Show THE STRAIN OF WORK best of backs give out under the burden of dally toil lieutenant eorge G warren ol 01 no 3 chemical washington D ears it s an honest fact that doan s kidney pills did me a great lot ot good and it it were not true I 1 would not becom mend them it was the strain of lift ing that brought on kidney trouble and v weakened my back but since us ing deans kidney pills I 1 have lifted pounds and felt no bad effects I 1 have not felt the trouble come back bince although 1 had suffered tor five or six years and other remedies had not helped me at all for sale by all dealers price 50 cents foster allburn co buffalo N beware of ointments for catarrh that contain mercury u mercury will ure detroy the ease oaf and comp ete de ange the who e af r ien entering ac through the mucous in ce buch artl clea should never be need oa p e phylo ibe damage they w 11 do li ten fo d to the r A you can pose b de rire from them ha 18 cure manufactured by J cheney co to edo 0 con a n no ati curr and li talc n erna direct upon ane b ana muccue of tho la buying 11 catarrh cure be ure you ret the beaulne it ii taken internal and made in toledo ob by J ceeney co a i ree sold by druggist Drug gitt pr ce fcc per bott e lake hall 11 annily rills tor constipation Import antto mothers examine careful ly bottle of a ate and remedy toi and and sea that it bears the signature of in uee tor over 30 year abe kiad yon alway bought BABY ONE SOLID SORE could not shut eyes to sleep spent on doctors baby grew worse cured by Cuti cura for 5 A scab formed on my babas face spreading until it completely covered her from head to foot followed by bolls having forty on her head at one time and more on her body then her skin started to dry up and it be came so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep one month s treatment with Cuti cura soap and ointment made a complete cure doctors and medicines had cost over with baby growing worse then we spent less than 5 for Cuti cura and cured her signed mrs G H tucker jr greenfield ave milwaukee WIs tra puts TEA youth in tired old bones and turns wrinkles to laughter give thought TEA to the tea you buy your fracer your ammy if you ion 1 bent it queer TEA that ddn t know tea what everybody says jamboree ky april 3rd caal I 1 suffered or years with my back says mr J M coleman a well known resident of this place then I 1 used dodd a kidney pills and I 1 have not felt a pain since my little girl complained of her back she used about one half box of dodd s kidney pills and she Is sound and aeu it Is thousands of statements like the above that show dodd s kidney pills to be the one cure for backache or any other symptom of deranged kidneys for backache la simply a that the kidneys need help dodd s kidney pills always cure backache they also always cure bright s disease diabetes dropsy rheumatism bladder and urinary troubles and heart disease these are more advanced stages ot kidney disease cure your backache with dodds kidney pills and you need never tear them I 1 am sure piso s cure tor saved my life three years ago maple street norwich N Y feb 17 1900 CHILDREN AFFECTED by mothers food and drink many babies have been launched into life with constitutions weakened by disease taken in with their mothers milk mothers cannot be too careful as to the food they use while nursing their babes the experience 0 a kansas city mother Is a case in point I 1 was a great coffee drinker from a child and thought I 1 could not eat a meal without it but I 1 found at last it was doing me harm for years I 1 had been troubled with dizziness spots be fora my eyes and pain in my heart to baich was added two years ago a chronic sour stomach the bab waa born 7 months ago and almost from the beginning it too suffered from sour stomach she was taking it from me in my distress I 1 consulted a friend of more experience than mine and she told me to quit coffee that coffee did not make good milk I 1 have since ascertained that it really dries up the milk so I 1 quit coffee and tried tea and at last cocoa but they did not agree with me then I 1 turned to coffee with the happiest results it proved to be the very thing I 1 needed it not only agreed perfectly with baby and myself but it increased the flow of my milk my husband then quit coffee and used quickly got well of the dyspepsia with which he had been troubled I 1 no longer suffer from the dizziness blind spells pain in my heart or sour stomach post urn has cured them arow we all drink from my husband to my seven months old baby it has proved to be the best hot drink we have ever used we would not give up for the beet coffee we ever drank name given by co battle creek mien there s a reason get the little book the road to n each A BEINGS HEALTH TO MEM beeb OF SAME FAMILY cure a wife debility after malaria a daughter nervous prostration I 1 bave recommended dr williama pink pills to rainy people said mrs gossett because I 1 have seen such good results time after time right in my own family there are three of us who have no doubt about their mei its ve do not need to take anybody s word on the sub act tor our own experience has taught us how well they deserve praise it was last about ten years ago that I 1 first read about dr williams pink pills and bought my first box I 1 was at that time all run vi eak nervous and without ami I 1 had been doc konug all summer for malaria aud stomach trouble everybody thought I 1 was going into consumption as my mother had died of thit disease thanks to dr williams pink pills I 1 am now alive and hearty I 1 began to improve as soon as I 1 began to take them and when I 1 had taken thi boxes I 1 was a well woman wonders how I 1 keep so well ind am able to caro for my homo and children without help dr william eills explain it sly oldest ba s health bean to fail when she was about fourteen she was nervous complained of sharp pains in her head would get deathly sick and leave to leave the school room to get frech air to revive her I 1 gave some pills to her she took only a few boxes but they cured her troubles and caused her to develop luto a perfect picture of lieal til then my husband them for rheumatism and found that they would cm e that too bo you see we have all got great good from using them and that is why wo becom mend them to others mrs gossitt elivea at tuscarawas TuSca oo 00 ohio and Is well known as bhe has resided in the sime 1 for more than thir teen years her stoby shows that medicine which makes the bloc d sound and the nerves barong overcomes a variety of diseases and should be found in every household dr williams pink pill are id by nil druggists everywhere they have curd cur d ant emia and all form of leikness wei kness also the most stubborn cases of dyspepsia aid they are in dispensa ble f r growing girls A large package DON hed cross ball blue only G cents the buss company south bead lad attended with tainted offensive or foul breath bitter taste especially in the morning furred tongue sick or bilious headaches poor or irregular appetite bour stomach water brash alon with strong tendency to the blues or despondency are all relieved and rad icalla cured by the faithful use of dr pierce s golden medical discovery no man can be stronger than his stomach when it gets out of order he becomes all dyspeptic peevish and out ot sorts he feels languid tired and all tagged out nothing will more speedily or perma bently invigorate and tone into action liver and bowels than dr pierce s golden medical discovery it Is compounded from the active medicinal principles ex from native medicinal plants without the use of alcohol not a drop of which enters into its composition the benefit felt from its use Is not therefore due to alcoholic and consequently of short duration but Is endur ins and permanent the great majority of diseases have their inception in a bad stomach andl biliousness and impure blood among these diseases are deadly con gumption nerve racking brain wrecking nervous prostration and exhaustion body torturing rheumatism insanity breeding neuralgia emaciating malaria and all manner of disfiguring mood and ikin diseases dr pierce e golden med leal Diaco Is a cure tor all cheso dis eases if taken in anything like reamona ble time it Is not a cure all but cures the diseases mentioned for the reason that they are caused and aggravated by the same disorders it makes the appe tite keen the digestion perfect the liver active the blood pure and builds firm flesh and healthy nerve fiber don t be wheedled by a penny grabbing dealer into taking something else said to be just as good only that he may make a greater profit there a nothing just as good as golden medical discovery with its record of cures extending over a third of a century A greet sufferer cured DB R V buffalo N Y dear firmy health Is better now it bu been before or many years and I 1 owe to dr pierce s golden medical discovery a debt of gratitude I 1 was for several years troubled with severe stomach trouble sick headache and nervousness could not eat any without experiencing the moat ilaff pain had little and was fre nauseated my hick headaches were most violent and I 1 could not rest or day I 1 became emaciated and thoroughly despondent and no medicine that I 1 could take seemed to help me at all it wu my father who that I 1 try your medicine and I 1 am crateful erate ful to I 1 had been golden medical discovery lea than alve month when I 1 was entirely cured and can now eat anything without distress miss north arlington new jersey astor avenue cure when everything else palls E V buffalo N Y dear siri am happy to sav that I 1 have I 1 found dr pierce gol len medical discovery to be efficacious for stomach trouble bor many years I 1 could scarcely eat anything without belne dreadfully dis at once and was apt to vomit the food I 1 used various medicines without food effect later I 1 bought a bottle of dr I 1 beree s golden medical discovery and it proved so satisfactory that I 1 boucht several more bottles of the medicine and used it until I 1 was entirely well that was about four months you may count on me tor a staunch friend to golden medical discovery also to your sanitarium which I 1 know to be one of the best in the country ASA M SOS elley street buffalo N dr a 1000 page illustrated book the common bense medical adviser Is sent iree in paper covers on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only 31 stamps the cloth bound volume will be sent address dr B V pierce buffalo N Y when the golden ur fierce 1 S medical discovery Is not quite laxative enough as in obstinate alon the little pleasant sugar coated pellets should be taken to aid the discovery one or two or a laxative two to tour for a cathartic they alone have been known to cure many bad case ot stomach trouble dyspepsia and indigestion they act on the liver and regulate the bowels put up in glass vials corked therefore always fresh pleasant pellets how can TEA an everyday drink be so bad oh they re used to both wine TEA and tea made talk but not both make wisdom I 1 TEA I 1 9 Is good for a too busy man it makes him forget his business TEA it dreadful I 1 t i 1 yes did she know it probably not |