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Show O 9 fVvwv v w v ry o v v r r , yy Tr rrrr"Hrr y yy y f o y m V y r . . , I yyyvn yyy y rvTTy' u ii C A ito Tribune Wash.nston ' -- ' ' o NiV7 .) V A3j . T1 nd u'ild said there was $12,350,000 in restoring wildlife and $2,500,000. Funds which the fund and $9,850,000 was fori for fish. x a,a ,able life Restoration Bureau WASHINGTON. May 4 s,atps Julv' j ITtah is slated to get a $2.10,-504.64 apportionment from the INTERIOR 1 - nil t Utah Waits Ftin.Is Bulldogs Nip Wolves, 12-- 7 'rv'eTrrT7mrmnnnrr!"7T'Tmn!' T I'TT? ' The Salt Lake Tribune,' Friday, May 4, 1962 , ryvy y Flh PER TIRE UP TO DEPARTMENT Special to The Tribune SALINA Judge Memorial broke out in a rash of base hits here Thursday to knock off North Sevier baseballers, , in the quarterfinals of the state high school Class B playoffs. WEAR RED WING SHOES AND TRADE-I- ALLOWANCE N FEEL IT 12-1- Wi ". . i: , - 4, ,352c' ;, v W- -. vt - v-- ; Vt ' f V''- - AVJk A , 3 ' r' A ' "v'-e- A f iI Xl4 3 "J 0? f : a i?A 7, 1 ?! tw ..' --- Lyf t rc, tk&'b f MN V$v ' ''J- - . kX . Phil Dotson, fishery biologist, untangles a trout from the mare of a gill net at Sco- - f . I -- - Trampolines Factory Sale Save Over 50 80S So. Main 363-403- 3 pound trout in Scofield Reser-ocome the opening of fishseason eatly Jiext month, ing much to the relief of Utah's horde of anglers. WIDTHS HALF In the little sti earns feeding the reservoir, hundieds of spawners, still all the same sie, just under two pounds, can be seen as they seek out their spawning spots. All of these will be bat k In the reservoir long before the opening. two-poun- 3 Turn Old Things Into Cash With Ad A . Ads must be paid in advance in cash. 7 U -- 5- - Ads must not exceed 7 lines. 6- - Must run 4 days or more up to 8 days. 7 Must be placed before Wednesday, May 9, at 6 p.m. event timed for spring dean-- " ing. Sell everything youre not using at this bargain rate. A once-a-yea- r Wednesday, 6 p.m.. Is the Deadline for Placing Ads r n , y, f KELLY The perfect fitting pull-oboot with specie! heel fitting counters A reel Red Win9 crafted for comfort U inch natural rotan uppers leather Insoles, neoprene cork soles. with pull strap. "Sweet-Proof'- JSS&-'- VAUGHN JOHNSON SHOES 135 East 3rd South . Hit Wtit'i lorgtit '' KELLY RAD Or. EL Ph. YOUR Red Wing Dealer uiycj47 TIRES. COVET GAS AND 1200 RECK ST. Nor'h 2nd West) TIRt CENTIR Optn Saturday w'Mil for Your Convenience 5pm EM KELLY CAR SAFETY CENTER qaSKHilGEfaiiP SSBZJGBuuBD THAN DRAKE ADJUSTMENT DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE $10 or $12 BRAKE JOB COMPLETE NO EXTRAS! Bumper te Bumper Inspection Our Ixpertt check: Intire exhaust system Complete Full brake system steering system Alt 4 shock absorbers while you wait. Just drive in. Installed FREE BRAKE PACKAGE about the Ask NO GIMMICKS! MOST AMERICAN MAKE CARS nlwdt with every purchase MUFFLERS RAYCO OFFERS THE LOWEST PRICE ASTRO-CERAMI- clusive with RAYCO INCLUDED ex- C, . . . the muffler $&47 with no hidden replacement charges. HERE'S WHAT WE'LL DO: Install Raybestos lining on all 4 whet's All 4 Wheel Drums ground smooth to foctoiy specification All Wheel rebuilt Cylinders Free adjustment every 5,CQQ miles Cor road tested after cb is completed up All this for only . E SHOVLD get fast growth from now on, said Dotson, fish need space to grow big and theyve been a little crowded for the oast two years because of the exceptionally low water level." So cofield Reservoir isn't "killed out. There'll be fishing there this summer, with everyone having a chance at one of the big ones left. 1 This Pin Sports Down His Alley CUSTOM INTERIORS Thursday was one of those days when bowler Chet Gregory should have stayed right out there on the lanes rolling a ball. Because It was his day - the short while he stayed there. 3 No Vi price ads taken by phone. No refunds. ro,'ioi American Association ads accepted only at the Counter, 143 South Main. 4- - I 1 Loulivlllt I. Omaha 1 Oklahoma City A Indlanaooll, Donvtf A Dallaa-Ft- . Worth 4 'A-Pri- ce 2- - C, D, Itl nmmol rood hoiordv pm tuts end dflactt in work (Rpt rpaifabl r m tog vsilrtovt limit o. 'o tint end Repair mod free (large or oNoyka'ce mode en new tire boved upon remain kelly Price,' ing anginal trad and current Agomvl mpi vhip With the lake level now at least six feet higher than it was a year ago, and with everyone predicting that Scofield will fill up or come mighty close to it, there is no danger of any further loss. THEBE'S NO question but what the number of fish in Scofield isn't as great as it was a jear ago. And with the living space" available grow ing by the day it will scatter the fish. So the angling might not be as fast as it has been for the past two years. By the opening, five or six of these fish will be a mit, so the fishing doesnt have to be as fast to fill up a creel. a Classified A, B, mn4 14 Despite a winter oxgm level which icaihed dangerously close to the critical point, beyond which tiout tan not sur' vive, many trout did. Ad Now All Vi to KQN(Fyy AFTER THE pond had1 THIS WAS proved beyond reached practically an all time doubt this week when Departlow late last summer and hun-ment of Fish and Game ofdreds of fish died from the lack ficials headed by regional fishof oxgen. many people figured that a tough winter would kill ery biologist Phil Dotson and the rest of them Ry Hiatt, regional Conservation Officer, dropped in gill nets and then checked the tributary streams. In Staleys Bay, the gill net came up with 51 tiout - all ranging from a pound and a half to a pound and thiee quaiters. Another net, set across the narrow opening just above the dam, yielded 15 trout, all the same siz-e-, in just a few hours. 6-1- LIFETIME GUARANTEE SIZES 6 Hurry, Place Your MAY NEW NATIONWIDE W two-poun- d Relax Fishermen Scofields Okch Tribuiip Sports Writer SCOFIELD RESERVOIR Therell be lots of neaily-two- CELEBRITY NYLON EXTRA field Reservoir. Tests show a good number trout in" the reservoir. of nearly Lots of Big Ones Rv Rill Coltnn L Bonnevill plaver listed flrstLe Hul bert Marv Normal 1, Monnt ElliOft X Fran Bekker 0, Connie Christensen I'j. Doris Young Thelma Bsckman 2 ?. Helen Larsen '2, Faya White 2, Caro hne Clark I, Elfnede Shane 3, Phyllis 0 vanWagonen Norma Morris 2, Ima Mae Alger 1, Rose Mary Smith 1?, Eloise Clark 1$, Gwen Nielson 3 Barrett 0, Renee Nelson 3, Leila Jerry Jones V, Mary Servatius X Betty Baum 0; Marlon Lehnberr 3, Lois Schofield 0 a-V,- . HEW62 RIDE THE Womens Golf Bonneville 28U, Provo ci': mr; fef - a;, . t, A a r 0 4 Deiell end Rhea Biackhem, Poulsen B end Shaheen HR Murray (J), 3B -Derell (J), Kane (J), JeHeries ( J , 2B Dezell (j), Williams (NS). Shaheen (NS). T ' ELLY TIRE jjjfflYMIHlIHli BILL DEZELL hurled a for the Bulldogs and added a triple and double at the plate. Mike Murray hammered a homer for the one big hit for the winners. The Bulldogs now will play Cedar City, Region Ten winner next Thursday or Friday in a semifinal game. The line score: 000 430 51? 10 J Jud9 MtlWi.l 001 4 000 Sevier four-hitte- 7 during our . Ask, about our low prices on: e Door to door carpeting. eArm rests recovered, e Original upholstery repaired or replaced. CONVERTIBLE TOPS Tremendous values. Expertly tailored and installed look. to give your car Chet went down to see how lanes 11 and 12 were at the Lanes. He rolled one ball a strike on 11, then rolled another strike on SPECIAL from H. T. SILVERT0WN "BIG EDGE" NYLON TUBELESS Pal-D-M- $22,s 12. HE CALLED to the customers In the place, "Come on over and watch. Im going to bowl a 300 game. Their he did Just that throwing JO more strikes in a row. .He wanted-4quit then, but the 'crowd 'urged him to try again. He bowled another ball and got his 13th straight strike. On the 14th ball he crossed to the Brooklyn and left a pin. He called It quits lor the day with that SS.C.LU.C, easier, ride safer, protect yourself & your family. SAE and State Approved. Ride GUARANTEE TIMEM MILEAGE FREE EXPERT INSTALLATION "JT95 aa. (while you wait) TIRES MOUNTED FREE AT THESE PRICES o g.J. SEAT BELTS WRITTEN ROAD HAZARD WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO $2977 wtth your window. No Money Down -- 30 Day Charge All OiKompany Credit Cards Open-Fri- ... 1 4 ... - . - DA 1147 South State O.K. - or up to 12. Months to Pay 2-11- 14 , Till. 8 p.m. I 1 Other days 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.' (Closed Sundays) A AA - a . A , A jfc-- A a A. A A A AAA A A ti, |