Show PASSES THE philippine bill EILL SENATE DISPOSES OF MEASURE BY VOTE OF 44 to 23 one republican joined with democrats in opposition to the bill upon the final vote the senate on friday by a vote ot of 14 to 23 passed the philippine civil government bill 1 the final vote was preceded by the presentation of many Mend amendments ments and a general discussion was confined quite generally to the merits ot of the measure on some of tho the amendments sug by democratic senators sev sov ral pral republicans voted in the affirms live tive but mr mccumber was the only republican who voted with the dem dern dirats against the final passage ot the bill the most notable change made dur ing the day was the lowering ot of the rate of interest on railroad bonds to be guaranteed by the philippine eov gov eminent from 5 to 4 per cent the bill as passed exempt exempts from taxation all bonds issued by the phil and porto rican governments authorizes municipalities in the phil to incur a bonded indebted ness riess amounting to 5 per cent of the assessed valuation of their property it 5 per cent interest authorizes the philippine government to incur a it bonded indebtedness of 5 foi improvements at 4 per cent inter est auth authorizers authorize oriz js the philippine gov ornament to guarantee the payment ot of interest on railroad bonds at the rate of 4 per cent per annum provides for the administration of the immigration taws laws by the philippines authorities establishes a system for the location mid and patenting of mineral coal and balino saline lands fixes the metric system for or the islands and gives the civil governor the title of governor gen eral |