Show THE ACADEMY CANTATA PLEASES EVERYBODY the academy faculty and students scored a hit bit in their presentation of the car cantata tata red hiding riding hood at social hall on wednesday night the cantata li 14 anely and tuneful and was gien given with a and vim that at once won the ID in terest of the entire audience which completely filled the hall those that oiled filled the prominent roles of the cast as va ell aa as the minor parts a quitted them selves creditably the costumes were very pretty especially that of miss peet a pr itt who represented red rid it 11 e 11 od the solo numbers of miss aliss pratt miss u may poulsen paulsen misia miss ina iris fitt prof archer willey and prof G r H kuan deserve special mention as well pit as the organ playing of miss ruth I 1 x ind and the co nedi work of ferdy n dersen the chorus music was especial loo rauch much praise cannot be accorded prof hand and his band al at th ugh the band li va but a month old and soron somi of its members cover never placed a horn born to their I 1 ps vs before that ti tine tie I 1 et sul floe 1 regress has been made that ohp b nd rid no v alae a several tunes nicely nice and their bork Wedo wednesday esda night vas a one ona of the features of the evening evenings a good entertainment |