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Show f NOT IN THE BOX SCORE: figure Detroit is the THE Yankees It heat this year. They inand that sist Cleveland la over-rate- d Eob Feller cm be beaten by a combination n waiting him oufand banting. The best Nation, league club, they any, Is the Cubs . . . Players, by the way, goeaip that times have not changed In Cleveland When Walter Johnson wan manager Billy Evana tried to run the team. Now Cy Slapnieka, who succeeded Evans as business manager, Is trying to do all the thinking 95 for Manager Steve ONeill per cent ef the horsemen racing In Florida last winter veted against (Jirt Australian starting gate with wbi-vNew Yorks turf overlords opened the season at the Jamaica racetrack . . . Ken Smith, the very able baseball writer, once was n freight agent. Nasty mens Insist that all is not sweetness and light among Cornells football folks They insist that Graduate Manager Jim Lynch recently called in Coach Carl Snavely to chide him about proselyting activities and that Carl has been doing a Rains of Casco In Cuzco, Peru, once the metropolis of the Incas, are massive 'ruin on a par with those found in Egypt When the city was captured by Pizarro its temples were marvels of magnificence, says the Washington Post The Temple of the Sun was covered with a roof of gold. The railroad to Cuzco skirts Lake Titicaca, an inland sea, 161 miles long, 60 miles wide and 12,500 feet above the level of the sea. The water never freezes, even when the temperature drops to 30 degrees, and steel knives thrown Into It do not Scenes and Persons in the Current News ... ft New Tork Font WNU ttorvle. Bob Feller Is Shy; Publicity Has Not Swelled Ilis Head 'T'HEY rust Mid the kid waa apstairs la hia room but that It would be a (ood Idea to burry for it waa since. However, about time for be and Weatherly bit oi 1 Agreement settling the recent General Motors strike at Oshawa, Ont., is signed in Toronto. Left to to atar out for the night. They chide or no chide, they also insist H. J. Carmichael vice president of the company, Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario and C. H. Milare still that but honest right boys poor aeeraed to aay that the yonng man getting Jt looksee from Cornell and lard, union local president 2 Neville Chamberlain, English lord chancellor, whose recently announced waa a bit of a heller and at a tenbudget calls for the highest taxes in Britains history. 3 Scene in Pittsburgh, where spring rains recently der age of eighteen but it aeema he that the Pittsfield, Mass., district swelled two the banks of the Allegheny river to overflowing and threatened flood conditions 'or a time. was weeks well at gandered It nothing of the aort. . . . John Meketi, Giant rookie ago "Yeah, were atartin out Stormy now with Jersey City, is one and me, aaid Bob Feller, "But pitcher of the best harmonica players in LATEST INVENTIONS come in. Yeah, we were goin to . Gllckman, the the movies. Go every night were baseball . . Marty sprinter, is shunning sports bugs about the movies. Me I like Olympic for a short time due to complies-ton- s Westerns, specially Hopalong Cascaused by low blood pressure sidy. Stormy does, too. . , . Add look alikes Julius Sol-teThe two young Indians aat down. k of the Indians and Joe Weatherly Is small and pudgy and of the Cards. twenty-twbut looks even younger Although Temple loses 14 letter-me- n than heller. They have been roomby graduation Pop Warner mates ever since Feller joined the n bigger wears club. Fellers father stipulated that footbis boy must be roomed with a smile at spring ball practice than beof man young good character 12 month! fore hed sign any papers. Every be did . . . Rivington ago one agreed that Weatherly was the Bisland, the - emianswei. e nent sports "We get along great. said used to man, Stormy. "Like the same things, like pitch for Looiaville to go to bed early. We're gonna . . . One of the have a email apartment in Clevesights at the St. land this summer.1 Nicks boxing arena Feller was sitting silently. lie is is Jafsle Condon a shy youngster, terribly afraid that jumping up f r n nr - people win think all this publicity hla ringside neat has gone to his head. Everything and cheering whenever hia bodyhe does la studied, on or oil the guard, Al Reich, referees . . . Dave held. boden, Brooklyn tax appraiser and Ilis dad visited him at New Or- ardent aports fan. Is being talked leans and some one asked if Pop about aa the next president ef his would spend much time in Clcve-luh- d borough . . . The National leagne this summer. msy add Andy Kolk, an umpire let out by the International, to its staff No, Dad doesnt like big cities, he said. "If I have a good year, this summer. Pretty good man, too. though, he'll probably do a lot of Because so many customers think Montanos visiting But if 1 have a bad one he was robbed during the I'll probably do a lot of visiting fight Lightweight Champion Lou theGlorifying the American gadget National Inventors congress in Ambers who previously never had myself to Vin Meter. Chicago recently presented a full been much of n drawing card, now He piUhes three-quartfashion should line of ingenious oddities. Mrss View of the first Christian church ever erected in be one of the best gate atnow, but doesn't wholly approve Hawaii, which Betty Barrie is shown wearing reaches its cenU.n mark th s yenr. Known as the tractions. of the plan. "old stone church to worn be over transparent drapes the edifice was m built the tiny coffee trading village of Kailua by AmeriVinnie Richards again has been "I'd like to be a stockings for protection against mos- can nrssi.onar.es in ll?. It was at Kailua DaPresident Roosevelt first saw pitcher like Walter invited to coach the Australian bites. quito Hawaii when he isitul mid Pacific American territory several years ago. Johnson," he said. vis cup team in preparation for the Aussies North American zone finals He pitched aide-ardidn't he? with the United States at Forest And he lasted a long Hills May 29 31 His acceptance deIIEI)S PHYSICIANS time didn't he? pends upon whether or not he goes He offered his services to I think I abroad Well, the Americans but was ignored in should pitch side-arKoze-!u- h too. That the favor of George Lott and Karl Comeven Davis Cup though I threw back way on the sandlots and mittee Chairman Walter Pate credited the Australians victory last I did all right there. It'a my natural way year to Vinmes tutoring . . . Bill Tilden must really be cracking up of throwing. at last The other day he remarked How many do I think I'll win? he was tempted to pile all his that I just wouldn't say. 1 11 be satisfied in the center of the court if my average is as good as it was racquets and make a bonfire of them. last year. Dick GIU, Boston colleges Last year In his short time with blond. Is due for plenty of the club he won five games, lost around on the intercollegishoving three If he averages a victory a ate tracks this spring. Eddie OBri-r- n week he'll come up with twenty-thre- e and Jim Berber are reported as decisions stiU being exceedingly sore over the Business Manager Slapnick'a re- way be elbowed and jostled the cent statement that Feller would slender Charlie Beetham In n repitch once a week doesnt meet with cent meet . . , Although he is best his heartiest approval. celebrated ns n football center. Ivy "Why, back home I used to pitch league pitchers are worried about three times a week. he says, "and the hitting prowess of Dartmouths It never bothered me." Mutt Ray . . . Jake Flowers, who Dr. William J Kerr, professor of might have been n great infielder if medicine at the University of Cali111 Never Tries Bean Ball he had not been troubled by fornia. San Francisco, health during his Dodger and Cardirecently chosen president-elec- t of the American but Batters Beware! nal days, now has enlrely recovwarm Unusually spring weather drew these young ladies to a Chicago College of Physicians. Dr. Kerr will ered. He weighs 182 pounds and Is beach recently. Left to right are Ruth Kurth. Dorothy Bentlcr, and Rosa serve m 1938 to 1939. following Dr. Some one suggested that perhaps seeking either to manage a Class B Dillon. The girls liked the breeze but declared the water was too cold James H. Means of Harvard uni-the American league was a little team or play In the International for a real dip. the present incumbent. ersity, . . . Mrs. Payne Whitney, different than the sandlots of Iowa. league the Greent.ee lady, must be Amer"Well, not to me, it's not, he reica ace turf fan. Her friends claim All I do Is rear back and plied. reads every single line about let it go, whether it'a In a sand-lo- t she in every paper and magasine racing game or up here. published in this country. Some one else wondered if, when If Ken Sandbach, the Princeton he improved his control, the batH"r pro he is ters wouldnt gain more confidence. quarterback, todocs turn with more likely go Brooklyn "I just wont improve that much, than with the Giants. That is behe aaid. "I never tried to hit a cause he should get mote chance to batter in my life, but, after all, play with the Dodgers, who need a getting out of the way of a bail is good quarterback and passer, while tlicir bcsincss, not mine. the Giants are somewhat averse to j ? "What about Hubbcll,. what do shoving first-yea- r pro performers into their regular lineup. Both clubs you think of him? "I guess hes the greatest pitcher are bidding for him, though, and it c i Ive ever seen, he said "He also is gossiped that alumni are must be the best. I know I never making attractive business offers to saw a ball do the tilings he can keep him away from the make it do sport . . . Col. Matt Winn, the A Then some one asked him if he Kentucky Derby impresario, has t. had a girl back home and the meet- ten grandchildren. Two of the boys of age and sixteen are under years of sort broke up. ing "Well sort of, he said. "But have viewed eleven Derbies. The colonel. Incidentally, first viewed well discuss that later. the Louisville show In 1875 from atop his fathers grocery wagon. How it was that the Dodgers did In spite of the pressure being put pot take Gabby Hartnett when he upon them, the New York boxing was offered to them by the Cubs? commissioners art nnlikety to okay Gabby, one of the smartest and a bout. Aside from most popular players of recent n few little trifles such as contracts years, still should have a season or signed for other boats the commistwo of top catching and hitting sioner figure that Ross, a welterleft in him. . . Are experts and weight, and Montanes, a lightscouts taking proper note of the weight, have sufficient opportuniAmelia Earhart, famous aviatrlx, as he examined her plane at the Lockheed factorv , football line N. Y. U. will have ties for diversioa la their own where it was Bul!banlc f1"8 repaired In preparation for a new start of a next fall? when the landing gear of her plane classes. take-off collapsed during a at Luke fiekfto the Hawaiian g Hawaiian Church Has Centennial rs Med-wlc- -- box-offic- && Spring Breezes Lure Fair Bathe gas-hou- se 1 Amelia Prepares for World Flight A gam Difference In Sponges lowSponges, although one of the greatanimal of life, est forms vary ly In habitat color and size. They are found In both deep and shallow water In seas, rivers and lakes throughout the world; possess such colors as red, blue, brown and green, as well as yellow; and vary In weight says a writer In Colliers Weekly, from a fraction of an ounce to a hundred pounds. Pilot-Fis- bl'T Dont Tv. read b3& ,, It already! your coat pocket Abie Qult ViU you tte the Diflertsf. pleas!!,, fijj difference J81 1 Inga and pence? Ikey You can talk A, treet vidout shilling - Oul, Monsieur ..Consomme, oeuvres. me. de terre au grathX des glaces, and tell the corner to keep his fricassSj W There is a small fish about twelve Inches long, called the pilot-fismember of the mackerel family. This fish accompanies ships also sharks, guiding the sharks to their food. It swims close in front of the shark, not only to obtain fragments of the food scattered by the shark but also to secure proh, and tection from its enemies. Loss in Coins Heavy Wear and tear on metal money represents a loss of more than a year. The government stands the loss. Appropriations are made each year for the difference between the face value of worn coins returned and the amount such coins produce in new coins after they have been melted down and Money, Latin; Cub, French The word money comes from the Latin, moneta, which originally meant "a mint, because the temple of Juno Moneta, in Rome, was the place where monej was coined. Cash, on the other hand, is of French origin, derived from the word caisse a box. Pearsona London Weekly. Rales of V. S. Navy The crews on the ships of the United States navy are forbidden to throw anything overboard that will float, as such debris might be used as a trail by enemies in time of war and by spies wishing to watch maneuvers in time of peace. Collier's Weekly. Land the Triple "A probably gets heavier use in the Hawaiian language than in almost any other tongue. It is used not only singly, but m two's and threes. Examples are "Kaaa, a thread made of fiber; "laaana, devoted, and maaa, sea breeze. The of letter "a Doukhobors From Russia . The Doukhobors arrived in Canada in 1898 and 1899, and the government allotted them land in the province of Assiniboia, near Yorktown, and in Saskatchewan, near Thunder Hill, and Prince Albert. They came from Russia. (0t may fare from Opbs r Salt Lake City, good k tin ditiomed toother or that tm.j We have the FASTEST TIAK to San Francisco, all meals a fc tiooed. Potifit Limited. Tsetse Flies Best in 86 degrees neat Tsetse flies live longest, feed most readily and breed best in moderate humidity at around 85 degrees C th rcnz 1 nmuM, s; 6 J nu th e t! .de HEWEST SALT LAKE'S I3SIE! iK 4 Oar lobby to delightfsHr Raring tbe Radio for (rary Hoorn mnk cento bet iT, I 200 R omo200 Botho die ill iss Jill t hm tc no HOTEL Temple 1 he Squar, 1.50 fo jtetee n d Mr Hotel Temple klUf 4dnbit 1 n HIGHLY RECOMMEND Ten eea aleo appmdata ky Ars , X Jfa a mar ot 411 J oantifnl Shin C U j r, d ROSSITEM ne ret. IN UTAH T HOTEL BEN of Ogdens Finest. One IUW Rooms-350 350 $2.00 to $4.00 -- . Delightful Room- s- M Coffee b Grill Room and La? Spacious Lounge - CourteousSe CtF1 Every Comfort and will be BEN 1C fo'' THE HOTEL OGDEN, UTAH YOU COME ASWEST. CHAUNCEY W. ., ' A', A RUNG OD STRAIGHT V MOOT it For hi tr ira Rift. Gm. Aft., 41 St. Mot St,Ss&UCi ITS WHISKIES iL see Cherry Tree Honored by For more than fifteen Japan centuries people of Japan have gathered each spring m Tokyo to go through the rites of the cherry tree. Quarts us dints 2sg inn 1000 The CUNa. k itri Southern Pc ERNEST Goldsmiths Have Patron Saint patron saint of the Goldsmiths company of London is Saint Dunstan. He was born about 925 years ago in Gastonbury. p, is 31ROUNDTRIPto$an!t Ifl cisco: 32 ROUNDTRIP Frandsco-San kf via Angeles fares good in j standard Pullmans (berth ess), them. One of Largest Clocks One of the largest clocks In the world, at Jersey City, N. J., has a 38 minute hand feet long, an hour hand of 27 feet and a dial 50 feet wide. til lb sir-a- Old Stamps a Cariosity Old stamps used by Federal debefore partments the days of franking. free postage, are framed in a room of the Interior building at Washington. Private firms printed -- Dp Wife man!11 8ee?Masie?. h y Ross-Monta- . I'll .end you AL MORRISON Million Dollar Boo tellomee, heed, end Hw heeMT, beck U CbPIa dimir nbj I" nut nos snmleo InwJJjS e a .' 1 ,, |