Show HOPE THE FOR SICK O 0 lw MRS HENRIETTA MARSH A VICTIM OF LA GRIPPE mrs henrietta A S marsh W st los angeles cal president woman s benevolent ass n writes 1 I suffer r d with la grippe for seven weeks and nothing I 1 could d or take helped me until I 1 tried peruna I 1 felt at once that I 1 had at last secured the right medicine and I 1 kept steadily etea dily improving within ithica three weeks I 1 was fully restored and I 1 a im glad that I 1 gave that truly great rem edy a trial I 1 will never be without it again in a letter dated august 31 1804 1904 mrs marsh says I 1 have never yet beard heard the efficacy of peruna quest queston on ed we still use it I 1 traveled through kentucky and tennesee three years ago where I 1 found peruna doing its good work much of it Is being used here also m henrietta A S marsh address dr hartman president ot of the hartman sanitarium columbus ohio I 1 ask your druggist for a tree free peruna almanac for 1905 1903 I 1 am sura sure piso riso s cure tor for ton consumption saved tay ute life three years ago BIRS THOS BOBBINS maple street norwich X Y feb 17 1800 V for m cuts IN I 1 is lif bounas 0 d fil spra ns J U com durons galls bruises contracted mu cles lame back htiu joints burns scads etc AN F aps ops irritation subdues inflammation and dr a es out P n penetrates the pores loosens the tissues promotes a free circulation of the blood the Ilus cles natural elasticity BEST liniment ON barth ONCE ALWAYS USED CURED is SCIATIC rheumatism mrs E A simpson knoxville tenn writes I 1 have been try ng the b of hot sl linvs ark for sciatic rheum t m but I 1 get more relief f rum I 1 allard sno v lin ment than any med c no or any thing I 1 have ever t led find postoffice post office order f or 1 W send me large bottle by southern express THREE SIZES SOO AND BE YOU GET THE ballard snow liniment co ST LOVIS V S A HAVE YOU A aw WOULD YOU LIKE LI KE US TO SADDLE SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL rl rtha MOST WONDERFUL SADDLE OFFER EVER HEARD OF an e 0 fr for by wh ch anyone can have the n cost add a e n h a ING H abo hbo hood cut th s ad out and end send t to us and 0 I 1 our new B e S and beau ul spec a al seed a e cata ogue vivo urge go handsome photograph c it U astra ons one 0 of a I 1 kinde k I 1 n d a of men a women a boys and girls saddles saddles ranch and ranee range saddles MALL SMALL LARIE laa E PLAIN AND FANCY rancy SADDLES I 1 VERT KINS kina AID alit STYLE AND SHAPE OF SADDLE OUR PRICES AID PLEASE YOU tu you w I 1 net set our ve i latest and most atton aston ah h ng 4 L be a 0 ter you wl wt I 1 6 a I 1 n uw a w e e e 0 d e 0 er that eve y hore horo owner shou d have hake at 0 1 I 0 O 0 ow a bora bors d n t fat to cut this ad out kod and and to us today and oe ce what a you yon ge e by reta n mall man free froe d L ADDRESS SEARS Ro DUCK CO go CHICAGO HALLS HALUS CANKER AND diphtheria REMEDY PO FOH R THE MOUTH THROAT FAILS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS ST O 0 MACH AND BOWEL BOWELS AND GENERAL STORES 11 nelden adson urn dru co general agents salt lake city utah HIDES sheepskins SHEEP SKINS FURS etc BOUGHT AT TOP MARKET PRICES BY UY rowe morris a company WRITE FOR particulars SALT LAKE CITY butah UTAH howard E L burton bismayer and 1 1 I e mist peel on a pricel prices go d S ve T ead 1 bo d oil tr r 10 d we Z nc ne or co cc pe 1 caulde es as mal 1 lair too enve sure and f I 1 p ce I 1 eb at se to apptt tion con ro and ump e wo k 1 a O 0 c ed lead witte colo rote ence ca bo a A sai at i 1 is no I 1 E aale I 1 q cold gold it 75 I 1 bold and S ver titio 00 IA lead ad 5 51 go 0 o d b ver 4 upper opper I 1 M BAMPI A MP L rs 18 BY MAIL P st E VE P vt PT 0 placer place cro so d roto ts and R ch es bo gab ht 8 and for or F free roe n save hove an and C ir pr ce lyst list ogden assay co 17 1 1 arapahoe S coo when answering advertisements kindly mention this paper we no N U salt bait lake no 52 1904 ST SALT LAKE CITY C 0 HUNTING superintendent I 1 HE all f rt A IS LS best rest lough on gh syrup fas ras es good use iq in t me so d by drugs R m buy tea TEA by the ounce till you get schillings schilling s best it makes no difference then wr te for our enow know edge book A schilling sc company san ban franc A D CURE FOR ron PILES I 1 nn B d D eean eed 1 r trad n P a e lo 10 0 o r duga d uki at t v m I 1 1 refund n ney ir PA ral lal fat j 4 to cure care yuu you lu la 6 to 11 14 days sue wouldn TEA t you like to buy milk as buy our tea your grocer returns your money it if you don t like schilling Bohl lUng 8 9 beat best every TEA pound schillings best is a free sample if you dont like it tour your grocer returns your money if you don 11 16 we take TEA some risk of your grocer grocers s being too glad to pay out our money your grocer returns your money if yon you don t ilk like ng a best 0 4 4 r its the H fly as a cold or learned the v oed ends long ago and met beneath a sp ad na oa nhe ord M at and otoo slender t and we a a see at coat and she was n a mant a 9 an W th pat Is around her th oat a the branit awas began to fall YZ they h athe no ow track the happy love a lost the way jl and reve me a came bock and at I 1 through winter woods they at my together tn the snow the so d er no y and h a brido af ahe na I 1 docked M at atoe r 6 the easiest TEA business under the sun is the mone business and mone money back tea is the nicest tea tm tour your procer returns your money if 11 you don t ake sohl lag ing 9 0 best do ou TEA know schillings pest n ae ci do you know what it means doing great work florissant Flori sant mo dec special that dodd s kidney pills are doing agrest a great work in curing the more ter forms of kidney disease such as bright s disease dropsy and diabetes everybody knows but it must also be noted that they are doing a still greater work in wiping out thousands of cases of the earlier stages of kid ney disease take for instance mrs peter barteau of this place bhe says I 1 have been subject to pains in my back and knees tor for about three years but since I 1 have been taking dodds kidney pills I 1 have been entirely cured others here tell similar stories in fact in this part of missouri there are scores of people who have cured the early symptoms of kidney disease with dodd s kidney pills fihe use of the great american kidney remedy thus saved cot not only the lives of kid ney disease victims but thousands of other americans from years of suffer ings 4 kal q 10 40 7 many women are denied the hari happiness of children through derangement of the generative organs airs mrs beyer advises women to use lydia 13 pink hams vegetable compound I 1 I 1 MRS anax I 1 buffered suffered with stomach complaint for years I 1 pot got so bad that I 1 could not carry boull in tny children but five months then would have a miscarriage tho the last time I 1 became mchusband mT husband pot trot me to take bydia lydia E liams vego vega table compound after taking the first bottle I 1 was relieved of the sickness of stomach and began to feel better in every way I 1 continued its use and was enabled to carry iny baby to maturi maturity tv I 1 now havo have a nice nice anby girl and can work better athani than I 1 ever could before I 1 am 1 a new woman mrs beyen 23 S second st meriden com conn s corfe t if ll 11 vf above letter prosing genuineness cannot be produced FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMAN dont hesitate to write to mrs pinkham sho she will understand your case perfectly and will treat you u with her ifer advice to Is S f free r cc ind the address Is lynn mass no woman ever ritten li crand erand elio she has helped thousands good tea TEA is a real geoca there is long comfort in it besides the taste for an instant your tracer returns your money it yoe you don I 1 like uke ing a beat beal this is the TEA coffee country it ought 0 to be also a tea country how shall it come to pass passa to r grocer returns your money it you soa don I 1 like achl ung ling a bent best hows this we offer one hundred dol art ars neward tor for any ny 11 gage aso rf i catarrh that cannot be cured by iia ila Is 11 catarrh cure F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 we the under gued ha a e knura known F J cheney for thelast 11 year and believe bim him perfectly hun hon 0 arab orab r ab e 0 in a I 1 1 bus bus desm transacts as no aad and don da CIA 7 ab able i to carry out any ob b gitl gait da no nade by bi firm arm WALD NG 11 AS MARV N V bues hu e draggle a toledo 0 he I 1 1 a catarrh cure in Is taken interns y acting a d y upon the blood and mucous surfaces turf acee f the s y em 1 sent tree free price per by bottle ottle bo so d by a I 1 I 1 a take hall a i ami s or constipation important to mothers examine carefully every bottle of a safe and oure remedy for infants and children md and see that it U signature 81 bern berra gua taree th the of 42 la in use vile for over 30 year years the kind yon you nave always bought TO avril A COLD COLT IN ONE ONTI DAY take lax laxa I 1 uru nil no qu a no T L eu A I 1 arv dm cl re rd und the in ney if 9 1 fat I tj ti cure I 1 V ti uru ro e d aln ure are Is I 1 oa ea h b bux box i schillings schilling TEA s best at your I 1 grocer s schillings best at your grocer s ile return returns you your money it you don 11 uk ilk it costs him nothing the use TEA of tea is increasing among our people they get good tea and they go by the book bool tour grocer return returns your money if you doc don 4 like sih I 1 ox oils beit beal TEA you dont think schillings best is better than ana an body else s best very well you can try it we are TEA an extravagant people not with tea yes we are tour your grocer groi er return returns you your money if it you don like schilling a bent best mr a byrn for fill ciren dren O 0 luas tl e R me m hr a ani e IT AV 0 I 1 aj REEK I 1 E 71 wd bs ap X Z |