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Show v f V ? 12 II The SaM ? "V J ? v f 7 Like Tribune. December 1 f T f ' v tf "'V I M l'7i I ria r ii!)Uii !vil out, lip and rn.ii I hi1' coupon, a!on:t uth proper amount of money, to Home Service Bureau. The Salt Lake Tnlmne, Box h(i7. Salt hake City, Utah 841 H Maki ( lift k- pa able to 'I he Salt Lake Triinme II. S Flag Kit $7 0" Name i Tribune Bldg Kits for $().2f), , lie 1 j V v- '- r tt." f "V V t IT Flag appeals of notice and aiders to ri pair or demolish, which are issued to owners of substandard proper-ti- ( s Sue h notic es are issued by the City Division of Budding and Housing Services The board also oversees demolitions of dangerous build- Meanwhile, the board recently reelected Surety Life Insurance Co. Vice President John Schumann as chairman and named Salt Lake attorney Thomas Ellison vice chairman. Mr. Schumann has served as chairman since the hoards inception in October 1970 he board heal . f KT' T 4 1 r SUNDAYS 10 months ago Mr Rasmussen will re place Rep Genevieve Atwood. Lake, who asked not to be reappointed when her term expired in October 9 'r v f fr EXTRA s ings year terms on the Appointed to llir hoard are Hubert Gallegos, Salt Lake County community development and housing specials' and Duaine Rasmussen, a developer The commission also appointed Es tella Blewett, a volunteer worker involved in housing programs for the ahandicapped. to fill the uncompleted term of Grant Mabey, who was elected city council member in District 2. Mr Gallegos fills a vacancy created when David Melendez resigned several .Zip ('ode, in Room Z12, Id S Mam, v ' d City 1 ' f r' The Salt Lake City Commia.sion has appointed three new members to the City Mousing Advisory and Appeals '1 Adel re'-- , II puichu'-e- ' ' Hoard -. State ' Ill i ce New Members Named To Housing Advisory Board lim Kill wv r !ommi"im (jf Orl vr w Cassli 82,500 Stolen D Brown, 2300 East block ol Van Tucket Dr. (7900 South), reported to Salt Lake County Sheriffs deputies that burglars entered his home and took $2,500 in cash from a dresser in his bedroom. Gilbert on The burglars apparently entered the home through an unlocked door, according to sheriffs reports. TILL w Iir iw g? 4 ar p jwr - y- SHOPPING HOURS 6, DAILY 10 A.M. TILL 9:30 j "xar jp P.M. heres the way to buy that second set . . . right now Weinstocks will match RCAs rebates with an equal amount off the selling price, saving you ' TV $40 to $60 tw&vtLV&vavnvavAVavauavtimmLoavavavav&veLi ZT" i- - ' ) Hot Ail Sizes In All Styles But If You Can Find Your Size Youll Make Terrific Savings! at 250 So. State and 62nd So. Highland Dr. ttORDKA Torcnado Reg. 155.00 Boot in sizes 7, 7V2, 8, 1978-7- 8V2 XL-80- Reg. 185.00 Boot in sizes 7. 8, 8'2, 9, 9'2 sm MQRCO kle Mens 11,12 1978-7- 9 Model Reg. 90.00 Boot in sizes 9. 92, 10, 10'2, tlORDKA 0 Model Men's 1978-7- 9 7'j, II Mens Model 9 Vogue , 1978-7- 9 Model Women's Reg. 75.00 Boot in sizes 7. IV7, 8. 8'2 nMAFiT Reg. 130.00 Boot in sizes 8, 1978-7- 9 Hot II ,95 Model Men's 8'2, 9 Mistral 7800 Model Men's Reg. 125.00-197- 8-79 Boot in sizes 6V2. 7, 7Vi TRAFUR Reg 55 00 sizes 6. 6' 2. 1 978-7- 9 7, 7W , 8, 8' Esteem Reg to 42.50 XL-70- S'0S 8l? 0 L adies 9 E0IW1CA Breeze 00 - 1 978-7- 9 Model Women s Revi 1 55 00 Boot in sizes 8 and 8v 2 Pro 00 Model Boot in Reg 120 00 -- - 1978-7- 9 s.zos lot men and women .ul IHJKKI.INC B. ' t zos ui 95 Marathon Leather 36-4- 8 . . V--- A rz Our Hew Store At Park City Holiday Village How Open - A Full-Lin- e, ii NUMBER 250 So State, Downtown vr tjm P, 0 f C2nd Sc I Highland Dr. f f 272-666- u . 40.00 rebate and savings get RCAs $20 rebate plus Weinstocks $20 off for a grand total of $40 savings on our 13 diagonal color portable TV with remote control. Offer good now thru Dec. 24th. RCAs personal color portable lUAOflUfiVflwnwnoagaWAwnvQoawavfivj 1 IN Ogden 399-961- 7 ' . i Aj. rvf and fieshtone correction, XtendedLife Chassis, Super Acculine picture tube. Perfect second set for the bedroom or for giving. Reg. 428.88 with savings and rebate, just 388.88. TVs 72 wy Sporting Goods, Sportswear, Footwear ' with remote control plus automatic color control Store With Full-Servi- comes with ChanneLock remote control, energy-efficieXtendedLife Chassis, Super Acculine black matrix picture tube, automatic color control and automatic fieshtone correction. Reg. 528.88, with savings and rebate, just 468.88. 00 1978-7Model Women s Reg 90 00 Boot in sizes 6. 61 2. 7, 7' ?, 8. 8 2, 9 9 9 get RCAs $30 rebate plus Weinstacke $30 off for a grand total of $60 savings on our 1 9 diagonal . color portable TV with remote control. Offer good now thru Dec. 24th, so hurry. This handsome set if S95 Model 1978-7- 9 9V?' 10Vj IVPiAFBT Pei y.k f 1978-7- 9 Model in sizes 1. 2. 3. 4, 7, 9 Reg 165.00 :y v y 59 Model Boot in 2. 9 ttOSDlCA Junior 10 V nt ifORDICA 1 rWltP v and savings SKIING! . Orem . 255-950- 0 4 1 Park City 1 tic THE SJDFiE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT 1 |