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Show DESERET NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER e4 DrrrmW Thf Salt Lak Trlbtme. Friday, 13, 1979 W ivf h ff 1 we- 14, 1979 4 f I r-- i . L L. k . i . J Vw Mlb Olfo L S, i t Hg kJs i h f f w4 4 'w' rteto lastl S "W , kj y y vW U u-L- Ua Electronic' Gift 9 Si - ,t . h . - 'a r? - r,' Headquarters CB IC nr ,. p Qj pswaa W Telephones PollceFire Radios Walkie-Talki- es Shortwave Radio Portable Radio SELECTION Telephone Answerer Weather Mobile CB with Switch Emergency by Realistic TRC-42- Radio Mu!titester Give a Phone! 7 Really Unique Gift! A tmwA Rotary Dial Reg. 34.95 , ( ' V r n A great gift for anyone who drives1 Learn about winter road conditions to avoid dangerous situations. Instant Emergency Channel 9 switch lets you call for help quickly Includes mike, hardware for underdash mounting Reg. 149.95 O that won t be duplicated Same high quality as rented phones, and ready to plug in and use White or beige. With modular plug 4 A gift Police Action Radio PRO-5- 302 by Realistic 3 1 n.t . - n i r I l1 5 Pushbutton Decorator Phone h 1 e t '.A (3) ( drama into your home by Brings real-lifautomatically scanning up to 8 channels of police, fire, aircraft, railroad and weather Budaet Price frequencies. Covers VHF-H- i Lo. UHF- Hi Lo. Cryslals extra S,m,lar. Du, covers yHp.H, Lo 8 channels. Crystals extra. e tn-i- a 3 c? Includes 5 colorful, inter-- , , changeable facemats ' the phone that can be "dressed up" to suit any Bell volume control Req. mooc)t0 Plu9 n- White or Reac)y 54.95 312 beige. - - ' - 8 1 1 CB Walkie-Talki- for Fun, Work or Safety es Channel, 100 Milliwatts 1 3 Channels, by Realistic TRC-8- 0 TRC-20- 1 Communications Receiver 5-Ba- nd DX-16- 2 Watts 0 by Realistic by Realistic Tunes In U World News, Views and i Action Give a pair perfect for scouts, hobbyists Combination speaker mike, volume control. With Channel 14 crystals. FCC Type Accepted. Wrist strap. Batteries extra. License required. For serious users Auto modufor exlation and Range-Boos- t tended signal reach Separate speaker and mike for clearest sound Squelch With Channel 14 crystals add optional extras for 2 more channels Batteries extra 2 irrr 150-40- 0 -- US' Pulls in shortwave stations worldwide. CB and Ham operators. marine and aviation stations, WWV time signals, local and distant AM stations. Covers MHz, kHz, kHz BFO for code SSB J 535-160- 0 1 0 2 Give a Phone Answerer DU6FONETAD-1- Cube Weatheradio 0 by Radio Shack Realistic By Give a "Hotline to the National Weather Service S'-o-o AM By Flavoradios C t s!9 P A , 4Af P Records Up 'OF Realistic By Mlcronta To 17 Calls Pocket radios m choice of 6 tasty favors' Earphone included. Battery extr a the hidden controls just once tnpn tap for instant weather No commeroa's from a 3 nute reports just extra cube Battery Pre-se- t For folks on the go' Answers tanes 4 Au FREE! THE 1980 RADIO SHACK CATALOG Play-Ba- r message later FCC registered No installation just plug it in Batteries extra for playbacK Reg. 7.88 12-- Multitester 27-Ran- ge -- I" 4 pi m j h 1. iff - ar fry 4 176 v& R 1. tort mil. Him 11 n.msuwyim V. mirrored scale reads vo'lage current resistance deci- Re 29.95 bels Batteries extra ii 11 xW 4t4k Big 4 PAGES OF EXCLUSIVE ELECTRONICS! VALUE-PACKE- GET YOUR COPY TODAY AT OVER 7000 LOCATIONS! OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1 2:00 to 5 00 STORES OPEN WEEKNIGNTS TIL NOW!!! SEE OUR COMPLETE 9:00 MURRAY 6047 So Slot GRANGER Volley Fair Mall 3601 South 2700 WoM 3672 Wall Albortvon Shop Cti 454 North Main Street IA All Stores Open 9 a.m, 9 p.m. Mon. NOW1!! SEE OUR COMPLETE S DIVISION or SANDY St South Village Shop Ctr 9400 South 700 Eott PROVO 470 North University Cloted Sunday lvj WEST JORDAN Iriarwood Plain Shop Ctr SELECTION AT THESE STORES nc OPEN RADIO SHACK COMPUTER CENTER' 4 3 5th Ave Salt let. City 322 5520 106PM Man lot - t NOT 00 00 SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12 00 to 5 STORES OPEN WEEKNIGNTS 'TIL 9 OPEN SUNDAY , T RADIO SHACK COMPUTER CENTER 445 54ti Av , 5tN LtA City eno tOJl U Una .Urf 7921 South Redwood Rd 15 North 500 Wet! Sat. TELEPHONE 5821 South 1900 Wett Ave Cnt' AT THESE STORES ROY Moll 1088 South State AlherHo 1056 Hflffnon TANDY COBPORATiON U Umvertity 19 HorritviHt Road LOGAN SELECTION OREM St OGDEN KEARNS i 4719 So 4000 Wet TELEPHONE PRICE'S -f- V may vary at individual T I STORF3 , |