 571 364? REGISTERED Half Arabian mere 7 year old 14 hands Show quality has been shown in 4 H LAND NEEDED MIKE JOHNSON 262 2323 Builder Broker Developer BY OWNER 10 acres. Preston Idaho in city limits, water end sewer on property prime subd' vjion land, lefiJJQO Call PRECIOUS POA Pony 6 yr old been shown win ?7? ?758 CIRCLE J TRAILERS exclusively af Bountiful Campers 330 So 5th West, 292 2631 2000 ? 227Q, HEREFORD STEER 1 100 ib See on toot for (probably) LAND WANTED you and 4 tor me 1 Call Jack TC Cxrei. feeder and gates in BROCKBANK MiDVALLEY stock bxn special ordered 11660 5 Tillable So State SLC. Acres near Fair 571 5171 view with water right 11 000 HOLSTEIN BULL 450 lbs $500 acre Affordable terms by owne-- - x best offer Feedx pig. 100 lbs . 571 6625 agent $7$ or best offer 71 SANPETE COUNTY acres all 2 SLIGHTLY used Trophy Sed or pert Trees, scenic, some dies rawhide trees, hendtooted, water 91 300 per acre Terms excellent cond $375 ea 292 298 2 X 3 HOLSTEIN springer hetors BY OWNCR 64 irng acres in Holstein cow feeder calves, and city of Grantsville Large new ca'vy cows home, and stable, many nice BUCK sheeo Purebred Suffolk extras $160,000 Young but proven to be excellent MUST sen Ptmon Pine covered breeder 10 ec , Rock Creek Area Uinta GOOD Holstein Cow. 2 Leooard Basin $a00 ec Low down ConAppv geldings and boarding tract 1 Prpvo 7 stalls available CENTERVILLE, East bench. 3'4 POR SALE S yr od Sxrei mar, tor acres, unbelievable view, reas , Quarter vxv horse, rag future development, II 000 acre call aft 6 Consider terms or trade 292 4221 t SORREL mxa, excel reigning 110 ACRES Near Hoi dan beeuti horse, excel Queen contestant fui soil, frontage on Hwy 9258 81200 firm per acre excel terms Al Jon horse, 608 Mftuto faced awes, sheer 6? nson Real Estate, 2 ACRES North Saif Lake 12 Xeed to iamb Axil 2) Kenneth Porter, Deft Utah Good cinder btock horse stall MONTH reg Arabian gelding link access Chain freeway $750 M x best otter Circle Y sad-difenced Zoning 9760681 Xtdei blanket, 9200 278 1582 No 10 ACRES, Utah water rights, 3 wails with pumas. 400 PONIES, gentle, used saod.as. ft main line 2 sorlnk lines, stor hold tor Christmas, 571 3643 4761 ageraaaevoir $75,600 GOOD hors oastura tor rant, 820 ASSUME 2W acres per hoed px month 2942050 $35 mo Wendover area Good invest I Buy Registered Horses merit 942 1212 Forciosure 30 acres nr Fairyiew PUREBRED REGISTERED Water rights Take over $229 56 SUFOLK RAMS 571 3474 mo Formgn Carp 2 Xed ewes, fat and haaithy ASSUME 835 mo 2' acres, Cedar City area Good invest 1978 HORSE TRAILER, 91600 ment X 292 1248 aft 5 10 ACRES GrantsviMe City, LAMBY EWES FOR SALE, $1600 acre Also 10 acres, Tooele 'I Vaiiev $500 acre 969 2503 YOUTH x adult 6 vr mxe rod DELTA Acres, near IPP, h 4H $550 561 4069 973 420 $71 4426 good term OlAMONO 2 BAR S yr oid mar ASSUMC $45 mo , 5 acres Roosewait xoke fast 571 3842 velt area Good Invest 561 8708 HORSE Boerdtng $ E area 970 ASSUME Ll5 mo , 5 altm P.rY ext 49 , 292 9117 vanev Good invest 2 YR Appaioosa reg HIGH East 571 4883 after 5 except weekend property 91Q 000 acre ARABIANS Purebred I mare S yr ? stud coits IB? yrs ho Horses Boarded 572 0323 PROPERTY YEAR old ra Quarter gelding, anyonecan rid 446 E 6400 So HOMEMADE 2 horse traitor, 9350 974466 COLORFUL PONIES 3 5 9000 sq tt view lots over in city limits, looking vaiiav with paved street euro and guf tor sidewalk and watar and sewer service to property line wi" finance 95 006 816 000 70to CaM 801 259 770$ after 6 00 o m , write D Bretzke P O Box 1291, MoaD Utah. 64532 JUST AVAILABLE to Cash Vaiiav 2 berm . new home Modem, with insulated werk snoe. double garage axtansive tvstem Excel wen. 5 acres, with plenty ef pasture fruit trees, xaoevlne and Excel ft ether improvements nencing bv ownx Contact agent joe Klngsiav, Box 537 Moeg, Uah $4532 X Phong BEAUTIFUL mountain home in Sanpete County, with in backyard fishing stream t75 060 will sell an eoore'sed contract, for 965 600, with 95 000 945 OoO cash Many tx down, tree Write Owen Bronson, P 0 Bo 203 waes Utah Isos? 2 ACRES wtth power 5 Sll x Y Pav eouity X 9UOO0 ax month at 7 Homestead Rd vanev Box 131 1, Moeb, $118 Lot 315 Assume percent , Cat Uten x HEBER HOME 2 Brick home with 5 bdrm bath cathadrpi ceilings, 2 frpis , db garage 978 500 Ownx fi nencing Call Dick X Ve"ev HI 2250 2216X Raaify, BiG OLD REST0RA6LE 3 bxm 5 10 on acres farm house Mugs East X Park City 975 800 25to down balloon be 'ante to 36 mo , 5790 parcel 1'00mo, 12$ ml Southeast X S L , 94 695 Tall Douglas Fir Pines Call tor aopt SPRING CITY, 3 bdrm house 24x40 tin shed larga chicken wim water coupe on 48 acre snares 462 2923 3 BDRM HOME 3 acres of front age Weotr County Can be suodi Vioed into building tot 995,000 Government lend with warar 8$ P X acre LIVESTOCK SAi 300 Reg 95 PAIR MEN Sae 00 S 96 9 JEANS Men t to nets Reg 935 Sato 821 H Men and top gram learner 999 96 Sato coat Rag $) Men's Hned leather vest gg 455 00 $at 933 9 Man's fienneJ shirt Reg i'5 00 Sait I'Oto Men wnoi shirt Pag $30 Sato 91 s Western sorts Reg Men $1 lde 995 Sato 92 96 947 2020 REGISTERED euartgr horse 3 yr old kid gentle 91)00 571 T 7? CALVES, SHEEP and TURKEYS POULTRY GUINEA Fowl pomes, Kaysviiit POA colors 9 20 489 968 2065 COll IE 'eg DACHSUNO m.n.atijre ltomato top fempiet 2 AKC DACHSUNDS 97 pops 2 06 6 Mmipturt Pups PyreOrtd ?9SJ)a02 AKC Christmas 363)981 w" DALMATlONS iwij pups AKC rg rust mas and to DOBERMAN b ack and maies 8'50 DOBERMAN rno temaie 4i?h J p 52 aoorabto smart 3 trap 583 4168 DOBERMAN mixcutf pupp.es FREE Can 9s7w83 DOBERMAN oups kg love'y AKC Ready tx Xmas 56) 405 CaM DOBERMAN Pupp es Price 637 5 726 Or 437 0063 DOBERMAN traa to eooo home emato mos 970602 DOBERMAN Free use Reg indefinite time ?9V4?00 ENGLISH Soamei Snrtnoer FREE 6 mo with paoers Can if you can xovde a loymg home with children 484 971 364 647 ENGLISH Springer Spamei pups a K Creg ser ed 98 8551 GERMAN Sheohard puppies AKC 985 6 Weeks on Christmas day superb blood lines compare aft 4 pm before you buy GER&AN SCHNAUZER tret PUPOjr484 7706 after 5 30 GERMAN Shepard AKC rgg 4 mo, mala beautiful markings selectively Xed stock excellent tor pet x security real champ! J mo 943 qn$iS0 Gxman Shepherd 99 $20 2306 RETRIEVER PUPS Can 292 4003 AKC. GOLDEN RETRIEVER temple 6 wk 571 H85 GREAT DANE PUPOies fawn wth black mask beautiful gentit ana affectionate animpis from AKC champion bloodlines txceiignt wafcnoogs ?9$)992 " AKC bieck 6 GREAT DANE GOLDEN AKC $150 ll x SADDLE HOUSE NORTH STATE OREM UT (601) i'G 1979 ITiaiav Bieck Filly by 0e Bartender (AAA AQHA Champ) put ef Hetty Weae T Thu dam current by Bull Weed 3 runners on the track y ha firm CaM 37 $1 500 Evanston Wv HORSE BOARDING Nice dean stall with paddocks Best feed and exa Prvas arena and iprga Pawn wc tor rd-mSoutheast area 6 HORSES 2 vr to 10 vn oto 95 sawn On Rv6 j index Private h Charge World Easy J breeding Rovpi 'y Xed 3 and 4 vr ed Mines 13TW0 lakes eu Ms jw Jm-J- fulT Bl RIAN Husxy Male 467 720 (vend aood natured after 4pm SPRINGER Spamei registered pops tor vue AKC champmn Si show Woodlm 78V6I28 10 SPRING R Span lei AKC mos Beautiful male $50 943 HOT TERRiER MU weeks $1(1 42 5156X566117 6 WEIMACANER week old m'f AKC rag $100 2M 133? WHITE Srotfv puppies AkC Westies adorable VORKIE pupp'es 3 fempie male from $l 25 91 M?$ 1635 VORKIES pick now and have by Christmas CaM 29$ 7448 WANT $175 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies AKC. 96 7 58)5 PARAKEETS tor sale blues $"0 fares $)? Call 98 93 PARAKEETS Young PEKINGESE temaie 6 mo Good btood lines Great Christ mas gift1 92 3056 PEK1NGESF p ids reg Shots 6 1 weeks old PEKINGESE re ntoto stud service PERSIAN kittens end tats CFA and AC FA Beautiful loving In time tor Chrieimes X now Tek 754 3021 mg deposits PERSIAN KITTENS CFA Regis terd silver f weeks old will hold tor Christmas PERSIAN KITTENS CFA reg tost m time for Christmas taking wilt deposit, 92 hold TO TRADE AKCRg shot. Shih No 4to West 574 521464 TZU meN I pupdv Ca after 4 3D Striking malt eck X ADORABLE PUPPIES fx sal Mother Boxer factor $1$ eecn SHIH TZU. AFGHAN PUPS AKC"7eg 6 'wfcs Shots 8125 to $1S0 56) 4690 Xoken lifter tomee $hih TZU fempie shot house with kid 292H84 xeet 3 SW mo Ferret Kitts 1st Gen Alb rets T Sib M Alb Want to 2 vr Sto Fem tor acquire Xeedmg and or make arrange ments tor same tor Kitts Ml 31 after 7 mtes or before noon Sat $ Sun (Ray) 4 KENNEls' AND RUNS DOG Port or permanent Acme Fence W Temple 487 7431 FREE Many beautiful Healthy young dogs Labradors other Fence required 278 4151, 28 408 Free handsome gentle, pointer mix male pupj664484, 4874257 Co 33)0 So m HAY. GRAIN, FEED ALFALFA HAY Irg wire tied hales $3 50 ea Also alfalfa cubes, 980 tx Will del Mr 484 9864, White 46 2242 ranch I Daint pn tested X request Southern Idaho Hay Marketing office (208 ) 6.54 98? home (2081 IDAHO HA YLrg semi toad Delivery most anywhere 254 u?) LARGE bales excellent barley Straw 91 50 261 066? CHOICE 254 4205 HAY FOR SALE PRODUCE RAVARINO PRODUCE 1031 So West Temple S Sunk, it sm sz 15 00 bv 100 lbs $5 50 SPUOS ? Idaho lb 8? 75 CARROTS 50 lb $4 75 JON$ ROMES DEUSH $7 50 bv SO lb. ONIONS US U00 bag bx 99 00 LEMONS new crop Daily a m ti) 3om exc Sun ORANGE ANDERSON S FRUIT MARKET 4074 SO REDWOOD ROAD Bananas, apples, garlic, dills, tomatoes potatoes. onon cant tooe. ipiaptnos, gnahtams, bushel , Christmas frutt baskets. Christmas trees 9474497 MITS FARM MARKET Potatoes. Xv onions, puad. wmter gears, all kino X apotos. unwashed carrot, raisins Fresh CHRISTMAS apple cider TREES 863 East 4500 South APPLE Juice-fresdaily at Jones Dairy $1 gat wholes, avail 1481 West 800 So. 5 bu . brm APPLES Rad cont Farnsworth )2?t So 7th East ST tjOCSB 0dSndgy FECANS-crgckeshelled Pure Vermont maple syrup, wholesale or retail x apple sale Golden Red Romas $4 7 bushM Wesrssoo So Xing box CVS FARM PRODUCE Apples nmom. souash potatoes, pexs 1767 South too East DELICIOUS APPLES $5 bu bo 1767 So TOO East Sandy es l son.. FERTILIZER ORGANIC PERTH IZER SALE Call 359 4)9? FOR FUEL COAL, WOOD STOVE WOOD chunks gme and hr From $0 ha t cord Dealer tnouiries invited 31401 MAY FOREST PRODUCTS PiNION Pine firewood split end delivered $128 ton. 10 half ton I ton unspilf 9)07 50 to ton un split 12 58 By weight 5663724 Solid FISHER STOVES Sale Prices. Quirk Pickup 190 wkends after 6 wkdavs UKC reg PLOTT HOUNDS, I mos readv to hjmt, JJRJ 585 POM PEKE Need a horn for a sweet 1 yr old tomaie Never been around Children 27 2R9 PUPPIES. LAB HUSKlE MIX $10 ea J77 3354 PUPPIES FREE Lhasa Apso and Cxkaooo crow Great tor Christmas 532 5665 aft 6 gm RARE Cockatoo Tamp young Citron 9695 37541S Prpvo SCOTTIES Cairns ato Skvas 205? 966 YOKKIES mosid9iJ78:75 GREAT DANE 4 mos old Brin die femaia Reg Show ouautv Call Karen 532 5444 xMO-jU R'SH Wolfhound tompit, top show Quality 2624459 FREE KITTENS mpie tom if m Sandy xea KITTENS, adorebto tree Will deliver Call aft 4pm, 32? 3846 tree? LABRADOR PUPPIES father seemen 57! 6682 LHASA APSO PUPS AKC wMI 1 hold w Christmas LHASA APSO PUPPIES A"KC reg , Ceil 561 7659 LHASA APSO Putoiet, AKC 91504)7 1st shot, LOVEBIRDS. 2 AUSTRALIAN PEACH FACE With cage Nest ng 4 eggs 60 Can AKC registered MALMUTES Adult males 22 3168 MALTESE Puppies, tmy AKC shots. Champion lines 2 reserve for Christmas MALTESE tompit euos. reg 2 y mos , 9250 Grendtethx is Amx and Caned tx champ 67 73 MiN.ATuRE SCHNAUZER 5 mos Mai No paoxs Good family dog H NORWEGIAN kLK HOUNDS, mixed. 6 wk oid $20 odof puppies 4 mot . call 2546' SHEEPDOG OLD ENGLISH PUPPIES AKC, 3 females. $M- - SHEPHERD, beautiful Irg tHwk room to run 0 map . 925 372 or 174 532 5793 QUALITY PINON PINE 7673 W 7100 So Pickup delivery 6484 Tues Sun? 5 om wood BEAUTIFUL burning stoves with large cooking surface and oven Cut your togh fuel bill and save 571-- JO PINION PINE y 980 Tx Superior Quality Orem, FIREWOOO FOR SALE. Pinion Pme Cottonwood Will deliver batwnsa am I 38 gm, Cali x 5834147 MR HEAT STOVES Fireplace insert, 3 wear windows Effieconomical cient attractive immed dfi.very 1579 93430? TOP Quality Pinon Split, delivered and stacked CLEAN well seasoned pne, cut and spilt a? 154. 25$ 9974 Pit BuM Terrter-sirCail , AMERICAN COCKERS $75 ready tor Chnstmes AmER'CAN 0 iba 1464 31 75 ANIMALS Redheads 92)9 $149 95 Blue animals Orange Rings Front 9239 95 Lilac Crown. 9H9 95 Blue A Goto Macaw, 9995 95 Pocket Parrots, $79 9$ Parakeets 96 99 2 95 Cockatitt. Singer Canenes 939 95 Babv Canaries 919 95 2959 Highland Or 95 animal! $300 ( 208 2334369 Soantoi 95 For Christmas! BULLDOG Famato AKC Puds J5 25 years Can 2 CANARIES hpns coiors 359 4739 CANARIES tor Cnrstmas beau iqi color and song 93- Ml CANARIES "THRIFTIES" Pleose use the mlxmoton guide following Calf 217 3000 3 Lmes 4 flay $3 W Item or items not to exceed 9100 4 Must list tor eprh item 5 No kmit on number oi ads 6 May cancel No Refund 7 No Aoxeviattont I No commercial business Family want pat omy 9 No gar e sains - 2 3 xtre GET THE THRIFTIES' HABIT Read column everyday and when you hove tomeihinq to ell 'or Ipsj than $100 coll GIANT vephi M TY unwti saHing new tor seD tor a Qreat Advent picture Will $3 (100 at 97W-titsaer warranty Also iik nw Magna vm consol stereo $50 And super tun baseball toil lift pm ban machine $4Sfl Chntmas Mika 255 1?6l nr 57? CATS Neutfred kittens 359 1665 Chesapeake PUPS SLC born Oct pv ades $10 Lange ski boot A N 8M0 tso Good Ethan Allen nevd cleaning $50 90 l66 FOLDING Pmg pong labia $40 retriever 6 wui be m Dec 24 2770690 COCKERS Party coix (rarei sired will hold fHI ChnsmashO Mi? COCKERS English Dt x show 266 ?64 4)H S 3rd W Champion 7 COCKER Soanwi Purebred me meto moving, must sen 975 3293 COCKER SPANIEL PUPS M9 151 AKC COLL'E PUPPIES CaM 571 3026 tor appointment fftLLie PoMTtS AKC. N m. 0 HALF Price Airline Couonn $15 each like new Cowman tent 1441 27 7306 3 CHRISTMAS Candle centerpiece 870 silk flower arrangement $15 Christmas fan $10 406 4248 CROCHETEO baby afghan 97$ baby quirt $70 24 m rag doll $20 46 428 AM FM Radio 9 track with speakers 950 00 Hoover vacuum 970 00 26200 AUKI excel spaed eitre lent 95 10 gallon aQuanum $15 bed frame $5 292 5656 DELUXE microwave oven stand use new cost $65- - wilt sell tor U0 56 TWO KESTINGMOUSl rM.lg.f.tor Excellent condition $441 Set X encyclopedias BRAND new rabbit tor coat never worn Retail gne llto $00 sail )' fx $55,CaNjNii MAGNUS gan like ncludad m. 3120 AZUKI Good condition $30 Phone BEAUTIFUL new large hand made patchwork comforter. Log cabin, rad fence $50 22 874 2 LENSES 21 mm Vivitpr TX F2 9 Ultra wide II mm tor uses new $100 ?toj, JOjfH GOOD used car pet, 11x13. Roval Blue 920 12x18 dark green 135. i bras fjrev.reer$iQ CHILDS 120 cm skis boots $30 Kid s snow boots oents. $3 2H Head G S$25 9533h) 2 twoTgirls stingrays $25 and $30 or best otter 972 8917 xtagnn aouanum complete with accessories $100 GAl LON ? Call 487.411? FuLl size extra long bed with headboard excellent cond $6$ CaM 4876)79 CHILDS cuoboard $S Saton-vpportable hair dryer $30 Nor eko sunlamp JU0VJ? 28M SWING bike Mka' rww 155 Grl Stingray 110 3 new leather nail $5 em h Cm 635A h dsh gardens 9 al narh $10 Lrve ?7 6638 Howey TOYS and snorts eou'P $250 value sale fx $75 ?7 66 532 9ifo4 Console electric or new bench and bonk 95 best otter 22 JT?7 wv PORTABLE dishwasher avaca , years use do cutting top 97 $80 sot famt rd per'ct vaua c ChESPEAKE 6 mo Od ma'e field trial lines AKC 486 3290 COCKATOO Lesser suiphar crested tempi 51 3385 SPANIEL COCKER black AKC Christmas Puopte Champion Sired will hold until Christmas 9)60 583 4407 AKC Puds black COCKER 71 5584 150 champion breeding COCKERS AKC Champion ling Deposit will hold tor Xmas 9150 tompies 9)00 mai 32 each 3765 969 261 1515 bnvs uts 9 to coal $J5 averyih.ng condition 48 79U Boot SKI 6pm lliiL 237-200- 0 NEW 571 4259 Murray Chopper lust like new $75 Call after 6 m Jl 365 99 3120 SKI BOOTS Used to yr . almost new ladies size 9, $40 Call after O PocatoMp 0 gallon p'u stand AQUARIUM 0 gaiion. diatom fMer auto feeder mxe HOO 467 4709 aft 5 no gal With acces AQUARIUM tones $500 investod eti offers considered ceil after 6 56' 3417 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd pups will hold fx Christmas 277 4200 BASSETT hound 13 mo mie must salt $)S0 bast offer BEAGLE Pugotes, AKC reg ready fx Christmas 968 763 BEAGLE guppies AKC, 6 week oto by X mas Will hold BOXER AKC rag Pupoies chpmpix sired exeent watch aogs great with kids 417 9i Baaut'tur PUPS BRiTTANV markings outstanding chamoion 91 0 9 25 AKC snip lines 295J226 BRITTANY BOYS WHEN PLACING YOUR ANIMALS loas 969 95 Burmese 979 9$ arantutes. 814 95 Skmks. $5 99 Tree frogs. $5 99 Tokevt, $9 99 Monitor $49 95 Cx snekes $49 95 Yellow ret snakes. $39 95 Cnemeieons $1 99 hermit free crabs 2959 Highland Or OLD ENGLISH SHEEP DOG PUPPIES-AXC, (Ferziwtg CedZero both sides ) )? guppies. ing I white heads ready now 9250 to StoQgrs XMAS GIFT IDEAS down coats and vests 20 to Am kids shirt SOto at 3 oh Patch Lizard 869 Ostrich F'nnl 97shifts 9 99 On grout Of cords 0 Denim ixketv 20S oft Special buv Utahn saddles save up tt 30to off mfg suggest ad retail as low as $479 with BuMhige Tree 90th So, iut West et I HORSE ANO STOCK TRAILERS Fmai liquidation on pH 199 models ovx 41 trailers to choose from No res after refused 754 1071 Ravonaba S'fttR'AN Husky pupp'es AKC Paula or Henry morn 22470 mix Boxer free to good Cocker mix home 46 M 685 excel GFRMAN Shepherd breeding prospect 3 vr old tern , good pioodjtoes 942 5733 puppim, german shepherd AKC $50 99 7 756 X 57 805 german SHEPHERD PUPS 3764729 PETS Shim TU puppy AKC Also stud 571 77J 4 servHf SIAMESE beautiful purebred Cinsing out CATTERY m ttm tor Hi MAI AVAN Christmas type PERSIANS also plus Reg aM 571 3385 CALL'STSR S j shots hi colled ma' AKC AKC Pol tn of meeting Club acre farm only 92$ 000 in Cache Vailev near Logan Easy term Call today 25 3374 OBI Investment 40 ACRES Farmington East bench Future develop property lOto dn Great terms Make offer 5508 or Cliff Can Lareirw Century 21 All Seasons Realty 667 50)1 or 363 50)1 130-f- tts COlLE puppies Qiejty Can 8 OeU Comp have fun at Ramtre under new and competent management of Al Heaps Now offering in fraction tor gli classes of rtding western and English Specie1 c asses tor showmanship at ha' Qu"ty horses always for sa 92 9T07 A S 777 ACRE EXOTIC BOOTS s Sea Turtle Men and Ladies Lizards Reg S1 SO Saie 95 CALLISTER $ 973 7051 Man Ww! KavsviMa THE & CLARK WIGHTMAN 42100 i terms 4243 BE Cd bltr ovsf INVESTMENT LAND 5 Or More acres let Fiat or hiiis with ernes and aspens Contract low down llto imprest Soma less than 6900 per acre StIH have soma rtvar front age left Xent REPOSSESSED HAVE SJO-f- Rtl sale BOOT SAiE 9to FARMS ANO ACREAGE FOR HOMES APPRAISALS JI2 WAin IN Buying BEAR LAKE NEW OFFICE,' WAREHOUSE 7 I acre Contract sato or Lease units 2 200 to 14JOO M ft assumption Winma 262 3S) Kumar Chavre Inc Ritr 262 2166 is ft canines with cargo doors. ?40 0 power tor light menutoc-tunnTim 9WEETWATER tnert Excellent loc between $ Condo at Part city 9800 down L Davis County end Inti Last and assume payments. I7c m tf Raowood indusyears price trial Park Center St and BY OWNER Rd NorthS L Snowbird Iron Biosam Lodoe BRAND NEW Suites 707, 708 time period ?! 40 ski passes $3,000 3s2 5034 Office Bui'ding or Car Lot FOR LEASE owner-stre- am pines 1) 48107 ft building w'4 offices. 10 acres will finance Dig snow rm , ana servtra bast Heoer 2) 200x300 ft fenced, paved lot, SWEETWATER o parking partnership, 5 weeks per year. plenty 3) Location 3750 So Stato V 500 cash 1 70 5u7$. Logeo Can Leon or J R , 2a2 2504 BEAR Lake Gof Course frontage frontage outside Hill lot hojqo Aita $ week Congo ChO'CE ATI and Freeport Center. time snare $10 000 360X166. priced to sail Immedi SWEETWATER Tlmehere5 ereiy, at 1)3$ 006 Easy terms, wfc, 11 toe . save $4O00 53? iUi greet tor commercial or comotex with CAMPER Wood memoerthios for use permit Curt condition Mto Floyd $71 1454 F T Inc or Real EsLenoes. tate Exchange 521 3? 7? XQ36S REAL (STATE OFFICE WAREHOUSE WANTED GROUND 4500 SO 300 WEST Prime commercial FAST CASH FOC HOMES toned MG-c- , up to ? acres avail (Or immed eoartitaisl ads Reece 966 5T36 5564 Can Wevne lea REALTY WORLD CENTURY 2! S'gRRA CLARK WIGHTMAN $ CHOICE MURRAY AREA ?4? 200 ideal tor plumbing and electrical me lot end home Near tree-wa- y WE ARE BUYERS Fenced mnedMI $39 916 NV PREFERRED REALTY VERY FAST SERVICE HEATH REALTY 28 m3 46$ 5944 Bob Fred 277 $477 IMMEDIATE CASH Snlke 163 1506 tor your home Fast appraisal Any location any condition 9a3 FO J905 ?i? 2?2IJ6? 2323 Agent LIASS SAte O TAD II J ACRES unti It" East CASH For our Eoutty any ipca 90tn So 975 000 per acre end 355 2043 hon any condition, i6 an adoitienei $3 acres avail Grant eote Will guild and lease to suit Mortmou Associotes lrc prooer tenant 5a4 prira tor your eoultv wtth or Sue CaM Mik pood terms eentt 943 4007 IRS CLOSING INVESTORS $30 000 Must sail immediately down or get 130 000 first mort on Ano the balance (FHA) gage contract er note Onto APR Priced mid 76's 2808 sa ft he ished , spacious family room, log fence basketball court, V Cati eooreised Gary at Red Carpet Realty, MONEY TO LOAN i 4 PRIME LOCATION 30 acres east bench of American Fork will take confrect terms neoo Cei Mike Hoimes 26? 7400 x JACK C. JENSEN 1 Asioc 2l' xwmn J80 liRitotk 40 ACRES BV OWNER Cedar C'tv Utah Eee"ent investment or building lot idea' near skiing rumete hunting Good fruit and farm ishng Adiecenf to University and Perm Owner will carry wth small down and tniv lOto inter as Owner 56a 7134 Cedar Cv Arches REAL ESTATE Cl j 64 Acrggrjg MOAB, UTAH TIME SHARE WEEKS aver? 2 years, sailing new tor 910 000 will sacrifice tor 97 S00 Have 3 weeks in San Diego. Palm Springs, and St Gaorgt 6i ready scheduled tor I960 or M.ka, OAKLEY. Utah. Retreat Nearly 2 3 acres, magnificent view of Karnes Valiev Uhls With Uxto mobile home. 864 900 Without moo to home. 153 900 Terms avail 1477 5733 20 " P 67995 262 4143 5 5 (Sventry 4W , sugar house warehouse BUSINESS PARK K 088 so ft on Redwood Rd ioee tor retail type business 1847 pmv one ttrtiv. Un to 15 000 sq 278 4633, Mon DECKER LAKE 972 5500 APP6i(lMATELY MIDVALE WEST AREA BROKERS EXCLUSIVE LIST ING QUAYLE BRENT 2S44tt3 OFFICE 45TM SQ FT soece tor ieea 3 excellent tore ion Immediate occupancy 5a6 6456 or 943H DIVERSIFIED PROPERTIES m 6 ACRES 75 5000 250-300- 0 LOT High Avenues, 29 acre irg frontage ljth Ave and K Street $55 000 Possible terms Kimball Investment, 2490 562 Sapping Center Oek STREET PRIME C 2 n tT) So S'At. 1 1 KTH WK-IV- .I UIS pr -- a tt S.H to. S2 ?5 nr a It Ht-- 1 1 COMMERCIAL warta out ana office available with yard space available Up to 30 800 so ft warehouse Railroad spur dock height downtown area Can di vide spaces to meat needs Kenneth g Smith Co LOT Can weekends 563 2404 $50 000 JUST 'APPROVED tour acre lots West Farmington horses allowed 922 500 each Sen on M7 2577, contrprt agent 96 5553, owner Cell Now1 Ideal Inc NOW Southwest area of Sait Lake veiitv aopro sMO So $400 West Price 93 500 per 10 Subordination available Can Or Bvron Mary A PIECE OF ShANGRiLA Good mvastmaitt Wasatch Bvd about 6930 So vy ecm lot wth IQO 935 000 Ceil Alice frontage 266 2)43 ERA Universal Realty ea'e 0 A tor horse property Instead buy this 2 5 acres in $W venev Contract possible tow down easy terms Dnbbto 322 3)64, Paul 969 9459 4113 Reu 592 9540 Hkk Real E stmt 6435113 2359, 900 Bv Owner 900 292 7700 REALTY EXCLUSIVE Choice OC. 925 060 )173 NOTHING DOWN 9283 mo No M 959 Closing costs East soe Pool Stoning Agant 467 1S46 2 BDRM CONDO. cose to town. 938 500 No Manta extras WntH PRIVATE Party will buv income prop homes, any cond $82 4949 WE Pay Cash tor Homes 272 7495 LEASE WILLOWS 459 SmI IttoH $12,000 acres $37,700 $4 Salt CENTERVILLE Beautiful 060 down AND LOTS FOR SALE arrt and up financing available For aoo can Phil Hansen 649 9790 467 3)79 or 9 1 7Q down 1112 000 VILLA CMABLtS Condo 929,000 I with 12 000 down on contract bdrm unit Indoor pool, spa and rec roam Ciota in toe Call Mika 272 163? Qwngr'agenf AVENUE CONOO expensive AT LOCATED dupln town house F McDOUGAL Farm Luxury tuwnhouse, 3 bdrms , ?to baths beautifully decorated 2666069 972 4600 SUMMIT Park, approx 4 ec . 120 foot frontage heavily wooded Midland Court Condominiums 582-89- Like privacy1 You'll tove these two 5 acre parcels with stream and Spring on property $36 000 earn ar $46 000 tor both Can Lvnner Betty 94217J OLD fn 4 ASSOCIATES REALTOR Fr $4) Ln for Aid VILLAGE ACE AVERY 10 PERCENT INTEREST ONLY 5 PERCENT DOWN contract M cenfemo 2 bdrm units near pool and edut security system Nr Valley Malt By living 4? 56a H4 595) Ownpr $12 ""prroc ALPINE ante itc view expansive home area toned tor on horse Ca'i Jim $71 7$4l MARKETING 3573 Sol Proyarty CONTRACT A" W 46-4- oh 67 FORD SPOT RIMS and 750x16 $10 each ? FORD 27f RlER RIMS new$20 2 PAIR ski txbs sir I and each Kids ski boots $)0 new ski set 120cmlO KING size bed compete crib 125 resieurant booth 5 HO lire s COu 998 0 10 Lxe 165 seats 0555 392 LIKE new dbie bed head board box spring mattress $50 Early J9? J555 American Couch $50 USF D Brother 1 sew mg mm hme bole at Button Excellent cond tachmenf laO ORiNGAL Jenny Lmd Cradle Small Xesser $5. Scotty $40 X oiler $5 Call I J92 1555 COMPLETE king sue bed outM Mattress springs and metal frame $50 3M 58 MONARCH ELECTRIC RANGE 4 burner condition $'00 Ptgase rM 277 )J4 KITCHFN SET ANO 4 CHAIRS Chroma ovei shao. including 1 $50 itra leaf ?7 134 gat LANE CED AR CHEST tn cn 40 axe SKS ROi L pnd $5 to 'f 22 A 4 496.1 WAV boots, 40 inch bed Rama good mi |