Show the time to buy stocks II 11 la 1 known fact to everyone that flit edged les have declined from twenty to airty dol are per share in the pat twelve months the market now Is bt agnant what will the next up or down up sure as you a toot b gh buy now while locks are on the bottom send tor our book of information matlou and iby market letter mailed free upon app commission CO BROKERS continuous quo a oni on new yo k stocks id ch ago G am member sal adlie S k nd M ang exchange Ex chang D WALKER SALT LAKE CITY UTAH W FOR SALE st near co eville 1000 acre ranch all under cul iv atlon and plenty ot water five room house granary and stable will cut 15 wor h ol 01 hay thag season crop and stock loo ash balance annual payments A 19 W FIRST SOUTH ST alt 11 R H OFFICER CO ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS bm e by nill premix ali r 1 ni pt I alta ticul 1 tj when answering advertisements kindly mention this paper miss hapgood fells how she escaped an awful operation by using lydia E vegetable compound I 1 suffered for four years with what the doctors called inflammation of the fallopian tubes and which is a most distressing and painful ailment affecting all the surrounding parta it on and sapping the life forces it you had seen me a year ao before I 1 baoan taking lydia E vegetable compound and had noticed the bunken eyes sallow complexion and general emaciated condition and pared that person with me as I 1 am today robust hearty and well you would not wonder that I 1 feel thankful to you and your wonderful medicine wh ch restored me to new life and health in five months and saved me from an awful operation wa sandwich st windsor ont forfeit if of proving ceness cannot be p or inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes wh ch adjoin the ovaries may result from sudden of the monthly flow from inflammation of the womb and many other causes tl e sl indication of trouble with the ovaries indicated by dull throbs ng pain in the side ac companied by heat and shooting pains should claim your instant attention it will not cure itself and a hospital operation w th all its terrors may easily result from neglect sa SHOES 00 AND 4 00 CUSTOM BENCH WORK IN ALL THE H GH GRADE LEATHERS 2 50 POLICE THREE SOLES 2 50 2 00 VVO kingmen S BEST IN THE WORLD 2 50 2 00 AND 1 75 BYS FOR DRESS AND SCHOOL WEAR W I 1 douglas mal es and beell more men s ta CO and 3 00 tl in any other man i tac in tl e worl 1 tl e rea on they are the greatest se lera is tl ey a e m de of the best loathe s hold their sl ape fit better wear longer and hare more value than any other shoes W L doug guarantees their value by stamping his name and p ice on the bottom look tor it take no s abst t te sold by dealbera S evert bere fast colw used vely alev As ao sa 00 SHOES I 1 have been wearing fa 00 ilvy I 1 purchased a pair of W t douglas SA f f AJ shoes I 1 have orn every day for L r four they are so sa ts factory I 1 do not intend to ret irn to the more expensive shoes WM esst city solicitor patta brockton leads efte men s shoe fashions of aho world vt I 1 bo slag ais corona in send for cata a a fu I 1 in 18 60 hoes corona nit cone led ru 1141 fifie too ser by t be the fenest patent leather made W L douglas brockton mass STRAIN mountaineer made by Z I 1 boot shoe and loverdi factory poss ts ALL the good q a 1 alea necessary tor the nuke up ot over 1 s to be in the inter mountain country ahey 11 stand the te ti to which such garment are put ft ade in 11 e aci tor men boy a and by labor in a ta tory chica Is a model of neatness ana when western people can obtain thi best overal g mad anywhere at the mo t reason ab e prices we think the home industry apropo ion 1 entitled consider atlon V hat think you overalls are 0 o bale in most every general store in the whole west it you dea er can t supply ou write to Z L alt lake city utah 6 OF 1 fal wa i CURES rheumatism ALL PAIN CUTS BURNS OLD BORES CRICK IN BACK BACKACHE LUMBAGO STIFF JO SPRAINED CORN S WR T FROSTED CHILBLAIN ALL or MAN OB BEAST BEAD THIS CURE I 1 much afflicted with rheumatism writes ed nud seda WICK co hansbo going about on crutches and su nerin a great u al of pain I 1 was induced to try ballard s now lin ment wh ch cured me a ter us og three boo bottles IT IS THE LINIMENT I 1 USED have rec om mended it to a number ot persons all express themselves as be ng 11 1 now walk without crutches aad am able toper torm a great deal ot light labor on the tarm THREE SIZES AND sl 00 ballard snow liniment co ST LOVIS V S A aalt LAKE SUPPLY CO successor to photo supply C boalen wn fo MB SOUTH AND MAIN SALT LAKE CITY howard E burton A or 1 t t nl price gold S ver lead tl d sll oo 00 d Z no or copper 1 cyanide es 1 efti loir copee and full p ce bitet lent on alon control and amp e work eol ted lead alue here ence bona nm 1 bank JOHN ASSAY CO bold silver copper n aln 1 any two alena 1 samp by mat receive attention f 0 be or i a d kian ores 17 arapahoe M COLO W N U salt lake no 38 1904 1 CUB kihe tu DC cough ayr p bood ite la 8 1 I by d e 57 BEST AND 1 13 MADE BY MILLING ELEVATOR cu UTAH P COPIES STANDARD PIECES 10 COPIES po pa d 1 00 send to day for clr abon from factory ba ga ni in 1 1 A b g 1 to you wr e at once f cata ogue and pr mando ling and jl etling THE mckannon BROS MUSIC CO 2283 was agton ave utah when answer ng advertisement kindly mention thi paper the soul TEA is let loose by tea it wanders far and forgets its prison do you think TEA you know all there is in those three letters tea no good tea TEA have to be fine if fine all the better there is but one degree of goodness there are twenty of fineness does it pay TEA to advertise depends on circumstances what circumstances the tea and the dealing conr grocer return your money it you dont ute schilling beat M important to mothers examine carefully every bottle of a stile and enre remedy for infante and children and see that it Bea rethe signature of in vee for over 30 tear the kind always bought HAD TO GIVE UP suffered agonies from kidney ator dere until cured by doane kidney pills george W ot 1953 nort alth st philadelphia pa a man of good reputation and writes ftc years ago I 1 WM buffering so wibb my back and klc that I 1 often bad to lay off the kidney seer alons were ural my lees and stomach ar swollen and t had no appetite when doctors failed to help me I 1 began using doan s kidney pills and improved until my back was strong and my appetite returned during the tour years since I 1 stopped using them I 1 have enjoyed excellent health the cure was permanent signed W A TRIAL FREE address foster allburn co buffalo N for ial by all dealers price 50 acts every nation TEA has its notion of tea most families have one too there is a TEA deal of comfort and refreshment cheer and positive joy in a timely cup when tea TEA is good do you know why it is good and when it is bad do yon know why it is bad Is tea generally so badt it is rather uncertain generally there is no difficulty in getting it good la package 0 schilling be tu k book toti ho to make good tea the marine eye co BB ey buck re writ tuam conr r care for consumption ie n for and colden W ocean grove N J 17 efly GET WHEN IM ci o cinc BLACK OR HARDEST STORM OOK FOR ABOVE or IMITATION 1 FULI lint NO HT CO BOSTON u a A J TOWER ITO canto COMBINED BUSINESS COLLEGES L DS and SALT LAKE over WO bookkeeping th most abo ah aba moat id typewriting lype writing the most perfect ie the hobt accurate penin n chip the most rupio such course a profession gulo tily I 1 secured or graduate gr adulte men look to us tor emp lovea in office work force s tons equipment perfect oon light progress pro grees certain aad e or aril for balilo salt lake ally |