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Show r J. m 3 l Mj A COMMUNITY INSTITUTION Magna, Utah, Friday, May 7, 1937 Hanks Win First Places Jlema Rowiell, Ira fa Copper Printing Scholarship Campaign Rowsell of Magna to college Uvl Miss Iva Hanks of Magna coll-- T first p'ace in the L. D. 8. division of the scholarship Services Itaor 'l h much Uu Editor has Htr say! rXsC Mia Menu Plce Cyprus School Mothers Day sub-opti- on campaign, sponsored by Se Copper Printing Company. The results were announced Friday by CT Dorothy Churchill, campaign Miss Rowsell, is awarded replete , while Miss njjuty School Course scholarship amks gets a Business college. in the L. D. S. Engraved Invitations Are Not Needed For Copper Printing Cooking School Party CHATTER Lists 'v Mysticism Large Graduate Class Here . The longer I live the more clearly I realize that Mysticism plays an Important part in the lives of most human beings. By mysticism, I mean the belief in something which cannot be proved. Mysticism is the basis of all religion. Nobody has ever proved or ever will prove that life goes on after what we call death: but practically all people believe that is true. The belief In such mystical things as telepathy or thought transfer ence, clairvoyance or second-sigh- t' the power of evil thoughts to work Injury, and in fetishes and Incanand is not tations, is necessarily confined to persons of low Intelligence. I know many people of great ability who carry good luck tokens or pocket-piece- s, and worry if they are mislaid. There-i- s little -- doubt that many beliefs which cannot be proved are nevertheless true. So far, however, the efforts of scientific investigators to find proof of various kinds of mysteries have got nowhere. Sunday Host of Friend Mourn Pasting of Mary Guggis berg but simple funeral services were conducted Sunday at the Pleasant Green ward chapel for Mrs. Mary H. Shafer Guggtsberg, wife of George Guggtsberg. The Magna matron died Friday at 12;01 a. m. in a Salt Lake City hospital of uremic poisoning. She had Seen ill but a short time. Bishop Leonard C. Healy was in charge of the funeral. blooms covered the casket and stage, to offer a silent tribute to the memory of the beloved woman. The church waa erowded to capacity with sorrowing friends and relatives, who paid their last respects and homage to the revered woman. Impressive , Program Ready That I Am or Ever Hope to Bo I Owe to My Angel Mother. Abe Lincoln. AU A welcome invitation to the wise "" is sufficient. Evidently The Copper Printing will not have to get out engraved TO MY MOTHER She knew not what I would be. yet unfalteringly did she take her very life into her own hands, putt' tog It up as forfeit that I, too, might live. .With my first baby breath I knew that she stood champion to my cause. She nourished me through tender years, guiding me into paths she felt were safe for uncertain lit' tie feet When I fell hers were the hands that picked me up. Her quick sympathy dried my tears. If I were hurt, her love more than all things e'se supplied the magic balm which made my bruises disappear. As I grew, she continued, a constant shield, to take the blows she could fend from me. No harm did regard too great-- If staking . Ever herself, I might be spared. willing to sacrifice, many things has she gladly foregone, that I might have. Even though she may not have been always Invited to participate to my Joys, she has at all times been ready to share my sorrows. Her one thought has ever been to enrich and beautify the life she announcements for that reunion of 6 to the Emhomemakers May press Theatre, No door cards, coupons, printed invitations or cash will be needed; Just the countersign of all alert housekeepers, who are due to say Show me the latest home Ideas," when they advance on the Empress Theatre at 12:30 May Showing every person to every theatre seat the triumphant new 1937 Cooking School, direct from Hollywood, will be no problem, for motion picture ingenuity has Joined forces with scientific homemaking to produce an original laboratory course that deftly combines romance. sprightly humor, originality and profitable instruction. All of the popular features of the former cooking Bctiooi The free recipe sheets, the atmos- phere of congenial Informality, the wise counsel, the hints on clever short-cut- s, the suggestions for entertaining, the demonstration of delicious and nourishing dishes, the array of modern kitchen equipment and the distribution of dally gifts and real surprises. 25-2- ForBaptist State Parley ii 25-2- 6. i General Public Invited To Bennett of Garfield plac- Largs Class To Receive in the College division and Sessions May 11 and 12 Diplomas Thursday, May scholarship in tets a three-mon20 Here of Convention while Mar. the University of Utah secw00d Bawden of Granger won A cordial invitation is extended to One of the largest classes to ever ond place in the business college bid their Alma Mater adieu, will the general public to attend any or division and gets three months all sessions of the state Baptist conscholarship in the L. D. S. Business depart from the portals of the Cyvention to Magna next Tuesday and prus High school Thursday eveCollege. Wednesday, May 11 and 12, states 20, at annual graduation May ning, ' Miss Dorothy Nelson of Magna exercises. Rev, E. B. Pace of th Community won third place in the college diBaptist Church. A number of The complete program has not as t features are scheduled, invision, receiving 60 per cent bonus yet been fully arranged but will be -CarMiss world-re and addresses of from her check cluding earnings ,given in next weeks issuer accordnowned - tracers, noted ministers ol coot won third place in the busiing to Principal T. P. Brockbank. and motion pictures of missionary ness college ranks. Miss Hlran Ko- The following students will receive work. chonis was .fourth place winner. diplomas, provided they maintain The three dally sessions begin at To all our subscribers, new and their present standard of work unSurviving Mrs. Ouggisberg .are 9:30 a. m 2:00 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. old. we extend our thanks and sintil May 20: her husband, Oeorge Ouggisberg, both days. cerely hope that we, may continue Robert Keith Allan, Bruce W. AlMagna; two sons, Maurice and Donto Tuesday morning will be featured to serve you and the community len, Lydia Afton Anderson, MargarTelepathy ald Ouggisberg, Salt Lake City; two by the Keynote address given by Dr. the best of our ability. It was only et Anderson, Royal P. Anderson, All those elements of fun and daughters, Mrs. Rosemary Kraft, William H. Fowle, president of the At Duke University a study is bethrough your aid and cooperation Samuel Bawden Bangerter, Fred Spokane. Washington and Esther Utah Btate convention; address by profit have ben retained, and all that this splendid group of young Banks, Douglas Bateman, Mary ing made of the mystery of telebeRev. Ellsworth M. Smith and an- are made doubly worth-whiOuggisberg, Salt Lake City; four gave me. people were able, to obtain these Jenus Beath, Margaret Bel- pathy. So many instances have been to my small way compen- nual sermon I May brothers, cause every guest of The Copper Roy Colo.; Shafer, Ouray, by Rev. A. W. Lyons. profitable scholarships and further lo, David Bennett, Barbara Ben-nio- n, reported of persons who could read William Shafer, Clareshome, On- sate her for everything ahe has done, Printing Company will have an Intheir education. Hazel Black, Don D. Bolton, the unexpressed thoughts of others Women's luncheon and reports dividual close-u- p John Shafer, Card-sto- n. and perhaps by daily living and lovtario, Canada; of every process.' To the campaign participants, we Lenore Breeze, Ruth men serious scientific that many Breeze, Laurel Canada and George ing her, have some of that ever follow at 12:30, with the afternoon new Alberta, This scientific laboratory of also extend our thanks for their feel be there that may something Shafer Pleasant Bridges, Frank Brtisatto Dean Bullprogram devoted to the women. ideas has graduated out of the class Green; two sisters, youthful energy, that loving kindfine sense of fair play, sportsmanock, Dee Butters, Lavenia Cahoon, more than coincidence In such man- - Mrs. Minnie Ha slam, Murray and ness, that quick wit and brilliancy Pastor's conference will be held where hundreds of women craned ship and diligent efforts: Each one Mary Cahnon,' Wallace Bruce Cam- - Gestations. Mrs. Stella Thompson, Sandy and of mind that characterizes" my Mo- from Y:00 to 3:00 to the parsohage. their hecks to a vain attempt to see did a iery commendable Job and eron. Dee E. The tests made by Prof. J. B. An address, The Missionary VisChristensen, Donna ther Mary. three grandchildren. what. was happening on the stage, they are to be praised for their Christensen, Alfred Earl Clegg, HarRhine, Duke University phycholo-gis- t, ion," will be presented by Mrs. C. or assailed the lecturer with plainwas Interment In the Salt Lake to work. seem show that many perold Dangerfield, Madge Davis, GlaS: Ramsey and a further talk, BeIt Couldnt Be Done tive cries: Hold it up high, where sons possess a sixth sense" which City cemetery. The complete standing of partic- dys Daybell, Druehl James Day, Dedicated to the 1937 graduates ing a Friend to the Valley of Hum- we all can see." Roy was: as ipants Deland, Marian Peulner, Mary Nina enables them to tell such things iliation." by Rev. J. C. Jensen. The of the Cyprus High School: COLLEGE DIVISION Now the camera will make the Giovengo, Raymond L. Grow, Don- the denomination of a playing-car- d Taken from one of the famous evening sessions include moving pic2,639,000 Merna Rowsell na Mae Hancock, Ellen Harris, Lor- which another person takes from works of the well known American tures. Japanese to the United Stat- course truly fascinating and valDavid Bennett 1,375,000 of at 7:30 p. m.; address, "A uable, with remarkable close-ues, raine Harris, Afton Harrison, Ruth the pack. Six independent investiEdgar A Guest have been studying the phe1,228,000 Dorothy Nelson In each of series model. a a for Talk."' Church process World be Hayhoe, Clarence Howarth, Donna gators It couldnt Adequate Somebody said, Hiran Kochonis, 797,000 Kochonis. done! by Rev. C. S. Ramsey. Rev. Ells- conveniently-equippe- d kitchens; Tadayoshi Kojima, John nomenon, and all report that there Is How much there it. in something Kovazovich, Max Lamb, Mae LamBut he, with a chuckle, replied. worth M. Smith will also deliver a real, workable kitchens, (not the some false-froBUSINESS COLLEGE DIVISION persons seem variety.) synthetic, bert, Glen Lewis, Harold Linke, El- is in it, and why That maybe it couldn't, but he brief address at 8:25 p. m. Iva Hanks 2,111,500 where trained homemakers will mo Lund, Walter Marsh, John Mar-lo- r, to have the gift nobody is prepared would be one Sessions to say. Marwood Bawden, 1,462,000 morning will plan, measure, blend, mix and comRuth Miller. That wouldnt say so till he'd take care Wednesday sciof business several matters, re- plete appetizing cakes, pies, salads famous Carol Cook In 767,000 England Others are Louise Monsen, Tharell tried. of officers. election and the Oliver ports entists great including and meat dishes that look as though So he buckled right in with the McDonald, Margaret McGill, Alta The afternoon program will fea- they could be picked right out of have declared that they have trace of a grin Nielsen, Fay Olsen, Harry Olsen, Lodge, TEN MAN TEAM ture Christian Education, 'panel dis- the picture and eaten on the spot. Doris F. Olson, Bertha Papanikol-a- s, seen convincing evidence of mind On his face. If he worried he hid cussion to charge of Rev. Ezra Dunown Dr. Johnnie Evans Win or SilOur telepathy. reading (Continued on Page 8) Pete G. Paulos, Feme Pearce, it. MATCHES TO can; address, Rev. Ellsworth M. Alexis confirms belief in Carrel the to as He the he tackled started John E. Peteresene, Louise Peterson, second-sighsing Given By Smith. Moving pictures will be givt. But what causes it is ver Trophy Peterson, Lola Mae Peterson, thing BEGIN PLAYING Myra en Co. still evening sess- STAKE unknown. Copper Printing Wilma Richards, .Maurine RobinThat couldn't be done and he did ion atat the Wednesday to Bapatla-Sout- h Kurnool 7:30, . it! son, Carmella Romolo, Catherine GIVES PLANS FOR India. Address, Missionary saw Last the Magic 9 Wednesday evening is the first date for the Salm, Marjorie Schoenfeld, Lucille May Chrlst-war- d, A Men of Nation wind-u- p Looking of the American Legion There are thousands to tell you it Utah State Golf League matches Smith, Richard L. Stewart, Charles Scientific investigation has provRev. J. C. Jensen and a play, FESTIVALMONDAY Junior Baseball night school, conwith the Magna golfers playing at B. Swensen, Donald Wallace, cannot be done, Fay ed that most of the phenomena we Lost The Churclv by the Imducted weekly at the Cyprus High Forest Dale In the initial tilt Quali- Warr, Melva Ann Weichers, Irene refer to as There are thousands to prophesy magic are pure trickery. manuel Church Young People. An outstanding musical event will failure! fiers have been playing a great deal Wendell, Eva Wltbeck, Seymour We used to hear fabulous tales about School, under the sponsorship of Post No. 38. Lee Self was There are thousands to point out to be the Music Festival of Oqulrrh the past two weeks and have turned Woolfenden, Irene Yamamoto, Reed Cyprus the magicians of India, who could director. M. I. A. to be held Monday, the Stake in some very nice scores. Led by Young, Vem Buckner, one one by you FUNERAL Boyd climb up a rope which had no supThe boys were given a written exAbel Larson's The dangers that wait to assail May 10th to the Pleasant Green Heber Garside, Gus Kitch-upola- s, port at the upper end, or lift themscore, the entire squad is battling for the coyou. HELD FOR ESTHER Ward at 8:00 p. m. A chorus of 45 Nola Mecham. Richard Or- selves into the air without even a amination on the rules and plays of the members of selected voices from all game bit Wednesday night. Fifty But you buckle right in with a veted ten positions. The team will son Naylor, Richard Thomas, Rheda rope to support them. Qharpeyed seven boys were enrolled to the class the wards to the stake, will particibe composed of the lowest ten of a of LEE grin. Owen "Frank CHARLOTTE Coon, Rlgler, European observers with cameras Young, this winter but the attendance the following players: Just take off your coat and go to pate. Ben Rolfe and Bessie Hansen. have proved these and other Orienthe course was not so Agnes S. Jacobs is the director, Ed Kingsley, Jack Robbins, Abel it; tal magic to be as pure trickery as throughout Charfor Esther services Funeral to extreme due winter the Eva 8. Spencer, accompanist and as to the tackle start good Just Baryou sing Larson, Paul Garside, Keith the stage shows of theatrical malotte Lee, 28, of Magna, who died Roland Johnson, violinist. Emma weather, sickness and conflicting ton, Delbert Mitchell, Bob Taylor, thing gicians." TEACHERS WIN A fair number of the JThat cannot be done and youll Sunday at 12:45 a. m. In a Salt Lake BUlings Bolomon will be the guest Keith Spratley, Amel Elder, H. C. The magic feat of walking on engagements. out for the examination hospital of complicationifollowlng turned artist and reader. do it. Jones, LaMar SandalL Max Wlm-me- r, hotcoals without getting burned, boys an operation, were conducted Wedare the winners and 1930 SALARIES and The following numbers will be seen following We have many graduating Don Wallace. Other players or lying on a bed of sharp spikes Ward Green Pleasant the in nesday their of prizes: classes given: have not as yet turned In their pass through the portals without injury have been dupliIN the Cyprus High school and we most L. D. S. Chapel. scores and some spirited play Is cated many times by public perMost outstanding student: Johna was in Lee bom Mrs. Magna, Come With the Gypsy Bride. Balfe looked for In the final selection of sincerely feel, that this year's gradformers, like all the rest of the In- nie Evans, silver trophy from CopMixed chorus, Soprano solo, as those who have daughter of August and Marie Ek class. Just the team. uating salIncrease of Granite teachers dian magic. per Printing Company; second place gone through to the past, are the Bergstrom. She was formerly emSandall. ' Of direct Interest to all golfers aries to the predepression" schedNevertheless, the- belief persists Dee Peel, pair ball shoes, Spalding of the western bus- ployed in a local drugstore and will Where My Caravan Has Rested ,Ch6r leaders coming is the 1930 was granted Monday that some persons have magical Western Arms Company; third qualifying of the May leg ule of Ladies Chorus iness', industrial and civic life. May be remembered by many residents, Players, to be finished by May 12 night by the district board of edu- powers which enable them to defy place, Ralph Self, glove, Hoffman we extend our most cordial good in this capacity. Swing on. Sweet Chariot.. Arr. Cain with 18 holes of medal play sched- cation. Robthe laws of Nature. Psychologists Hardware; fourth place, ONeil Mixed Chorus A Capello Surviving are her husband, Maurwishes and congratulations. uled. Sixteen will The raise was asked in a report say that such beliefs arise from the inson, sweater, J. C. Penney Comice S. Lee; two sons. Dale and Mar- -' Boys of the Old Brigade qualify and handiParks realization by most pany. Fifth, sixth and seventh So caps are applied In the Regular submitted for the second time by ion Lee; three brothers, Theodore, Male Chorus weThe following item was laid on Walter and Glen Bergstrom and a Director's Cup play. Granite Teachers association of jus of our own inferiority in the places were won by Alvin Pendleton, Grieg Recognition of Land Also pending final details, regulfare committee. The original report unequal struggle with natural for- Jay Davis and Carl Smith. Each of my desk with a typewritten nota- sister, Gladys Bergstrom, all of MagMixed chorus, Baritone solo, A. Naofof like How lar do this, na. tion was Ignored, although a flat 5 per ces. We. wish we could oonquer yub and inter-ml- ll these boys were awarded a new G. Kartchner. Pay competition will be organized. cent increase was granted by the ture, and It gratifies our desire, vic- ficial big league baseball donated by Edith? (Isn't fair not to put your Burial was to the Pleasant Green Reading Selected can some The final teams and schedules will board at its meeting April 27. name!) the American Legion. ariously, to believe that Emma Billings Solomon cemetery i A young lawyer from Nevada follow end be The Increase will now range up- do it. of the community De Coppa Moon Condolences published In next The school this year was the secShelley wrote are extended to the bereaved fam?ek s issue of the Mixed Chorus annual school held in the state sought to locate in Utah. He Magna Times. ward from 5 per cent, with a reond 1937-19him All are entitled to play sultant Increase to the Credulity ily. Mrs. Lee was a splendid mother The Snow and is one of the few of its kind to a friend in Magna, asking Elgar what the prospect seemed to be in and the passing of one so young Is and should take advantage of the budget for that account of approxiThe States. United to the Ladies Chorus problems come way a long has lawHumanity the city for an honest young very unusu 1 conditions prevalent mately $35,000. Employment of three Tucker-Cal- n to be deeply regretted. Sweet Genevieve of Na- for the examination were drawn up here in golfing circles. Equipment new teachers will absorb part of in its quest for the secrets M. J. (Mickey) Scanlon and the yer and Republican. Male Chorus by In reply the friend wrote: If you and balr can be purchased whole-- n the additional money, while the re- ture. The educated, intelligent part papers were checked by E. E. McStrauss Greetings to Spring of the people, at least, know more are an honest lawyer, you will have GRANITE HOLDS toward e, c ues are to is restoring mainder go Mixed Chorus only $1 per month, Carty. world go and under a special arrangement, salaries to the 1930 level, as asked about what makes the absolutely no competition. If you Members of the chorus are made and how to harness natural MUSICAL FETE are a Republican, the game laws ftce instruction can be had by association. the of the following: by up our than will protect you." The welfare committee report and forces to mankind's use, could be DEATH CLAIMS Howard Ridge, chairman of Doris Thompson, DaiSopranos: dreamed ever see Joe believe EVE WEDNESDAY IH Hmm, I fhe tournament committee. All re- schedule were substituted by the grandfathers Mabel Lewis, Afton BawWilkin, sy out. B. Quinney and see what the law Is MOTHER OF sents of Magna and Garfield are board for that submitted by Dr. found den, LaRue Latimer, LaUna Bowers, Most of us, however, have never on libel and slander. noted to play. Calvin S. Smith, district superinFive hundred and sixteen students Myrveldeen Snow, Lenora Sandall, efcause to from to reason learned Which Reminds Me tendent, which was originally apof Oranite school district partici- Mae Bello, Lorena Jenkins, Emma see a phenomenon whose The difference was $6000, fect. We proved. Dropped down at the Magna Mot- pated to the annual district musical Ek, Belva Jones, lone McDonald, we do not understand, and are cause Midvale To to bring the total appropriations Mrs. Sarah Berrett Summerhays, or Sales Company the other day festival Wednesday night to the Grace Jacobs. curious to Inquire. The altos are: Wilma Bawden, for salaries to $346,000 compared not sufficiently as widow of Joseph W. Summerhays and asked for Mr. Vern Butters, but Grant L. D. S. stake tabernacle, 33rd beyond It down something set We with $311,000 in the superintendent's was told he was out, asked for Ed South and State streets. Marvin H. Miriam Latimer, Nan Thorn ock, AlB. H. of Summerhays, mother and a mystery. our power to understand, music Butters, also told he was out, and Strong, district music supervisor, ice Bawden, Wilma Bennett, June proposed rates. all that type of mind knows, former Cyprus High school Teachers of the district, through For a Salt finally in desperation requested was the sponsoring director. in Schow, Gladys Bergstrom, Hazel died maFriday instructor, be pure radio broadcasting may after a brief illness. Hammy Sutton, but he was likewise The festival started at 8 p. m. and Poulton, Louise Bawden and Edna representatives, voted unanimously Lake hospital the original gic. Th Mrs. Summerhays was always act- out "Out where? I asked and the lasted three hours, featuring 190 Smith. Recreational Friday night to reject Community So long as great masses of peoinstructed and board Tenors are: Bert Lewis, Sam Mar-lo- r, of the d in L. D. S. Church work. Surviv- boy replied, "I guess selling cars. string and 326 wind instrumentalive or baseball team will offer unintelligent to again sub- ple are indifferent committee true me a of reminds welfare Which ists. story nine five Joseph Fairboume, Rulon Jack-maPlay Midvale, new the are sons, grandchilentry In the Utah rec- they can be persuaded to believe ing W. J. Jones. John Herzog, a publisher in the southMr. Strong with the two and industrial League, here Sunday, at mit its report, Reviewing past concerning Assisting grandchildren. dren great in dressed is plauup the board anything If it told a A man committee lost state. 8. of ern the Copper the were were H. the conducted Jacobs, Sam Bawden and services Merchant, program Funeral Oeorge ords, part It would be a tragic Community Park, 4:30 BUI Eckersley. of better quality were leav- sible language. P m. states Paul teachers In the Emerson L. D. S. valuable dog and advertised in the festival chairman; A. Brox, VauSunday should radio if prove the Schultz, president for higher pay and calamity Bass members are Richard ThoMr. Schultz was newspaper, offering one ghn Clayton, A. M. Durham, J. ward chapel, 1051 Emerson avenue, home-tow- n notified Wednes- ing the district was to be a means of spreading false turnover no mas. Dean Moore, A O, Kartchner, for but W. L. dollars officiathundred Peterson it. G. got and anticipated the of day with Blhop,p. Jepson, that Emery p, Midvale's entry Into the the credulous. Nowell Taylor. Clifton Clark and be even greater next beliefs among He called at the office. cemto Ireta to waJ Interment the Roylance. replies. City expected ing. schedule necessitating a revised 1 want to see the advertising more money was paid for all the teams. Guests of honor at the Wednes- Wallace Bawden. It will be Issued year unless Mr. and Mrs. George Papanikolas etery. W. B. Maughan, was well known manager, he said. entertainment included Superdistrict Mrs. day in Oranite shortly. Sumerhayq the for friends, high entertained Monday Mrs. Roger WUson of Pleasant Junior devil. Granite said the numHe's the intendent and Mrs. C. H. Skidmore, of a out," been here printer's in having Magna, principal com- occasion being Mr. PapanikolaSs was a visitor during the the of WelL-hMrs. Dr. assistant." Grove, and Calvin chairman Smith son. was 8. and with Sincere her times Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Moore of Og-p- n school, is A late supper ber of were A. M. birthday anniversary. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. exmembers He's sir." too, of the members district of out, is Granite the Other were dinner guests mittee. community and sympathy games was served to fifty guests Sunday of J. T. Larson. L. Christensen. board of education. Mr and Mrs. L. (Continued on Page 5) ( tended to the bereaved family. later enjoyed. Keith Richards at Durham and J. on and dancing (!) Page tPelr home to . (Continued Magna. David ed second th wide-sprea- . -- d, well-kno- Vari-color- ed og it C I i - ?l f fc w; t Y: Ba-vel- le fi ' Junior Baseball i ps Night School nt V i F Concludes Here 7 i U ILL A. Christ-offerso- i RUES n, 70 i GRANITE Le-no- ra 4 ' nt con-ttcti- ng H. SUMMERHAYS Play Magna Ball Squad Here Sunday, 4:30 fn 1 Magna-Garflel- n, O-w- en od lea-pu- J f 'I i |