Show SHOT IN OLD KENTUCKY killeen texas poet gets off the tol lowing on kentuck he was shot in old kentucky chere they make the mountain dew and the feed the r babies on hot ver eftev where lou wake up in the mornier shot full of bullet boles and find our sole companions are disembody lej souls he aas shot in old kentucky where their abia is al vas true and the amusement is shooing people through where the doctors use a medi cine tor human ills a dozen boiden bul lets instead of giving pilla he was shot in old kentuck where the feuds prow on the trees and bullets from the rifles buzz through the air 1 ke bees ft here ane they on when they dance or ho lire the musical revolvers and the call off a pop I 1 hale heard that kentucky is a fine corn montte alth thit the women are noted or their beauty and their health but I 1 will in old killeen where tho vo men cut less figure and the men are not hasty to cor so quick to pull a |