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Show THE WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES, DECEMBER 31, 1981. PAGE FOUR the changeover to shelf pricing that a supermarket chain there returned to item pricing. But he pointed out that a supermarket chain in the Washington, D.C., Sloan, who heads the National Aliance of area converted without hearing any grumSupermarket Shopper, says the eliminabling because the shelf marking is large tion of item pricing and substitution of enough to be read easily and gives adeprices on labels on the shelves makes quate information such as product customers less apt to shop comparatively. name, weight and price so that shoppers He cites what is called the Michigan can readily compare one item with State Study, in which he says researchers another. found that fewer supermarket shoppers of Shoppers may be pleased because compared prices where there was shelf obvious benefits such as shorter checkpricing than where each grocery item was out time. Onechain reportscheckout time individually marked. o.'Mhird faster with scanners In New York state, the shoppers averages with the conventional system, says than alliance fought for a new la w that now says FMI. While there is no item price on, that 97 percent of the grocery items must the a can of peas, for the shopper to see as be individually priced. Sloan said seven say it is rung up. there also is no error by the states have some kind of laws calling for checkout person, who simply drags the some individual marking. item across the electronic beamingdevice. That's not the cry of the I Roadrunner. but it's coming at you with a similar velocity. It's the sound of scanning or computerized supermarket checkout, in which grocery prices are recorded by dragging items across an electronic beam. It's intoning its way across the nation and if the system hasn't arrived in your neighborhood supermarket, it is likely to be there in the next few years. Introduced in six stores of a Cincinnati supermarket chain in 1974, the scanning systems had been installed in more than 2,000 supermarkets by the beginning of 1980. By the end of 1980, 3.108 stores had installed them. As of September, the latest available count, 4,396 supermarkets had converted to scanning. The Food Marketing Institute in Washington. D.C., estimates that by 198$ a total of 10.000 to ll.OOOsupcrmarkets out of 27,000 across the nation with S2 million or more in sales a year will use scanning systems. eep-Bee- p. J sets of numbers appears at the bottom of each set identifies the bar code. The set manufacturer, and the right-han- d identifies the product. As the checker moves the coded item across a window in the checkout counter, a beam of light 'reads the symbol and translates it into a number. This number is then transmitted to a computer, which looks up the corresponding item and price. The product name and price are then flashed onto a screen visible to both the checker and the customer. This entire process is instantaneous. The FMI says scanning helps the consumer by speeding up the checkout process, providing more accurate checkouts, providing a detailed record of purchases product. A pair of five-dig- it left-ha- Food Marketing Institute explains how the system works: Most grocery items are now marked with the Universal Product Code an arrangement of bars and spaces that identifies the manufacturer and the individual elimination of item pricing . . . makes customers less apt to shop comparatively and allowing a supermarket to tailor its product mix and services for its particular customers. The detailed record may be the most impressive thing to many shoppers: each grocery item is printed on your register slip with the price, brand name, kind of item and date and time of purchase: often the weight of fruits and vegetables is shown. Any opposition to scanning may be simply from those whodonot likechange. Consumer activist groups even favor the The FMI is opposed to any such legislation that tells a supermarket owner how he can market his items, says an FMI spokesman. devices. The opposition comes with the elimination of item pricing, which ultimately follows at some point once the scanning systems are installed. Consumer activists such as Martin parents who worry about keeping that rapidly expanding frame properly nourished? Here are a few ideas that might stimulate mealtime interest: 1. Plenty of exercise in the fresh air, but in the summer or without getting too cold during winter. 2. Cooler foods. Perhaps you have been serving only hot dishes, so try cold items for a change. It can be more appetizing to small fry, just as it is to adults. 3. Prepare it attractively. A little effort in this direction can do much to save the cook's nerves. 4. Vary the sanowrfags. Instead of always serving Junior at the kitchen table, try the den and back porch. 3. Let the child take part in preparations according to his ability. He will be much more interested in eating the finished product. 6. Cat down on filling, starchy snacks. Substitute fresh fruit, carrot or celery sticks, or fruit juices. For many mothers, one of the best methods because the effect lasts for years is to let Junior help cook and prepare the meal. Many youngsters are more interested in eating the foods they help to prepare than those done without their knowledge and assistance. So. encouraging your child to help in the kitchen may be your answer to the child who just wont eat." You will find that children make an y a & Jr! Tl piece. Colored comic strips from the Sunday paper make great wrapping for child-rens gifts. Use yam for tying. They'll read the funnies and enjoy their pres-U-C ents all at the same time! & different" remembrance for almost anyone is a pincushion made from a new steel wool soap pad, A clever, a iF. covered with colorful fabric scraps. Use your imagination to decorate with w ribbon, ruffling, binding, etc. Great or bazaar nifties, jfe stocking-stufferM Add a festive touch to banana, date, or M any fruit bread by blending into batter Vi cup chopped raw cranberries and Vi cup shredded, unpeeled zucchini. These loaves make a beautiful tray a wh'--n sliced on a fancy plate. Red and green flecks in golden breads to serve for Christmas, or for a special gift. s" i X Freeze on a cookie sheet whole perfect X strawberries andor cherry tomatoes frt in season, & attached. complete with green stems Pop into plastic bags, kcep-in- g frozen. At Christmas-time.garnis- h salads, desserts, and special plates with Remove from freezer Just before JQJ them. q JjDVUUAl , For an inexpensive, but lovely holiday dinner cloth, spread table with a green bed sheet. Buy red nylon netting by the yard to cover. Or try other color com-JQ- J binations gold netting over white, green over white, gold over green, etc. Can be folded away and used through the years. Simply change your center-V- I serving. Beautiful! jiolli JJ For tree decorations. trace the shapes of holidaycookie cut-te(bells, wreathes, Christmas trees, etc.) on red, green, gold, or white felt. Cut out. dot with glue, sprinkle with glitter on both sides. Fasten to tree with contrasting ribbon or yarn. Also attractive tuck-in- " gift. Make original gift beanbags from scraps of green or red corduroy. T race wreath, Santa head, or Christmas tree about S' in size; decorate with con-2?- 5 trasting iron-o- n tape cut into berries and leaves(wreath);eycs. nose. mouth, beard (Santa): and lights, balls (tree). Stitch, leaving small opening. Fill loosely with dried beans or peas and sew closed. Little kids love these. rs Remember Ike birds when discarding your Christmas tree. Place outside not $ for your Holiday Needs lovely, innocent eyes. Lewis C. Shealy, vice president for asset protection for the chain of prestigious stores, say it's the companys latest effort in itscampaign to catch and prosecute shoplifters. The chain makes no secret about its 100 percent prosecution campaign in fact, spreads the word that if you're caught, you get prosecuted. People steal because the opportunity is there," says Shealy. Take away the opportunity and they won't steal, basically." Since nobody knows which mannequins hold the closed-circu- it TV cameras, the shoplifter's opportunity for a successful grab in a particular department is limited. ' Woodward & Lothrops not shared by many of the other better stores and better boutiques' that invest in the expensive ($1 .695 each) hidden mannequin video systems, according to Walter T. Sandin, president of Visual Methods, Inc., which sells the system. He said most of these better stores" buy the system because they dont want to 'offend' their customers, but they still have their theft problems." They use pinhole cameras with wide-anglenses which allow for coverage of wide areas, as other pinhole cameras do. But most pinhole cameras routinely used in many stores for detecting shoplifters are installed in dropped ceilings (about 90 percent, says Sandin): the mannequindetectors can cover lower areas, which is particularly effective around Christmas when hanging decorations can block a ceiling camera's view. But candor is single picture may be worth more than a thousand words if it captures that memorable moment in your childs life. That's why it's important for all household members from tots to Keep things simple. Each picture makes its own rules, but simplicity makes the picture quick to read and easy to to learn picturetaking fundamentals. Photos are reminders of family happenings; as time goes by they become more valued. Acquaint children with cameras when they're young as early as 18 months so they become familiar with them. Let them look through the view finder. Put a clear filter over the lens then explain why fingerprints are not good for understand. picture-takin- g. Leave a few inexpensive cameras around so the child can snap a picture when he feels like it. Avoid making photoactivity. Discourgraphy a AO a I, age mugging and posed pictures. Encourage spontaneity so your youngster can develop his or her talent. "People want recipes for perfect pictures but there arc no recipes." says Edward l.cos. named 1976 Photojournalism Teacherlnstructorof the Year by the Association for Education in Journalism. "They want the recipe because they get quick results and they are safe. Id rather go by principles that arc probably better than recipes." Here are some suggestions: When you travel with the family bring cheap little cameras with you. Encourage the children th-- m to invent camera games and to shoot whatever interests them as you drive along. $ Have thcchild focuson thcsubjcct. If he keeps a mind on recording what Acquaint children with cameras when they're young happens in front of the camera. composition will take care of itself. Good family photos cume from scenes that interest, involve and move you emotionally. Get up dose; the eves and face are the important parts of the picture. Keep a camera loaded and preset for prevailing light conditions, indoors or out. Your child's camera should be ready for the grab shot." Somet imes they're the only ones he'll ever get. Were he to take time to focus and set up for a posed picture. the opportunity would be gone. Re willing to waste film to improve skills. your youngster's picture-takin- g Photography should be lun for the whole family. Don't spoil it by demanding too much in the wav of results. elders' techniques. Cameras should become as familiar to young children as typewriters, pencils and other forms of ... WITH1THIS' COUPON TRY OUR NEW HIGH QUALITY XEROX & IBM DUPLICATING & EQUIPMENT bring this coupon with you and get OFF ON YOUR NEXT ORDER (too COPIES Bakery Despite cutbacks in government service, consumers can still get energy infore mation on telephone lines, j toll-fre- Expose your children to the pleasures ol photography and sec how soon they dev elope enthusiasm for using the camera creatively. Shutter-bug- s arent born, you know . T hey 're developed. government no longer has regulations that govern these prices. Inquiries regarding home heating oil aid or assistance are referred to the proper state or local agencies. Ridesharing Information. National Alcohol Fuels Information Center. . The Alcohol Fuels Center hotline has answered up to 9,800 calls a month from farmers, businessmen, students and others who want information on how they can put their individual skills, stills, and idle factories into ethanol production. 0. Solar Heating and Cooling Information... Now with a new name CARIERS (Conservation and Renewable Energies Inquiries Services). information Formerly offering on active and passive solar energy, the hotline is now equipped to handle questions on latest solar technology as well as l, biomass, wind and photovoltaics. th solar-therm- Ryara ORDER EARLY StapUng Phone Oawaral Sanaa WHIMHH f 066-171- 7 969-314- 1 I IWf Ml I ocean-therma- Consumer Hotlines Consumers can cut through a lot of red tape by dialing certain federal government telephone numbers many of them toll free. In general, if you want to get a number for a particular agency in the federal government, you may call, at your cost, a Federal Information Center in metropolitan areas across the country. The centers will refer you to the government agency you are seeking. Toll-fre- e telephone numbers for you to dial directly to get information from the government (often recorded), or in some cases to give information, include: PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 5 for FIVE Do , I CoWaHrtf .800-42- 4- work by carpooling or vanpooling. ftaporta labala . 9148. The Federal Highways Administration will continue to operate a clearinghouse and center for more than 200 agencies which provide information for people who want to share rides to a DrNUng Hot- oil price complaints are only monitored not acted on as the SnjABDJcoOEP qOO Heating Fuel Gasoline and fuel MHMMUMI OflMt prtnUnf CutUng LaWfW r communication. and Gasoline line. . le When picture-takin- g becomes a family affair, kids learn from observing their y hen doing holiday baking, open wal- - A nuts carefully with sharp knife to remove nut meats. Glue the empty fa halves back together, with a ribbon or jfc yarn loop between them. Spray-paigold or silver and sprinkle on glitter. Hang in clusters or alone from Christ- mas tree branches. W Energy Hotlines Photography. .Fun for the Whole Family J g) wishes you a 5423 South 4015 West nicely-dresse- -- too far from a big window (for and drape with popcorn or jfc cranberry chains' ordippinecones in melted bacon fat and hang on branches. Feathered friends will flock to cat! r Larremores complete line of Baked Goods The newest shoplifting detection devices at Washington, D.C.'s Woodward A Lothrop department d stores are mannequins, looking deceptively like dummies but actually recording with video cameras everything within range through become ya asCameras should to familiar young children as typewriters jv To tions. transforming the familiar to the strange, and the strange to the familiar." Artist Andy Warhol did. Routinely make connections, bringing together seemingly unrelated ideas, objects, or events in a w ay that leads to a new conception." Edward Jenner made the connection that milkmaids never contracted smallpox; they were exposed to the milder disease of cowpox. thus becoming immune. Dont be a I ra id to ta ke risk s. "da ri ng to try new ways or ideas with no control over the outcome." Alexander Graham Bell risked new ventures after succeeding with the telephone. Some ideas, like the photophone, didnt work. Use chance ortakcadvantagcof the unexpected." Charles Goodyear one day carelessly dropped some raw rubber against a hot stove: seeing the way the charred area looked, he recognized how to make raw rubber usable. Construct networks, forming associations between people for an exchange of ideas, perceptions, questions and encouragement" the way Picasso, Hemingway. Fitzgerald. Joyce, Stein, et. ai did in Paris in the twenties. J -an O See in new ways, which means seeing the commonplace with new percep- hr . Braid green, red and gold yarns togeth- er for creative tying of packages for J?5 Christmas. Pretty, gay, inexpensive. cross-breedin- yJT ''v. . At four, your daughter will be awkwardly drying" the dishes. At five she may have her own space at the worktable opposite Mother, where she can make a little pie for Daddy" while Mother foils out the large ones. Prof ciency may well be missing, but at fourteen Sis will be able to get a complete meal without help, and clean up the kitchen as well as an adult could. Children want to help. There is no real reason why cooking should not come easily to them, with a little encouragement from you. Let your child share the kitchen, not shy away from it. Do so, and you will have a child who will sit down and EAT! SO A 4 . . Challenge assumptions, daring to questionwhat most people take as truth." Einstein valued this childlike curiosity Perceive significant similarities or differences in ideas, events or physical g peas. phenomena. While observed Mendel patterns which Gregor led to a new perception about heredity. specials are introduced, customers are assured of getting the lowest price, even if checkers are not aware of the most recent C J important ceremony of preparing the food. Given the right inducement, they will do this as well as age and experience permit. And while doing their cooking, they should not be allowed to eat free samples. This would dull their appetites, and perhaps their interest in the finished products. Avoid giving a child something to cook which requires constant stirring or Creativity Is. Lovely, Innocent Eyes The child who has cooked part of his meal is enthusiastic about it. 'Tenntf TuuJwa 7j Allied Press. Inicrruitonal information most accurate, under-ring- s and overpossible, errors, when scanning decline dramatically rings is introduced," says the FMI. price checks are seldom needed. And, when m over-heati- I A couple of other tips: under the EFT act. you cannot be required to repay an extension of credit by electronic means. One exception is if you have an overdraft checking account; if you go into overdraft the bank can electronically take minimum payments. But if your house is mortgaged, the bank cannot say to you that you have this saving account and the payments will automatically be switched from that account electronically. Also, your employer or a government agency can require you to receive your salary by electronic means, but you have the right to choose the bank or financial institution where you will receive the funds. SRD3 other close attention. Young arms tire easily, and interest tends to wane if the activity is monotonously repetitious. The child who has cooked part of his meal is enthusiastic about it.Thisenthusi-aswill frequently carry through toother less liked items on the menu. Thus a youngster's entire attitude toward eating undergoes a worthwhile change. It takes patience to let a child help in the kitchen. He spills flour on the floor, and occasionally drops and breaks a dish. But it's worth it. of us have lagging appetites from time to time. But what about the growing child, and the A! card. reductions." The FMI spokesman admits, however, that computer programming errors The FMI spokesman says the keys to a can occur, even if infrequently. He said the successful conversion from item pricing printed, itemized list is a protection are: first, a good public information camagainst such errors. paign to inform shoppers about the new ALLED PRESS system: and second, shelf pricing large and to comprehensive enough enough allow the shopper to shop comparatively. He noted that in one section of Florida a group of elderly shoppers got so upset by LJ MTBMAnONAL Little Cooks Make Bigger Eaters II continued Because the computer contains the scanning helps the consumer by speeding up the checkout process The Debit. The Supermarket Revolution Computer Scanning MAYES euctromics USED T.V. SALES AND REPAIR 3931 West 5400 South Kearns, Utah 84118 4 Telephone 966-329- |