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Show THE WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES, DECEMBER 17, 1981, PAGE FOUR Santa's mailbag Community r County receives highway safely federal grant O O V x .1 ...v 4 .. i ' x v ' ' t . , YinV f W' vUUi l a aments before presenting a special program for baak em ployees and patrons as well as parents. (Photo by Regina Coats) Grade school stodeats from Arcadia Demeatary perform at the Kearas breach of Zions First National Bank. The students decorated the banks tree with handmade or- - Tips given for discount Christmas phone calls calling periods from 10 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. If you get a busy signal or a recorded announcement indicating all circuits are busy, wait a few minutes and try again. Dont dial the operator. Hie operator cannot get an available circuit any faster than the customer dialing direct, because operators use the same circuits available to the public. Dial direct whenever possible to save time and money. For detaib on rates, check the Customer Guide pages in the front of your telephone directory White Pages. In Utah, approximately 262,000 long distance calls are expected to be completed on Christmas Day to points both within and outside the state. That's about a 14 percent increase over last year. Dec. SALT LAKE CITY-Bec- ause 29 falls on a Friday this year. Mountain Bell customers in Utah will have additional time to place their Christmas season calls at a discount. As in past years, customers who calls on place their Christmas Day get a special, holiday rate. In addition, customers who want to avoid the traditional Christmas calling jam can wait until Saturday or Sunday to place their calls, thereby qualifying for regular weekend discounts of up to 60 percent. For customers calling on Christmas Day itself. Mountain Bell has the following suggestions: Call when circuits are likely to be less busy before 8 a.m. and between noon and S p.m. Its best to avoid peak long-distan- d ROM PAGE or need protection in Deer Santa, I am trying to be a real good girl Here b a list of the toys I like: Jenny doll, pencil, magic sand, big bike grow and cut hair doll, fresh and fancy doll, teddy tub bear, fresh and fancy make-utoys, dothes. Barbie doll, shirt, dishes, jumper, slippers, wooden jewelry box, pajamas. Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. Fruit, nuts, candy. p, annual NORTH POLE-T- he flood of Christmas mail continues to pour into thb arctic community, most of it addressed to Santa Claus. Usually reliable sources report that even though thb b an especially busy time of year and Santa finds it necessary to delegate much of the work to be done to hb thousands of helpers, he still insists on reading personally every letter sent to him. Santa gave the West Mountain Timet permission to print below some of the letters he received from children in the west Salt Lake valley. Sants enjoyed reading them, and the staff of the West Mountain Times thinks you will too. Dear Santa Claus, 1 love you, and I really wish you would bring me some toys for Chrbt- - Love, Sandy Richards, Magna ooo Deer Santa, How are you? How b your wife? I went: Shewn, Kelly end Tracy dolb. I hope thats not to much. Thank you for my present I got from you today. Thank you for every thing. I will leave cookies end milk. From, ooo Dear Santa Claus, 1 want somthing 1 will play with like a dectrit race track or a over-nigexspress. Santa or you for real? If you are I would like to believe la you but I now you are not teal Love, How k Rudolph? Love, OOO . Ben Joe Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like to have, a new girts Hot Wheels, a baby dol that cries, a toy sewing machine, a cowgirl Barbie and her horse, and some Barbie furniture with a little telephone and I would aboKkea new teddy bear. I am 9 yean old and I have been a good girl for my Mom and Daddy. I like to help my mom in the house end my daddy in the yard. Love, P.S. I live at 4224 South Whipoorwhfl o oo Dear S I an gon to lev you milk and cookies usd I want a walker and I wam sim ftgrs with guns and I want a candy fat a sack with cookies with froctin and your fas on the cookies and los of toes and kx of cookies and a lamfoka and remember. Sam Christina Wall OOO PA I wa nMCUw 1 love a crisis situation b 6 leave you some cookies on the 7 you Santt Claus! ooo . job. Women are especially adept at handling rape cases and other human rdalions-typ-e situtions, said Bcrensen, and they also prove helpful in cooling down a erbb situation. Though women are not commonly seen in administrative positions, it may be because they just haven't been around that long, he said. The training center also offers 40 hours per year of training for those officers already trained. Those who come through the training facility are in one of two categories, full-tiregular peace officers, and those having some kind of law enforcement responsibilities such as park rangers, jailers or county attorneys of- Sarah ht still a good one. But in certain cases, women seem better able to handle their said Bcrensen, they must meet a minimum standard of physical fitness or they are rejected. "Theres a plenty of room for said women in the police force, Berenson. Though the training centers average is about one female per class, Bcrensen said women in general do a good job as peace officers. "We have a double standard but its something we think we can defend," said Bcrensen of the women's training program. They have a different muscle structure than men and get different training, but the total physical training program is comparable to men's." Women have shortcomings in some areas, but then so do men," he said. Bcrensen said the question of whether women can defend themselves Magna 000 I wish you would come down to Salt Lake City. I want to have my picture taken with you. 1 wish that Santa would write me a letter back. long-distan- 1 Nancy Ann Richards, accidents. With the combination of these two actions, it b Sheriff Haywards hope that all will have a safe holiday season. Women make good officers CONTINUED Love, Salt Lake SALT LAKE OTY-T- he County Sheriffs Office selective enforcement program has received a federal highway safety grant for its second year of operation. The unit has functioned in four specific areas in unincorporated Salt Lake County. These areas have shown a significant decrease in serious accidents since the inception of the program. Under terms of the new grant, the unit will function countywide with an emphasis on the drinking driver, and will continue to direct efforts at cutting accidents in Big and Little Cottonwood canyons. The holiday season traditionally brings an increase in alcohol-relate- d traffic accidents. Statistics have shown that 92 percent of the fatal accidents reported to the Sheriffs Office in 1980 were alcohol related. Because of these N.D. alarming statistics. Sheriff "Pete Hayward has directed deputies to take a hard line enforcement of driving under the influence and alcohol-relate- d traffic offenses. Additional deputies will be assigned during this holiday season to these areas which have shown a high frequency of alcohol-relate- Uear Santa Claus, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I am going to be a good girl Win you please bring me: magic sand, slippers, pajamas, doU, dishes, new dotties, peanuts and candy and fruit, new bank, bike, note book, crayons and pendL Thank you, I will be good. ' Dear Santa Claus, I want Spirograph. Katie warns a dog and a dofl. Tommy warns cops and robbers race track set. Jeff wantsa tryke, mom wants a new car. 1 love you Santa. I am a good girL To Santa from dndy Dear Santa, Aa enthusiastic police Trainees cm be rejected if they do mb meet a ditioa. (Pkolo by Regiaa Coats) Ms excrebe af phydeal CB-Va-n OOO Bring me a kitchen and Santa bring me a dol house. ' ; I love you Sentt Claus. Please to my house and bring me toys. Please bring my boys toys too. Please bring my baby : toys too. Please bring me some (fishes. Please bring your elves with you. OOO Dew Santa, 3 gun with BBe, socks 9, Dukes super mint car 1, h&cr boots, pant, slippers 1 pare, robe I, paper, crayons, pcncib. That you can Fit in. i Naomi From Matt Brian Craig Richards, Magna fice investigators. A news newspaper. Stuff Your & Stocking THE WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES 9 Vi -- Subscriptions only $8 a year. &0 t:o Deseret Industries affords you the chance to give our best this Christmas. You can stuff your stockings with specials hi clothing, toys, furniture . . . a! unand much more low to believably prices help keep you in the spirit of Christmas giving. Hundreds of Deseret Industries employees some handicapped, some elderly do their best work every day for you to have the best buy. Come in and see. ... THE HIST MOUNTAIN TIMES BEGINS A NEW ERA IN NEWSPAPER COVERAGE AND ADVERTISING IN THREE COMMUNITIES. SERVING KEARNS, WEST VALLEY CITY, AND MAGNA. To start your subscription, call Small Appliances Lamps, toasters, clocks, WinterCoats Handcrafted cars, mixers, curling irons Great savings for trucks & planes and much, much more those cold days ahead Vi PRICE y2 PRICE Check our daily in-sto- specials! re west $ aarw Too ... SOON c Name. newspaper, the West Mountain Tunes, it's a bargain can't refuse. t Address. I'm enclosing SS.00 for a full years subscription. 1 W VaUeyttagna 2504262 3602 Sowffi 2200 V. mzs nM Start my subscription by mail myYimmediately for our new, community Deseret Industries Thrift Store toww (right now, before you forget.) Or dip and mail this coupon. 4 Our Best Work is Your Best Buy Wooden toy $2.99 966-444- City. State, Zip Bill me. MAIL TO: WEST MOUNTAIN TIMES, 4140 Weal 5415 South, Kearns. UT 84118 |