Show norice I 1 lake city otili march IX to whom it may concert tice Is hereby given tl at tl e state of tit ill 1 aa filed in this office list 0 21 ol 01 lands selected by the said bbate or tl e lesl ment of per na ent water reservoirs lor purposes under i of the act of agress ai proved july 18 1894 ibe tracts embraced ll 11 sail list are in a township containing claims of record viz N E S W 4 se S 6 L 81 A copy of aid list so far as it relates to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions las been conspicuously posted in tl Is ollice lor i by any person interested and by tl r public generally V in tl e next sixty da s following the date of this notice under departmental in is of november 27 1888 I 1 D 49 protests pio tests or against the llala of tl e state to adv of tl tracts or islo s fore described i tl e ou id that the sa ne Is r ore valuable for m eral than for agricultural purposes will 1 e received and noted for report to the gel eral at wasi ington D failure or contest in tl e time will be sufficient evidence of the non mineral cl ara ter 1 tl said tracts and tl e selection tl e cof being otherwise free from objection will be reco for approval register GEO A SMITH receiver march 11 last pub mai 6 ia |