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Show We have some ATTRACTIVE LISTIOS in Field and City Properties ON EASY TERMS Emery County Realty Co, O. SOBCNSON. JR, MGR. CASTLE DALE DR. O. E. COLtEVIAN Physician and Surgeon EVES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Castle Dale, - Utah' ( A. D. DICKSON, J ' ) ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Notary Public Real Estate Dealer Otfice over Emery County Bai.k i CASTLE DALE, UTAH. j IRA I BROWNING, Civil Engineer- ; fieneral Practice of uaivo surveying I I dTY an l DITCH WORK. S CASTLE DALE, UTAH. J : F. E. WOODS Attorney at Law, Castle Dale, Utah. Emery County ADsract Go CASTLEDALE. UTAH Licensed Abstracter of Titles. Be sure of the title to the land you purchase. You can never know the true condition without investigation. AN ABSTRACT TELLS IT ALL It is as much the seller's duty to furnish an abstract of title as it is to furnish a deed of conveyance. Take no chance, demand an abstract before you buy. O. Sorenson, Jr., Mgr. o o Johnson's Emporium One-half block west of stores nnnc 300 volumes liUUIlkJ 5c. to $5.00 PAPETRIES Scopes &. Views Lare assortment at HALF PRICE Incfrnmonfc Banjos, Guitars, Mando-lUSirUQieniS Mando-lUSirUQieniS Hn3 Accordeons. Fifes. Harmonicas. Strings, etc. Sheet Music and Son Books. Novelties, Candies and Nuts A. P. Johnson, Huntington V ; o ( We are making a specialty of . S saddles and everything in the C line of riding outfits. Our J saddle-maker has haa years C J of experience and knows the ) business from A to Z. Or- ? ( ders. taken for new outfits or S repairing. Chaps, spurs and ? bridles in .stock or to your i ' special order. ( Everything j In Leather ' We want your trade and if ) good goods at riglit ' prices are .an inducement to you we i. ) will: gc't'it. All kinds of re- ' ) pairing (in short notice. .- . ' I Ray Jensen j CASTLEDALE Chamberlain's Cough Remedy j Cuies tlia croup UMi Wlii'opiii Cuii k. 1 I Do you know that fully nine out of i every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due I to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism i and require no internal treatment vvhat- I ever? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment I freely and see how quickly it gives re- lief. For sale by Snow's Pharmacy. J Medicines that aid nature are always i most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the j secretions and aids nature in restoring ' the system to a healthy condition, j Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by Snow's Pharmacy. That's our business Job work. ffiorsc Shoes lJagoji Wo? k We have; a .good stock of shoes of all kinds and. are prepared to shoe your horse and doiit right iAII other work in line of blackstnithing done promptly 1We lately. added a tire shrinker and; other tools for doing wagon work. We ! want your. trade and if good work at: reasonabe prices will get it it is coming. J. J. HARDY j at Oranije Scely's Shop, Castle Dale ' j Zolboe & Snow j meats, groceries) I everything in the line of H fresh stock of ? Tresb K Salted 1 staph & Taney j l Tresb fisl) at a,l times 0et the best f Tresh oysters X Uiantl Tlour Uegetables if Tree delivery on Saturdays. 1 j fr- - . Emery County BanJ CASTLE DALE. UTAH. CAPITAL $25,000 SURPLUS $5,000 JAMES CRAWFORD, J.R. P. P. DYRENG President. A. E. WALL SAMUEL SINGLETON' PETER JOHANSON Vice President. J. B. CRAWFORD EDMUND CRAWFORD, Cashier. - Directors SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT We pay four per cent on savings, write for particulars J M. BEMCHICK & CO. I CASTLE DALE, UTAH J 1 Is the place where you can get g HIGH QUALITYLOW PRICES f (ff We have just received a beautiful line of holiday goods. We take grain in trade at cash prices and pay $1.75 a hundred for oats. We buy Hides, Pelts, Wool, Beeswax, Furs, etc. A J SUCCESSORS TO GLOBE STORE J President Taft i has a severe cold you may get one. Be pre i pared by having fa Golden Cough a bottle of ' - - Syrup on hand J. T. JOHNSON, Agt, Cleveland j Send us your Job Printing f GOOD MIM j r j We have combined our stores and now have a full f f V line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Fiesh Fish and Oyst- - ll f i . - ers ancl all Delicacies for the Table ....... I GROCERIES :1 M We have a new stock of groceries and intend to l l keep it new and complete , - - - " - M U CAND1FS AND CIGARS A SPECIALTY (I A trial will make you a regular customer Castle Dale Meat & Grocery Co. LHVVIS UNGISRMAN RAY JENSEN J |