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Show THE WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES, DECEMBER Cinema T(?n Western Printmakers' Rollover Exhibition opens at art gallery ROLLOVER, (tarring Jane Kris Fonda, Kristoffenon, directed by Alan Pakula, rated R. By Debbie Curry The Financial Bomb plating the possibilities. Rollover is based on the horrifying financial speculation that the Arabs might withdraw their billions in wealth from world banks and convert it all into gold. According to the movie, the world would enter into a depression that would make the hard-timof the 1930s look like kindergarten." Just think, all this worry about an atomic Armageddon would be in vain. This is such a frightful premise, yet so simple, so timely. Could it ever really happen? One becomes overwhelmed contem- - This issue, and the climax of leaves us startled and Rollover,' asking a lot of questions about monetary stability. Many character and plot entanglements lead to this climax but they are weak and dull in comparison. Jane Fonda plays a former actress and the widow of a Wall Street executive. She retains enough stock in his company to shrewdly muscle her way to the position of chairman of the board. She needs help and advice for such a task and Kris Kristofferson, a rich banker, rallies to her aid. Kristofferson needs some quick cash to bail out his own ailing company. He picks up a handsome commission as the Santa's Mailbag NORTH POLE The annual flood of Christmas mail continues to pour into this arctic community, most of it addressed to Santa Claus. Usually reliable sources report that even though this is an especially busy time of year and Santa finds it necessary to delegate much of the work to be done to his thousands of helpers, he still insists on reading personally every letter sent to him. Santa gave the West Mountain Times permission to print below some of the letters he received from children in the west Salt Lake valley. Santa enjoyed reading them, and the staff of the West Mountain Times thinks you will too. Dear Santa, I would like a Dukes of Hazzard set. And record player and some records and a hiking set. Also how will we get a baby brother? I am a good boy most of the time. I clean my room and help my momma and daddy. We moved. I live at a different house. Please bring a bone for Sonny or a frisbee. Love, Landon 0U0I0 Dear Rudolf and Santa, 24, 1981, PAGE THREE Dear Santa. My name is Nathan but I know you already know that. Thank you for all my toys 1 got last year. Even though I don't play with them anymore 1 still like them anyway. But this year I promise with my new toys more. to play boy this 3. Im only considering past year, I would like a great big gun, a great big truck, a Dukes of Hazzard wrist racer car, pop-u- p singers piano, bristle blocks and some fish in some blue water in a round thing. My little brother has been good also and 1 havent even beat him up for awhile. So please Santa Claus, leave him some toys that 1 year-old little boys would like. You see Santa, he cant talk yet. Thats why Im telling you what he Ive been a pretty good agent for Fonda's financial transactions as well as Jane herself. They fall in love with dollar signs in their eyes. The movie is as wearying as the lectures of a financial consultant until com- plications begin to unravel, unfortunately not until the second half. The acting of Fonda is acceptable but this is not her most exciting role. Kristofferson is unconvincing as a Wall Street executive. He should stick to his annoyingly mellow and easy-goin- Ten Western Printmakers, an exhibition sponsored by the Utah Arts Council and the Western States Arts Foundation, is on display at the Utah Arts Councils Glendinning Gallery. The exhibition will run through Jan. 22, 1982, at the gallery, located in the Council's offices at 617 Last South Temple in Salt Lake City. Hours are Monday - Friday from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. Ten Western Printmakers is a result of a fellowship program for visual artists sponsored annually by the Western States Arts Foundation. The Foundation, which is located in Santa ie, N.M., has awarded fellowships each year since 1974 to artists living in the Bonny B. wants for Christmas. So please bring him a little gun and a little truck instead of a great big one. I hope you have a Merry Christ mas. Love, Dear Santa, have been a good boy this year and I would like a Duke of Hazard car, a bear chair, and a Sesame Street radio. Merry Christmas! I Love, Toni P.S. Forget the peanuts this year. Dear Santa, 1 love you very much. I hope you geat me these thing La Belles page 23 Baby in a basket page 402 th Stroberry short cake set camra Mr. Microphone page 390 Operation page 398 play food page 397 refrigerator Nathan and Derek P.S. Dont forget the candy canes. recessed. The Utah Youth Symphony, sponsored by the University of Utah, announces auditions for the second 1981 82 semester beginning in January. Auditions for openings in the Concert (performing) Orchestra will be conducted by appointment Saturday, Jan. 9, from 9 a.m. until noon in 302 Gardner Hall, University of Utah. Appointments must be made by contacting Jason Klein, music director, at -- 'A good movie is hard to find film critic or open to youths ages 485-525- 2 A good family movie one that all age can family members of movie-goinattend without bad dreams or the need for an impromptu lecture immediately afterward is a rare and wonderful thing, wrote film critic Janet Maslin in the January issue of Families. 581-669- 12-2- Auditions are 5 for all or thank you Love Rebeca Alexander Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a make-u- p set, a snowcone machine, a doll house, new dolls with dresses, blender and mixer and thats all. I like you cause youre all warm and fuzzy and have a cherry nose. I think you have a long beard. Your friend, Nonetheless, Maslin lists a number of entertaining, mostly lighthearted movies that families can enjoy together. While some of these choices may surpraise you, remember that the emphasis is on films family viewing, so the kiddie have been eliminated from the list. clothes. Love, 101 0I0) AH I want for Christmas is for you to pick. I am nine and I most like anything. Doll close and Ken close and my dose. I will share my things with the new baby, it is on the way. I have been good this year. Merry Christmas to all and a good night. By Amy Beckstead artists represen- youths' musical training troni private teachers and school orchestras, to enrich The Utah Youth Symphony, in its 22nd year, rehearses both orchestras each Satuiday morning. Combining the talents of youth from Ogden to Draper, sight-readin- Youth Symphony is to supplement syip In the Kearns Shopping 5494 So. 4220 W. & Business Center 967-530- 1 (Next door to the Kearns Improvement District Office) NOW.. home. Superman II innocent and char- Arthur" a Copy Center Youre Going Downtown for Your Printing Needs - Save the Gas -Near You. ming." despite prostitutes and language, there are splendid performances by John Gielgud and Dudley Moore, and a touching lessonin love any family might do well to learn. Gallipoli," Chariots of Fire and Victory deal with men in combat in sports, in war. off-col- If - Save the Fuss WE CAN DO A BETTER JOB FOR LESS!! is an Indian film, delivered almost entirely in the Cheyenne and Crow languages with English subtitles. Maslin calls the story of two Well brothers, tragically separated, Windwalker ENLARGEMENTS REDUCTIONS BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL BRIEFS LETTERHEADS PLASTIC LAMINATING WEDDING INVITATIONS CHURCH BULLETINS The Great Muppet Of course Caper is included (who can resist Miss Maslin calls the Piggy?), as is Stripes. latter a messy but still thoroughly cheerful movie that lampoons Army life with the lazy ease that Bill Murray is making his trademark. A news newspaper. THE WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES Id like a new toy train and a large size Darth Vader for Christmas! Thank you for your time. Merry Christmas and have a happy ride on Christmas eve. And I forgot do not get cot in the blizzards and big snow storms. Tell your reindeer that I love them. And tell your elves thank you for the toys. I love you, Andy Rasmussen 0)0) Subscriptions only 88 a year- - ' f 10 Dear Santa, THE WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES BEGINS A NEW ERA IN NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AND ADVERTISING IN THREE COMMUNITIES. SERVING KEARNS, WEST VALLEY CITY, AND MAGNA. xooxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxxoo Erika Birch 0!&0) cure no how To start your subscription, call 966-444- 4 (right now, before you forget.) Or clip and mail this coupon. 1 to hiccups. (Turn the page) hold your breath. From Rian Earl WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES s- - Start my subscription by mail immediately for our new, community newspaper, the West Mountain Times. It i a bargain can V refuse. Name, Address j Im enclosing J 8.00 for a full years subscription. j Bill me. MAIL TO: WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES. . s,a,e- - lp 4140 West $415 South, Kearna, UT 64118 the their learning experiences. For further information, call the Utah Youth Symphony office at 521 9540. PG-rate- Susan Binns Dear Santa,.- - Additional PRINTING CENTER Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of her selections. While unusually scary for d a movie, Maslin points out that it is also so suspenseful that little Johnny might not have had time to fret scene unabout the thousands-of-snake- s til he is out of the theater and halfway For Christmas I would like guitar, a mandy, 3 monkey (monchichi), 4 computer spelling. a dummy or a doll. Here is a list of dolls: welcome home baby or baby two year old and some jazz record. Here is a list of records: p to 5 Xanadu and crayon makeup set and Barbie cosmetic kit and a girl snoopy and some snoopy the exhibit. ted are: Garo Z Anireasian of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sick de Matties of Phoenix. Arizona, SanJv Kinnee of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Leonard Lehrer of Tempe, Arizona, Bruce lowney of LI Morro, New Mexico; John Pollock ol Billings, Montana; Minna Resnick of Fort Colins, Colorado; Barbara Takenaga of Boulder, Colorado; and David Wharton of Sun Valley, Idaho. is required. 6 Erika Birch Love, I would like these things well-know- Lara good. I want a new doly with a wigum. And a pet lisard. I will leave yu a cookies. Dear Santa, Works by Utah arti-- t Wulf Barsch of Provo are invIuJed m membeivhip invoKes students iiom about 30 inlet mountain schools. The purposes ot the orchestras aie to offer youth a realistic program of rehearsing, discipline and performance in a protcssional symphony atmosphere. The intent ol the Utah told. Dear Santa, the wide range of the printmaking chestra instruments except flutes. Membership in the Student Orchestra (basically a teaching orchestra) for youth will be open for registration or ages Jan. 9 at 8 a m. in 400 Gardner Hall. No audition is necessary for membership in the Student Orchestra, but a private teacher's written commendation THE I have ben Julie Depew Wyoming. Originally awarded to artists working in any medium, the program has, since 1977, focused on a specific medium each year. In 1979 the focus was prmtrnaking, the origin of this exhibit. Ten Western Printmakers features three works by each of the fellowship winners. AU works were chosen with a concern for excellence in printmaking technique combined with the artistic vision necessary to make the image work, said spokesman Sally Bergin. A diversity of styles is reflected in the prin of g Dear Santa, page 383 kitchen set and a watch. Cash register. possibilities medium." of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah, Washington Oregon, Symphony announces auditions -- My mom says if 1 be good you will bring me a new puppy. A big one. When I grow up 1 want to be a elf with you. Love, ts, illustrating Montana, g characters (with a Texas accent). If the recession that we are experiencing has sharply curtailed your entertainment budget, roll over Rollover. It will leave you more depressed than says slates |