Show DEMOCRATS NAME TICKET select powers fop congles Con gres and moyle for governor the democrats of utah in conven alon in salt lake city on thursday september 8 placed the following ticket in the field member of con gross 0 W powers of salt lake governor james H moyle of salt lake secretary of state leal N har mon of price attorney general grant bagley of provo auditor J W geiger of park city treasurer W wilson of ogden superintendent of public instruction nathan porter of centerville Cent erville justice of supreme court S varlan of salt lake presidential electors samuel newhouse of salt lake edward H snow of st george fred J klesel of ogden the platform the democracy of utah in conven alon assembled reiterates its belief in the time honored principles of the organization that has always stood tor the rights of a 1 the people as against the demands of the favored classes bince the founding of the republic and reaffirms its faith in the great under lying principle laid down by jefferson incorporated into the declaration of independence in the following lan guage we hold these truths to be self eat dent that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their crea tor with certain inalienable rights and among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are ansti buted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the gov arned and we pledge our sees to a continuation of the policy which has ever characterized this party a strict adherence to that principle we declare once again in favor of the time honored axiom first laid down by the founder of the democratic party equal rights to all and special orivl leges to none we endorse the platform adopted and reaffirm the principles declared by the national democratic convention at st louis and cordially and enghu plastically approve the nomination of alton parker and henry G davis for president and vice president of the united states we direct the attention of our te low citizens of all parties to the conditions confronting the electors of this state because of the selfish and disgraceful contentions which have divided the republican party in two opposing tac alons each led by republican unit ed states senator such conditions are the net results of the success of the republican party in recent years now plainly manifest and are but the nat ural consequences of an attempt to array one class of our citizens against another class in a feud which it persisted in will result in permanent in jury to the best interests of the corn mon wealth the democratic party of the state enters its protest against these conditions and the causes and cal s upon the people of the state to rebuke at the polls the as and arrogance of the party which Is alone responsible tor the situation the democratic party neither seeks nor fears the interference of any ecclesiastical power with the espres 1 slon of popular will at the polls find denies the right of any power or of any man or set of men to dictate political nominations or to control political conventions we ho d that american citizens are politically free and equal and the people alone should wield this power while we are willing and ready at all times to accord to the president of the united states the credit due him tor his work in securing the of a national irrigation law at the same time we positively refuse to con cede that it was a republican meas ure but on the condray contray was as la shown by the record initiated by labored for and introduced by a democrat advocated by democrats passed by democratic votes and but for the votes of democratic members of both houses d have been defeated by republicans overwhelmingly we believe in the dignity of labor and recognize the rights of the toilers of our state and pledge our candidates tor office to the enactment of such pol ides and measures as will protect them in their rights and insure their personal liberty in the pursuit of their several occupations the democratic party now as in the past is the friend of labor and pledges its candidates to a just and equal enforcement of the laws without discrimination in favor of persons property or power it ad vacates a just and compensatory wage tor the service of an eight hour day in work on a 1 public works and in mines mills and smelters and in all cases a fair and living remuneration lor the labor of all mea and women with a firm reliance in the integrity of the people of utah we submit the issues of this campaign national and state to their candid judgment at the polls |