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Show N. Architect iv always strong ta- itlani tot emblem nA '? architecture their per-r- e we in of WJ L UODS bead with, the row great t relief f Jrenlin w - ood deal concrete form, '.?? 3 k. the-hea- r- Saw101 ,1 & t - !?25 S the ktfod. Flecks d Not Desert Western sheep fjbliaanl desert their seldom ff ever and flock helpless U and themselves f-v- e a when they d tarvi"g through the raveling camp food and brings their e Job. asserts n star they not ritfto Collier Weekly, a means .desertion 'stick-th- e 'sentence, but because of law unwritten the fiS-to- t. ocic b Years Ago Seller L hundred years ago the most was the book of the age the great xjuics of Erasmus, i h i l. One of Strangest of All Occupations Is That of Human Bullet; Dozens Have Been Killed, but Applicants Are Many. B C. UTLEY j WILLIAM three hours show FOR been going ontheunder the Big Top at a furious pace.H Elephantsjcough-rider- s, trapeze wizards, tight wire walkers, lion tamers and a hundred others who dare death daily to satisfy the public hunger for thrills have followed one upon another. Violent, savage music such as only a circus band can produce has added ceaseless, exciting accompani- i Its Quickly. garnished; garni beside it is, the strange Walking molded a fancy, composed of one being who makes his living Imor two kinds of Ice personating a shell. Ha wastes no time. He surveys the situation k quickly to make aura everything ia In Its proper place, then tbssSerstorms Warnings muzare'r greatest warning of the swings up astride the lowered zle of the cannon. In his silver hech of a thunderstorm is exalted on a mountain, were the lmet bright cape, white uniform and so charged leather puttees he looks rather unsphere becomes it makes a earthly, something like a character that electricity in one of those comic stripe about i hair stand on end, his flngera rocket men who commute between sparks and the metal points the earth and Mars. n ice ax hiss like vipers, says As the muzzle of the great gun is Jer'i Weekly. raised, drums begin to roll, heightening to a roar as the final angle (mortal to Captain Cook mine The bullet man slips Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii is- -, ia reached. stands an obelisk commemo quickly into the gun's mouth and slides down the barreL It is all :j Captain Cook, who was slain If you are setting that point by natives. In 1923 over in a wink. am. roue tablet was dedicated In, close enough you can hear him There is an tonor and placed just below the cry, Fire! ace of the water to mark the crash, a flash of flame, a belch of smoke. And hurtling through 150 t spot vi hi re he fell. feet of space goes the flesh and blood missile, landing on his back Sense of Taste Varies man the sense of taste varies squarely in the heart of the net t than any other sense. Tasting From the grand stand come a sigh of relief, then a roar of applause. sr treated with r The' show is over. iide proves the point, says Col--s It sounds like a precarious methWeekly. To some persons it of making a living. It looks like od be to tasteless; others it will be It And it is. More than a dozen tr, sour, sweet or salty. men have been killed In the United alone being shot from a canStates Early Advertising first United States advertisenon, according to one old time circus man who has seen them come ment was George Washington, bad Benjamin Franklin write and go. He believes that more than ial estate advertisement for the that have met death in the same in Europe, although the exBsue of the Maryland Journal manner 171 act mortality figures are not available. The cannon stunt is the result of Explosion on Wall Street explosion on Wall street. New the tireless search of the circuses k City, thrills. As occurred on September for new death-defyin- g reThirty were killed. 100 in-r-1 nearly as the old timera can member the first stunt in which a Md property was damaged human he extent being impersonated a proof $2,000,000, jectile of warfare was used by the Eeeria an Indian Name John Robinson circus back in the Mri 90s. In a spectacle portraying was the name of an In tobe of the Illinois medieval warfare, an ancient cataConfeder ft was was employed. Instead of originally a personal pult throwing rocks it was used to hurl meaning he cornea carry a beautiful girl somewhere, nobody Pck on his back. today seems to remember just where. Later the act was Improved W Practically Abandoned the young lady to a flynd f the Revolutionary by hurling a.?155 ordorcd the discharge ing trapeze. Continental troops, except The First German Cannon. ld'ers to guard public This act was spectacular and successful until the Great War came 1 along, with its giant field guns and 1377 Pn which fired the imagy o be the (ted oldest firearm in ination of the world. A German hnm,vSh,ncse hand Pm dat-- . hit upon the idea of firing a man on exhibition at out of one of these giant cannons ory Museum at Berlin. the thrill of thrills to surpass anything that was then being shown The Yes Men the Big Top. under !.,ome men Popular la His cannon was constructed to Is sns011 they havenl ny opin- simulate the appearance of one of Exactly how it the Big Berthas. WrybrSCentiUSly worked is not known, for th operation of circus cannons has been y since that day a trade aecret It Is. however, guarded. known Qist the power for propulsion came from heavy rubber bands th size of inner tubes, which were wound back with the aid of a winch. At the proper time they were let bullet fly suddenly end the human was propelled through the air much after the manner of a missile from a sling-sho- t The fire, the report and the smoke are largely an illusion, for they do not occur until after the man has left the cannons mouth. Something on his person sets oil the delayed charge, the delay being long enough to' insure his safety. But to the uninitiated, he seems actually to have been fired out by a powder charge. The inventor of the cannon, who played Europe under so many stage names that no one seems to remember who he actually was, performed his set for several years until he had enough money to retire. Then, the story Is told, after corns years of esse, he was urged to failed); gee i i Jeal-ousl- , m hmr. Y bi mm rtlrf ha i Ina isihai III tta aver? JMfr: . 4 Birr. mImiwt f ta rax B Minim vwtt. It a m4 Ubv war astlilif ft, tka la tl y wy to Ira. toUMAM UMA AM ITOVI OA wmmmm tot Cab TH totowuwis nAAi. 1 i c I C ! MOTEL NEWIIOUSE Salt Lakes Most Hospitable Hotel Invites YOU 4 tfcfi1 0 e Paint Add a lit- tle turpentine to the hot soapy water. It greatly aimpliflea the The I H Nevhouse Hotel 400 ROOMS 400 BATHS The Finest in Hotel Accommodations back, as a sort of sentimental gesture, for just one more farewell appearance. It was a farewell in every sense of the word, for the poor man, rusty, perhaps, at his rather exacting profession, missed the net and was killed instantly. At the famed Strassburger fair, the cannon continued to fire more human bulleta for the public edification. In 1929 it was brought to the American Selis-Flot- o circus by a human bullet who called himself Cliff Aeros. The original Cliff Aeroa was killed performing his act in Oklahoma City .in the early tbirtiea. Bullet Cherishes MarceL o The circus is long since dead, but the cannon which has sent several human projectiles to a violent death is still in operation. It is being used today by a man named W. O. Parent in the Hagenbeck-Wallac- e show. For some reason the circus makes no attempt to capitalize on the fact that this is in truth a death dealing weapon. The human bullet in the act is a young Pole named Boysi who uses the pseudonym Parenti and apparently doesnt give a hang for the cannon's awesome history. Mr. Parent!, nee Fendrick, is far more concerned Selis-Flot- Fen-dric- cum It Bailey clreus, while the other tours county and state fair. They brought their cannons to the United States when they discovered that there was more money to be made here. The Zacchinle are expert showmen. Victor, who does most of his work out of doors. Is an artist In building up the crowd by making his act look even tougher than It Is. After the net and the cannon are set up, he will spend many minutes surveying the apparatus from this and that angle, measuring the velocity of every little breeze, backing the cannon up and moving it forward again, sighting th barrel and resighting It until the spectators nerves are thoroughly fraz- zled. He has even been known to refuse to go- on after half an hour of testing wind velocity, claiming that It would be almost certain death to attempt so dangerous a feat on so windy a day. Then after much coaxing by his assistants and a great deal of clamoring by the crowd, he will, in the manner of a true martyr, consent to go ahead with the show, entirely against" his better judgment- - Of course, he always lands safely, right in the heart of the net bigger hero than ever. Not all human bullets are so lucky as to land in the net every time. There is now with the Cole Bros.-ClyBeatty circus one Wilno, who Is by no means the first of his line. The original Wilno was killed when the same cannon now being used, one of the German type, failed to project him far enough to reach the net Other Wiinos have been injured. Roman Rocket Misses Aim. Lying in a hospital in Buffalo, N. Y., right now is a daredevil who has cracked up Several times, but intends to try it again as soon as he is well enough. This is one Albert Barkus, billed as the Human Not satisfied with merely Rocket being fired from a cannon at 200 miles per hour, which is the speed of a human projectile as he leaves the gun, Barkus invented a device to wear which explodes while he Is in mid-aiThis, theoretically, is to make him appear like a bursting shell or rocket He crashed the first time while trying his act at AtlantlcCity After recovering from that mishap, he tried it again in Buffalo. This tlma the rocket device gave him a little extra push which threw him 20 feet past the net into a brick wall. Hell be in Buffalo for a little while. women have been Occasionally used in the cannon act but their legs do not seem to be equal to the strain of the first Jolt as they Uke off. Also, according to Parenti, they are "too fidgety and are likely to be out of position, powdering their bullet noses, when th cannon is fired. There are at the present a few of them doing such an act with some of the smaller shows, but th cannons are smaller than the mens 85 type, and shoot them only 25 or feet Such cannons sr looked upon with some disdain by the human bullet fraternity. There are only four of the giant cannon in use in this country: ParentiS, th two beWillonging to the Zacchlnis, end no s. One woman who used th giant cannon, a certain Garrett toe Rocket Girt recently cracked up, breaking her nose, at Richmond, Vs., in her first attempt Almost any kind of person is likely to apply for the human bullet Job to th circus, says Mr. Parent who own the Ha genbeck-Wallac- e cannon. This year 'he had 25 for th Job, fourteen of them women. None of them knew anything about it be said. They were Just It seems to me I have read somewhere that certain kinds of breakfast cereals are puffed by being hot from a cannon, but Parenti declares he never knew of a human being getting puffed that way. Too bad if they did, he says. They'd get stuck In the cannon. Union. de - - S' aif emit, tto lr ItoOriMua btott to -- NU g When Washing phenyl-thio-ca- super-artiller- IRON dust-proo-f. It Is enough to produce L SELF-HCAT- finOnhonkiiw eiaalnM UtkMflrw. XlrakmlietilninKaMbiMM Y e Sort b Md tl Him, to tolas lf Pictures Hai the dust got into your picture frame? It should be examined periodically and new brown paper backings should be stuck on to make It Dust-Proofin- s cap th climax of a remarkable afternoon. They are going to shoot a mao out of cannon. A live man. . and to all appearances a real noir-bl- ack Colorful Apples If apples job and makes much less elbow are put In water containing a little grease necessary, especially lemon juice a few minutes before when the paint hat that rather cooking, they will keep their color, greasy film caused by th fumes from fires or gas stoves. Oiling Household Machinery A little oil applied when needed A Cleaning Reed Fnrnitnr till brush dipped in furniture polwill keep household machinery reed and working longer and alwaye Teady ish Is good for work. You can us cooking or rattan furniture. salad oil to lubricate small cookGarbage a a Compost Garing equipment. bage and vegetable matter of all One cupful of sorts burled underground will in Angel Cak tlma rot into excellent compost white of eggs, one and cupfuls of granulated sugar. One tor use on lawn, garden or field. Service. . cupful of flour. teaspoon cream of tartar. A pinch of salt added to whites before whipping; flavor to testa. Cook in a very slow oven. Yolks of the eggs may be used for mayonnaise. One-ha- sol-em- a. miss the net At the other end they are wheelPreach Terms ing In th giant gun. And it IS big. Despite its red and eilver ad cooking terms in common cof adude: Cafe paint it very size th bore must with chestnuts; be large enough to admit a man's mx marrons Wbette on skewers; petit body makes it ominous. tP'.il, dainty cakes (freely All Over ESiKli one-quart- er now sQ 1 atilL Almost If there can b solemnity in circus. The big final Is about to endeavored to cannon. HOUSE th for-clean- ment. But Items of Interest to the Housewife see familiar with the wisdom awe in the breast of th most sophisof ticated onlooker, and it does. indents by a collection their fufares selected from At the far end of the a I t h small army of prop boys arena in Latin, Written raises,--, educated the of fjjjl language net, silently, expertly, peathwaite book sold 24,000 th human cannon fodder should he lurope, the i) u tebolar, who SHOT FROM CANNON FOR A LIVING AROUND r. Parent! Goes t Work. with the wave in his hair. The marcel is just about as pretty as Parenti thinks it is, at that There is a picture above of Parenti crawling into his cannon. For realism, it should really have shown him with the helmet which he wears when actually performing his act In fact there was quite an argument when the picture was being made. The photoghelrapher wanted him to wear th cover met Parenti didn't want to hi lovely lock. Parenti won out because he was adamant in his policy of no marcel, no picture. Parenti is five feet five, weighs 135 pounds and is somewhere in his middle twenties. Besides the marcel be is the possessor of a trick mustache, a flashing smile and a gentle, ingratiating personality. He is not at all the tough eort of guy you would expect th enemy to fire at you if they were real mad. He says there really isnt much of a sensation after the first time can beyou get fired out, and you lieve him or not. That first time leaves you a little pale back of the .gills, though. Showmanship Is Effective. Italy has offeredas some competi-of producer tion to Germany circus cannons. There the Zacchinl brothers developed one which uses compressed air instead of rubber. It is said that this makes the act a little safer than the to cligun. for rubber reacts rubber-pow-ere- matic conditions. d There are three of the Zacchlnis, of Victor. Hugo and Mario. Two them Ringling the with are ts thrill-seeker- KILLS INSECTS on nowits rtuiTi I & SHI0IS DmwW VImI imM Settle fret pmrr Swlw YIGETAIUS GDMSQl HE SW flDu Even though the prices These outstanding of farm crops are advancing, advantages are patented the best way you can make and used only in more money is to SAVE IT Firestone Tires. in production costs. saturates and coats every cord with YOU SAVE 25 in fuel pure liquid rubber. costs and 25 in time by This process counterputting Ground Grip Tires acts internal friction on your tractor and all and heat and makes wheeled farm implements. the tire much stronger They ride and pull easier and to resist the strains of reduce repair bills. the extra pulLThe two d YOU SAVE because one extra layers of cords under set of Firestone Tires will fit several implements. Your the tread bind the tread Dealer or and body together into Implement Firestone Tire Dealer has a one inseparable unit of plan wherebv he will cut tremendous strength down the wheels on your The scientific arrangein spacing of the present implements to a ment rugged bars ofthe uniform diameter and weld a deep, tread gives flat, steel rim to the end of the spokes. And by the use of greater traction and drawbar Firestone Demountable Rims pull. the tires and rims can be YOU SAVE by buying taken off one machine when as tire prices are sure NOW not in use and applied to to advance. The price of another. crude rubber has advanced YOU SAVE because 110 and cotton more than Firestone Ground Grip 26 during the past two Tires are built with EXTRA years. Tire prices are bound features. to go higher. Buy Firestone construction Gum-Dippi- ng Til Hill UTEIS com if iiN-ii- HIEI GUM-DIPPE- TIE TIEII D CORD BODY Gum-Dippe- II3SSI IS? SSKMUCTBITIEtl elf-cleaning Me fatonefo It REALLY doesnt pay to drive on tire after the non-ski- d la worn off in fket, th last 1,000 Bailee of wear In a tire are only worth about 38c. Why take the risk of a dangerous skid or perhaps fatal flrecfone STANDARD eon CARS e.7 xx.ee 4.50-2-0 5.25-1-7 XUS xa.se aoo-1ij.es I msi ms mu 5.25-1- 8 (nce FOR Standard Tire cost so little? More and more farmer are buying Firestone Standard Tires because they get the benefits of patented process that counteracts Internal friction and heat which ordinarily destroy tire life. They mileage and get longer non-ski- d unusually low cost per mile with dependable SAFETY. It is almost unbelievable that to much tire could be bought for so little. Firestone developed this tire primarily for rural highway us and a dr of first grade quality could only be mad to sett at these low iriees by building them in 5.50-1- 7 6 SENTINEL 4.40-2- 1. 60.20 eie.ee 7.00-2J4.es 7.50-24S.es 8.25-2-0 S7.ee 4.50-20- .. 0 4.75-19- .. 4 5.25-17- .. 50-17- 7X.ee 9.00-2- 0 th Firestone g, ., TYPE ,SS.S .CS .7 J.T X.7S Mton SntortMtott U niut TYPI COURIER 440-2- .$S .43 .! 50-21- .. 4.75-19- .. i.J7 30x314 CL 4-- 7 tuuu.1 to tMAa. siiMMit your Implement Dealer, Firestone Tire Dealer or Firestone Auto Supply and Service Store TODAY. RURAL HIGHWAYS blowout when new Firestone Gum-Dippin- Ground Grip Tires NOW for your cars, trucks, tractors and all wheeled farm implements and make money by reducing your cost of production. See mitu tremendous quantities. Thats why you SAVE In first cost and in cost per mile. You aim SAVB yourstlf from accidents because they give greater protection against dangerous skidding and blowouts. Farmers everywhere are making Firestone Dealer end Firestone Auto Supply and Service Stores their headquarters for all eutomodve supplies. You get greater valuer In everything you buy and you get all your need in on place-inclu- ding battcrier tuber tire rperk fan beltt brake lining plugs car radios horns radios garden hose and garden tools seat covers light bulbs, and more than 2,000 other useful articles. You can be sure when yon buy Firestone products you are getting the greatest value for your money. If you have not received th new 1937 Firestone Auto Supply Catalog, writ for it address Firestone, Akron, today Ohio, or Los Angeles, California. Item BRAKE HOME RADIOS ComptoM Una steelria er bMMTV SMS. Walnat cabtaets. Dvaaesle V glffaaion. tr aaktoDah hugs HsUvIer electee C. StM Na BATTERIES w-- spwisr AlrpleaedlsU AUTO RADIOS AH Metal toba. (waul to the Voice W H. a OM sere Qelcb, fee twps dvaaoric cm '(wall am C Western Newspaper OtovsiM.i "Ngsew imcBaMtrOn |