OCR Text |
Show T yp y yy yyyyyy fpyy y; yy'""" . yyy P't v y ' ?Y -y r yv o xrTv ay y '- 4 fwt rt f ry y V if 1 22 B r - a y - y "rr yx . -- 4 tt 7 ryyr T" ""7 7 u yvvrT oyTyyM rTT itv v ? ,. . t. Ale Tribune,' Friday, May 4, 1962 TheTSalt Kf i Member FU T AX 5-34- G T MOTOR Only TO Shorf Minutes North. AX5-345ay of Sqlt Lake-Hiw- 51 YEAR GUARANTEED WARRANTY 89-9- 1 W ljd h AT 633 1 LOW THE SPOT TO STOP AND SWAP WAGONS COMPACTS '59 Plym. Wgn. $1,549 '57Plym. Sub. $1,049 , '58 Plym. Wgn. '57 Pym. Wgn. '56 Chev. Wgn. 4-d- $999 $899 Comet 460 4-d- Custom 9 passenger. '57 MERCURY trans. 4-d- '58 MERCURY Trn. Pke. Radio, Heater, Auto $1,399 $649 '55 CHEV. Hdtp. $599 Radio, Heater, Auto ,399 ;6o COMET $1 One owner ,19960 $1 Real sharp, low mlleaga. Radio '57 MERC. $1,199 COMET - METEOR-MERCU- '58 CHEV. TRANSPORTATION Walter Larson Ford has 15 really transportation food Wagons and sedans With secured you credit and 410 Mr, one Call now, specials wtilt. V-- after 4pm NEW 62 CHEV. One Ba HU MUST mi HDTP. IMMEDIATELY SELL CALL HU 4 Soft and hdtp , w w tires, r , h , A 1 cond Must sell Drafted Cell Ron Vowed, 4 eve , AM d e y, DA AUSTIN-Heele- Sprite v '59 OLDS. like new, 'u JTR Triumph, 7 to 9254 ANTIQUE 3015 E $1,585. Hdtp. CR seejiu ,ood cond Roadster Bonnie Brae CR 19179 1923 Bulck Call 150 NEW 1962 COMET STA. WGN. 13th South 1959 CAD trade fast EX t at Main CP ' n EL Air cond Power cond Will consider financing 447 Ogden Utah, 62 Excel or can arrange 3100 North. North 1392 170 Eng Auto Trans, 6 50x13 WSW, Hea'e', Tinted Windshield, Wheel Covers full power. BUICK Rnadmaster, Mew tires, trans . 4400 7274 Kensington HU 4 4594 r59 EDSEL take over Eoulty balance on contract $400 EL 54637 or EM 53 . FORD trans standard Needs trans work $14$ CR 7 971 '54 CHRYSLER Windsor Must sell Take over pmts IN 6 5404 '54 factory air 41 699 54 S 799 FORD Fairlan hardtop RAMBLER cus wag O dr UNC Prem. AH leainer PLYMOUTH RAMBLER wagon. O D FORD hairtane 500 ' H T MERCURY hardtop VOLVO sedan METROPOLITAN AUSTIN HEALEY, O D JAGUAR 3 4 sedan JAGUAR coupe jMERCEDESRoadster 220 T BIRO 4 spd VOLVO CAD Fleet Air SCHETTLER WILLIAMS '59 '57 '58 54 '57 '54 '42 '60 '40 '59 '59 41 '9 '54 SALE AX Am heater, o Red and white Radio, MONTH 61 Ram. wg. Cult. Radio, heater, wg. $ ,096 $1,995 '57 Chev. auto, trans lo.haatar, ha. tar, V- w "r, '56 Chev. '59 Chev. sd. $ ,395 1 Bel uto. tram. '58 wnT,,,w.ii.hM,,r' 'Tnt pickup ...$895 w'tiraV'10, pQNT 4 4-d- r. $1,095''mwRadio,irs Radio, heater, auto, trans, w w. '62 Scout Btl Air P9, ww dual xPZ,Tj Warn, drive tanks, plus 100 lock- many - heater, No u,- U t COUP Stif wag. 4 H. stand, 0f Worronty-TRU- jh.lt , r CYl h oVefd r CR 7 5844 Good cond , R , , r , h 4450 , 700, trans. $1,984 7r heater, auto, ,UK van Econoline ! r. and h ; 4 , w w '60 VI, li, jt.nd $1,395! 4 , cvl r , , h , pg r h , , stand shift Chev. $1 ,795 stake. R OF at 5th Sooth FREE PARKING-OPEM '54 Ford $1 ,698 ?r $1,695 6 trans VI with stick Heater, '56 Chev. A Radio, heater, real good buy. 4 Radio, heater '?fon Pickup cvl, 6 ply fires stick 4 trans, speed $curd CrM sharp RAMBLER SOUTH .A STATE 57 FORD V 8 auto 4 Over a Hundred OPEN , h , Alter 5 EM UTAH 4 4575 13 interior. Wire wheels OLDEST DEALER S 570 S Main '58 CHRYSLER BEAUTIFUL baby blue 1954 Chevro let convertible New w w tires and kit Must see top plus continental 355 9226 to appreciate '58 BEL AIR Good cond CHEV power steering, brakes, auto drive low miles, Excellent buy 4U50IN7 2355 OLDS conv 1977 sharp 4286 naconao pointed J Low Hdtp cor mileaqe wrue Polor tan ond Beautifully Ap- I Mam DA 8 1556 I Motor 910 S Mam DA 2 4222 PINK CAD '57 Beautiful, powered Excellent, $1,505 or offer HU '54 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP Excellent condition Call CY 5051 Must sell this week! Make offer DR Dodoe, good motor, tires, $95 or best offer 1951 4 CHEV clean Must best offer 4215 So 3320 East 8 D85 '57 OLDS Holiday 9 Sedan Fullv powered, air cond , R , H , new cond AM good engine, '41 Air cond Must sacrl? HU 5 8611. after recall 1960 OLDS White Clean, top cond owner. Best offer. DA 843544 $425 l or CR Dr Vary CR 7 '60 '55 CHEV. $525 PONT Take over jnonthDA 8 2852 White, o '5,i.UI2L G-- 2280 .South with factory 233 4100 IN 415404 Impaia convert. Must sell $2,695. Owner cond ORlG aft 1961 Perfect HU EQUITY and 439 87 a mo. :7 ridmbler Wag AX 5 2336 R. and h, stick shift, FORD dean $250 terms IN 6 5579 '53 FORD Customtme, excet. cond $375 CR '$5 MERCURY repo Take over pmts. $7? IV mo IN FREE on 53 F - R - E - E - D -- olds. Adventurer hardtop coupe Power Radio, heater, steering and brake new fires This car is m splendid One of out condition throughout. standing buys at ,UD 4) I Hdtp. One owner. BUICK $1,595! Beautiful LeSabre Hdtp. white, low mileage , 1 PONT $2 495 Catalina Hdtp Fullv pow ered, one owner, low mileage $2,495air Power steering, power brakes, conditioning, one owner Guoranteed Warranty Plan HU State 4-6- 1 $3,995 '61 VALIANT Radio sedan heater, auto Driven about 6.000 miles This car is like new. carries new car guarantee This car must be seen '59 TOO trans ' V 8 stand miles l '57 FORD Ganyon '60 MERCURY By Milton $1,995 Caniff at PLYMOUTH sedan Radio, heater, will auto, give you $895 '59 IMPERIAL 4 dr Southampton heater, power stewnng 4 wev power teats Finished in beau tiful blue Splendid mgi- -r and tire $2,495 '57 CHEVROLET V I sedan Radio, heater, auto, trans Beautiful pink and dvhite finish. Immaculate inskte and out. $795 $895. Montclair hdtp Power steering and brakes, radio, heater, finish excellent conoriginal dition throughout, Radio, heater 1000 of real bargain A reconditioned and tof of service $2,095 Country Sedan wagon Radio, heater, auto trans If you're losing for good transportation buy this one. sedan left in it trans This car has been completely $1,795 Sedan De Vine Fully powered, excellent fires original throughout, and motor. Come tn and driva this car today Priced to eel PLYMOUTH dr trans This car has '58 '61 VALIANT Radio Station heater, wagon stand trans , finished m white with interior. This is spotless matching of the day the best buv 4 $895 $1,895 '58 CADILLAC 81 2 Coupe De Vllle with air con ditioning, fully powered with radio heater Low mileage. Beautiful fm ish with matching Interior. Thii car is immaculate. $2,295 $9,795 Verity. Impaia S Money - Back Guarantee '60 CADILLAC '60 OE SOTO Trade-In- s J!'"i '59 fully powerod. 5 Belvedere sedan, new PLYM tires Only $165 Nothing down 7 E 33rd South HU 6 8016 I960 FORD Galaxy hdtp Bast otter Take, over pvmis Call 364 0593 or S09E 8th South 55 BUICK 4 dr hdtp "Real sharp. No Pick up my pmts. eouity 48-Ho- Super 88 Hdtp Fully pow ered, one owner, iow mileage, like new LaSabre Low hdtp age Fully powered, one owner. Sed De Luxe low mileage. auto. a AX 5511 7 dr BUICK Fully $1,895 92 m 9711 ; FORD Country sed Sat , Sun or eves CR $2,595 '59 mile- '61 PONT. owner, air. 7 Very mce $'6 65 per hardtoo payment of '61 $2,195 '61 BUICK Tempesf Radio, heater, one owner , CR W6thSouth '56 hardtop Power brakes, air condi- - Century steering, power tioning 469 S EQUITY and 444 99 a mo 59 FORD WAG EM 7 9(48 PONTIAC hdtp Take over pmts IN 4 speed, 60 IMPALA Superstock very good cond C Y8 7j97 5S FORD auto tram $345 Pwrglde . good cond CR 7 4123 R BUICK and h . new trans l cond $500 or offer. 554 $2,595 '6i BUICK Mam mo on 1703 '56 CHECKED hardtop factory air $650 V-- H on CHECKED Electra equipped including and and FREE DOUBLE '60 buick P $695 V 8 Clean Buick WASATCH S pwr Wgn 995 Metal full cab heater REAL GOOD BUYS MANY OTHERS AVAIL ABtF Haves BROS BUICK 4 JEEP HU 4 6181 2280 S State GRAND PRIX PONTIAC stick shift, Full powered, etc Only 600 miles, by owner 44 700. No trades EL 9 7127 CAD Coupe De Vide 1956 Beautiful White $1,095 or best offer Phong IN m o 5 1955 vy HAYES Loco1 $1,599 1060 fully Terra Linda H 61Pambter Clas 52CHEVrYdr . 8 PM. DOUBLE CROWN IMPERIAL sell 9 PM 3 LOCATIONS Cars to Choose From TILL R I 54 sed sta wagon Clean, 4695 Call Country , Stick shift NO DOWN FORDLAND S.L.C. 57 HU '55 TILL EN $1,495 CHEV B'll, AM 2 DOWNTOWN $1,095' Plym 9 pa s trans , 59 - IN 7 1272 57 Chev Steve RANCHO '50 $75 GUARANTEED WARRANTY sharp 4 0013 Cab $1,295 53 'JEEP' Universal DA 7571 5 Full steel cab $ Full steel cab Low mileage necessitates FINANCIAL difficulty sale of 62 Pontiac 2 dr hdto 3 600 Will mile,, full power Cost 43807 sell tor $3 095 Call Steve, EM 3 2791 weekdays $998 Custom speed SPlCIA. This 55 'JEEP: CJ5 60 'JEEP' CJ5 Sports Suburban sta wag pwr steer . brakes, auto r , h Many more extras Low mi Very clean 41,195 IN 6 2715. HUS- - auto FL USE 0 WLE AND NEW automatic transmission Good condition H V 8 e South at Mam 'JEEP' $499 AUTO SALES 13th South and Mam PR IV owner wM sac auto plus $448 vc VI F2S0 $999 11th ROBERTS $398 '60 Chev. $1,548 with Heater, Vr 095 $1 3 SPI CONV. $1,795 4 dr CHEVROLET DRIVE EM $2,595 Chev. $1,395 H . TR shift, w w , LiXe , Radio heater, whitewalls Economy new $498 .'57 Ford car nice familv Leather shut Ford $1'695 dr '60 Chev. , trans and R heater Excel $1,69861 Comt. $1,998 Cust shift $895 $7951 '56 BUICK Sedan HT HT 55 BUICK $595 '57 DODGE 4 dr Sed $795 A $595 Air 4 dr. 4 cvl 61 Vtc Gatexie Radio Cruisomatic oower steering lent condition Galaxie 4d r Hdtp Rad o heater Crui'omatic. Sol'd power steermg wmte shift $1,998 r '60 Chev. $1,645 Bel w w heater bronze '55 Ford $1,695 white beautv BUICK Spec. and sharp, BaH $1,595 $1,695 real met wagon. 57 IMP 4 dr H T. Full power' Real meet 57 BUICK YEAR Itand , 88 Radio V 8 power steering heater, sed 2 Dr 500 $1,598 '60 Ford B.scavne Radio, cvl with stick ihift Real nice 53 FORD Cty. Sed. shift, w w , like new , Corv. $1,995 wgn shift, w w h dr Frln drive A Lhv. Chev. $1,295 Sta stand, '53 ong Too cond By CK S.vov $995 , '60 Ford Full power pink and ivory finish. Real mce Ballard-Wad- '56 PONTIAC 364-275- COUPE PREMIERE Beautiful CAR AVERAGE 8735 '57 Lincoln CAR INDEPENDENT INSPECTION BURE A J Phon EL S8U1 for tpoomlmnt 72 Wood Ave M580 So Maim Open 7 days a week A Super $795 .'61 Temp$l,895 dr , 4 cvl ,rns' weather ave trans. undercoatmg, twin trip diff left outside mirror. backs, ,'59 IN RAMBLER ownar R , H State Inspected 1954 FORD White IN 57 '61 Ford $1 ,795 '60 Ral nct '62 Ramb. Nfrw 4 COUPE-41- 99 OF MAKE, MODEL, trd '59 hrdtp BUICK HU 4 vj FINANCING Witt) 6 H , 58 Ramb. Main t cvl 700, '55 Chev. B.A. $695 '58 Krm. '59 Ford extra. u, , 756 Chev. $895 '61 s. w. v' fir $695 Radio, heater Air H New tng hubs stand . '56 Chev. sed. l 4 STUDE PONT SATURDAY USED $2,795 Full power '60 '59 OLDS SOTO DE '61 Corv. $1,9451 '59 Ply. 1 Rap to, 'drlva. Sed trans '53 Miles 000 REGARDLESS $1,596 '57 Chev. BA, $995 drive 6 DA 995 h3lp So STREATOR CHECK THESE RR CARS 61 Rom. sd. flO 295 2 Sed 4-- Wagon MOTOR Main 106 beauty' RAMB real buv 60 BUICK Invicta WASATCH 7540 5 CAR-12,- IS THE A $2,499 (Next to FAIMl new I960 OLDS Super tl. hardtop 42 150 w w tires, fully powered 4 30 HU 5 3979 aft p m 1475 W Russet Ave '47 FALCON Future, 101 hp . r , h w w tires stand trans Must sell by May 10th Would like good old AM 6 9957 er trade if possible OWNER MUST SACRIFICE 54 Olds Super 88 Holiday, ps, pb, w w DA 2 2085 After 4 IN 6 672 j 54 FORD 4175 Stick, motor good need' body work See at 44 S Mam, EM 4 1091 1957 BUICK Super hdtp Must sell 9 8651 60 OLDS. Super 88 '61 $499 DONT BUY A CAR until you have it checked bv a me cnanic Here is an independent m an un soection bureau to give biased opinion Receive WRITTEN report on condition motor, compres sicn, valves, trans . front nd steer mg brakes, body (roll ovr$), tires, di'terenhal seals and more 648 So. Main EM FL A HU Q-U-O-T-- A- 600 So. Main 8 TILL Mam Priced Below Market Vaje Fylly Powered Custom De Luxe Interior 41.799 auto HOUSE FORD o 4 2 500 I? 500 $3 199 $3 899 41 99 hardtoo Rad'fr trans , whitewalls. Centurv heater, 1020 EAST 2 1ST SOUTH IN SUGAR '61 IMPALA BROWNING 10 To Pick From '59 Ford BUICK fjlCe Assortment Of Co'or? 12,700 1716 SO. STATE Factory MAY 799 42 499 $ 999 $2 500 aliar 59 '40 OPEN EVENINGS 633 So , steer - MERCURY - METEOR - COMET $4 95 FOR Credit 899 899 999 trans FRIDAY AND THURSDAY, BENNE7 100 Financing 36 Months $1699 Radio, heater whitewalls wagon Radio, BUICK" '55 MERC. $797 GOOt) HU 4 8731 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING $1 399 '57 LINCOLN With Secured '59 DE SOTO CONVERT 5 ttei Air Lrtw VKULfc '57 UNC. PLYM. station wagon er, auto trans , w w log $889 951 EAST 2 1ST SOUTH 7 Others at Similar Savings RAMBLER $1,899 automatic $999 '58 $897 Station automatic PLYM. Radio, heater transmission, whitewalls heater Radio, hardtop w w auto trans full power, fac tory air conditioning $1,299 Radio $2;545 SsW llard-Wad- e Immac 9595 & HEATER Are original ownrr Sharp RADIO 1457 deVille, air cond , very clean, one owner, reasonable offer accept-e; consider clean older ' OVERDRIVE 8 auto power heater power steering JOHNSON Lincoln Continentals -- SCOUT RY '59 RdfF '58 UNC. MERC. THESE PRICES $1799 Brakes P , '.60 FORD hdto Radio, header, Galaxie auto trans , whitewalls, power steering and brakes healer, $1,597 Hardtoo Radio, heater, automatic trans, full power, air conditioning $999 AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS CREDIT SECURED WITH nd BUICK $1,895 Heater, Auto , P. Steer , 3 FINANCING 100 Pink $1,695 MERCURY Sed. OVER 30 SCOUTS IN STOCK JU3 '57 $2,499 RAMB. , r. station wagon VI heater, auto trans, whttewaMa d'O '59 FORD Wagon trans . w w brakes Radio, heater, whitewalls trans, '61 CHEV. Parkwood $1,099 auto power brakes. '58 heater auto Radio, Wagon w w , power trans steering and brakes, exceptionally sharp Luxe Sed. r. trans, $899 $1,495 power r i American Radio, overdrive, whitewalls heater, '57 PONT. Air Bal Beautiful Cad 2-d- , De power hardtoo Radio, heater auto trans , whitewalls, power steer mg and brakes Radio, Heater, Stand. Trans. '57 FORD Conv. Sugar 14 55 CHEV. Steer, white-wall- MERC. Radio, whitewalls, $1,699 P $1,499 '60 FALCON Sta. Wag. r. tow mileage $649 4-d- r. 2-d- P. '60 auto j heater, auto trans , big engine, de luxe '60 , steering, $1,597 $1 ,695 hdtp 4-d- r. Radio, Heater, Auto, 59 MERC. Hdtp. '59 MERC. Sharp. Sharp '60 DODGE - $749 $1,595 Radio, Heater, Overdrive Silver beige, sharp 4-d- r. '56 OLDS. '60 CHEVROLET Sed. IN STOCK r. $1,995 whitewalls, trim $2,599 PLYM. brakes Full Power, Air Cond. COMETS Dt luxa, ona owr '58 PLYM. '59 LINCOLN Prem. Sed. ftdio $1,888 trans auto Radio, heater, power brakes white- ' Radio Wagon heater, trans. ww, power steering Radio, Heater, Stand. Trans MERCURYS METEORS ', '60 $1,595 '61 COMET tike whitewalls, '60 heater, $1,597 $1,495 2-d- r. !'59 CHEV. Imp. Sed. OVER 75 NEW CARS , walls. Auto. Radio, Heater, USED trans auto heater, $2 099 I '60 COMET $1,095 '59 MERCURY One owner. SAFE BUY Brakes B , $1,999 Radio, Heater, Air Cond. D. OVER 75 P. Steer , '62 COMET Radio, ,cw whitewalls. Heater, $995 '59 FORD Sed. Real sharp, low mileage. 4-d- $795 Radio, Heater, Auto MERC HDTP. CPE. $2,399 '61CHEV, BEL AIR 4-$2,099 '59 FORD '62 COMET $899 '58 EDSEL Cpe. r. '61 ' $795 2-d- r. Radio, Heater, Auto. trans , overdrive. Stand toast, standard tram. Full Power. $1,589 '57 Rambler $949 BUY $795 trans. r. De lujte, standard ' $1,799 '56 LINCOLN Prem. Cpe. r. PRICES . A Radio, Heater, Auto. Oe luxe trim, standard .. . $695 hdtp. 4-d- r. LOW . BEFORE YOU Radio, Heater, Auto one owner, stand '61 Falcon Custom, a?r cond , power. . . $495 '55BUICKCpe. Comets $1,899 '56 MERCURY trans. (2) '61 Power. Soort Suburban, L(00)K-LISTEN -- WARRANTY Plon Cor Worronty II STOP -ONE '60 FIAT 1100 sedan Radio, heater tone blue and white finish Ex cel lent tires. Fine motor end interior. See this economic r car today 2 $995 MEMBER OF G&W. WARRANT PLAN YOU PAY NOTHING DOWN ON THE FREED PLAN DA 1100 So Main Dial EL9-324- 4 r 4 r-- iri Vr ajlaajj a I |